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        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        September 2023

        The Olive

        Botany and Production

        by Andrea Fabbri, Luciana Baldoni, Tiziano Caruso, Franco Famiani, Giovanni Agosteo, Barbera Giuseppe, Angjelina Belaj, Antonio Belcari, Karim Barkaoui, Giora Ben-Ari, Alon Ben-Gal, Giovanni Benelli, Rita Biasi, Iris Biton, Konstantinos Blazakis, Aureliano Bombarely, Antonio Brunori, Santa Olga Cacciola, Angelo Canale, Giovanni Caruso, Tiziano Caruso, Nicola Cinosi, Arnon Dag, Ran Erel, Daniela Farinelli, Louise Ferguson, Tommaso Ganino, Jesus A Gil-Ribes, Calero José Alfonso Gómez, Riccardo Gucci, Consolación Guerrero, Panagiotis Kalaitzis, Maurizio Lambardi, Lauri Pierre-Eric, Lorenzo León, Bianco Riccardo Lo, Enrico Maria Lodolini, Francisco Luque, Hanene Mairech, Picchi Malayka, Giulia Marino, Roberto Mariotti, Francesco Paolo Marra, G Medina-Alonso, José A Mercado, Maurizio Micheli, Soraya Mousavi, Monji Msallem, Dvora Namdar, Isabel Narváez, Elena Palomo-Ríos, Ruggero Petacchi, Pierluigi Pierantozzi, Malayka Samantha Picchi, Amalia Rosa Maria Piscopo, Fernando Pliego-Alfaro, Primo P

        The European or Mediterranean cultivated olive (Olea europaea L., subsp. europaea, var. europaea) is one of the most ancient cultivated fruit tree crops. Today, hundreds of olive varieties are grown to produce high-quality fruit for oil and for table olives consumption. The olive industry has undergone profound innovations in the past 30 years, due to scientific and technical advances, particularly in genomics, breeding, orchard management, mechanization and agro-ecology, although not all these developments are yet available to smaller producers. Olive cultivation has also spread to many countries outside the Mediterranean Basin, where it ihas been traditionally present for over 6,000 years. These new olive-growing countries are experiencing further expansion of the industry, due to increased awareness of the nutritional and health properties of extra virgin olive oil. This book is a much-needed update on olive biology and cultivation, with contributions from leading international experts, and includes: Biology Genetics and breeding Olive propagation and nursery Planting new olive orchards Horticultural management of olive orchards Plant protection Olive by-products (wood, leaves) Multifunctionality of olive groves and ecosystem services The Olive: Botany and Production is invaluable for researchers and students in horticulture and agriculture, as well as producers involved in olive orchard management.

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        Agriculture & related industries
        June 2013

        Potential Invasive Pests of Agricultural Crops

        by Jose Romeno Faleiro, Alvaro Castañeda Vildózola, Robert A Haack, Crebio Avila, Jose Roberto Parra, Mark S Hoddle, Alberto Urbaneja, Ana E Diaz Montilla, Juli Gould, Andrea Birke, Aldo Malavasi, V J Satarkar, Raymond J Gagne, Juliet Goldsmith, J. Ramon Castillo Valiente, Jose Carlos Rodrigues, Cal Welbourn, Denise Navia, Amy Roda, Mark P Culik, J M Alvarez, Takumasa Kondo, Gregory A Evans, Kenneth B Storey, Michael K Hennessey, David W Bartels, Anne S Roy, Ana Isabel Gonzalez, Greg Hodges. Edited by Jorge E Peña.

        Invasive arthropods cause significant damage in agricultural crops and natural environments across the globe. Potentially threatened regions need to be prepared to prevent new pests from becoming established. Therefore, information on pest identity, host range, geographical distribution, biology, tools for detection and identification are all essential to researchers and regulatory personnel. This book focuses on the most recent invasive pests of agricultural crops in temperate subtropical and tropical areas and on potential invaders, discussing their spread, biology and control.

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        Biography & True Stories

        Memories of Witnesses of Gold Silver Beach Legend

        by Narrated by Yimin REN, Side HU, Jingkan WANG, etc.

