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      • 2020

        A Geografia da Paz


        A geografia da paz é uma obra clássica do pensamento geopolítico mundial. Spykman apresenta de forma muito clara os caminhos geoestratégicos, para superar o que Mackinder chamaria de maior das generalizações da geografia, o poder do Heartland. Do seu imenso esforço teórico para apresentar uma solução para tal questão, usando todo o aparato teórico da geoestratégia, nasce uma regionalização do Rimland e sua formulação tão conhecida. Em outras palavras, nunca houve realmente uma simples oposição do poder terrestre e poder marítimo. O alinhamento histórico sempre foi em termos de alguns membros do Rimland com a Grã-Bretanha contra alguns membros do Rimland com a Rússia, ou a Grã-Bretanha e a Rússia unidos contra um poder dominante do Rimland. O ditado de Mackinder “Quem controla a Europa oriental governa o Heartland; quem governa o Heartland governa a Ilha Mundial; e quem governa a Ilha Mundial, o Mundo” é falso. Se há um slogan para a política de poder do Velho Mundo, deve ser “Quem controla o Rimland, governa a Eurásia, quem governa a Eurásia controla os destinos do mundo”.

      • Geography & the Environment

        Chile geopoético

        by Miguel Laborde

        Esta publicación reúne veintiocho columnas del investigador, académico y escritor Miguel Laborde, con ilustraciones de Alejandra Acosta, publicadas en la revista La Panera. Sus textos dan cuenta de una serie de datos geográficos e históricos que permiten asomarse a ciertos rasgos distintivos de Chile desde los cuales se construye un relato del imaginario local. La geopoética como concepto nace como una herramienta para comprender y expresar nuestra relación con el mundo y el pensar a la Tierra. Considera la cultura como el modo en el que los seres humanos se conciben a sí mismos y se organizan y orientan. “Desde el punto de vista literario, un libro como este, que corrió el riesgo de ser concebido por la vía de la protesta en un lenguaje de pura comunicación, es, por el contrario, un libro poético, de excelente prosa, de gran riqueza de imágenes y sorpresas de lógica e ilógica. Su crítica al modelo de civilización vigente es lapidaria, pero de un furor contenido”. Gastón Soublette

      • 850 Questions and Answers

        by Chiara Brizzolara

        Over 110 different topics and 850 questions in a 128-page book with hundreds of beautiful photos and illustrations.

      • The Arts
        August 2019


        by Fernanda Arêas Peixoto and Adrián Gorelik (editors)

        Organized by Fernanda Arêas Peixoto, professor at the Department of Anthropology of the University of São Paulo, and Adrián Gorelik, professor at the University of Quilmes, this book is the result of a collective research project about the cultural urban history in South America, which was developed by a group of South American researchers. Using as a compass the notion of “cultural arena”, this work performs a reflection on the city as a place of cultural germination, experimentation and resistance. Some cities – Buenos Aires, Santiago, Lima, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Salvador, Montevideo, among others – are studied in order to capture the intimate and inextricable relations between city and culture.

      • March 2020

        Women, empowerment and legacy

        by Silvana Mello

        Woman, empowerment and legacy, offers the possibility to discuss woman in a brazilian and overall scenario, their challenges, particularities, difficulties and the reflection and analysis of the unequal society that we face everyday. Through the choose of a strong theme like this, the author Silvana Mello, searches to contribute and leaves a positive mark for the future female generations.

      • January 2020

        Dio, sorpresa per la storia

        Per una teologia post-secolare

        by Carmelo, Dotolo

        To meet God means entering into a new relationship that urges us to reconsider the models that have fuelled our believing experience. God is a constant surprise, a surprise that generates a new theological syntax for thinking, praying and narrating the adventure of existence.

