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      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        June 2017

        Contemporary Australian cinema

        An introduction

        by Jonathan Rayner

        Provides an introduction to the products and context of the new Australian film industry which arose toward the end of the 1960s. Traces the development of Australian film, in terms of prominent directors and stars, consistent themes, styles and evolving genres. The evolution of the film genres peculiar to Australia, and the adaptation of conventional Hollywood forms (such as the musical and the road movie) are examined in detail through textual readings of landmark films. Films and trends discussed include: the period film and Picnic at Hanging Rock; the Gothic film and the Mad Max trilogy; camp and kitsch comedy and the Adventures of Pricilla, Queen of the Desert. The key issue of the revival (the definition, representation and propagation of a national image) is woven through analysis of the new Australian cinema.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        November 2023

        The Rights of Indigenous Peoples Explained

        by Summer Okibe

        Hey Child, I am excited to simplify the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) for you. You are special and you deserve to know that the Indigenous People around you have rights. You should, at all times, respect and acknowledge their rights.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Imperial medicine and indigenous societies

        by David Arnold

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2023

        Cloud-native Computing

        Software Engineering von Diensten und Applikationen für die Cloud

        by Kratzke, Nane

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        November 2024

        The Little Cossack

        Understanding your native language and growing up in a bilingual family enriches your life and identity

        by Valeriia Kyselova-Savrasova (Author), Racel Bonita (Illustrator)

        3+   This is the story of a Ukrainian boy who grew up abroad. Through the pages of the book, he journeys from cherishing the language his mother sang lullabies in to realizing that no one around him understands it. Bohdan shapes his Ukrainian identity by discovering his homeland, its history, and culture.   - Explores the challenges faced by international families.- Emphasizes the importance of understanding one's family culture and language.- A unique blend of Catalan culture (illustrations) and Ukrainian heritage (text).- Perfectly suited for a bilingual format.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2024

        Birth controlled

        Selective reproduction and neoliberal eugenics in South Africa and India

        by Amrita Pande

        This book analyses the world of selective reproduction by a critical analysis of three modes of controlling birth, namely contraception, reproductive violence, and repro-genetic technologies. All population control policies target and vilify women (Black women in particular), and coerce them into subjecting their bodies to state and medical surveillance; Birth controlled argues that assisted reproductive technologies and repro-genetic technologies employ a similar and stratified burden of blame and responsibility based on gender, race, class and caste. The book draws on gender studies, sociology, medical anthropology, politics, science and technology studies, theology, public health and epidemiology to provides a critical, interdisciplinary and cutting-edge dialogue around the interconnected issues that shape reproductive politics in an ostensibly 'post-population control' era.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        October 2014

        The education system in colonial Algeria (1833-1962)

        Statistical and historiographical review

        by Kamel Kateb

        ‘‘The means of dominating a people and assimilating it is to take possession of childhood and youth: this cannot be done by coercion, but the moral means are numerous and effective... The object of our efforts must be the extension of Arabic-French teaching: it is through this that we will take possession of the new generations almost from the cradle.’’ (Leroy-Beaulieu, 1887). (Leroy-Beaulieu, 1887). What is the record of French education in Algeria during the period of colonisation? After 132 years of French presence in Algeria (annexed to France in 1838), how many Algerians (French Muslims, indigenous French subjects) had a sufficient knowledge of the French language, and how many of them had learned to read and write in French? Was compulsory schooling for children aged 6 to 13, in accordance with the J. Ferry law of 1882, applied in Algeria? How many Algerian children attended state schools? How many went to lycée and university? What was the number of students at the time of the country's independence? How many doctors, engineers, primary and secondary school teachers did Algeria have at the time of its independence? What was the status of local languages (Arabic, dialectal Arabic, Berber) in the Algerian education system? As well as answering the questions listed above, this book attempts to analyse the objectives assigned to French schools in Algeria and to study the attitudes of the various populations to the objectives pursued. What role did education play in the various forms of colonial ‘confrontation’? What was the role of the elites produced by the colonial education system? And what role and place did they occupy in the struggle for Algerian independence? Were they the driving force behind the independence movement, as the Europeans in Algeria feared? Or did they mediate between colonisation and the mass of the colonised, as the enlightened ideologists of the colonial system hoped?

