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      • Mercure de France

        Provided with a remarkable collection, Mercure de France follows an exacting editorial policy: French and foreign literature, poetry, history, anthologies... Awarded many times, the publishing house is associated with prestigious names: Romain Gary, Colette, Ionesco , André Gide, André du Bouchet, Henri Michaux, Adonis, Yves Bonnefoy, Andréï Makine, Gilles Leroy, Anne Serre, Gwenaëlle Aubry, Julian Barnes...

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      • Frayed Edge Press

        Frayed Edge Press is a small independent publishing house based in Philadelphia. We publish literary fiction and poetry, as well asnon-fiction titles in history and political science. We also publish the Street Smart Series of Short Fiction, consisting of contemporary, urban-set novelette-length works. We especially welcome marginalized voices, both historical and contemporary, including women, people of color, ethnic and religious minorities, the LGBTQ+ community, and progressive political viewpoints. We particularly seek to publish works that wrestle with important questions challenging contemporary society, including political and environmental concerns, civil rights, women's rights, and sustainability.

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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2017

        Die Geschichte der gestiefelten Kitty

        by Beatrix Potter, Quentin Blake, Sabine Erbrich

        »Es war einmal eine ehrliche, wohlerzogene junge schwarze Katze« … Dass Kitty alles andere als ehrlich und wohlerzogen ist, liegt bei einer Erzählung von Beatrix Potter natürlich auf der Hand. Dass sie ihrem Frauchen, einer liebenswürdigen alten Dame, aber derart hinterlistige Streiche spielt, damit konnte niemand rechnen. Anstatt nämlich brav im Gartenhäuschen zu nächtigen, streunt Kitty in Frack, Pelzstiefeln und mit einer Schrotflinte bewaffnet durch die Wälder und begegnet allerlei fiesen Gestalten wie zwei ungehobelten Frettchen und – zu Kittys großem Entsetzen – schließlich auch dem hundsgemeinen Fuchs Mr. Todd. Zum Glück gibt es da noch ihre Freunde, die Kitty aus dem größten Schlamassel wieder heraushelfen … Eine bisher unveröffentlichte Geschichte von Beatrix Potter - erstmals auf Deutsch Mit Illustrationen des britischen Großmeisters Sir Quentin Blake

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2013

        Wer ist Martha?


        by Marjana Gaponenko

        Viel Zeit bleibt nicht mehr, sagt der Arzt. Und die will gut genutzt sein, sagt sich Lewadski, der tattrige Ornithologe aus der Ukraine. Also reist er nach Wien, steigt im noblen Hotel Imperial ab und lernt im Fahrstuhl einen Altersgenossen kennen, dem der Lebensfaden auch schon reichlich kurz geworden ist. Wie die beiden Alten aus der Muppet Show in ihrer Loge sitzen die zwei beim Früchte-Wodka in der Hotelbar, kommentieren die Frisuren der Damen, rekapitulieren das mörderische vergangene Jahrhundert und träumen von der Revolution. Und langsam wird Lewadski das Geld zum Sterben knapp. »Wer ist Martha?« ist ein wunderbar kühner Roman, eine hymnische Feier des Lebens. Es geht um das Geheimnis unserer Existenz, die Freude am Dasein bis zum Schluss, die Würde des Menschen, die Liebe zur Schöpfung. Ein Roman über die letzten Dinge, in Frack und Fummel, so phantastisch und originell, so lebendig und frech, dass selbst der Tod nicht mehr aus dem Leben herauskommt.

      • Fiction
        October 2020

        Land of Tornadoes

        by Melanie S. Wolfe

        The dustbowl is back, Frackheads roam the lawless streets, and one family plots to take down the oil company that caused it all.   They were supposed to be the next Kennedys, each adopted Wilson teen prepared for a specific political office, but when their father, CTO of Colossal Oil is falsely accused of stealing from the company after he publicly voices his concerns about the recent return of the dustbowl and fracking chemicals leaking into the drinking water and its correlation to the current outbreak of Frackheads (people who drink tainted water and become psychopaths and roam the roads with one mission, to kill for fun) the family’s focus goes from the future to a hacking revenge operation. However, the eight kids are getting burned out and want to move on with their lives. After their night off in OKC, and a series of unfortunate events, the once unified Wilson clan struggle to keep themselves alive and their beautiful, unique family together while John, their father crumbles under the weight of a secret about their adoptions.   From the author: At the time I wrote this novel I was binge-watching Mr. Robot and we were experiencing a lot of earthquakes in Oklahoma. So much that my kitchen tile floor formed a speed bump three feet long over the course of a weekend. The locals wouldn't dare implicate fracking or the holy oil companies for fear of losing jobs. Yet the New York Times and several other credible sources pointed the finger at fracking. I had wanted to write a book that was somehow inspired and influenced by The Outsiders and The Grapes of Wrath and this was my opportunity. However, I didn't want to write about the stereotypical poor people who were victims of their oppressors. I wanted strong characters who could give the elites a true punch in the gut.

