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      • Second Story Press

        Our books are sold around the world, have been translated into over 50 languages, won many awards, and have been adapted for film and stage.   We publish stories that feature strong female characters and explore themes of social justice, human rights, equality, and ability issues. Our list spans adult fiction and nonfiction; children’s fiction, nonfiction and picture books; and young adult fiction and nonfiction.

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        July 1994

        Viele Kammern im Welthaus

        Eine Auswahl aus dem Werk

        by Ernst Bloch, Friedrich Dieckmann, Friedrich Dieckmann, Jürgen Teller, Jürgen Teller

        Ernst Simon Bloch wurde am 8. Juli 1885 in Ludwigshafen am Rhein geboren und starb am 4. August 1977 in Tübingen. Er entstammte einer jüdischen Familie aus der Pfalz. Von 1905 bis 1908 studierte er Philosophie bei Theodor Lipps in München und Oswald Külpe in Würzburg und wurde im Jahr 1908 promoviert. 1913 heiratete er die aus Riga stammende Bildhauerin Else von Stritzky. Als engagierter Gegner des Krieges ging er von 1917 bis 1919 mit seiner Frau in die Schweiz und war in Bern für das Archiv für Sozialwissenschaften tätig. 1917 beendete er in Locarno sein Werk Geist der Utopie. Ein Jahr nach dem Tod seiner Frau heiratete er 1922 die Malerin Linda Oppenheimer. Die Ehe hielt bis 1928. Inzwischen war Bloch nach Berlin zurückgekehrt und der Kommunistischen Partei Deutschlands beigetreten. Zu seinen damaligen Freunden gehörten Bertolt Brecht, Kurt Weill, Theodor W. Adorno und Walter Benjamin. Politisch war Bloch sehr aktiv und bekämpfte schon früh die aufstrebende NSDAP. Er wurde nach Hitlers Machtübernahme ausgebürgert und emigrierte mit seiner ebenfalls jüdischen Lebensgefährtin Karola Piotrowska in die Schweiz. Sie heirateten 1934 in Wien. Von 1936 bis 1938 lebten sie in Prag und emigrierten anschließend in die USA, wo sie zehn Jahre blieben. Dort schrieb Bloch an seinen Werken Das Prinzip Hoffnung, Subjekt - Objekt. Erläuterungen zu Hegel und Naturrecht und menschliche Würde. Nach dem Krieg, 1948, erhielt er einen Ruf nach Leipzig auf den Lehrstuhl für Philosophie. 1957 geriet er jedoch in Konflikt mit der SED und wurde emeritiert. Er zog nach Frankfurt am Main. Spuren und Das Prinzip Hoffnung erschienen 1959 im Suhrkamp Verlag. 1961 nahm Bloch eine Gastprofessur in Tübingen an, wo er bis zu seinem Tod 1977 blieb. Friedrich Dieckmann, Dr.phil.h.c., wurde 1937 in Landsberg/Warte geboren. Nach dem Studium der Germanistik, Philosophie und Physik arbeitete er von 1972 bis 1976 als Dramaturg am Berliner Ensemble. Er hat Bücher über Friedrich Schiller, Franz Schubert, Richard Wagner, Bertolt Brecht und Karl von Appen veröffentlicht sowie den Roman eines Theaterhelden (Die Geschichte Don Giovannis. 1991. Insel Verlag), einen Band mit Essays zur deutschen Oper von Mozart bis Wagner und vier Essaybände aus dem und über den Prozeß der deutschen Vereinigung (drei davon in der edition suhrkamp: Vom Einbringen. Vaterländische Beiträge. 1992; Temperatursprung. Deutsche Verhältnisse. 1995; Was ist deutsch? Eine Nationalerkundung. 2003). Friedrich Dieckmann ist Träger des Heinrich-Mann- und des Johann-Heinrich-Merck-Preises und Mitglied der Akademien der Künste in Berlin, Dresden und Leipzig sowie der Deutschen Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung. 1989/90 war er Fellow am Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin. 1994 bis 2000 war Friedrich Dieckmann Sprecher der Deutschen Literaturkonferenz e.V. und von 2002 bis 2012 Mitglied des Sächsischen Kultursenats. Heute lebt Friedrich Dieckmann als Schriftsteller und Publizist in Berlin-Treptow. Mitgliedschaften: Mitglied der Sächsischen Akademie der Künste Mitglied der Deutschen Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung Mitglied der Akademie der Künste Berlin-Brandenburg Mitglied der Freien Akademie der Künste zu Leipzig Mitglied des Internationalen P.E.N.  Friedrich Dieckmann, Dr.phil.h.c., wurde 1937 in Landsberg/Warte geboren. Nach dem Studium der Germanistik, Philosophie und Physik arbeitete er von 1972 bis 1976 als Dramaturg am Berliner Ensemble. Er hat Bücher über Friedrich Schiller, Franz Schubert, Richard Wagner, Bertolt Brecht und Karl von Appen veröffentlicht sowie den Roman eines Theaterhelden (Die Geschichte Don Giovannis. 1991. Insel Verlag), einen Band mit Essays zur deutschen Oper von Mozart bis Wagner und vier Essaybände aus dem und über den Prozeß der deutschen Vereinigung (drei davon in der edition suhrkamp: Vom Einbringen. Vaterländische Beiträge. 1992; Temperatursprung. Deutsche Verhältnisse. 1995; Was ist deutsch? Eine Nationalerkundung. 2003). Friedrich Dieckmann ist Träger des Heinrich-Mann- und des Johann-Heinrich-Merck-Preises und Mitglied der Akademien der Künste in Berlin, Dresden und Leipzig sowie der Deutschen Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung. 1989/90 war er Fellow am Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin. 1994 bis 2000 war Friedrich Dieckmann Sprecher der Deutschen Literaturkonferenz e.V. und von 2002 bis 2012 Mitglied des Sächsischen Kultursenats. Heute lebt Friedrich Dieckmann als Schriftsteller und Publizist in Berlin-Treptow. Mitgliedschaften: Mitglied der Sächsischen Akademie der Künste Mitglied der Deutschen Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung Mitglied der Akademie der Künste Berlin-Brandenburg Mitglied der Freien Akademie der Künste zu Leipzig Mitglied des Internationalen P.E.N.

