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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2022

        Class, work and whiteness

        Race and settler colonialism in Southern Rhodesia, 1919–79

        by Nicola Ginsburgh

        This book offers the first comprehensive history of white workers from the end of the First World War to Zimbabwean independence in 1980. It reveals how white worker identity was constituted, examines the white labouring class as an ethnically and nationally heterogeneous formation comprised of both men and women, and emphasises the active participation of white workers in the ongoing and contested production of race. White wage labourers' experiences, both as exploited workers and as part of the privileged white minority, offer insight into how race and class co-produced one another and how boundaries fundamental to settler colonialism were regulated and policed. Based on original research conducted in Zimbabwe, South Africa and the UK, this book offers a unique theoretical synthesis of work on gender, whiteness studies, labour histories, settler colonialism, Marxism, emotions and the New African Economic History.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2009

        Has devolution worked?

        The verdict from policy-makers and the public

        by John Curtice, Bed Seyd

        Devolution to Scotland and Wales represented the most fundamental reform of the British state for almost a century. Ten years on, how successful has the reform been? Drawing on the views of citizens, elected representatives and interest groups in Scotland and Wales, this book provides an answer. The book is based on a wide ranging programme of research, involving dedicated surveys and interviews across Scotland, Wales and England. The results provide important new evidence on how devolution has been seen to have performed. What are its perceived achievements? What are its shortcomings? Is the new devolution 'settlement' stable, or is there a demand for further reform? By bringing together perspectives from the public, members of the devolved legislatures and representatives of civil society, the book establishes a unique picture of where devolution in Britain stands today. The book is accessibly written, and contains a wide range of useful primary data. It is ideal for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying devolution in Britain, as well as for general readers with an interest in constitutional reform and territorial politics. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2020

        Class, work and whiteness

        by Nicola Ginsburgh, Alan Lester

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2024

        FamilyFlow. Ab ins Grüne!

        30 x Entspannen & Entdecken in der Natur für die ganze Familie

        by Mareike Gohla, Viktoria Heyn, Martina Stuhlberger

        Natur erleben mit Kindern Raus ins Grüne mit der ganzen Familie! Diese hochwertige Kartenbox für Kinder ab 3 Jahren ist bis prall gefüllt mit jeder Menge Draußenzeit. Vom Regenbogensammeln in den Farben der Natur über spannende Tier- und Pflanzen-Challenges bis hin zum gemeinsamen Outdoor-Yoga: Die 30 Inspirationen für Auszeiten im Grünen lassen Groß und Klein durchatmen und die Natur in den Familienalltag einziehen. Die hochwertige Box enthält 30 stabile Karten, die sich ganz bequem überall hin mitnehmen lassen. Ein inspirierendes Produkt für gemeinsame Rituale zum Entschleunigen und Entspannen. Ab ins Grüne: 30 Ideen zum Entspannen, Entdecken und Erforschen Spiel und Spaß im Freien: 30 originelle Ideen für Familien mit Kindern ab 3 Jahren. Natur im Familienalltag: Von Outdoor-Yoga bis hin zu Tier- und Pflanzen-Challenges - die Karten bieten Spaß und Spannung für Groß und Klein. Hochwertig ausgestattet: Praktische Kartenbox mit stabilen Karten, die in jede Tasche und in jeden Rucksack passt. Beim Picknick, im Park oder im Wald: Gemeinsame Aktivitäten in der Natur bringen Familien näher zusammen. Ab in die Natur mit der praktischen Kartenbox! Die 30 stabilen Karten bieten spannende Draußen-Aktivitäten für Kinder ab 3 Jahren - vom Regenbogensammeln bis zu Outdoor-Yoga. Ein inspirierendes Produkt für entspannte Familienmomente im Grünen.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        August 1985

        Die Besiegten

        Aus dem Schwedischen von Beat Mazenauer. Mit einem Nachwort von Gunilla Palmstierna-Weiss

