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Promoted ContentHumanities & Social Sciences
The Gospel of Prosperity
Literary and critical perspectives about the science of getting right quick
by Luis Miguel Estrada
In 2020, amidst the whirlwind of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ideas from books about the science of becoming a millionaire returned to Luis Miguel Estrada whom, since he left a financial job, has dedicated himself fully to literature. In this book, he thinks some of the key questions raised by bestsellers from Napoleon Hill to Kiyosaki. Do we stop seeking money just because we pursue art? More importantly: regardless of what we do, how do we seek money? Why have narratives like positive thinking and the law of attraction become a universal language that gains strength during each economic crisis? Is there a link between bestsellers about the science of getting rich and great universal literature? This book attempts to answer these questions, beginning with the origins of books on becoming a millionaire, which delve into the agile 19th-century United States, transition through the fast-paced turn of the century, and explode in the years after the Great Depression. The journey continues with examples of wild successes (real-life fraudsters like Elizabeth Holmes or fictional criminals like Walter White from Breaking Bad) that prompt us to question the influence of success-at-any-cost ideas on popular culture, as well as their ethical limits. How can one reconcile readings, cultural products, and experiences that seem so distant? The broader reading audience responds more to "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill than to "The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck. Is there a way to read them alongside each other and emerge renewed from the experience? This book invites you on that adventure.
Humanities & Social Sciences
Ética aplicada
Desde la medicina hasta el humor
by Mauricio Correa Casanova y Adela Cortina
Resulta indesmentible que hoy la realidad social exige a la filosofía moral comprometerse con la vida cotidiana. La ética aplicada configura una forma nueva de saber, de reflexionar sobre los problemas morales y de proponer recomendaciones para la acción. Empresas, servicios públicos, colegios profesionales o entidades sin fines de lucro, entre muchos otros, han incorporado los nuevos modos éticos de saber y hacer, y universidades de todo el mundo abordan este tema a través de cátedras, programas y centros de investigación. Este libro reúne una serie de trabajos sobre distintos ámbitos de la ética aplicada, como la ecología, la biomedicina, la empresa o la economía, que el lector común seguramente ya reconoce. Otros, en cambio, se presentan aquí con toda su novedad para situarnos ante desafíos inéditos en campos como la neuroética, el deporte, la ciudad y el humor. El principal objetivo es ofrecer a jóvenes y adultos, alumnos o profesores, funcionarios públicos o del mundo privado, perspectivas éticas en los más diversos ámbitos de la sociedad que contribuyan a encarnar la moralidad en la vida diaria, que es sin duda el real sentido de la ética aplicada. "La tarea de la razón práctica no consiste solo en enunciar lo que se debe hacer, sino también en tomar carne en las instituciones, transformándolas desde dentro. De ahí que la ética aplicada sea un elemento ineludible de cualquier diseño institucional que desee funcionar con bien, incluso lo es de cualquier proyecto de investigación que quiera recibir el visto bueno". Pag 16.
October 2019
Semióticas del cine y del audiovisual
by Juan Alberto Conde, Torben Grodal,Buckland, Warren, Oakley, Todd, Odin, Roger. Echeverri Jaramillo, Andrea. Díaz Roa, César Augusto. Duarte, German A. Ríos, Diego Felipe. Finol, José Enrique. Finol, David Enrique. Corral Cuartas, Álvaro. Sosa, Diego Hernando.
El presente volumen reúne una serie de textos escritos y publicados en las dos primeras décadas del siglo XXI, que abordan los problemas y objetos tradicionales de la semiótica fílmica y audiovisual, o que proponen nuevos objetos de indagación, nuevas preguntas. La primera parte está consagrada a las teorías generales, y en ella tiene preponderancia el denominado “giro cognitivo” de los estudios fílmicos, a partir de traducciones de textos inéditos en castellano: la teoría del flujo PECMA del investigador danés Torben Grodal; la semántica cognitiva aplicada a la interpretación audiovisual del británico Warren Buckland, o una nueva aproximación a la experiencia del espectador frente al dispositivo audiovisual por parte de Todd Oakley. En esta parte también se incluyen traducciones de dos textos de Roger Odin, pionero del enfoque semiopragmático, que permiten ver su pertinencia para abordar tanto problemas de la historia del cine y el audiovisual, como de sus manifestaciones contemporáneas.
