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      • Maurizio Corraini S.r.l.

        Our work is made out of curiosity and discovery, used to levity and fun. An unpredictable and uninterrupted process that, in our case, has lasted for over 40 years. 40 years of encounters, bandying between art and books, in search of new languages, contaminations, free experimentation.

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      • October 2020

        Santa's Christmas Holiday

        by Mauri Kunnas

        Have you ever wondered what Santa Claus and the elves do when all the gifts are delivered? Up in the village of Korvatunturi, where the Christmas spirit is at its fullest, a well-deserved holiday break begins for everyone. It lasts for twelve Christmas days, from Christmas Day to Epiphany. In this jolly Christmas story, we find out what happens over Santa’s holiday and how the Korvatunturi folk relax. Delicious delicacies, fun and games, and many other festive traditions from around the world set Santa Claus and his elves to the holiday mood as they enjoy the 12 days of Christmas. The dozen joyous days include many whimsical activities such as snow fun Flumber’s Day loved by many of the elves and a traditional wild Christmas pantomime. Also, there’s a bit of magic in the air at the turning of the year. But most important of all is to enjoy the time together.   The ultimate connoisseur of Christmas, Mauri Kunnas reaches the festive spirit better than anyone. Santa’s Christmas holiday is filled with a warm atmosphere and good-natured humor. The magic of Christmas continues with the merry bunch of Korvatunturi folk.

      • Fiction

        Achilles’ Paradox

        by Achille Mauri

        Only those well-versed in life’s good cheer can cross the most important threshold and step out amused and ever curious to discover the unknown.  In Anime e acciughe (Souls and Anchovies, his debut), Achille Mauri took us by the hand and led us to the great beyond – where only writers have access to, where Dante and Orpheus dared tread, intrepid, in search of love. In Achilles’ Paradox, Mauri informs us that that little excursion was but an appetizer, and that there’s no hurry to get out alive. After all, eternity is congenial to drawn-out spates of enjoyment. You left your watch at home, so to speak, or on the other side of life. Reap the rewards. An irresistible sequel to Anime e acciughe, Achilles’ Paradox is first and foremost a story in itself. Achilles has become a celebrity among the dead. There’s a cloud of anchovies that follows him around. No happier, or bizarre, “train” was ever seen in the great beyond.  Being a celebrity, he is invited to make the rounds on the convention circuit of the great beyond. He discusses love with Shakespeare and Wanda Osiris. He is distraught over immigration, along with Plato, Aeschylus and, among others, Zygmunt Bauman. Reflections on solitude, and moving yet amusing thoughts on aging.  Achilles’ Paradox is an exuberant, profound novel. It explores the paradox that makes us human. The one that, in the end, makes us love death because it makes life that much more important, and inspires us to live every day of our lives with gusto.

      • Romance
        June 2014


        Can you ever escape your past?

        by Julia Ibbotson

        It's 1965 and 18 year old Jess escapes her stifling English background for a gap year in Ghana, West Africa. But it's a time of political turbulence across the region. Fighting to keep her young love who waits back in England, she's thrown into the physical dangers of civil war, tragedy, and the emotional conflict of a disturnbing new relationship. And why do the drumbeats haunt her dreams? This is a rite of passage story which takes the reader hand in hand with Jess on her journey towards growing into the adult world. This is the first novel in the Drumbeats trilogy: Drumbeats Walking in the Rain Before I Die

      • Children's & YA
        June 2014

        Tanze ins Licht

        Reisen zu inneren Kraftquellen

        by Birgit Baader

        Ein praktisches Handbuch für Kinder, Erzieher, Eltern, Therapeuten - für alle, die mit Kindern zusammen sind und sich für sie interessieren.Die Meditationen in diesem Buch sind inspiriert durch die ursprüngliche Kraft der Natur. Tierreich und Pflanzenreich, das Volk der Vögel und der Meeresbewohner, die uralten Farne und viele andere Baumfreunde, aber auch die verschiedenen Elemente - die Kinder des Feuers, Wassers, Windes -, die Mineralien und viele mehr schenkten ihnen ihr mauri (Lebenskraft) und ihr wairua (spirituelle Kraft). Studien zufolge verweilen Kleinkinder lange Zeit-spannen in einem meditativen Alphazustand – wenn man sie lässt. In unserer heute oft hekti-schen und reizüberfluteten Alltagswelt ist es wichtig, kontemplative (Frei-) Räume zu schaffen. Zeiten der Meditation, in der wir die Balance zwischen äußeren Anforderungen und innerer seelischer Kraft wiederherstellen können, sind eine Voraussetzung für ein ausgeglichenes, selbst-bestimmtes Leben.    Teilen Sie dieses wesentliche "Werkzeug" mit Ihren Kindern, Schülern, Patienten... und gehen Sie selbst auf die Reise zu inneren Kraftquellen.

