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        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2010

        Sanctity and pornography in medieval culture

        On the verge

        by Bill Burgwinkle, Cary Howie, Anke Bernau

        Sanctity and pornography in medieval culture exposes the complexity of bodily exposure in medieval devotion and contemporary pornographic cultures. Through readings of texts and images, sacred and profane, from preimodern France and Italy as well as Anglo-American modernity, the book makes a case for paying closer attention to the surfaces of our bodies and the desires that those surfaces can articulate and arouse. From the Old French life of Saint Alexis to the work of writer-filmmaker Miranda July, from Wakefield Poole to Pietro Aretino, these are texts and images that diminish the distance between premodern Europe and contemporary California, between the sacred and the profane, as they demonstrate how, in the end as in the beginning, the surface of things is never simple. ;

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        July 2016

        Johnny Porno


        by Charlie Stella, Andrea Stumpf

        John Albano schlägt sich als Geldeinsammler für die New Yorker Cosa Nostra durch. Er kassiert die Tageseinnahmen, die beim Abspielen des von der Mafia produzierten Pornofilms und späteren Welthits Deep Throat in schmuddeligen Hinterzimmern anfallen. Bezahlt wird hauptsächlich mit 5-Dollar-Scheinen, die Johnny Porno (so nennt man den Mann, der diesen Job macht) in seinem Schrottauto durch die Gegend fährt. Das erweckt Begehrlichkeiten, und so sind sie alle hinter Johnny Porno her: korrupte Cops, neurotische Killer, freischaffende Schurken, das FBI und seine sehr gierige Ex-Frau. New Yorker Streetlife im Jahr 1973. Sehr komisch, gemein und knallhart.

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        August 1997

        Die Versuchung der Pornographie

        by Drucilla Cornell, Vincent Vogelvelt, Barbara Vinken

        "Die einen glauben, Pornographie sei ein Zeichen größter Liberalität; die anderen meinen, Frauen widerfahre in der Pornographie eine ungeheure Diskriminierung und Degradierung, die letztlich in sexuelle Gewalt gegen Frauen münde. Drucilla Cornell, eine der bekanntesten Feministinnen der USA, greift mit dem vorliegenden Essay in die aktuelle Diskussion ein - ohne feministische Perspektiven aus den Augen zu verlieren, jedoch auch ohne moralistische oder rechtliche Konsequenzen zu ziehen, die auf eine Einschränkung der Meinungsfreiheit zielen"

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2025

        Dirty books

        by Barry Reay, Nina Attwood

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        March 2024

        Anything Is Possible, Nothing Is Working

        Why we are having less and less sex

        by Juliane Burghardt

        Many would agree that we are living in one of humanity’s most permissive times. Sex seems to be available anywhere, anytime. These developments can lead to the conclusion that we are all having all the sex we want today. In fact, though, a number of international studies have shown in recent years that our mobile phone and pornography consumption in particular, as well as women’s empowerment, have led to a decrease rather than an increase in sexuality. In her entertaining book, Juliane Burghardt analyses and evaluates the situation in our bedrooms.

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        The Arts
        April 2011

        Postnationalist African Cinemas

        by Alexie Tcheuyap

        Postnationalist African cinemas convincingly interrogates the ways in which African narratives locate postcolonial identities and forms beyond essentially nationalist frameworks. It investigates how the emergence of new genres, discourses and representations, all unrelated to an overtly nationalist project, influences the formal choices made by contemporary directors. By foregrounding the narrative, generic, discursive, representational and aesthetic structures of films, this book shows how directors are beginning to regard film as a popular form of entertainment rather than political praxis. Tcheuyap investigates filmic genres such as comedy, dance, crime and epic alongside cultural aspects including witchcraft, sexuality, pornography and oracles. ;

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      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        June 2021

        Contemporary French cinema

        An introduction (revised edition)

        by Guy Austin

        Contemporary French cinema is an essential introduction to popular French film of the last 35 years. It charts recent developments in all genres of French cinema with analyses of over 120 movies, from Les Valseuses to Caché. Reflecting the diversity of French film production since the New Wave, this clear and perceptive study includes chapters on the heritage film, the thriller and the war movie, alongside the 'cinéma du look', representations of sexuality, comedies, the work of women film makers and le jeune cinéma. Each chapter introduces the public reception and critical debates surrounding a given genre, interwoven with detailed accounts of relevant films. Confirmed as a major contribution to both Film Studies and French Studies, this book is a fascinating volume for students and fans of French film alike.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Contemporary French cinema

        An introduction (revised edition)

        by Guy Austin

        Contemporary French cinema is an essential introduction to popular French film of the last 35 years. It charts recent developments in all genres of French cinema with analyses of over 120 movies, from Les Valseuses to Caché. Reflecting the diversity of French film production since the New Wave, this clear and perceptive study includes chapters on the heritage film, the thriller and the war movie, alongside the 'cinéma du look', representations of sexuality, comedies, the work of women film makers and le jeune cinéma. Each chapter introduces the public reception and critical debates surrounding a given genre, interwoven with detailed accounts of relevant films. Confirmed as a major contribution to both Film Studies and French Studies, this book is a fascinating volume for students and fans of French film alike.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2004


        Eine Anthologie

        by Herausgegeben von Arnold, Heinz L

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        Opfer & Täter. Gegenwehr & Backlash. Verantwortung & Gesetz - Ein EMMA-Buch

        by Schwarzer, Alice / Vorwort von Schwarzer, Alice

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        August 2023


        Eine unverschämte Analyse

        by Oeming, Madita

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