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      • Hydrology & the hydrosphere
        January 2006

        Practical Isotope Hydrology

        by S.M.Rao

        The book highlights, with practical examples, the potential of isotope techniques in water resources development and management. It starts with a description of isotope characteristics as well as their relevance as tracers in studies on various stages of the hydrological cycle. The book covers applications of both environmental isotopes and injected tracers to surface water and groundwater bodies as well as their interrelationships. In view of the importance of identification of groundwater recharge and recharge processes, due emphasis is given to this aspect of application of environmental isotopes. Role of isotopes in understanding groundwater contamination from natural pollutants like inland salinity, arsenic and nitrate is discussed with examples.

      • Hydrology & the hydrosphere
        July 2015

        Review of the Everglades Aquifer Storage and Recovery Regional Study

        by Committee to Review the Florida Aquifer Storage and Recover Regional Study Technical Data Report; Water Science and Technology Board; Division on Earth and Life Studies; National Research Council

        The Florida Everglades is a large and diverse aquatic ecosystem that has been greatly altered over the past century by an extensive water control infrastructure designed to increase agricultural and urban economic productivity. The Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP), launched in 2000, is a joint effort led by the state and federal government to reverse the decline of the ecosystem. Increasing water storage is a critical component of the restoration, and the CERP included projects that would drill over 330 aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) wells to store up to 1.65 billion gallons per day in porous and permeable units in the aquifer system during wet periods for recovery during seasonal or longer-term dry periods. To address uncertainties regarding regional effects of large-scale ASR implementation in the Everglades, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the South Florida Water Management District conducted an 11-year ASR Regional Study, with focus on the hydrogeology of the Floridan aquifer system, water quality changes during aquifer storage, possible ecological risks posed by recovered water, and the regional capacity for ASR implementation. At the request of the USACE, Review of the Everglades Aquifer Storage and Recovery Regional Study reviews the ASR Regional Study Technical Data Report and assesses progress in reducing uncertainties related to full-scale CERP ASR implementation. This report considers the validity of the data collection and interpretation methods; integration of studies; evaluation of scaling from pilot-to regional-scale application of ASR; and the adequacy and reliability of the study as a basis for future applications of ASR.

      • Mining technology & engineering
        January 2014

        Guidelines for Evaluating Water in Pit Slope Stability

        by Edited by Geoff Beale, John Read

        Guidelines for Evaluating Water in Pit Slope Stability is a comprehensive account of the hydrogeological procedures that should be followed when performing open pit slope stability design studies. Created as an outcome of the Large Open Pit (LOP) project, an international research and technology transfer project on the stability of rock slopes in open pit mines, this book expands on the hydrogeological model chapter in the LOP project's previous book Guidelines for Open Pit Slope Design (Read & Stacey, 2009; CSIRO PUBLISHING).   The book comprises six sections which outline the latest technology and best practice procedures for hydrogeological investigations. The sections cover: the framework used to assess the effect of water in slope stability; how water pressures are measured and tested in the field; how a conceptual hydrogeological model is prepared; how water pressures are modelled numerically; how slope depressurisation systems are implemented; and how the performance of a slope depressurisation program is monitored and reconciled with the design.   Guidelines for Evaluating Water in Pit Slope Stability offers slope design practitioners a road map that will help them decide how to investigate and treat water pressures in pit slopes. It provides guidance and essential information for mining and civil engineers, geotechnical engineers, engineering geologists and hydrogeologists involved in the investigation, design and construction of stable rock slopes.

      • Geology & the lithosphere
        May 2017

        Landslide Research

        The DST Initiative

        by SM. Ramasamy & Bhoop Singh

        The book Landslide Research- The DSTs Initiatives is a compilation of over 21 Scientific articles on various aspects of Landslides viz: Overviews, Earth system processes and Landslides, Landslide hazard Zonation mapping, Geotechnical investigations, instrumentation and early warning of Landslides, Satellite based monitoring of Landslides, site specific investigations etc. These articles are the outcome of the studies carried by various academicians, researchers and the research institutions under the funding of NRDMS/DST in different geological provinces of Indian subcontinent. These articles provide wider and deeper spectrum of information on earth system processes like post collision tectonics of Shillong plateau, Churachandpur-Mao fault and up-warping of Tirumalai hills and the Landslides; different geo-spatial and geo-statistical techniques and optimisation of methods for Landslide hazard zonation mapping from Western Ghats of South India, BIS based methods of LHZ mapping and Geotechnical investigations encompassing RMR, SMR & Kinematic studies of landslides of northeastern region; instrumentation and forewarning of Jakhri Landslides, wireless sensor based Landslide monitoring of Munnar (Kerala); SAR interferometery based monitoring of Nainital and Mansadevi landslides; and site specific landslides studies of Kailasaur (Himalayas), Rawana slides (Himachal Pradesh), geophysical studies of Landslides of Mizoram region, Malin landslides (Maharashtra) , techniques of diagnosing active movements from Nilgiris etc.

      • Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        June 2011

        Engineering and General Geology

        by P.T. Sawant

        All undergraduate and postgraduate students of science and engineering faculties will be benefited by this book. It is meant for all undergraduate and postgraduate students of civil engineering science faculty and geology irrespective of their specializations. This book is based mainly on a course of lectures prepared to cover the syllabus of engineering geology course in Universities all over the country. The book will be useful for Civil Engineering students of other universities also. The engineering geology portion of the book also covers the engineering geology included in the B.Sc, M. Sc and M. Tech courses in geology and the book will meet the requirements of students of geology as far as engineering geology is concerned like practicing engineers who need a simple introduction to the principles of geology which are important from the point of view of engineering will get them in this book."

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