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      • August 2022

        Figure Drawing for Fashion Design, Vol. 1

        by Elisabetta Kuky Drudi, Tiziana Paci

        The seminal guide to figure drawing for fashion design in a completely revised, updated and expanded two-volume edition. Fashion drawing is the most important way to visualize ideas, and concepts in costume and fashion design. This new and, expanded two-volume edition of the already classic title Figure, Drawing for Fashion Design—revised, updated and expanded—, is a precise, topic-by-topic manual that will help readers acquire, and perfect their skills, drawing fashion designs on the female, form. Mastering the rules of figure drawing as well as stylistic, techniques that add individuality and flair to the design is an, essential skill for all designers and illustrators to master in order, to bring one’s vision to the page, and eventually mannequin., In its approach, this book is ideal both for those designers, and students who want to apply themselves professionally to, fashion design, and for all enthusiasts of drawing the female, body in a fashion context.

      • 2019

        Music Boxes

        by Tonja Drecker

        “I only desire your talent...”   Twelve-year-old Lindsey McKay's biggest dream is to be a famous ballerina. But after moving to New York, she ends up at the Community Center with a teacher who’s a burly bear in tights.   When she meets Madame Destinée, the teacher of a top dance school who offers her classes for free, Lindsey can't believe her luck. In exchange, she must perform in the school’s exclusive midnight shows, ones sure to make her a star. But something’s not right...   One by one, the other dancers disappear. Each time they do, a music box with a figurine just like the missing ballerina joins Madame Destinée’s growing collection. If Lindsey doesn’t discover the truth about the dance school, she might end up a tiny figurine herself.

      • Thriller / suspense

        Dominium Dei

        by Thomas Greanias

        The assassination of Caesar's chief astrologer explodes into revelations of a supersecret organization known as Dominium Dei—the "Rule of God"—and an imperial plot to establish the rule of Rome forever. DOMINIUM DEI. In his global blockbusters Raising Atlantis, The Atlantis Prophecy and The Atlantis Revelation, New York Times bestselling author Thomas Greanias masterfully blended ancient mysteries and modern conspiracies. In this spectacular new thriller set in Ancient Rome, Greanias reveals the master plan to shape our world’s reality and has crafted a timeless epic adventure. DOMINIUM DEI. Welcome to the New World Order. Welcome to Rome at the end of the first century. No one from slave to senator can escape the Reign of Terror under Emperor Domitian. Caesar has declared himself Lord and God of the Universe. Before him all must bow or die in the Games. Enter the innocent playwright Athanasius. Wrongly accused of treason by jealous rivals, he is condemned to the scripted "reality" of the arena. Death is guaranteed. Against all odds he escapes, alone with a secret that will shake the world. But Athanasius has unleashed the wrath of Rome. Now the empire will hunt him down to the ends of the earth, stopping at nothing to ensure that the secret of Dominium Dei—the "Rule of God"—dies with him.

      • Children's & YA

        The Clay Figurine

        by Emma Reyes and Carme Vendré Soler

        Booktrailer This story comes from The Book of Emma Reyes: A Memoir in Correspondence, by Colombian painter Emma Reyes. The story, told through the eyes of Emma Reyes, goes back to the day when she, with the help of her friend "el Piojo" and other streetchildren, created General Rebollo with their own hands. The writer thus reveals one of her most distant memories, when she was an orphaned child amid the misery of Bogotá in the 1920s, but she does so with words that convey the sparkle and naivety of a childhood game. It is a moving album, in which Carme Solé Vendrell's spontaneous strokes andtechnical richness enhance the expressiveness of such a collective personage: childhood at its most vulnerable.

