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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2020

        Medieval women and urban justice

        by Teresa Phipps, Cordelia Beattie

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2013

        The English manor c.1200–c.1500

        by Mark Bailey

        Provides a comprehensive introduction and essential guide to one of the most important institutions in medieval England and to its substantial archive. This is the first book to offer a detailed explanation of the form, structure and evolution of the manor and its records. Offers translations of, and commentaries upon, each category of document to illustrate their main features. Examples of each category of record are provided in translation, followed by shorter extracts selected to illustrate interesting, commonly occurring, or complex features. A valuable source of reference for undergraduates wishing to understand the sources which underpin the majority of research on the medieval economy and society.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        December 2018

        Solvent form

        by Jared Pappas-Kelley

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1995

        Die großen Romane

        Mit den Illustrationen von Hugh Thomson. Sieben Bände. it 511, it 787, it 931, it 1062, it 1192, it 1503, it 1615

        by Jane Austen

        Jane Austen wurde am 16. Dezember 1775 in Steventon, Hampshire, als Tochter des Pfarrers George Austen geboren. Dank der umfangreichen Bibliothek ihres Vaters fand sie früh Zugang zur Literatur und begann bereits im Alter von zwölf Jahren mit dem Schreiben. 1801 zog die Familie in den Kurort Bath, den Austen später häufig zum Schauplatz ihrer Romane machte. Der Tod des Vaters zwang die Familie 1805 zum erneuten Ortswechsel. Zusammen mit ihrer Mutter und ihren Geschwistern zog die junge Jane Austen zunächst nach Southhampton, vier Jahre später dann in das Landhaus eines wohlhabenden Onkels. Sein Anwesen in Chawton, Hampshire, sollte bis kurz vor ihrem Tod (1817) die Heimat der Schriftstellerin bleiben. Sie widmete sich fortan dem Schreiben und veröffentlicht 1811 den Roman Sense and Sensibility (Verstand und Gefühl), gefolgt von Pride and Prejudice (Stolz und Vorurteil, 1813), Mansfield Park (1814) und Emma (1816). Die Werke erschienen anonym und auf ihr eigenes finanzielles Risiko. Als Autorenangabe fand sich darin nur der Hinweis: »By a Lady«. Den bis heute währenden großen Erfolg ihrer Werke erlebte Jane Austen nicht lange. Am 18. Juli 1817 verstarb sie nach kurzer, schwerer Krankheit in Winchester.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2017

        The Old Weird Albion

        A Journey to the Heart of the English South

        by Justin Hopper

        A woman stands at the edge of a cliff, looking out to sea and the horizon. Dancers welcome the sun in a circle of stones. A dowsing road turns without warning. A church bell. Footsteps. Old Weird Albion is America writer Justin Hopper's dark love song to the English South; a poetic essay interrogating the high, haunted landscape of the South Downs Way; the memories, myths and forgotten histories from Winchester to Beachy Head. When someone disappears, when someone leaps from a cliff and is all-but-erased from memory, what traces might we find in the crumbling chalk of the cliff face; in the wind that buffets the edge of this Albion? A skewed alternative to Bill Bryson, Hopper casts himself as the outsider as he wanders the English countryside in pursuit of mystical encounters. His journey sees him joining New Age eccentrics and accidental visionaries on the hunt for crop circles and druidic stones, discussing the power of nature with ecotherapists and pagans, tracing the ruins of abandoned settlements and walking the streets of eerie suburbs. Through a startling revelation of his own family history, Hopper turns part detective, part memoirist, tracking the footsteps of his grandfather's first wife, Doris; piecing together her forgotten history.

      • August 2020

        Chicken Little, Come Out. The Sky Is NOT Falling!

        by Michelle Winchester Vega

        Key features of the book:This book is designed to help children identify and normalize their worries, fears and anxieties. Throughout children are provided with concrete coping skills and parents are given the words to use to assist them.A main goal of the book is to foster conversations between children, caregivers, parents and teachers about managing anxiety.Another goal of the book is to give children the tools they need to feel more in control of their anxiety. The story told reveals that working together, children can help each other and that one can be scared but still take a step forward.Using beautifully illustrated, relatable farm animals from the children’s classic, Chicken Little, this take on that classic seeks to normalize the experiences of children with anxiety and brings the child and caregiver together in conversation and understanding.The book is designed to help children understand that anxiety is universal and treatable.The two sections at the back of the book, Resources in Working with Children and Resources for Children with Anxiety provides valuable and concrete information and resources for parents and caregivers.With the dramatic rise in anxiety disorders in children, the importance of providing a framework to better understand and manage a child’s anxiety cannot be understated. Children need a voice in which to express themselves and caregivers need knowledge and strategies to support them.  Chicken Little, Come Out. The Sky is NOT Falling!  provides them with the tools they need in a charming and relatable way.

