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      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Jugendbewegung


        by Alexander Glück

        Der Band enthält Aufsätze, die im Zuge meiner universitären Beschäftigung mit der deutschen Jugendbewegung (Abschlußarbeit über Wanderliederbücher) sowie im Rahmen der Erschließung des Nachlasses von Hinrich Jantzen entstanden sind. Einer der Aufsätze geht detailliert und berichtigend auf Forschungsfehler einer im Jahrbuch des Archivs der deutschen Jugendbewegung veröffentlichten Arbeit von Malte Lorenzen ein, ein weiterer zeichnet quellengestützt die bisher völlig unklare Stiftungsprovenienz einer auf der Burg Ludwigstein aufbewahrten Version des Fidus-Gemäldes „Lichtgebet“ (eigentl. „An Gott“) nach. Einer der Aufsätze zeigt detailliert die Entstehungsgeschichte der Biographiensammlung „Namen und Werke“ nach. Beiträge zur Genese der Wanderliederbücher in der deutschen Jugendbewegung sowie über Hans Breuer und den Zupfgeigenhansl sowie eine Einleitung runden die Aufsatzsammlung ab.

      • Veterinary medicine: small animals (pets)
        December 2021

        Orthopedics Research in Small Animals

        by Swapan Kumar Maiti

        This book covers most of the topics with latest information on bone in general and research on bone healing in particular. The book is divided into 27 chapters covering almost all aspect of orthopaedic research in small and lab animals including basic knowledge about bone; fracture types and fracture healing; bone grafts and bone substitute; internal fracture fixation; external fracture fixation; bone morphogenetic protein; transforming growth factors; role of mesenchymal stem cell in osteoinduction; fracture healing in critical sized bone defect and in very large bone defect, effect of herb and herbal product in fracture healing, role of different hormones, anabolic steroid, NSAID drug, bone wax, ultrasound in fracture healing; minimal invasive fracture repair; management of comminuted femoral and tibial metaphyseal fracture; endocrine role of fracture healing; evaluation of bone graft, ceramic biomaterials in fracture healing and physiotherapy of orthopedic patients. This book includes different research findings on application of herb, herbal product, bone graft, ceramic biomaterials, mesenchymal stem cells, and different osteoinducers in bone regeneration. The main objective of this book is to provide the latest information to meet the requirements of not only undergraduate and post graduates research scholars but also to the teachers, biologists and clinician involved in animal treatment and orthopaedic research. The book contains more than 150 good quality photographs of internal fixation techniques, x-ray, undecalcified ground sections, scanning electron microscopy, 3-D CT scan, histopathogical stained sections used in different orthopaedic interventions. This book would be of immense use to the students, teachers and research scholars engaged in the field of orthopaedic research.

      • Animal husbandry
        September 2015

        Livestock and Poultry

        Conservation and Improvement Techniques

        by C.V. Singh & R.S. Barwal

        It is difficult to forecast the There are 25 s contributed by distinguished contributors who have made valuable contributions to the field of conservation of animal biodiversity and improvement of livestock. The topics covered are ranging from cattle genetic resources, strategic action plan for sustainable management, conservation and genetics improvement, breeding strategies to improve milk productivity, production systems and breeding policies for genetic improvement, application of biotechnological tools for conservation and improving of animal genetic resources, bioinformatics and genome analysis in conservation, heat stress management etc.

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