        by Peter Weiss, Beat Mazenauer, Gunilla Palmstierna-Weiss

        Peter Weiss wurde am 8. November 1916 in Nowawes bei Berlin geboren und starb am 10. Mai 1982 in Stockholm. Zwischen 1918 und 1929 lebte er in Bremen, wo er das Gymnasium besuchte. 1929 kehrte die Familie Weiss nach Berlin zurück, musste jedoch 1934 emigrieren. Die erste Station bildete London, darauf folgte 1936 die SR. In diesen Jahren widmete sich Peter Weiss vorwiegend der Malerei – 1937/1938 studierte er Malerei an der Kunstakademie in Prag. In dieser Zeit besuchte er Hermann Hesse während zweier längerer Aufenthalte in der Schweiz. Die dritte und letzte Emigrationsstation bildete 1939 Schweden, wo Peter Weiss zunächst in Alingsås, ab 1940 in Stockholm wohnte. Hier setzte er seine Tätigkeit als Maler fort. 1947 hielt er sich als Korrespondent einer schwedischen Tagesszeitung in Berlin auf. Seine Artikel versammelte er 1948 zu seiner ersten Buchpublikation. Der Band erschien posthum 1985 unter dem Titel Die Besiegten. Ab diesem Zeitraum entstanden, in schwedischer Sprache, die ersten Prosaarbeiten, Gedichte, und Dramen. Zu den wichtigsten Erzählungen aus dieser Schaffensperiode zählen Die Situation aus dem Jahre 1956 sowie das 1980 unter dem Autorenpseudonym Sinclair veröffentlichte Buch Der Fremde. Keines seiner Manuskripte wurde jedoch von einem schwedischen Verlag zur Publikation angenommen. Mitte der fünfziger Jahre begann Peter Weiss in deutscher Sprache zu schreiben. 1960 erschien sein erstes Prosabuch Der Schatten des Körpers des Kutschers. Zu Beginn der siebziger Jahre wand sich Peter Weiss wieder der Prosa zu. Zwischen 1975 und 1981 erschien der dreibändige Roman Die Ästhetik des Widerstands, deren letzter Band begleitet wird von Notizbücher 1971 – 1980. Ihm wurde posthum der Georg-Büchner-Preis für das Jahr 1982 zuerkannt. Beat Mazenauer, geboren 1958, Germanist und Historiker, lebt als Literaturkritiker und freier Autor in Luzern.

      • Trusted Partner

        10 minutes micro motion to loose weight

        by Qian Sheng

        Wrote by Qian Sheng, who is the founder, extension worker, national final 'smile award' winner, champion of 'Mr. Fitness' and one of the 10 best examples within China. Stretching whole body muscles to get a fit body.   内容简介 微运动创始人、推广人,时尚健康Cool Guy全国总决赛最佳微笑奖得主,“健身先生”冠军、全国十大健身榜样钱晟先生倾情打造。拉伸全身上下的肌肉,恢复苗条有型的美丽身材。

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2010

        Die Pariser Weltausstellung 1889

        Bilder von der Globalisierung

        by Beat Wyss

        Die gelungenste Weltausstellung aller Zeiten war die Exposition Universelle de Paris von 1889. Weit über 32 Millionen Menschen besuchten das gigantische Spektakel mit knapp 62.000 Ausstellern aus 54 Nationen und 17 französischen Kolonien. Das Wahrzeichen der Schau, der Eiffelturm, blieb Paris bis heute erhalten. Einen legendären Ruf erwarb sich auch das offizielle, wöchentlich erscheinende Journal der Weltausstellung. Auf großformatigen, mit Stahlstichen üppig illustrierten Seiten berichtete es von den Sensationen vor Ort, von dreirädrigen selbstfahrenden Karren und ethnologischen Dörfern, in denen es Kamelreiten für die Kinder und Bauchtänze für die Herren gab. Der Schweizer Kunsthistoriker Beat Wyss hat die hundert originellsten Abbildungen ausgewählt. Sie illustrieren, wie die Expo den Erdball auf ein »Weltdorf« zwischen Trocadéro und Champ de Mars schrumpfen lässt, wie räumliche Distanzen abgebaut und dabei kulturelle Differenzen freigelegt werden. Das späte 20. Jahrhundert wird dafür den Begriff der Globalisierung prägen. Beat Wyss zeigt, wie die Gesellschaften seit dem 19. Jahrhundert mit diesem Prozeß umgehen und mit der Verwestlichung der Welt eine Orientalisierung des Westens einhergeht. Dem Leser als Flaneur über die Bühne der Weltausstellung wird klar: Die Expo 1889 belegt nicht nur den aktuellen Zustand einer Zeit, sondern bietet über die spektakuläre Anordnung ihrer Exponate den Vorschein einer gesellschaftlichen Utopie.