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2018

        Governing natives

        by Ben Silverstein, Andrew Thompson

      • Trusted Partner
        Sport & leisure industries
        August 2006

        Indigenous Ecotourism

        Sustainable Development and Management

        by Heather D Zeppel

        Dealing with indigenous ecotourism as a special type of nature-based tourism, Indigenous Ecotourism examines the key principles of this field through global case studies and analyses the key factors for sustainable development.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        December 2000

        Contemporary Australian cinema

        An introduction

        by Jonathan Rayner

        Provides an introduction to the products and context of the new Australian film industry which arose toward the end of the 1960s. Traces the development of Australian film, in terms of prominent directors and stars, consistent themes, styles and evolving genres. The evolution of the film genres peculiar to Australia, and the adaptation of conventional Hollywood forms (such as the musical and the road movie) are examined in detail through textual readings of landmark films. Films and trends discussed include: the period film and Picnic at Hanging Rock; the Gothic film and the Mad Max trilogy; camp and kitsch comedy and the Adventures of Pricilla, Queen of the Desert. The key issue of the revival (the definition, representation and propagation of a national image) is woven through analysis of the new Australian cinema. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        October 2019


        Ten endemic plants of Reunion to know and protect

        by Mary-des-ailes

        This herbarium is devoted to ten endemic trees of Reunion, examples of precious species that are now only found in a few islands, witnesses of a now threatened balance.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2011



        by Richard Flanagan, Peter Knecht

        Ein fesselnder Roman über ungebändigte Gefühle und verdrängte Leidenschaften. 1839: Der Gouverneur von Tasmanien und Polarforscher Sir John Franklin und seine Frau holen das Aborigine-Mädchen Mathinna zu sich ins Haus. Sie wollen »die Wilde« durch strenge Erziehung zivilisieren. Während Lady Jane ihre mütterlichen Gefühle unterdrückt, kann sich Sir Franklin Mathinnas »wilder« Anziehungskraft nicht entziehen. Als Franklin Jahre später nach England zurückbeordert wird, bleibt das Mädchen entwurzelt und zutiefst verstört zurück … Zwanzig Jahre später: Im Überlebenskampf im ewigen Eis soll Sir Franklin dem Kannibalismus verfallen sein. Als Charles Dickens dessen Ruf und Ansehen retten will, entdeckt er an sich plötzlich eine »wilde« unbezwingbare Seite.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2022

        Handbook of Phytonutrients in Indigenous Fruits and Vegetables

        by Dharini Sivakumar, Michael Netzel, Yasmina Sultanbawa

        The effects of inadequate diets on the population include malnutrition, non-communicable diseases and obesity. 'Hidden hunger', also known as micronutrient deficiencies, leads to various health-related disorders and diseases. Indigenous plants, in the form of indigenous fruits and leafy vegetables are gaining interest as a source of nutrients and bioactive phytochemicals, satisfying both food demand and health needs. Moreover, with the impact of climate change, and the importance of sustainability of food systems, it is essential that we investigate new, forgotten and alternative crops that can thrive in harsh conditions, require low fertilizer input, and are easily harvestable. This book contains chapters on 33 understudied indigenous fruits and vegetables from all around the world, including African nightshade, amaranth, baobab fruit, Indian gooseberry, red bush apple and snake melon. Each chapter provides: An overview of plant botany. An understanding of the phytonutrient constituents and health-promoting properties of bioactive compounds or metabolites. Information on the biological activity of the functional compounds that will improve productivity and increase utilization of indigenous fruits and vegetables to sustain food security. Impacts of postharvest storage, processing, and traditional food preparation methods. Potential for new product development. This is an essential resource for academic researchers and industry professionals in the fields of horticulture, agriculture, crop science, human health and nutrition.

