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Promoted ContentHumanities & Social Sciences
The Gospel of Prosperity
Literary and critical perspectives about the science of getting right quick
by Luis Miguel Estrada
In 2020, amidst the whirlwind of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ideas from books about the science of becoming a millionaire returned to Luis Miguel Estrada whom, since he left a financial job, has dedicated himself fully to literature. In this book, he thinks some of the key questions raised by bestsellers from Napoleon Hill to Kiyosaki. Do we stop seeking money just because we pursue art? More importantly: regardless of what we do, how do we seek money? Why have narratives like positive thinking and the law of attraction become a universal language that gains strength during each economic crisis? Is there a link between bestsellers about the science of getting rich and great universal literature? This book attempts to answer these questions, beginning with the origins of books on becoming a millionaire, which delve into the agile 19th-century United States, transition through the fast-paced turn of the century, and explode in the years after the Great Depression. The journey continues with examples of wild successes (real-life fraudsters like Elizabeth Holmes or fictional criminals like Walter White from Breaking Bad) that prompt us to question the influence of success-at-any-cost ideas on popular culture, as well as their ethical limits. How can one reconcile readings, cultural products, and experiences that seem so distant? The broader reading audience responds more to "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill than to "The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck. Is there a way to read them alongside each other and emerge renewed from the experience? This book invites you on that adventure.
Children's & YAJune 2019
Maira, the blackberry elf
Looking for a new home
by Lena Fischer
Maira the blackberry elf lives in a fairytale world in a forest of blackberry tendrils. In the autumn, she enjoys the last warm rays of sunshine from the safety of her nest. What a cozy home! But all of a sudden, her nest is blown away with the first autumn storm and Maira finds herself lost on the forest floor. Where should she go now? On her search, Maira meets many forest dwellers. They all want to help her, but they can't offer her a place to stay all winter. Will Maira find a new home?
Children's & YAFebruary 2017
Hoy es miércoles
Children whose future has been stolen have only their imagination
by Patricio Nouveau
An unknown adult unexpectedly turns up in the lives of Gilmar and Lanh at the same time but in different parts of the world. Gilmar lives in Bolivia and his father works in the old silver miines of Cerro Rico in the city of Potosí; Lanh is an orphan, she was taken in by the Thuy Xuân orphanage in Vietnam after her parents died when the Perfume River flooded. From their native cities, accompanied by the strange adult, they each undertake a journey that will lead them to Sas, a child soldier who, tries to escape during the Sierra Leone civil war to find his family, return to his former life and set out on a new future. The journey brings together three points on the planet, three languages and three cultures whose only relationship is a book whose photographs have disappeared since Sas was kidnapped from his school. The three boys are eleven years old. They are searching for each other, they need to find each other.
Literature: history & criticismFebruary 2023
Comerse a Venezuela, en 14 platos nacionales
by Ramón David León / Daniel León / Julio León
"Comerse a Venezuela, en 14 platos nacionales", es una selección de 14 biografías culinarias incluidas en la obra original: "Geografía Gastronómica Venezolana", publicada en 1954. La nueva edición: "Geografía de Venezuela: Una experiencia culinaria - Siglo XXI- Limitada Edition", desde su publicación en marzo de 2019, ha sido distinguida en siete categorías por los Gourmand World Cookbook Awards, durante los años 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, y 2023.
Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)March 2018
Muerte en Mitra
by Miquel Bota
Wake up, Ramón! What are you looking for? Why? After the partial loss of his memory, Ramón Mitra embarks on an introspective journey that takes him to a destination not imagined. In a delirious transition between reality and possibility, revisiting specific moments of his past, the protagonist of the novel will persist in his efforts to recover the pieces of himself that are missing. With the help of a young nurse, a philosophy student, a pharmacist reading Freud and a provincial secretary, Ramón struggles to achieve enlightenment through his personal odyssey, in which the fight against desire will be the mark of his itinerary. Set in mid-20th century Spain, nothing will be accidental in the history of Ramón Mitra: not his name, not the tests to which he will be subjected, neither the absences nor the presences of his journey.
May 2017
Cat Power
La toma de la Tierra
by Cecilia Palmeiro
Rorro the cat (of extraterrestrial origin) writes about a character named “Godmother,” a shopping center goddess, connoisseur of international lovers, queer militant, and synthetic drug partier who he unscrupulously calls “CONICET Bureaucrat,” and who he outs as a thief, judging himself as the author of the book, Desbunde y felicidad: attributed to the top critic Cecilia Palmeiro. Rorro’s project? Taking over Earth to invent The Clowder Future. The book’s plot is insane, full of designer orgies, semi-legal trips under the guise of research grants, and hangovers as frequent as the dicks Godmother runs through. But it’s also a radical critique of how humans live, a catty, feminist investigation. María Moreno
Health & Personal Development
Liderazgo en acción
by Gonzalo Gallo González
Relations. How is your relationship with the people around you? Are you one of those who change your way of being with certain people? This volume will show you the variables that exist in relationships and in communication between human beings, it will teach you to be more understanding, sensitive and respectful with others. Among other things, it also highlights the importance of knowing how to listen.
by Amaya García Arregui y Alberto Mínguez
When the space shuttle Sila V takes off for the far reaches of the Solar System, it does so with the wrong crew: twelve children. The boys and girls, selected by WASA (the future NASA) to promote the Lunae 2 mission, come from twelve different countries and have very different social backgrounds. Faced with the impossibility of turning around, and during the two years of the trip, they will have to live in a framework of isolation and multiple difficulties, such as the demands of a hard training, the low gravity or the unknowns regarding their unexpected take-off.