      • Trusted Partner

        Drug Products in Nursing and Care Practice

        Safe handling of medication

        by Dr. Ulrich Räth and Friedhelm Kamann

        The assessment of nursing and care needs and the organisation and quality assurance of nursing care are key tasks performed by nursing staff. This also includes administering medication, something which requires sound organisation, control, implementation and documentation. Nurses observe whether medication is taken consistently, has the desired effect, and whether undesirable side effects occur. The drug product as a „special commodity“ – whether in inpatient long-term care, in outpatient care, or in hospital – requires special knowledge concerning - correct storage, - the pharmacological effect, and - appropriate application. This book is geared towards the diseases and symptoms of people requiring nursing or care. All the important facts concerning the use of medicines are presented here in an understandable manner, focusing on the essentials. Numerous illustrations and practical tips provide the link to everyday nursing care. It is the ideal textbook and reference work for nursing and care assistants as well as nursing professionals.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        July 2016

        The Last Love

        by Can Xue

        This novel by Can Xue presents a whole range of characters with strong personality, such as Joe, Maria, Vincent, Lisa, Reagan and Ida. They are full of vitality and are accordingly unsatisfied with their present status. They actively explore unknown field of life and firmly embark on the journey of spiritual exploration. The novel focuses the complicated and intertwining relationship between husbands, wives and lovers to uncover the hidden inner desire of each character. Boiling wild nature and advanced civilization collide with each other before they finally become one unity. For the readers, entering the world of these characters is like entering their own inner world.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2023

        Transitional justice in process

        Plans and politics in Tunisia

        by Mariam Salehi

        After the fall of the Ben Ali regime in 2011, Tunisia swiftly began dealing with its authoritarian past and initiated a comprehensive transitional justice process, with the Truth and Dignity Commission as its central institution. However, instead of bringing about peace and justice, transitional justice soon became an arena of contention. Through a process lens, the book explores why and how the process evolved, and explains how it relates to the country's political transition. Based on extensive field research in Tunisia and the US, and interviews with a broad range of international stakeholders and decision-makers, this is the first book to comprehensively study the Tunisian transitional justice process. It provides an in-depth analysis of a crucial period, examining the role of justice professionals in different stages, as well as the alliances and frictions between different actor groups that cut across the often-assumed local-international divide.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Practice of Pharmacy

        Textbook for pharmacy interns Handbook for the pharmacy

        by Dr. Michael Sax, founded by Dr. Herbert Gebler and Dr. Gerd Kindl

        After pharmacy studies have ended, the fascinating world of the pharmacy awaits – simultaneously varied and challenging. This is no problem with this well-established standard work to hand! The 7th edition, with a new editor and new structure, goes through the various stages of pharmacy operation. Beginning with the social mandate to supply medicines and then considering the organisational and economic orientation of a pharmacy, one delves ever deeper into its inner workings. In every area, the appropriate specific information can be found about pharmaceutical law and practice – whether this concerns the back office, over-the-counter medicines, dispensary and dispensing, or the supply of care homes, or preparation of cytotoxic drugs. In addition to the important topic “Dispensing of drugs and medical devices on prescription”, particular attention is paid to the principal activity in the pharmacy – giving advice on self-medication. The contents are based on the regulations for registration of pharmacists and the guidelines of the Federal Chamber of Pharmacists for the practical training of pharmacy interns in the pharmacy. The Practice of Pharmacy safely navigates the user through the practical training year and is the ideal preparation for the 3rd State Examination! Returnees, pharmacies that provide training and pharmacists of many years’ experience, will also benefit from this textbook and reference work.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2023

        Love and revolution

        A politics for the deep commons

        by Matt York

        Based on award-winning research, Love and revolution brings classical and contemporary anarchist thought into a mutually beneficial dialogue with a global cross-section of ecological, anti-capitalist, feminist and anti-racist activists - discussing real-life examples of the loving-caring relations that underpin many contemporary struggles. Such a (r)evolutionary love is discovered to be a common embodied experience among the activists contributing to this collective vision, manifested as a radical solidarity, as political direct action, as long-term processes of struggle, and as a deeply relational more-than-human ethics. This book provides an essential resource for all those interested in building a free society grounded in solidarity and care, and offers a timely contribution to contemporary movement discourse.

      • Business, Economics & Law
        April 1905

        Creating Capital

        Money-making as an aim in business

        by Fredrick L. Lipman

        The object of this paper is to discuss money-making; to examine its prevalence as an aim among people generally and the moral standards which obtain among those who consciously seek to make money.

      • Business, Economics & Law
        March 1905

        The Path of the Law

        by Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

        In The Path of the Law, Holmes discusses his personal philosophy on legal practice. The Common Law is a series of lectures that established Holmes's reputation as a witty and articulate writer.

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