      • Self-help & personal development
        February 2020

        Comunicar en la Universidad y en la vida profesional

        by Jiménez Yáñez, Ricardo María

        ¿Te gustaría redactar con fluidez un examen, un informe o un trabajo académico? ¿Quieres escribir correos electrónicos eficaces? ¿Te bloqueas al hablar delante de otros? ¿Quieres exponer en público con seguridad y convicción? Este libro de comunicación escrita y oral se dirige a universitarios y a profesionales que quieran expresarse mejor. En él se presentan las claves para dar fluidez a las ideas y para lograr escribir y hablar con claridad, precisión y corrección, incluso con elegancia. El autor de esta obra cuenta con 30 años de experiencia en las aulas.

      • May 2019

        Albi Learns to Swim

        by Mikko Kunnas and Markus Majaluoma

        Albi lives in a world of ever lasting snow, with his friends, a bird, a penguin, a whale and a worm.  When he reads his favourite picture book, he always falls asleep - and has wonderful dreams about adventures in the world of people.  This time Albi goes to the beach, but when he takes swimming lessons, he realises that snow floats, and he doesn't need lessons! How about learning to dive then?  Perhaps not....A delightful book, one of two about Albi, linked to the international hit animation 'Albi the Snowman' by the same creators.

      • Fiction

        Souls and Anchovies

        by Achille Mauri

        What kind of story is this? What’s the link between souls and anchovies, and a whole school of them?! Welcome in afterlife, where souls and anchovies live peacefully together. Be ready to be surprised, though: afterlife might not be just as you expect: everything is light. And it’s called “life now”. Via Cusani, Milan: Achille has just woken up in his place in Milan, and he’s talking to an illustrious deceased, field marshal Radetzky, who lived in that house – of all places! – in the good (for him) old times of the Austrian occupation. The diverse souls who happen to be nearby – but also elsewhere, far or near – join the conversation too and we find ourselves in an afterworld that is very close to our world. So close, that Radetzky, from his vantage point, has renamed it “life now”.Achille’s soul has moved to a garage in Piazza San Marco, to his son’s friends’ Porsche, where even his cat Ely has long decided to settle. From that moment, encounters, stories, conversations become more and more frequent and, of course, surreal… The stories we find are not only those of Umberto Eco, Andy Warhol, Karl Marx, Woody Allen, Elio Fiorucci or Marshal Radetzky: they are also stories of other souls, normal souls, who only go by their name: Marco, or Lucrezia. Don’t be afraid: the conversations are always ironical, comical at times,even exhilarating. We travel “through” the souls from Dahomey (former name of presentBenin) to the Frankfurt Book Fair, from the Sahara Desert to wedding parties in Buenos Aires. We laugh, hoping that “life now” will be just like that, just as fun, just as varied, with its mysteries so clear. “Life now” is also full of animals flying around, all with a soul. And, of course, it’s full of anchovies, swimming in enormous schools and literally transporting other souls, human souls.

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure


        An illustrated history

        by Serafino Ripamonti

        The story of the mountaineering association Ragni di Lecco (the “spiders” of Lecco) from the Forties to our present day, with documents and eyewitness accounts on their accomplishments all around the world, from America to Patagonia. “Ragni di Lecco” is the oldest and most prestigious rock-climbing group in Italy. Its famed red jersey with its badge featuring a six-legged spider is linked to the most challenging ascents in the world – from Alpine peaks to the wuthering heights of Patagonia to the mindboggling altitudes of the Himalaya. Its famed bearers include Riccardo Cassin, Carlo Mauri, Casimiro Ferrari, along with many others who have left an indelible mark on the history of mountain climbing and daring deeds. This illustrated volume recounts the intertwined stories of brotherhood, love for the mountains and historical exploits, beginning with the first generation of “spiders”, who in 1946 sought to take back the youth they had been denied by the horrors of the World War, and following their footsteps from the local peaks of Grigna to the historical ascent of the Western face of Cerro Torre in 1974. And the tale continues today, with the adventures of a new generation of top climbers, like Matteo Della Bordella, adding their own chapters to the history of the association and keeping alive a love of adventure with a dash of romanticism.

      • Advancing the Frontiers of Monetary Policy

        by Tobias Adrian, Douglas Laxton, Maury Obstfeld

        The book outlines efficient operational procedures, central bank communications, financial stability issues, and the importance of incorporating financial conditions in inflation-forecast targeting. It also reviews the experiences of Canada, the Czech Republic, India, and the United States. The analysis argues for assertive policies and maximum transparency, especially when long-term expectations tilt toward high inflation or deflation.