        During over 30 years from its establishment till its closure, numerous scientists and engineers, workers and cadres devoted their youth to Gold Silver Beach Base, making great achievements to China’s scientific and technological development. This book makes a legendary history of Gold Silver Beach reappear by combining relevant archives with extensive oral notes of scientific and technical workers who had worked in Gold Silver Beach from different perspectives, which makes it more stereoscopic, comprehensive and vivid.

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        Dietetics & nutrition
        May 2006

        Olive Oil and Health

        by Edited by Jose L Quiles, Carmen Ramirez-Tortosa, Parveen Yaqoob

        Nutritional aspects of dietary fats, in general, and of olive oil in particular, are of great interest in many nutrition-related pathologies in which they are implicated. Olive oil plays an important role in the reduction of blood cholesterol levels, hence reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. It is a good source of antioxidants in the form of polyphenols and vitamin E and there is also emerging evidence that olive oil has a role in reducing the incidence of certain types of cancer. This book discusses and summarizes current research and knowledge on olive oil.

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        Tourism industry
        August 2013

        International Volunteer Tourism

        Integrating Travellers and Communities

        by Stephen Wearing, Nancy Gard McGehee

        Volunteer tourism has increased in popularity and prevalence and is no longer considered only a small section of alternative tourism. It is now part of the mainstream tourism industry and tourism experience for many people. Concentrating on the experience of the volunteer tourist and the host community, this new book builds on the view of volunteer tourism as a positive and sustainable form of tourism to examine a broader spectrum of behaviours and experiences and consider critically where the volunteer tourist experience both compliments and collides with host communities, using multiple case studies.

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        Carol Reed

        by Peter William Evans

        Carol Reed is one of the truly outstanding directors of British cinema, and one whose work is long overdue for reconsideration. This major study ranges over Reed's entire career, combining observation of general trends and patterns with detailed analysis of twenty films, both acknowledged masterpieces and lesser-known works. Evans avoids a simplistic auteurist approach, placing the films in their autobiographical, socio-political and cultural contexts and relating these to the analysis of Reed's art. The critical approach combines psychoanalysis, gender theory, and the analysis of form. Archival research is also relied on to clarify Reed's relations with his creative team, financial backers and others. Films examined include Bank Holiday, A Girl Must Live, Odd Man Out, The Fallen Idol, The Third Man, Night Train to Munich, The Way Ahead, Outcast of the Islands, Trapeze and Oliver!.

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        Sport & leisure industries
        February 2008

        Journeys of Discovery in Volunteer Tourism

        International Case Study Perspectives

        by Kevin D Lyons, Stephen Wearing

        The fast-growing phenomenon of volunteer tourism encompasses a diverse range of activities, from conserving environments to working with host communities to alleviate poverty. However, understanding the complex relationship between volunteering and tourism requires a wide analytical framework. This book provides a broad and valuable insight into how volunteer tourism is growing and developing. Theoretical and empirical case studies from leading researchers in the field explore the experiences of the volunteer tourist and the power relationships between volunteers and host communities and commercial, non-commercial and government entities involved in developing and supporting volunteer tourism. The ambiguous and contested intersections between volunteering, travel and alternative tourism as a foundation for considering the future of volunteer tourism are also examined.

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        Notes for Dementia Support Workers

        The Quick Reference Book on Working with People with Dementia

        by Sylke Werner

        The practical quick reference book for dementia support workers, who inspire, support, and care for people with dementia in their daily lives in their own homes and in residential care. With a clear, specific, and professional approach, Sylke Werner explains the responsibilities that dementia support work entails and the forms and symptoms of dementia. She provides detailed descriptions of activities and ways of life for people with dementia, as well as work on the patient’s life story, care, and activities in the patient’s own home, care homes, and palliative care environments. Challenging behavior, the importance of care workers’ being attentive to their own needs, and legal principles are also covered in this practical handbook for dementia support workers.   Target Group: Dementia support workers, geriatric nurses, activity and enrichment specialists, nursing assistants/direct care workers