      • Children's & YA
        October 2022

        Daniel Ghost and the Wandering Souls

        by Nicola Lucchi

        Daniel is an introverted boy who struggles to find friends in the village where he went to live after the disappearance of his parents. Finally one day, a new classmate seems to notice him. The problem, however, is that apparently he is the only one who can see her, thus making him look like a weirdo - more than usual.The girl is a ghost called Diana and she is quite grumpy. In fact, it looks like it annoys her a lot that Daniel can see her. She has a job to do, and he can only get in the way. In those same days, an even stranger event -if possible- happens in the school. In the new-year-of-school photo of a class in their own corridor, 13 children appear, but they were only 12 in front of the photographer! They are all shocked, and Professor Trevis most of them all. There is another ghost in the school, but not like Diana. He is different. He is a wandering soul, a dangerous spirit. Diana was sent to investigate, to find out why he reappeared, to help him get back to where he came from. Unfortunately, Daniel will have to help her… First book in Daniel Ghost Series.

      • Health & Personal Development
        August 2020

        Beauty from inside out

        Health, balance and well-being

        by Juliana Garcia Dias

        Health, lifestyle, healthy recipes, balance of body and soul. The book endocrinologist Juliana Garcia Dias gathers tips, technical information and his clinical experience. Praised by Peter Neville journalist and prefaced by doctor Cynthia Valerio, the text of the author of the idea that "everything is interconnected and our body listens to what our mind, our thoughts and our energy speech." Beauty from the inside out - provides us with essential alerts off, weightings and contributions so that you can live in the best way: with quality. Expert in their field of knowledge, Juliana Garcia Dias preaches a Medicine "integrated and increasingly modern technology and precise is the prevention, control, treatment and cure of diseases." The author focuses on the observation of individuals, shows us how some simple daily choices can "change the path of our healthy life," reveals myths and truths, presents issues of the feminine universe. According to the author: "in the ancient language, care of our emotions leading us to enlightenment. In contemporary language, care of our emotions means more well-being and quality of life."

      • June 2018

        Puente y precipicio, última poesía rusa

        by Varios autores, Círculo de Poesía, Círculo de Poesía, Círculo de Poesía, Círculo de Poesía

        Toda antología es el mapa de un espacio más o menos desconocido. Fiel a ese principio, este volumen de poesía rusa en lengua castellana, en selección y traducción de Indira Díaz, nos guía por el basto territorio a lo largo de la segunda mitad del sigloo XX y de los primeros años del siglo XXI. Como todo mapa, éste abre ante nosotros un sinfin de mundos - no menos de cincuenta que es el número de poetas recogidos - y corresponderá posteriormente al lector adentrarse por cuenta propia en esos mundos o en aquellos otros de los que más o menos indirectamente nos abra las puertas. Cincuenta voces que nos remiten, por ausencia o por presencia, a otros puntos de otros mapas del mismo territorio, mapas temporales (como no sentirnos tentados a buscar, para encontrar o no, los ecos de una Brodsky, una Ajmátova, un Mandelshtam, una Tsvataieva, un Evtushenko, etc., por no remitirnos más a trás), mapas espaciales (no en vano los poetas presentados proceden de los más diversos rincones de la geografía rusa) o mapas de lecturas (¿habrá ecos de tradiciones literarias ajenas a la rusa?, qué cadencia tendrán?). Tantas y tantas respuestas en estas páginas.

      • Ancient Peoples

        by Giorgio Bergamino

        A lively book for those children who want to learn everything about the ancient Romans, Greeks end Egyptians. Many beautiful illustrations and fun comics throughout.

      • Food & Drink
        October 2022

        The Heart of Cocoa

        500 Years of Chocolate History

        by Napoleone Neri

        The temptation par excellence, that craving that suddenly arises and we cannot fight it unless we satisfy it: the desire for chocolate. Perhaps it is because of this power that it is called the most loved food on the planet. Or perhaps it is because its cultivation, production and consumption - which has been growing strongly in the last 10 years - are spread across all continents. Napoleon Neri tells its story, starting with the plant and its fruit, from the pioneers of chocolate, to the birth of confectionery factories in the 19th century and then the great modern industries. He describes in detail the processing and transformation of cocoa beans, their beneficial properties, the sensory characteristics of the finished product, and spices everything up with a thousand anecdotes and curiosities that only those who have lived and worked in this world for so long can know.

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