Social issues (Children's/YA)
July 2021
Marta knows that her father became the living dead because of the war her country started against their neighbours. But whoever he is, she still wants to save him. The girl would have turned to her school teacher, who’s always been supportive of her, but he has changed a lot and is behaving suspiciously, so Marta has to seek help from other people.
While captives are brought into the town, Marta watches as ordinary people, under the influence of defiant propaganda, begin to see the hostages as wild cynocephali. The girl detects an obvious lie and doesn’t want to put up with it. When she receives an offer to become an operative of the special service, Marta realises that she has been kept an eye on for a long time. Hoping to protect her family and friends, she accepts the offer.
Getting involved in all those hushed down intriguing stories, Marta wants to do the right thing and truly believes she can, but what IS right? What information source can she actually trust? She decides it’s best to rely on the withche’s guts and concentrate on saving her father, at least for now.