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        Botany & plant sciences
        December 2008


        by Ioannis Therios

        Olive culture is growing rapidly, and expanding all over the world outside traditional centres of olive growth and production. Olives are not only a significant food source, but also contribute to human health and are becoming popular in health-conscious diets far beyond their Mediterranean origins.Reviewing an extensive array of literature from both a theoretical and practical perspective, this comprehensive guide deals with all aspects of olive culture, from its history, origins and traditional techniques to the latest horticultural procedures and basic physiology. The book's accessible and broadly illustrated format makes it an indispensable text for students, interested individuals and both active and amateur horticulturists.

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        Notes for Personal Care Workers

        The Quick Reference Book on Caring for the Elderly

        by Sylke Werner

        This quick reference book explains what personal care is, why it is necessary, which competencies personal care workers require, and how to safely and professionally care for, engage, and support people in need of care and their relatives in their daily lives.   Target Group: Personal care workers, geriatric nurses

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        Demonstrations & protest movements
        July 2014

        Worker protests in post-communist Romania and Ukraine

        Striking with tied hands

        by Mihai Varga

        Worker protests in post-communist Romania and Ukraine is a book about strategies of trade unions confronting employers in difficult conditions. The book's main idea is to study why and how successful forms of workers' interest representation could emerge in a hostile context. The post-communist context makes it difficult for workers and trade unions to mobilise, pose threats to employers, and break out of their political isolation, but even under such harsh conditions strategy matters for defending workers' rights and living standards. The cases studied in this book are 18 conflict episodes at 10 privatised plants in the Romanian steel industry and Ukraine's civil machine-building sector in the 2000s. This book should be relevant for anyone taking interest in how and to what extent workers can reassert their influence over the conditions of production in regions and economic sectors characterised by disinvestment (of which outsourcing and 'lean' methods of production are instances).

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        October 2022

        L’amour numérique

        Und täglich grüßt die Liebesgier. Ein Episodenroman | Search, Swipe, Date, Repeat: Oliver Polak sucht die große Liebe

        by Oliver Polak

        Was es heißt, jenen einzigen Menschen zu finden, der die große Liebe bedeutet: Nichts Geringeres beschreibt Oliver Polak in seinem neuen Buch L’amour numérique. Oder, um es mit der Band Toto zu sagen: Hold the line. Love isn’t always on time. In verschiedenen Episoden erzählt er von den erhebenden und ernüchternden Herausforderungen der modernen Liebe. Search, Swipe and Date – so beginnen immer wieder die Abenteuer vor der Kulisse des romantischsten aller Orte, dem Pariser Café. Und die so arrangierten Begegnungen enden mal im Fauxpax, dann wieder entwaffnend menschlich. L’amour numérique ist wahrheitsgetreu erfunden und zugleich erfahrungsgesättigt. Ein tiefer Seelenstriptease des inneren Ichs, denn am Ende begegnet der Protagonist nur einer Person: sich selbst. Trifft er die Frauen, um sie zu lieben, oder trifft er sie nur, um sich selbst nicht zu lieben? Ein Buch über Sehnsucht, Verlangen und Zärtlichkeit in einer ungewissen Welt. Leonard Cohen, Batman, Oliver Polak: die großen Liebhaber mit durstigen Herzen.

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        Tourism industry
        October 2001

        Volunteer Tourism: Experiences that Make a Difference

        by Edited by Stephen Wearing

        Volunteer tourism describes a field of tourism in which travellers visit a destination and take part in projects in the local community. Projects are commonly nature-based, people-based or involve restoration of buildings and artefacts.Contemporary volunteer tourism has tended to suffer from a lack of differentiation from other forms of tourism or volunteering, falling into areas such as alternative tourism, international volunteering, social work and conservation corps work. The aim of this book is to provide it with a more specific identity.This book provides:An overview of the phenomenon of volunteer tourism, its sources and its development as a conceptA focus on the potential positive social and environmental benefits of volunteer tourism, and the prerequisites for a successful experience

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