Etica dell'acquario
by Ilaria Gaspari
Gaia is beautiful, self-centred and unhappy. One day in November she returns to the city where she studied, after an absence of ten years. Nothing seems to have changed in Pisa, but everything has. Gaia meets up again with her old friends and the love of her university days, but now they are divided by the years they spent apart and the loss of a fellow student, Virginia, who died in obscure circumstances. The investigation into the mysterious suicide winds its way through the streets of the city and the colleges of the Scuola Normale, amidst buried memories and obsessions that come to light.
Health & Personal Development
FIBROMIALGIA. Cómo vencí mi enfermedad liderando mi vida
by María Lucrecia Gambone
La Fibromialgia se manifiesta a través de tu cuerpo. No solo compromete tu salud, sino que te compromete a vos, como ser total. Esta es la única vida que tenés y fuiste elegido para atravesarla como una enfermedad crónica… ¿qué sentís cuando leés esto?A veces no es posible elegir qué atravesar en el camino de la vida, pero siempre podés elegir «cómo» hacerlo. Ser líder es una elección, y siendo líder, el camino de la vida se allana. Como disciplina aplicada, el Liderazgo ha demostrado resultados consistentes para logar una mejor calidad de vida. Quien lo practica, se amplía como ser humano, logrando desarrollarse íntegramente en todas las áreas de su vida.Abro este libro como quien abre un camino, un camino que transité y tuve que desandar con mis propios pasos, reconociendo mi huella, levantando el polvo…Ahora te lo ofrezco para que transites el tuyo, para que te encuentres, para que te descubras, para que te lideres, para que te goces, para que te alimentes nada más ni nada menos que de la vida misma. Cuando te decidas a mirar y a mirarte, verás abundancia, belleza, oportunidades, manifestaciones del amor que te ofrece infinitas posibilidades para llegar a ser lo que sos. Estar despierto es entender a cada minuto que trabajar en vos mismo es el acto de amor más grande.
June 2015
Violencia de género y las respuestas de los sistemas penales
by Encarna Bodelón (comp.)
The problem of impunity and the devaluation of the rights of women who suffer sexist violence in intimate relationships is still present in European penal systems. The basic question is what differentiates sexist violence in the sphere of the couple from other types of violence. This type of violence in the sphere of the couple has nothing to do with what is known as injuries in the criminal sphere, but rather "gender violence, sexist violence, violence against women". The "problem" is not the women who report or do not report, but to what extent criminal treatment pursues the reported behaviors and protects women who suffer violence. In diverse contexts we will see common problems and remote solutions, but which coincide in not being yet ensuring the freedom of women. Our purpose is to advance in the construction of women's rights and denounce that the insufficient guarantee of the right to a life free of violence is an attack against all women, against all citizens and a burden of the patriarchal State.
September 2019
Teologia dell’ospitalità
by Marco, Dal Corso (ed.)
A hospitable practice needs hospitable thinking and a way of believing. If, before being a right, existing is a debt that is extinguished only by becoming hospitable people, theology is called to favour coexistence among people by overcoming even its own self-understanding, when this is an obstacle to dialogue, helping to live this great change, and learning to welcome the spiritual riches that are for all. This, to the point of making a public contribution at the service of human and spiritual growth of humanity. A research of great value for a hospitable belief, which gives a theological foundation to a new paradigm of welcome and which opens up concrete perspectives for the indispensable interreligious dialogue.
January 2020
Dio, sorpresa per la storia
Per una teologia post-secolare
by Carmelo, Dotolo
To meet God means entering into a new relationship that urges us to reconsider the models that have fuelled our believing experience. God is a constant surprise, a surprise that generates a new theological syntax for thinking, praying and narrating the adventure of existence.
Children's & YA
A war against profs!
Leonardo Damiani and Sister Bernardina’s Miracle
by Maggi Andrea
GUERRA AI PROF! Leonardo Damiani e il miracolo di suor Bernardina (A war against profs! Leonardo Damiani and Sister Bernardina’s Miracle) 3 reprints, 3000 copies sold Genre: fiction middle-grade/YA Age: 11+ Pages: 156 Leonardo goes to secondary school, and enjoys inventing pranks, such as throwing a dog at the postman and adding laxative to the teachers’ coffee. He doesn’t like studying, and he is always playing videogames. But one day Leonardo becomes himself the target of a prank, and in trying to fix the damage he meets the almost centenary nun Bernardina, a distant relative. The old lady will prove extremely funny and, against all odds, the two will became close friends. Bernardina will eventually help Leonardo to solve his problems once and for all.