September 2018
Horizontes culturales de la historia del arte: aportes para una acción compartida en Colombia
by Editor académico: Diego Salcedo Fidalgo. Autores: Karen Cordero Reiman, María Clara Cortés Polanía, Claudia Angélica Reyes Sarmiento, Isabel Cristina Ramírez Botero, Mario Alejandro Molano Vega, Diego Salcedo Fidalgo, Julián Sánchez González, María Margarita Malagón-Kurka, Ana María Franco, Jesús Pedro Lorente, Antonio Sánchez Gómez, Gabriela Gil Verenzuela, Paula Jimena Matiz López, Carlos Rojas Cocoma, Daniel García Roldán, Anne-Marie Losonczy, Jairo Enrique Salazar Chaparro, Mariana Dicker Molano.
Horizontes culturales de la historia del arte. Aportes para una acción compartida en Colombia da cuenta de reflexiones que van desde los silencios u omisiones en la historia del arte, pasando por las conexiones complejas entre estética e historia del arte, hasta las vicisitudes de su práctica en el museo o lugares alternativos. También examina la memoria del arte como nuevo modo de representación, relectura y construcción de subjetividad.
Children's & young adult fiction & true storiesJune 2016
Amor A Cuatro Estaciones
El Diario De Una Ilusión
by Nacarid Portal
In this book, the author leads us through a mirror of emotions, which shows us a path full of ups and downs, where the only option you have is to face the ghosts of the past and move on with life, that life which is filled with both pain and love. Four Seasons of Love is an inward journey that goes beyond the very limits we set ourselves. It is about getting to know your true self again. and be able to find the ability to love your scars. It is about accepting death as a part of life, and that love is not something that has to stay with us to be eternal.
Business, Economics & Law
Negociación. ¿Cooperar o competir?
Segunda edición actualizada.
by Darío Rodríguez Mansilla, María Pilar Opazo, Cristián Saieh Mena
Todos debemos aprender a negociar, no hay escapatoria. Nuestra vida es una negociación permanente. En toda comunicación, desde una conversación entre amigos, pasando por la compra de un auto o la venta de una empresa, hasta la conducción de un Estado, se producen conflictos y se toman decisiones que es necesario negociar. Pero las personas muchas veces administran el conflicto y la toma de decisiones que este conlleva en forma deficiente y, adicionalmente, el inadecuado manejo de la comunicación termina en resultados con pérdida de valor, tiempo, esfuerzo y, lo que es peor, daño a las relaciones. A diferencia de otros títulos, Negociación, ¿cooperar o competir? aporta una metodología novedosa y práctica para abordar una negociación, basada en la teoría de los sistemas sociales y la comunicación, la que va más allá del conocido ganar-ganar. En esta segunda edición actualizada se han introducido complementos y perfeccionamientos a la metodología que se propone. En concreto, especial importancia tiene el capítulo de preparación estratégica de las negociaciones, clave en una cultura dada a la improvisación como la latinoamericana. También se ha abordado en extenso la confianza, tan golpeada hoy en muchos países, que es la base de una negociación exitosa. Con ejemplos prácticos y un estilo amistoso y directo, Negociación, ¿cooperar o competir? nos enseña todo sobre el desafiante proceso de una negociación, desde su planificación, seguido por las opciones de valor, la legitimidad, el cómo y dónde trazar la línea ética, hasta la manera de generar poder, cerrar una negociación y formalizar un acuerdo que refleje transacciones exitosas. "Los conflictos son mucho más frecuentes de lo que se cree y, afortunadamente, menos dañinos de lo que se teme. Sus causas, efectos, grados de intensidad y violencia son diversos, por lo cual existen variadas estrategias y prácticas para enfrentarlos. Los conflictos son inherentes a todo sistema social y pueden generar mayor valor en la mesa de negociación si son gestionados en forma adecuada. Entender los conflictos y su dinámica es fundamental para alcanzar negociaciones exitosas". Pag 15.