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        Dirt and Stars

        by Ahmad Lufti

        How do you imagine the Arabs before Islam? People who drink alcohol, milk goats, and fight each other for trivial reasons? Or perhaps you imagine them ignorant in an environment of darkness and sand?   In this short story collection, Ahmad Lufti presents a fresh picture of the Arabian Peninsula before Islam, its legends and poets, its kings and its oral traditions. Inspired by the storytelling form of Scheherazade in “One Thousand and One Nights”—in which one narrator tells a story about another narrator, and another—as well as traditional Arab tales, Lufti’s stories explore and exalt Arab history and culture as well as larger themes of love, weakness, and power.     Commentary from the Author:   I am trying to reintroduce prose in Arab stories, as an attempt to praise authors whose books were highly underestimated. These works of art were deeply criticized for focusing on the pre-Islamic era or for adopting a classical rigid style.   It is crucial to revive Arab stories, this pristine and rich field that would never fail to exist, even if all authors were to perish. This has proven of importance in modern stories, which are the reflection of the contemporary human. How can we refute modern stereotypes, if Arab literature is absent from today’s books?

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        Mind, Body, Spirit


        Divine Remembrances of Lineage, Relations, and Sacred Sites

        by Mindahi Bastida

        Ignite the Divine Remembrances Within YouThe full scope of our ancestral legacy extends far beyond blood relations. Spiritual leader Mindahi Bastida explains how the consciousness of ancestors is interwoven through the web of time and space, and we are the synthesis of all that has ever existed in the universe. Discover who the ancestors are, the legacy we each inherit, our connection to the motherlands, and the importance of sacred sites. Sit around the sacred fire with Mindahi Bastida as he and selected storytellers share their personal experiences and deep bond with their ancestry. Walk in reverence and relationship with your ancestors. Understand ancient traditions and learn blessings and ceremonies you can practice today. Discover your identity, both tangibly and intangibly, as matter and spirit. Develop the wisdom to heal ancestral karma and become a guide and counselor for the rising generations. ANCESTORS reminds us that we are not alone: we are all our relations.

      • Trusted Partner
        Mind, Body, Spirit


        Intimate Experiences with the Divine through Contemplative Practices

        by Sister Dr. Jenna

        Activate Your Inner Power Through Meditation Contemplate the intimate journey of coming home to yourself as Sister Dr. Jenna and selected sacred storytellers share their true, personal stories about meditation as a gateway into the mystical. Learn how listening to your inner silence can help you overcome life obstacles, reclaim your spiritual power, and immerse in the presence of the Divine. Acclaimed spiritual mentor Sister Dr. Jenna expands the concept of meditation to the highest level—from simple relaxation to ecstatic union with Source. Her wisdom will enhance your understanding of the value of contemplative practices, what happens when you turn within, and how it develops your capacity for selfless service. Experience greater depth in your prayerful moments by removing blocks to the process and dropping into the essence of pure Love. This inner transformation will infuse your daily life with more joy, compassion, maturity, and peace. MEDITATION will inspire you to open your doorway to the Divine.