The Arts
The Piano in Tango / El Piano en el Tango
Fundamental method for playing tango music
by Hernán Possetti
“Método de Tango” (Spanish for “Tango Method”) is the first fundamental book series that teaches how to play tango music, published in English and Spanish since 2014 by Tango Sin Fin in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This book series is the only collection which provides any musician, arranger, composer or ethnomusicologist from around the world a methodological and pedagogical approach to tango language, using academic terms, exercises and musical studies. CONTENTS » Each volume is focused on one instrument: violin, bass, bandoneon, piano, flute and guitar. » All the tools and techniques for playing tango music are covered throughout specific chapters and exercises. » 5 to 8 original works for ensemble are included in each book. Parts for other instruments are included on a separate insert. » Audio and video recordings and play-along tracks for each exercise and pieces are available for free on Tango Sin Fin’s YouTube channel. THE PIANO IN TANGO CONTENTS » Rhythmic melody. Articulation as a fundamental constituent element of the tango language. » Expressive melody. Fraseo as an essential resource for expressiveness. » Time-marking models. The piano as a support for the melodic discourse. » Different functions. The conductor role and other responsibilities undertaken by the pianist. » Milonga and vals, ornaments, guidelines to play in a tango ensemble, the history of the piano in tango, the different styles of the genre, and more. » 7 original works for piano. » 280 audio and video examples.
The Arts
The Flute in Tango / La Flauta en el Tango
Fundamental method for playing tango music
by Paulina Fain
“Método de Tango” (Spanish for “Tango Method”) is the first fundamental book series that teaches how to play tango music, published in English and Spanish since 2014 by Tango Sin Fin in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This book series is the only collection which provides any musician, arranger, composer or ethnomusicologist from around the world a methodological and pedagogical approach to tango language, using academic terms, exercises and musical studies. CONTENTS» Each volume is focused on one instrument: violin, bass, bandoneon, piano, flute and guitar.» All the tools and techniques for playing tango music are covered throughout specific chapters and exercises.» 5 to 8 original works for ensemble are included in each book. Parts for other instruments are included on a separate insert.» Audio and video recordings and play-along tracks for each exercise and pieces are available for free on Tango Sin Fin’s YouTube channel. THE FLUTE IN TANGO CONTENTS» Expressive melody. The art of fraseo, the authentic shaping of the expressive melodies.» Rhythmic melody. The performance of rhythmic melodies and the articulation specific to tango.» Use of ornaments and extended techniques applied to tango, guidelines to playing in a tango ensemble, the history of the flute in tango, the different styles of the genre and more.» 5 original works for flute and piano.» 105 audio examples.
The Arts
Mies VAN DER ROHE, lights and shadows of the father of the modern architecture. HISTORICAL SOCIAL BIOGRAPHICAL During a flight to West Berlin, on the way to the foundation stone ceremony of the National Gallery, famous architect Mies van der Rohe talks about and takes stock of his precarious life with his grandson, Dirk Lohan, also an architect. They reminisce periods of upheaval in the twentieth century, projects, clients, business partners, adversaries, friends and lovers… In short, a life marked by an ambition to build. But above all else, there are piercing memories of one thing that Mies has always kept a secret and cannot forget. 2019 is the 50th anniversary of Mies Van der Rohe death Considered the best architect of the XX century, his private life was far from exemplary Director of the Bauhaus school until its closure under pressure from the Nazi regime His career ambition took him to support Hitler and to abandon his friends and family
The Arts
Memoria y paisaje en el cine japonés de posguerra
by Pedro Iacobelli y Claudia Lira
La Segunda Guerra Mundial en Japón fue un evento único y transformador que implicó la reconstrucción física y espiritual del país. El paisaje —como categoría estética— y la memoria —como una entidad colectiva— son conceptos que permiten auscultar a los pueblos luego de crisis históricas profundas. En este sentido, la presente publicación examina las principales corrientes del cine japonés a partir de una lectura y análisis histórico y estético, e innova en la lectura de las sociedades poscrisis al incorporar una visión interdisciplinaria original. “No hay nación cuyo sentido del tiempo y del espacio se mantengan invariables después de una catástrofe fundamental. El cine de posguerra de Japón, a través del desarrollo estético de sus identidades espaciales y temporales, conjuga poéticamente las nociones de trauma, origen e identidad. Los minuciosos escritos que reúne este libro analizan ese corpus fílmico en torno a los conceptos de memoria y paisaje, pero no solo como tipificación de argumentos, elementos de drama o iconografías, sino especialmente como ideas audiovisuales de la conciencia moderna en crisis, forma que desde occidente o desde nuestra periferia contemplamos con una extrañeza familiar”. Pablo Corro PhD, director del Magíster en Estudios de Cine. Instituto de Estética UC