Requiem for the Roses
by Alejandra Ángeles
Five young women - Alicia, Paula, Alondra, Constanza, and Marcela, are all cello students at the National Music Conservatory. They will run into a profesor who is obssessed with roses and young women, as much as he is obsessed with Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, which becomes the central leitmotif of Requien for the Roses, and the only common denominator between the women. Their five voices, and the voice of the professor, tell the story in a rhythm that closely follows Vivaldi’s score: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter are each one divided into three movements. The story follows the music. The novel is centered on the disappearance of three of the women – Alicia, Paula, and Alondra. Each one of them is a season: Alicia is Spring, Paula is Summer, and Alondra is Fall. Constanza, who is Winter, may or may not suffer the same destiny as their three predecessors. It may be up to her, or it may be up to the reader. While the destinies of Alicia, Paula, and Alondra has already been determined by their captor, and that of Constanza is up for grabs, Marcela, the fifth woman, search for answers as Alicia was her best friend. She immediately sets her eyes on the cello professor and his strange hobbies and habits.
Business, Economics & Law
Millonaire mind
How To Build Your Own Empire
by Gerardo Garcia Manjarrez
This book bonds financial education with personal development. It contains useful information to know the pillars of abundance, reveals the secrets of financial nutrition, and teaches how to achieve individual and couple prosperity.
FictionNovember 2015
El plan Bérkowitz
by Mario J. Les
The autumn of 2001 has barely begun. An elderly prisoner wakes up in his cell like every morning since an eternity. Tired of the endless confinement, he awaits for his own death as the only way out from the nightmare that haunts him. During the summer of that same year, three young men, partners in a modest audiovisual company, are hired by an eccentric millionaire to make some nature documentaries in Kenya. Excited, they face the opportunity of their lives: a dream job and the possibility of refloating his battered economy. However, they will soon discover that not all that glitters around their patron is gold. In the troubled Germany of 1938, Eyal Bérkowitz was one among hundred Jewish prisoners who were transferred from the Dachau concentration camp to the newly opened Flossenbürg. There they will work from sunrise to sunset in the neighboring quarry, extracting the granite necessary for the constructions that Albert Speer has designed for Hitler's imperialist Germany. The Jewish group, with Bérkowitz leading, will suffer in their flesh the abuse of power by the head of their barracks, Ludwig von Häussler, captain of the SS. With the background of World War II, the attack on Reinhard Heydrich and Operation Valkyrie, Eyal Bérkowitz will devise a risky plan that can save his own life ... and mortgage that of others. * * * Apenas comenzado el otoño de 2001, un anciano prisionero despierta en su celda como cada mañana desde hace una eternidad. Hastiado de ese interminable encierro, aguarda su propia muerte como única salida a la pesadilla que le atormenta. Durante el verano de ese mismo año, tres jóvenes, socios de una modesta empresa audiovisual, son contratados por un excéntrico millonario para realizar unos documentales de naturaleza en Kenia. Entusiasmados, se ven ante la oportunidad de sus vidas; un trabajo soñado y la posibilidad de reflotar su maltrecha economía. Sin embargo, pronto descubrirán que no es oro todo lo que reluce en torno a su mecenas. En la convulsa Alemania de 1938, Eyal Bérkowitz forma parte del centenar de presos judíos que son trasladados del campo de concentración de Dachau al recién inaugurado Flossenbürg. Allí trabajarán de sol a sol en la cantera vecina extrayendo el granito necesario para las construcciones que Albert Speer ha proyectado para la Alemania imperialista de Hitler. El grupo judío, con Bérkowitz a la cabeza, sufrirá en sus carnes el abuso de poder por parte del jefe de su barracón, Ludwig von Häussler, capitán de las SS. Con el trasfondo de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el atentado contra Reinhard Heydrich y la Operación Valkiria, Eyal Bérkowitz ideará un arriesgado plan que puede salvar su propia vida… e hipotecar la de otros.
Children's & YA2019
Animal Love
A Crazy Flirt
by Ángeles Quinteros, Ángeles Vargas
We hug, kiss and cuddle when we are in love. We want to always be close to that special person and even surprise them with gifts. All these actions also take part in the animal kingdom, but not only that! Animals also present a range of endless strange behaviors that will leave you speechless: chases, choreographies and tricks are only some of the things animals do to flirt their mating partners in order to stay together. A book with a sense of humour, but with a scientific and theoretical basis, full of unusual and amusing facts that aim to arouse your curiosity through simple texts, but incorporating the terms used in this specific field, what will broaden the reader's lexicon.
Humanities & Social SciencesApril 2019
Nosotros, Colombia… Comunicación, paz y (pos)conflicto
by Sergio Roncallo-Dow, Juan David Cárdenas Ruiz, Juan Carlos Gómez Giraldo
Peace seems to have been elusive in Colombian history. The ups and downs in the negotiation processes, the unfulfilled promises, and the political polarization have made Colombia a nation in a state of continuous crisis and that, in spite of itself - to take up the old Bushnell phrase - has managed to stay afloat and, above all, do not lose hope for a stable and lasting peace. There have been numerous attempts to build it and they seem to have been unsuccessful, especially because a good part of the collective representation that we have of them has been built from the media apparatus that, in the case of our country, has been at the service of power and that it has resulted in skepticism that, especially since the 1990s, has tended to transform into a strong polarization. With this book, we want not only to think about peace and (post) conflict from communication but to remind (us), once again, that we can still be we.