      • Trusted Partner
        Mind, Body, Spirit


        Personal Quests of Communion with Nature and Creation

        by Oscar Miro-Quesada

        Awaken Your Shamanic Soul Respected kamasqa curandero Oscar Miro-Quesada teaches shamanism as a tradition of healing, power, and wisdom that sees all life as interconnected and sacred. Understand the shamanic art of a noble death, becoming a hollow bone, traveling through the three worlds, and how to embrace the imaginal beauty of a living, sentient, and ever-evolving cosmos. Feel soul-animating moments with Creation itself as don Oscar and selected sacred storytellers share their transformative experiences. Cultivate spiritual discernment, learn how to consecrate your shamanic ceremonial space, practice an ancient Andean earth walk ritual, internalize the soul-nurturing beauty of Mother Earth with the Pachamama Renewal Process, work with the five principal animal allies of Universal Shamanism, and discover the loving grace that sparked the emergence of shamanism as a universal path of healing service. You must live the path to understand it. SHAMANISM is the medicine our world needs for seven generations and beyond.

      • Trusted Partner
        Mind, Body, Spirit


        Profound Experiences with Chanting, Toning, Music and Healing Frequencies

        by Drs. JJ and Desiree Hurtak

        Sing the Sacred Song of Your Soul You are a musical instrument in the great song of a living universe. Join social scientists and futurists Drs. J.J. and Desiree Hurtak as they show you how sound is an integral part of who you are and how you got here-in fact, it is the sacred song of your soul.Witness the science of frequency and timeless art of sound as an instrument of-and entry point to-the Divine as Drs. J.J. and Desiree Hurtak, along with selected sacred storytellers, share their mystical experiences with sound. Sound is alive in everything, and it is tuning humanity to a brighter future. Discover how plants create music and how space is a symphony of creation. Understand archeo-acoustics and how sound is used in sacred temples. Raise your vibration as you chant mantras composed of sacred names, thoughts, and expressions. Create harmony in your life as you embrace the world of musical experience and come in tune with your truest vibrational nature.

      • Trusted Partner
        Mind, Body, Spirit


        Personal Tales of Encounters with Spirit Animals

        by Dr. Steven Farmer

        Experience the Magic of Spirit AnimalsSoar with Dr. Steven Farmer and selected sacred storytellers as they share personal tales of spirit animals appearing to them in real life, in dreams, or symbolically, to share their mystical yet practical medicine. Experience how these spiritual allies can guard, aid, heal, and guide you in the most unexpected and delightful ways. Renowned “animal spirit guy” Dr. Steven Farmer explains how these profound encounters affirm our intimacy with the animal world and the realm of Spirit. His wisdom will heighten your understanding of spirit animal symbolism, the five major ways that spirit animals can speak to you, and how to discern their messages for you. Learn how to receive the animals’ gifts in the form of wisdom, guidance, protection, and power, and come to feel their support, trust their keen perception, and appreciate the simple ways in which they appear just when you need guidance the most. ANIMALS will show you how you, too, can fly like an eagle, run like a puma, and reach new heights like the tallest giraffe.

      • Trusted Partner
        Mind, Body, Spirit


        Experiences of Humanity’s Connections with a Higher Power

        by Neale Donald Walsch

        Begin Your Conversation with God Don’t look now, but God is talking with you. In fact, God is never not talking with you! Neale Donald Walsch, author of the Conversations with God book series, invites you to be present to life and the experience of your talks with God. He shares how the Divine talks to you in a hundred ways across a thousand moments, using feelings, words, images, ideas, metaphors, and events that can change your life. Feel the wonder as Neale Donald Walsch, along with our sacred storytellers, share their talks with God, including those of:• a woman who was reassured her health condition would be healed• an exhausted single mom whose message reaffirmed her belief that God heard her prayers• a scientist whose conversation with the presence of God dramatically changed his life• a teacher who received a message to help her connect with her students Experience your own conversations, empowered by intention and discernment, as Neale shares the six-step process he uses in his own conversations with God. Discover profound, yet simple, insights into what you can do to deepen the dialogue once you become tuned into God talking to you. Be prepared to be surprised and delighted by your communications with the Divine!

      • Trusted Partner
        Mind, Body, Spirit


        Personal Encounters with Divine Beings of Light

        by Tricia McCannon

        Experience the Miracle of Angels Angels emanate joy, lightness, and a grace of uplifting peace. Almost as if by their very touch, presence, or appearance, they reassure us that everything will be all right and unfolding according to a Divine plan. Tricia McCannon, a lifelong mystic, and spiritual teacher invites you to join her in understanding and marveling at the miracle of angels as they reach out to us as Divine messengers of love. Like the wonder, we feel when we look at the stars at night, angels speak to each of us at the level of our soul. Welcome the angels into your life as Tricia McCannon and selected sacred storytellers share their personal encounters with angels reminding us, we are living in a light-filled universe where anything is possible. Learn the ways angels appear to us and how you can deepen your relationship with them. Delve into the history and mystery of angelic lore and be inspired by accounts of famous angelic encounters that changed our world. The angels are at the heart of a celestial awakening, and when we call upon them, we begin to awaken the angelic nature within ourselves. ANGELS will uplift your soul. Their essence is love, their appearance is light, and their purpose is the healing and illumination of the world.

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