      • Computing & IT

        The Minimum You Need to Know to Be an OpenVMS Application Developer

        by Roland Hughes

        For years now the question has been surfacing in the OpenVMS community "Where are the pimply faced kids?" The other situation which seems to continually occur is a developer of one language suddenly finding themselves having to modify or maintain an application written in a language completely foreign to them. This book was a year long effort to answer both of those questions. It also should help those to work on a good platform. Once the rudimentaries of logging in, symbols, logicals and the various editors are handled this book takes the reader on a journey of development using the most common tools encountered on the OpenVMS platform and one new tool making headway. A single sample application (a lottery tracking system) is developed using FMS and RMS indexed files in each of the covered languages. (BASIC, FORTRAN, COBOL and C/C++). The reader is exposed on how to use CDD, CMS and MMS with these languages as well. A CD-ROM is included which contains the source, MMS and command files developed through the course of the book. Once RMS has been covered with all of the languages the same application using MySQL with C and FMS is covered. This breaks readers into the use of relational databases if they are not currently familiar with the concept. Rounding out the technical portion of the book is the same application using RDB with FMS. While source code is provided for all of the language implementations only FORTRAN and COBOL are actually covered in the text. It is the hope of the author that this book will prove a useful reference on the desk of every OpenVMS developer. The inclusion of MySQL should benefit both those unfamiliar with relational technology and those platformveterans interested in playing with MySQL for the first time.

      • July 2021

        The Case of the Murderous Dr. Cream

        The Hunt for a Victorian Era Serial Killer

        by Dean Jobb

        “When a doctor does go wrong, he is the first of criminals, he has the nerve and he has the knowledge,” Sherlock Holmes observed. At the time the words of the fictional detective appeared in The Strand Magazine, a real-life Canadian doctor was murdering women in London’s downtrodden Lambeth neighbourhood. Dr. Thomas Cream had been a suspect in two deaths in Canada, and killed four people in Chicago before arriving in London in 1891 and using pills laced with strychnine to kill prostitutes. The "Lambeth Poisoner" became one of the most prolific serial killers in history.   Dean Jobb reveals how bungled investigations, corrupt officials, and failed prosecutions allowed Cream to evade detection and kill again. Alongside an inside account of Scotland Yard’s desperate search for a brazen killer, Jobb explores how the morality and hypocrisy of the Victorian era enabled Cream to poison the vulnerable and desperate women who had turned tohim for help.

      • Crime & mystery
        October 2014


        by JAMES RAVEN

        THE KINDLE BESTSELLER - 70,000 DOWNLOADS IN ONE WEEKSEND! 'Cover up your webcams or suffer the consequences.' He calls himself the Slave Master. He spies on women through their webcams. Then he spies on those who unknowingly reveal their secrets to him. His last victim was brutally murdered. Now he's targeting the cop in charge of the investigation. To him she's perfect prey - because she has secrets of her own.

      • American Civil War

        The Fourth Battle of Winchester

        Toward a New Civil War Paradigm

        by Richard McMurry (author)

        “Counterfactual questions, if kept within the parameters of what was possible at the time and place, can often help us better understand events of the past. In so doing, they can sometimes bring about a ‘paradigm shift’—a new way of thinking about history and hence of grasping its meaning... While the events described in the opening sections are fanciful, the underlying points, I believe are valid. The counterfactual events, I hope, can help us see the points with greater clarity.”—From the Preface

      • Educational: English language: readers & reading schemes

        Hard Drive Boy

        by Paul Savage

      • Humour


        A political romantic comedy erotic crime drama thriller....with some sheep in it, obviously!

        by Andy Frazier

        Some way into the future, when man has self-destructed, the world now populated solely by sheep. Yes, I know it sounds ridiculous but if you transpose a world full of sheep into the current world which is actually, er full of sheep – well people acting like sheep, anyway – you get SHEEPLE.  SHEEPLE After the holocaust, the only life left on earth was with a few simple sheep in one of its deepest corners. For a while it stayed that way but then, finding themselves at the top of the food chain, evolution nudged them on a little bit, until we catch up with them a millennium or so later. Now the evil Daynik and his sidekick run the world from the Ovine office with the help of a few Dollys, and everything is going ticketty-boo, thank you very much. Well it was, until a badly written novel started to create a stir amongst the Dolly ranks, who are now getting ideas. With reports of mutilation and hacking amongst the clones, the Burdoch Corporation printing true stories, and one of the back-benchers making noises about legalising grass, things start to get a bit out of hand for the Prime Muttoneer. Will our sheep-hero, Archie Woventight, uncover the cover-ups? Who really did write 50 Blades of Hay? Where is this Scoutland, where grass grows in meadows? And who is this mysterious Alex? A man?

      • American Civil War

        The Weary Boys

        Colonel J. Warren Keifer and the 110th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

        by Thomas E. Pope (author)

        “Milroy's Weary Boys” was the derisive nickname Maj. Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock gave to the survivors of the 110th Ohio Volunteer Infantry after the Second Battle of Winchester. Major General Robert Milroy's division was consolidated and assigned to the Army of the Potomac, and members of the 110th Ohio Volunteer Infantry were not universally accepted. Many veterans of the Eastern Theater shunned them, and historians have perpetuated this epithet, not recognizing the contributions of the 110th.In The Weary Boys, Pope refutes this undeserved derision. Under the command of Colonel J. Warren Keifer, a veteran of the Civil War's Western Theater, the 110th proved their worth many times over.Only fifteen of the 175 volunteer regiments from Ohio that served in the Union Army suffered the loss of more than one hundred men. The 110th was on of these regiments.