      • Children's & YA


        by Marcia Kupstas

        An unforgettable journey changes the way the protagonist Maurícia faces life, releasing her from her daily fears and anxieties.  The adventures and challenges the youth faces allow the reader to see himself/herself in the reference universe where the characters are inscribed, as well as share their spheres of action. The storyline takes us through the Brazilian Amazon and gets Machu Picchu, the ruins of the Inca city in Peru, involving Archeology and UFOs.

      • September 2020

        I Don't Like Mondays

        by Clara Clementine Eliasson

        Akin to Emma Cline’s The Girls and classic Thelma & Louise, I DON’T LIKE MONDAYS is an emotionally-charged whirlwind of a debut novel, loosely based on the infamous ‘I don’t like Mondays’ 1979 school shooter Brenda Ann Spencer, focusing on the months leading up to the event. ‘Her name was Elisabeth Sumner, but I called her B. She made my life an adventure when I thought nothing was ever going to happen. I have to tell the story of her and everything we experienced, because in all other stories, she was just the girl behind that shooting. And I need to write about my own guilt in what was to come.’ San Diego 1978. Fifteen-year-old Julie leads a lonely, closeted life in a white picket fence suburb, when her neighbour B suddenly knocks on her door. B brings with her adventure, danger and kisses tasting of cinnamon and whisky—along with the scent of dead birds, gunpowder and rage. What was to follow sent shock waves throughout the USA and the world, reverberating still today. Forty years later, when B escapes from prison where she’s been jailed for the 1979 shooting, Julie’s memories of their wild, impossible summer come back to haunt her; the summer B took her on an unbridled road-trip where danger and desperation were their constant companions. But what happened that summer to cause B to commit the heinous act, and what was Julie’s role in it? In this absolutely remarkable debut novel, Clara Clementine Eliasson pens a deft and passionate tale about the obsession of first love, the utter despair of feeling doomed from the start, and of the freedom of running wild in the hot, feverish nights among the flowering citrus trees of southern California. Hurtling at an impossible speed toward a dreadful end, I DON’T LIKE MONDAYS reminds the reader of the tragic yet life-affirming Thelma & Louise, the hope of innocence in the face of evil in Emma Cline’s The Girls, as well as the blinding fury toward an unfair world in Joyce Carol Oates’ Foxfire.   * The term ‘I Don’t Like Mondays’ was coined by Brenda Ann Spencer in an on-air radio interview minutes after the shooting. Spencer’s bizarre response to the question why she opened fire on the elementary school across the road inspired Bob Geldof to pen the unforgettable hit song of the same name. The character B  in Eliasson’s book is inspired by the real life Brenda Ann Spencer.

      • Business, Economics & Law

        Debt and Entanglements Between the Wars

        by Era Dabla-Norris, Thomas Sargent, Martin Ellison, George Hall, Harold James, Andrew Scott

        This edited volume focuses on the responses to the set of conditions created in the aftermath of World War I. The chapters provide a cross-country comparison of the interwar period from 1914 to 1940 and describes how fiscal policies affected political and economic interests, influenced alliances, defaults, and the unwinding of debts. This period in global economic history offers rich material for studying international monetary and debt policies.

      • Literature & Literary Studies

        Music against walls in the Arab-Israeli conflict

        by Ana Arambarri

        With an agile, precise and sustained style Música Contra los Muros explores the influence of music on the human being in extreme circumstances. Different choral voices immerse the reader in the geopolitical labyrinth of the Middle East and tell a true and little-known story: that of famous musicians who canceled all their commitments and voluntarily traveled to Israel to encourage their compatriots who were fighting at the front. Against this backdrop, suggestive narrative threads are woven: the passionate romance of the pianist Daniel Barenboim with the cellist Jacqueline du Pré during the Six Day War; the account of Israeli soldiers, whose voices were censored for forty years, forced to participate in a war in which they did not believe; or the torn lives of thousands of Palestinians who, since the occupation, lost the right to a decent and dignified life. Hand in hand with a narrative strategy that recalls the New Journalism that emerged in the sixties, a reconciliation proposal is offered: the case of the West-Eastern Divan orchestra, made up of Arab, Israeli and Palestinian musicians, shows that thanks to music, coexistence is possible. Edward Said, a Palestinian thinker and philosopher, asked himself: Who knows how far we are going to be able to change the thoughts and convictions of these young people thanks to music? The energy of this interrogation continues to challenge the possibilities of the present, while confirming the success of an experience as unusual as it is fascinating.

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