      • Teaching, Language & Reference

        Easy-to-Read Chinese Short Stories, Book 1

        by April Zhang and Jeff Pepper

        This is the first book in the series that is for Chinese learners and by Chinese learners.   Early in 2021, Chinese learners worldwide were invited to participate in the first MSL Master Chinese Writing contest. Entries were limited to using 320 unique Chinese characters. Out of 82 submissions, 17 of them were ranked the highest in a public vote on Twitter. These top-ranked works are included in this book, a wonderful collection of very short stories, poems and a mini play.   The 17 authors were from eight different regions and countries. Some were younger; some older. Some were still studying in schools; some were working professionals. Some had not studied Chinese for long; Some had put in many years of time and effort. Most of them were learning Chinese in a non-Chinese speaking environment. Most of them were learning Chinese as a second or a third language. Despite all their differences, they shared the passion for Chinese and they were brought together in this Chinese Writing Contest. Together, they had created worlds that were full of love, desire and ambition.   From these entries, you’ll see that their Chinese language skills are varied. In their hands, the 320 characters were like a sheet of loose sand, some made a cute figurine; some made a magnificent castle; some made a powerful computer chip. Some writings were lyrical and simple, easy to understand; some used more literary language to present a complex picture. This unevenness, this natural spectrum often found in any Chinese classes, demonstrates necessary stages in learning progress. As a result, this book can be appreciated by both beginner students and advanced students.   Don’t consider this book as a magnum opus. Instead, appreciate the sparkling minds and original thoughts from all these burgeoning authors. Their writing careers did not stop at 320 Chinese characters. Some of them may shine in the literary world in the future. We’ll be glad to claim the credit that we have had the first glimpse.   Also, you may not like all 17 of them. That’s the way it is for everything. It’s like listening to radio. Different people prefer different songs. If you can be inspired by some, this book serves its purpose.   A sample story and a free audio book are available here:

      • December 2021

        The Master of Winter

        by Djenny Bergiers

        Jack Frost has a plan. For centuries, he has only been around for a few weeks in December, making sure that winter goes smoothly before going back to sleep. But this year, he plans to confront the Guardian and change the course of his life forever. But his encounter with the girl in the red cap will turn all his plans upside down.

      • Material Relations

        The Marriage Figurines of Prehispanic Honduras

        by Julia A. Hendon (Author), Rosemary A. Joyce (Author), Jeanne Lopiparo (Author)

        Focusing on marriage figurines—double human figurines that represent relations formed through social alliances—Hendon, Joyce, and Lopiparo examine the material relations created in Honduras between AD 500 and 1000, a period of time when a network of social houses linked settlements of a variety of sizes in the region. The authors analyze these small, seemingly insignificant artifacts using the theory of materiality to understand broader social processes. They examine the production, use, and disposal of marriage figurines from six sites—Campo Dos, Cerro Palenque, Copán, Currusté, Tenampua, and Travesia—and explore their role in rituals and ceremonies, as well as in the forming of social bonds and the celebration of relationships among communities. They find evidence of historical traditions reproduced over generations through material media in social relations among individuals, families, and communities, as well as social differences within this network of connected yet independent settlements. Material Relations provides a new and dynamic understanding of how social houses functioned via networks of production and reciprocal exchange of material objects and will be of interest to Mesoamerican archaeologists, anthropologists, and art historians.

      • The Toy Store with 100 Doors Series

        by Nie Jun (Illustrator), Ge Jing (Writer)

        Liulichang, the Fairy Street Treasure Gallery in the Forbidden City The Mysterious Yuangmingyuan This series tells the story of Little Pomegranate, who ventures to an old Beijing toyshop in search of a gift his father left behind. When she gets there, she meets a cast of characters including the Lord Rabbit, Sugar Figurine, and the Cloth Tiger, who take her on a heartwarming journey of family and friendship. By using traditional Chinese folk toys as a vehicle, these books condense the exquisite craftsmanship and wisdom of traditional Chinese artisans into a form that children can enjoy. Each volume in the series focuses on a different example of iconic Chinese architecture: Liulichang’s bountiful antique calligraphy and paintings, the Forbidden City’s imposing majesty, and Yuanmingyuan’s mysterious splendor are all celebrated as unmatched exemplars of the captivating beauty of ancient Chinese buildings.