      • Environmental science, engineering & technology
        July 2014

        Fracking Risks and Rewards

        by Barbara Hadley, Tom Rennell, Derek Austin

        ‘Fracking: Risks and Rewards’ is a new guide to the various arguments surrounding the fracking debate.  The 136-page report is published by Iskaboo Publishing, a London-based specialist publisher. The report was written by Barbara Hadley, Tom Rennell and Derek Austin, authors of the authoritative 2013 report, ‘Asbestos: the Future Risk’. With public opinion heavily divided over the controversial technique of hydraulic fracturing to extract shale gas, it remains unclear whether the European shale gas revolution is likely to develop in the same manner as it has in the US, according to the authors of the report. For instance, it is still highly uncertain how much shale gas exists under European land and, crucially, how much of it can be extracted, on both technical and economic grounds. Data from the US is limited and not easy to translate into accurate long term forecasts, while data from outside the US is virtually non-existent. Because the shale gas industry is so young, less than 15 years old, there is also very little data on the different risks it may pose to the public, especially regarding the long-term health risks from exposure to fracking chemicals and the huge quantities of toxic wastewater it produces. Worryingly, the US is already seeing an increasing amount of litigation arising from fracking-related incidents. Moreover current regulation and the insurance coverage now available is inadequate and inappropriate, so it is unclear which party would be responsible for a potential health or environmental catastrophe, the authors contend. “For those keen to proceed, the issue of how to develop the industry – and provide the appropriate level of controls and regulations – is crucial,” they state.

      • Humour
        November 2015


        A Village Divided

        by Gillian Jones

        A small announcement in the evening news alerts a village in the South East of England to the threat of imminent fracking in its precious green fields. Locals come together to fight against chemical pollution of rivers and waterways but, as Dorothy, their matriarch says; ‘We need a water expert!” And this is where Anisha comes into the story. Sunning herself on a beach in Aqaba and heading for Petra to study the ancient water systems of the Nabateans, the phone call jolts her attention back to 21st century water affairs. Not everyone in the village is against fracking however and soon the locals split into two camps, while Anisha to finds herself torn apart in a different way as she gets to know the ambitious young Chief Exec of the would-be drilling company. This is the third in Gillian Jones’s ‘Water Trilogy’. We first met Anisha and Tom as they campaigned against the building of a dam in the rainforest of South America in Blade of Light. We followed Anisha through subterranean waterways in the Gulf States and further, into little-known enclaves of Central Asia, in The FARIS Affair. Now she is a professional and an expert in water affairs and, as battle lines are drawn in the Home Counties she finds herself in the middle of conflict in more ways than one.

      • Thriller / suspense
        June 2011


        by CJ Lyons

        New York Times Bestseller CJ Lyons has been praised as a "Master of the Genre" (Pittsburgh Magazine) for her romantic thrillers. Join CJ as she starts a sexy, fun-filled, adrenalin rush of a new series: Shadow Ops. Following a group of covert operatives, men and women who risk their lives to protect our country--but are they ready to risk their hearts? CHASING SHADOWS (Shadow Ops Book #1): Going undercover, playing the part of a disgraced former Marine, is easy for Chase Westin--until a Christmas Eve mission takes him back to his hometown and face to face with his estranged brother. When KC, an undercover FBI agent, flies into Chase's life with her Doc Martens, purple, punk-rock hair, and Hollywood-hype leather and chains, Chase realizes that falling in love is more dangerous than catching bullets.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2014

        Risks and Risk Governance in Shale Gas Development

        Summary of Two Workshops

        by Paul C. Stern, Rapporteur; Board on Environmental Change and Society; Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education; National Research Council

        Natural gas in deep shale formations, which can be developed by hydraulic fracturing and associated technologies (often collectively referred to as "fracking") is dramatically increasing production of natural gas in the United States, where significant gas deposits exist in formations that underlie many states. Major deposits of shale gas exist in many other countries as well. Proponents of shale gas development point to several kinds of benefits, for instance, to local economies and to national "energy independence". Shale gas development has also brought increasing expression of concerns about risks, including to human health, environmental quality, non-energy economic activities in shale regions, and community cohesion. Some of these potential risks are beginning to receive careful evaluation; others are not. Although the risks have not yet been fully characterized or all of them carefully analyzed, governments at all levels are making policy decisions, some of them hard to reverse, about shale gas development and/or how to manage the risks. Risks and Risk Governance in Shale Gas Development is the summary of two workshops convened in May and August 2013 by the National Research Council's Board on Environmental Change and Society to consider and assess claims about the levels and types of risk posed by shale gas development and about the adequacy of existing governance procedures. Participants from engineering, natural, and social scientific communities examined the range of risks and of social and decision-making issues in risk characterization and governance related to gas shale development. Central themes included risk governance in the context of (a) risks that emerge as shale gas development expands, and (b) incomplete or declining regulatory capacity in an era of budgetary stringency. This report summarizes the presentations on risk issues raised in the first workshop, the risk management and governance concepts presented at the second workshop, and the discussions at both workshops.