      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        November 2017

        Indigenous Knowledge

        Enhancing its Contribution to Natural Resources Management

        by Paul Sillitoe, Andrew Ainslie, Kojo Amanor, Jeff Bentley, Samara Brock, Stephen Brush, David A Cleveland, Luisa Cortesi, Michael R Dove, Romain Duda, Roy Ellen, James Fairhead, Álvaro Fernández-Llamazares, James Fraser, Sandrine Gallois, Chris Hebdon, Patricia Howard, Samuel Guindo, Sascha Huditz, Amy Leigh Johnson, Alder Keleman, J Stephen Lansing, Melissa Leach, Rosalinda Hidalgo Ledesma, Johannes Lehmann, Francis Michael Ludlow, Doyle McKey, Citlalli López Binnqüist, Paul Van Mele, Tom van Mourik, Lars Otto Naess, Florencia G Palis, Fortunata Panzo Panzo, Victoria Reyes García, Delphine Renard, Gede Sedana, Christopher Shepherd, Paul Sillitoe, Daniela Soleri, Dawit Solomon, Sidi Toure, Thérèse de Vet, Wayan Windia, Gérard Zoundji

        Indigenous Knowledge (IK) reviews cutting-edge research and links theory with practice to further our understanding of this important approach's contribution to natural resource management. It addresses IK's potential in solving issues such as coping with change, ensuring global food supply for a growing population, reversing environmental degradation and promoting sustainable practices. It is increasingly recognised that IK, which has featured centrally in resource management for millennia, should play a significant part in today's programmes that seek to increase land productivity and food security while ensuring environmental conservation. By drawing together strands of biocultural diversity research into natural resources management, this book: - Provides an overview of conceptual issues around IK and its contributions to sustainable agriculture and environmental conservation; - Addresses key themes via case studies from bioculturally diverse regions of the world; - Displays a wide range of methodologies and outlines a possible agenda to guide future work. An invaluable resource for researchers and postgraduate students in environmental science and natural resources management, this book is also an informative read for development practitioners and undergraduates in agriculture, forestry, geography, anthropology and environmental studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        Forestry & related industries
        December 2007

        Indigenous Fruit Trees in the Tropics

        Domestication, Utillization and Commercialization

        by Edited by Festus K Akinnifesi, Roger RB Leakey, Oluyede C Ajayi, Gudeta Sileshi, Zac Tchoundjeu, Patrick Matacala, Freddie R Kwesiga

        It has been recognized that an important factor in improving the viability of rural livelihoods in developing countries is the promotion of sustainable agriculture. As opposed to relying solely on cash crops, this can be more easily achieved through the domestication of various indigenous fruit trees that can be cultivated and owned by smallholder farmers. Through multi-functional and integrated farming systems, these tree crops can support environmental and social sustainability by providing food as well as promoting economic growth. Twenty years ago, little was known about the biology, ecology or the social impact of indigenous fruit trees on rural populations. Since then, new concepts and approaches have been developed, case studies have been produced and the potential and feasibility of their domestication and commercialization has been explored. This focused study on the tropics brings together a comprehensive review of this research.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2017

        Servants of the empire

        The Irish in Punjab 1881–1921

        by Patrick O'Leary, Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie

        Punjab, 'the pride of British India', attracted the cream of the Indian Civil Service, many of the most influential of whom were Irish. Some of these men, along with Irish viceroys, were inspired by their Irish backgrounds to ensure security of tenure for the Punjabi peasant, besides developing vast irrigation schemes which resulted in the province becoming India's most affluent. But similar inspiration contributed to the severity of measures taken against Indian nationalist dissent, culminating in the Amritsar massacre which so catastrophically transformed politics on the sub-continent. Setting the experiences of Irish public servants in Punjab in the context of the Irish diaspora and of linked agrarian problems in Ireland and India, this book descrides the beneficial effects the Irish had on the prosperity of India's most volatile province. Alongside the baleful contribution of some towards a growing Indian antipathy towards British rule. Links are established between policies pursued by Irishmen of the Victorian era and current happenings on the Pakistan-Afghan border and in Punjab.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2022

        Birth controlled

        by Amrita Pande, Srila Roy, Nicky Falkof

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