The Arts
La experiencia del espacio
Una aproximación desde la escultura
by Robert Holmes Lezaeta
Esta publicación sintetiza una extensa investigación y experimentación sobre el espacio en la escultura a partir de un análisis interdisciplinar desde la arquitectura y otras artes que abordan el tema de la espacialidad. La reflexión teórica sobre el origen y desarrollo experimental de la escultura se genera a partir de la obra como conclusión proyectual y desde la misma se observan sus resonancias en este contexto interdisciplinario de la experiencia del espacio. Complementan este trabajo una serie de imágenes que constituyen universos comprimidos de ideas y mensajes codificados en un lenguaje que es propio de las artes visuales. En el libro se revisa el pensamiento teórico que permite una reflexión sobre la experiencia del espacio y las relaciones entre la escultura, la arquitectura y otras disciplinas. Se analizan obras de diversos autores en las que se manifiesta el paso de la objetualidad a la espacialidad escultórica. Se indaga la condición iterativa del proceso y los instrumentos proyectuales que establecen el vínculo entre la imaginación y la representación física de lo imaginado. Se reflexiona sobre el proceso compositivo del espacio escultórico y su efecto en la inducción de una experiencia poética. Finalmente, en el anexo se presenta una mirada diferente, a modo de ficciones espaciales, a partir de un conjunto de croquis inspirados en las esculturas, dibujados por Mario Ubilla Sanz. "Aunque está plagado de ejemplos y demuestra un conocimiento acucioso de la materia que desarrolla, no constituye, en rigor, un texto de estudio. No es tampoco un ensayo o un manual. Lo que el libro hace es más bien construir, paso a paso, las bases de una experiencia y, más precisamente, de una experiencia creativa". Fernando Pérez, Director del Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Chile.
Children's & YA
The adventures of a vampire little girl. YOUNG AVENTURE HUMOUR The adventures of a vampire little girl, Dracula’s daughter, who lives in her cattle. With an absent father who doesn’t understand her, she tries to discover her world and everything around her. Surrounded by her friends such as her cat Luna, a naughty bat or her loyal servant, always there to clean up the mess. Non to mention her gang of friends, all of them little monsters that will look very familiar to you. Enjoyable short stories with plenty of humour Message to strengthen family and friends’ values She’s crazy about books, comics and all kind of reading.
October 2019
Keys to Creative and Innovative Religious Education
by Óscar Armando Pérez Sayago
Este libro brinda valiosas herramientas a padres y maestros sobre la nueva función cultural de la escuela en la enseñanza de la Educación Religiosa. Advierte respecto a la importancia de acompañar y orientar al estudiante para ayudar a comprender el hecho religioso, puesto que hoy más que nunca está expuesto a mucha información desestructurada e indiscriminada, a través de los medios de comunicación, que es importante discernir.
Humanities & Social SciencesJuly 2019
Policies of oblivion
by Giselle Beiguelman
Giselle Beiguelman assembles textual and visual essays in the field of the aesthetics of memory that gravitate around experimental works and research conducted in artistic interventions, in order to propose a reflection on the right to memory as opposed to the systematic policies of oblivion.
Literature & Literary StudiesJuly 2019
El pensamiento del poema
Variaciones sobre un tema de Badiou
by Mario Montalbetti
El pensamiento del poema es el ensayo más reciente del poeta peruano Mario Montalbetti. Publicado en Chile durante 2019, el libro gira alrededor, va y viene, de las propuestas de Alain Badiou respecto del poema como una forma de pensamiento. Examinando su obra, Montalbetti pone a prueba sus aserciones y temas con herramientas de la filosofía, la lingüística y la literatura.
April 2016
Autocoaching and getting fit
by André Percia
The book 'Autocoaching and getting fit’, André Percia, is intended to help its readers to get thin through an internal working mental order. The book seeks to complement, but with no claim to replace the necessary interventions for medical treatment and / or psychological need. Not seeks a commitment which player will lose weight, but give the participant of the program autocoaching great tools power to transform your life. Each person should find a way to make the program work with regularity and discipline, building deep unconscious and a lean and healthy pattern. The engagement that the program requires to be full, which means read, understand and do the exercises as directed in each case, because only then you can modify the patterns of thought, even at the conscious level, enabling a deep transformation and lasting.