      • March 2019

        The True Story

        of the sad clown Federico, beautiful witch Nadira from Luneburg and the evil gnome Rumpelstiltskin

        by Anton Soya, Oksana Baturina

        A romantic story in Tim Burton style about how two lonely hearts have met. (A modern fairy tale, romantic-ironic teenage horror, 12+) Federico - a small clown, the prince of a travelling freaks’ circus, the one who meets his fifteenth’s birthday in a circus wagon while travelling around the world. His friends are the artists of the Rafinelli Circus: an aged trapeze gymnast Snow White with her inseparable gnomes, a two-headed trainer, vegetarian tigers, a tattooed elephant and a human worm. His strongmen parents are both monsters and clowns. Boom, the owner of circus is a cannibal, and Beam his wife a bearded woman. They love so much their son, but in a very specific way. Federico's life is a never-ending nightmare with continuous falls, since his talent and role are funny unexpected falls in the ring. He would have run away from the parents’ circus a long time ago, but where to hide? Who needs a boy as bald as a knee with a nose like a tomato? Federico had got used to his miserable life, but one day everything changed. In Luneburg, where rickety houses stand on a hill above holes in the rock created by greedy townspeople taking away rock salt, Federico will meet his love: a strange girl Nadira with a pirate bandage over her eye, considered by everyone in the city to be a witch. Nadira will stretch out her hand to Federico calling him her prince. But one by one, like sharp mountain peaks, in the path of their love there grow up barriers that they must overcome together. And it is not only the terrible parents of Federico and the accidental death of Nadira's neighbour for which everyone blamed this strange girl.  Together with other circus artists they must fight in an abandoned cemetery with the dead army of the gnome Rumpelstiltskin, whither destiny has brought our tireless heroes after a terrible accident. There will be a battle, there will be losses (Federico becomes an orphan), and there will be surprises: victory, capture of the main vilain and the magic fulfilment of their desires. And, of course, there will be a fine new circus in Luneburg belonging to  Federico Rafinelli and his… in all respects disastrous speech in Luneburg, during which the "respectable" public will be sent to hell together with their beloved Beam and Boom, summoned by them from hell itself! Are you scared?  Don’t be afraid!  Everything will end well! It’s just a fairy tale, although it's also completely modern.

      • Classic crime
        June 2016

        Ein MORDs-Team - Der Fall Marietta King 2: Spiel im Schatten / The Young Investigators - The Case of Marietta King 2: A Game of Shadows

        by Andreas Suchanek

        In the aftermath of the shocking revelations uncovered in the course of their last case, Mason, Olivia, Randy and Danielle are more determined than ever to solve the Marietta King Case. A note from Olivia’s contact at the Barrington Cove Gazette leads the four young investigators to an old orphanage in a nearby village. Did Marietta give birth to her child there? The investigation continues...

      • 2019

        This Place

        150 Years Retold

        by Kateri Akiwenzie-Damm, Sonny Assu, Brandon Mitchell, Rachel and Sean Qitsualik-Tinsley, David A. Robertson, Niigaanwewidam James Sinclair, Jen Storm, Richard Van Camp, Katherena Vermette and Chelsea Vowel Illustrated by Tara Audibert, Kyle Charles, GMB Chomichuk, Natasha Donovan, Scott B. Henderson, Ryan Howe, Andrew Lodwick and Jen Storm

        A national bestseller that is both “visually gorgeous, [and] powerfully conveyed.”(Quill & Quire, starred review) Explore the past 150 years through the eyes of Indigenous creators in this groundbreaking graphic novel anthology. Beautifully illustrated, these stories are an emotional and enlightening journey through Indigenous wonderworks, psychic battles, and time travel. See how Indigenous peoples have survived a post-apocalyptic world since Contact. To learn more about this publisher, click here:

      • March 2014

        The Tatters

        by Brenda Coultas

        An elegy for the end of a pristine natural world

      • Solothurn tanzt mit dem Teufel

        Solothurn dances with the devil

        by Christof Gasser

        On "Dirty Thursday", the start of the Solothurn carnival, the corpse of a young woman is found at the Krummtower. A tattoo with the number 666 on the corpse leads Captain Dominik Dornach to a series of past murders in the Red Light District, where victims had the same tattoo. While Dornach investigates these first clues, his daughter, who works in Iraq for the UN, is targeted by terrorists. Everything that is important to Dornach seems to be threatened. Christof Gasser belongs to a new generation of Swiss crime authors who have a completely new self-image and literary self-confidence. He advanced especially with his Solothurn crime novel series within a few years to become one of the most popular writers in Switzerland. The investigating team around cantonal policeman Dominik Dornach and Public Prosecutor Angela Casagrande is the centrepiece of his success. "Solothurn tanzt mit dem Teufel“ ("Solothurn Dances with the Devil") is the fourth part of this bestseller series and completes the series of four books around the illustrious duo Dornach/Casagrande. The story takes place in the not always peaceful cantonal capital of Solothurn, and also in Vienna, Paris and even in the Iraqi provincial city of Samarra and Amman in Jordan. Gasser shows in an original way how fatal a global network of international politics, organised crime and terrorism can be for the life of his protagonists. In his usual fast-paced and dense style, he tells an extremely impressive and current story, which shows how complex and relevant crime literature can be.

      • August 2021

        Jane of Battery Park

        by Jaye Viner

        Jane is a Los Angeles nurse who grew up in a Christian cult that puts celebrities on trial for their sins. Daniel is a has-been actor whose career ended when the cult family members nearly killed him for flirting with her. Eight years after a romantic meet-cute in Battery Park, both search for someone to fill the gap they imagine the other could’ve filled if given the chance. Jane compulsively goes on dates with every self-professed expert in art, music, and food hoping they will teach her the nuances of the culture she couldn’t access in her youth. Daniel looks for a girlfriend who will accept the disabilities left from the cult attack. A loving woman will prove to Daniel’s blockbuster star brother, Steve, that he’s capable of a supporting role in Steve’s upcoming movie and relaunching Daniel’s career. When a chance encounter unexpectedly reunites them, Jane and Daniel not only see another chance at the love they lost, but an opportunity to create the lives they’ve always wanted. The only question is whether their families will let them.

      • Fiction

        Sie waren nie weg

        by Paul Kohl

        Sie waren nie weg Paul Kohl Deutschland 1951: Die Republik ist im Aufbruch. Menschen kehren heim aus Krieg und Emigration. Auch die alte Naziriege ist wieder da. Sie war nie weg. Mit ihren alten Zielen wird sie wieder eingesetzt in ihre Ämter, in die Presse, Parteien, in Parlamente. Und mittendrin der jugendliche Ludwig, benebelt von den Heimatfilmen "Schwarzwaldmädel", "Grün is die Heide" und vom Wirtschaftswunder. Als er erkennt, was um ihn herum geschieht und was sein eigener Vater getan hat, handelt er. Wirtschaftswunder zwischen Kriegsruinen: ein gesellschaftliches Panorama Nachrkriegsdeutschland. In Sie waren nie weg entwirft der Autor und Zeitzeuge Paul Kohl ein Sittengemälde der Nachkriegszeit. Die größten Trümmerberge sind abgetragen, die Baulücken werden emsig geschlossen, über die Verbrechen der Vergangenheit wird geschwiegen. Aus historischen Quellen, Erinnerungsfragmenten und fiktiven Elementen entfaltet Kohl einen mitreißenden Entwicklungsroman, der hineinsticht in das damalige Deutschland. Paul Kohl zeigt die Fünzigerjahre als das Jahrzehnt des großen Verdrängens, das die Täter und Mitläufer der NS-Zeit wieder in die Mitte der Gesellschaft aufnimmt. Im Zentrum des Romans steht der junge Ludwig, der die Zerrissenheit der Zeit deutlich spürt und bald bemerkt, dass mit den Heimatfilmen und der Schlagermusik etwas nicht stimmen kann. Er lernt den Verleger Middelhauve kennen, der seine FDP auf Rechtskurs trimmt, prominente Nazis in seine Partei aufnimmt und den nationalsozialistischen Naumann-Kreis unterstützt. Und er lernt die in ihre Heimatstadt zurückgekehrte 18-jährige jüdische Buchhändlerin Luise kennen, die mit ihrem Vater in belgischen KZs gefangen war. Seine Freundschaft mit ihr öffnet ihm die Augen. Durch sie beginnt Ludwig die kritischen Autoren Böll, Andersch und Koeppen und Bücher über Widerstand und die Wiederbewaffnung der Bundesrepublik zu lesen. Paul Kohl schildert eindrucksvoll die verstörende Kontinuität vom NS-Staat zur jungen Republik im Zeichen des Aufschwungs. Brillant recherchiert, lakonisch, gesellschaftskritisch.

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