      • Travel writing
        September 2021

        On Foot to Canterbury

        A Son’s Pilgrimage

        by Ken Haigh

        Setting off on foot from Winchester, Ken Haigh hikes across southern England, retracing one of the traditional routes that medieval pilgrims followed to the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket at Canterbury Cathedral. Walking in honour of his father, a staunch Anglican who passed away before they could begin their trip together, Haigh wonders: Is there a place in the modern secular world for pilgrimage? On his journey, he sorts through his own spiritual aimlessness while crossing paths with writers like Anthony Trollope, John Keats, Jane Austen, Jonathan Swift, Charles Dickens, and, of course, Geoffrey Chaucer. Part travelogue, part memoir, and part literary history, On Foot to Canterbury is engaging and delightful. “My father didn’t need this walk, not the way I do. For him it would have been a fun way to spend some time with his son. He had, I begin to realize, a talent for living in the moment… Perhaps a pilgrimage would help me find happiness. Perhaps I could walk my way into a better frame of mind, and somehow along the road to Canterbury I would find a new purpose for my life. It was worth a shot.”

      • Memoirs

        Amin's Soldiers

        A Caricature of Upper Prison

        by John Pancras Orau (Author)

        Following the fall of African dictator Idi Amin, remnants of his army were rounded-up and thrown in jail. John Pancras Orau, a member of Amin’s Ugandan Air Force was one of these men. He saw first-hand the privations, isolation, hunger and humiliation in what were little more than concentration camps. In this book he describes the uncertainty and arbitrary punishments that—alongside fear that prisoners might just ‘disappear’ —were part of daily life. A true story of hope and belief, Amin’s Soldiers is a masterpiece of tragicomic writing falling somewhere between Catch 22 and Animal Farm as The Chieftan and his Brains Trust of fellow inmates try to govern themselves against a backdrop of prison gossip, rumour, misinformation and ever-changing rules. Yet it is not without a rich vein of humour as prisoners set up shops, cafes, entertainment, salvage teams and work on dubious escape plans. Equally comical are the ruses, subterfuge and corruption that become endemic as guards and prisoners seek to outwit each other. For more serious students of imprisonment, the book is about crime and punishment in a fluctuating political landscape – about ordinary people whose only real offence was being left on the wrong side of History. It is also a true story of belief and survival.The book came about as a result of links between the Anglican Diocese of Winchester and the Church of Uganda. ‘The last time I saw John Orau he was sitting in his tiny bookshop in Uganda wiling away his time reading. I asked how many he had sold today, he thought hard then answered, “None”. “And yesterday?” “None, either”. He was writing this book and his only ambition was to one day see it in print’: Reverend Gordon Randall.

      • Romance
        July 2013

        A Rose In Jeopardy

        by Barbara Cartland

        On a hot summer’s day in 1880 the beautiful Lady Rosella is cutting a basket of blooms in her beloved Rose Garden at her aunt’s house in Hampshire. It is her seventeenth birthday and no one remembers it except for Thomas, the gardener’s boy. Later she is driven to Winchester and has an unpleasant encounter with two raucous gentlemen in the local tavern before going on to fit her first ball gown that her aunt has given her the money for just before she died. But who is the lovely masked woman she glimpses in the mirror at the dress-makers, a glorious vision clad in rose-pink silk? And who is the dark figure approaching through the shadows of a dim and ghostly ballroom? Before she will discover the answers to these questions and to escape marriage to a most unpleasant companion of her uncle’s, Rosella must travel many miles to the glorious City of Venice accompanied by Pickle an extremely talkative and colourful parrot. She has left behind everything dear to her and when a mysterious stranger appears in Venice, Rosella believes that he may be the love she has so often dreamed about. This love will bring her pain and passion beyond anything she could ever have imagined. But her hopes are in ruins when she discovers the mysterious stranger to be the son of her arch enemy and once again she must flee. Will Rosella and her true love ever be reconciled – or will the Fates conspire to keep them apart forever? Find out in this thrilling new romance by Barbara Cartland, the one hundredth title in the Barbara Cartland Pink Collection.

      • Research methods: general
        July 2021

        Statistical Analysis Using R Software

        by Abhiram Dash

        The book Statistical Analysis Using R software deals with the fundamental concept of R software and the codes in R used for statistical analysis. It includes the development and content of R software, the concept of writing codes in R, importing of data from other software for use in R software. The codes in R used for statistical analysis purpose are mentioned in the mentioned and vividly explained. The book would definitely help the students and the personnel involved in teaching and research in understanding the concepts of R and its use for statistical analysis purpose.

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