      • October 2019

        How to Build Scenery and Props for Dolls

        by Chieko Fukatsu

        “In Depth How-to” Book on Building Dollhouses and Furniture Point! • Presents sixty kinds of furniture and props (including patterns) • Perfect for 1/6 to 1/8 scale dolls and figurines • Specifications for easy to store and easy to carry items This book provides step-by-step, thorough instructions – including photographs – for making props, furniture, and walls that are perfect for displaying dolls and figurines. There are a variety of materials – wood, resin, clay, silicone – used to create items that are exactly like the real thing. This book presents professional techniques – for example electrical wiring, casting, etc. – in addition to the basic knowledge required for building miniatures. Also, there are handy DIY methods for fabricating molds that can be challenging to make, and for gathering materials that can be quite the headache to find. Contents are divided into four different themes, including a painter’s room, a magic room, a girl’s room, and an adventure room. This enables you to create numerous scenarios: “Painter’s room: Junk, industrial design room,” “Magic room: Profound, science mania,” “Girl’s room: French shabby-chic, Pretty world,” and “Adventure room: Diorama-like outdoor scenery.”

      • July 2021

        The Case of the Murderous Dr. Cream

        The Hunt for a Victorian Era Serial Killer

        by Dean Jobb

        “When a doctor does go wrong, he is the first of criminals, he has the nerve and he has the knowledge,” Sherlock Holmes observed. At the time the words of the fictional detective appeared in The Strand Magazine, a real-life Canadian doctor was murdering women in London’s downtrodden Lambeth neighbourhood. Dr. Thomas Cream had been a suspect in two deaths in Canada, and killed four people in Chicago before arriving in London in 1891 and using pills laced with strychnine to kill prostitutes. The "Lambeth Poisoner" became one of the most prolific serial killers in history.   Dean Jobb reveals how bungled investigations, corrupt officials, and failed prosecutions allowed Cream to evade detection and kill again. Alongside an inside account of Scotland Yard’s desperate search for a brazen killer, Jobb explores how the morality and hypocrisy of the Victorian era enabled Cream to poison the vulnerable and desperate women who had turned tohim for help.

      • Small Crafts, Big World- Display of Clay Figurines in Zhejiang Province

        by Hangzhou Arts and Crafts Museum

        The books, based on the exhibition of the same name, mainly introduces the styles, techniques, representative figures and interpretation of fine works of clay sculptures in Taizhou, Yueqing, Shengzhou and Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province. The book collects the works of 13 clay sculpture artists from the above-mentions four places, including inheritors of provincial and municipal intangible cultural heritage, provincial and municipal masters, and folk artists. The selected works, which cover various subjects, including traditional dramas, historical myths, religious images, and portrayal of ordinary life and all walks of life, help readers appreciate the features of the intangible cultural heritage of Zhejiang clay sculpture handed from generation to generation, and the warm feelings of artists and their positive attitude towards life.

      • Fiction

        Three-Inch Golden Lotus

        by Feng Jicai

        Three-Inch Golden Lotus contains ten classic masterpieces of Feng Jicai's "Yarns of a Weird World" and "Legendary Earthly Figures" series, including Holy Whip, Three-Inch Golden Lotus, Seven Pieces Su, Brush Li, Eloquent Yang Ba, Zhang Who Makes Clay Figurines, etc. These stories, along with their literary figures, have become popular and classic in contemporary Chinese literature. Feng is familiar with all kinds of strange things in Tianjin in the late Qing Dynasty. Dedicated to the investigation of Chinese popular culture, he knows very well those wonderful folk stories. That's why he has created several dazzling stories with a free and strong style, where he hides the complete history of China and its cultural vicissitudes. The beguiling story of Three-Inch Golden Lotus is woven around the life of Fragrant Lotus, who has her feet bound in the supreme Golden Lotus style when she is six years old. Her beautiful feet allow her to marry into a wealthy family, and with steady determination she jockeys her way to head of the household, strategizing through the intricate politics of foot-binding competitions and the turbulent times of the anti-foot-binding movement at the turn of the century. Events in Fragrant Lotus' life twist and unfold in a series of witty and often wicked ironies, obliterating easy distinctions between kindness and cruelty, the transcendent and the mundane, history and fable, forgery and authentic work. The novel's waggish narrator exists in the tension between judgment and description, wryly deflating his reader's certainties along the way. Feng's engaging storytelling technique effectively undercuts the broad simplifications with which we inevitably approach his novel. The act of foot binding is horrific, but it is also an act of love; the bound foot is a symbol of entrapment and oppression, but it is also an emblem of exquisite beauty and refinement. Written in 1985, Three-Inch Golden Lotus is a deeply affecting, thoroughly enjoyable literary revelation.

      • April 2015

        Picture Book of Classical Chinese Tales (Bilingual) (18 titles)

        by Editorial Committee

        This series contains 18 classical Chinese tales written in both Chinese and English. They either touch you or amuse you. These tales embody ancient people's wits and customs. From them, readers can appreciate virtue, wisdom, kindness, determination and courage of different characters. The book is both enlightening and rich in knowledge.

      • Ancient Peoples

        by Giorgio Bergamino

        A lively book for those children who want to learn everything about the ancient Romans, Greeks end Egyptians. Many beautiful illustrations and fun comics throughout.

      • The Arts


        by Joanna Benecke

        Fashion goddess; UNICEF heroine; Givenchy’s twinkly-eyed muse: there’ll never be anyone quite like Audrey Hepburn. But there’s more to the effortlessly classy Hollywood starlet than meets the eye. Did you know, for instance, that Audrey kept a pet fawn named Pippin? That she was a gifted linguist, fluent in five different languages? That she inherited her poise from a Dutch baroness mother? That there’s a breed of snowy tulip named after her? Or perhaps that Henry Mancini wrote ‘Moon River’ especially for her? Filled with fascinating facts and stunning photos, 100 Reasons to Love Audrey Hepburn reveals the woman behind the little black dress.

      • September 2019

        My Father is a Deep Sea Diver

        by Elisa Sabatinelli, Iacopo Bruno

        At the center of the story is the Marina, the epicenter of the divers’ explorations and the family that founded it. Ettore is the youngest in the family. His dream of becoming a diver, like his father and grandfather, is cruelly destroyed by Amedeo Limonta, an unscrupulous businessman, who builds a fashionable seaside resort right next to the Marina, sending it bankrupt. Ettore’s family is forced to move to the city, far from the sea. But what Amedeo Limonta really wants to do is to capture the Pearl, the soul of the sea, and then sell it for a fortune. Ettore is the one who finds it, though, on his eighth birthday. But the Pearl belongs to the sea, which is where it must return. So begins Ettore’s mission to put all the elements back into their natural order. Illustrated by Iacopo Bruno

      • Children's & YA

        Marina Submarina

        How do you make a movie, when you aren’t a grown-up

        by Zuzka Dušičková, Adela Režná

        One day, Marina Submarina decided to shoot a great movie about pirates and monsters. With her grandpa and friends, because one can’t do everything on their own. What’s more, it was loads of fun with them.   Marina even took a secret oath on the carousel with Jonas and Chris that would never go to school again because they would already know how to make movies. And so they didn’t spend holiday climbing trees and riding bikes, well, all right, they did, but only a little! But they were thoroughly looking for the film crew and actors, scrambling costumes, making up the plan, arranging placing for shooting and, of course, shooting!   Foreign Rights:

      • Children's & YA

        Let's play chess. The world's greatest game explained to kids.

        by Marcello Carriero / Yuri Garrett / Sabino Brunello

        This book is unique, in that it was conceived especially for children by a chess expert AND a children's books illustrator. Most so-called "children's chess books" are simply chess books for beginners with a few drawings thrown in. This one is different, as eache page was typeset with the goal of appealing to a 6-10 year old child, while retaining the best possible chess information. The language is adapted for children and all exercises have been created by a Chess Grandmaster.

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