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        January 2023

        Diagnosis Digital Disaster

        Can the healthcare system still be saved?

        by Peter Schaar

        — Ways out of the digital disaster — For healthcare professionals and informed patients Modern information technologies can and should contribute to improving the quality and transparency of medical care and making healthcare more economical – and all for the benefit and well-being of patients. Well, that would be the noble approach. All the talk about health insurance cards, telematics infrastructure and electronic patient files stirs up emotions. Peter Schaar, long-standing Federal Data Protection Commissioner, brings light to the dark data and health thicket. Why are innovations in the healthcare sector met with great scepticism by many stakeholders? How can we speed up the development and implementation of meaningful ITsupported solutions? What role does the narrow, small-scale regulatory framework play – not only, but also in data protection?

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        Geography & the Environment
        September 2024

        Digital ecologies

        Mediated encounters, governance, and assemblages in more-than-human worlds

        by Jonathon Turnbull, Adam Searle, Henry Anderson-Elliott, Eva Haifa Giraud

        Digital ccologies draws together leading social science and humanities scholars to examine how digital media are reshaping the futures of conservation, environmentalism, and ecological politics. The book offers an overview of the emerging field of interdisciplinary digital ecologies research by mapping key debates and issues in the field, with original empirical chapters exploring how livestreams, sensors, mobile technologies, social media platforms, and software are reconfiguring life in profound ways. The collection traverses contexts ranging from animal exercise apps, to surveillance systems on the high seas, and is organised around the themes of encounters, governance, and assemblages. Digital ecologies also includes an agenda-setting intervention by the book's editors, and three closing chapter-length provocations by leading scholars in digital geographies, the environmental humanities, and media theory that set out trajectories for future research.

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        Health & Personal Development

        Decrease fat of body

        by Zhao Ting

        The book contains several recipes of healthy meals which can help you to decrease your fat level instead of only loosing weight. Healthy meals and detox can help you to keep fit.     内容简介 体脂面前,体重什么都不算!减体重只治标,降体脂才治本!营养师私家亲授减肥食谱,健康进食排毒塑形,吃着吃着就瘦了的饮食减肥法!

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        The Arts
        May 2024

        Adaptation and resilience in the performing arts

        The pandemic and beyond

        by Pascale Aebischer, Rachael Nicholas

        This book offers insights into some of the digital innovations, structural adaptations and analogue solutions that enabled live performance in the UK to survive through the COVID-19 pandemic. It provides evidence of values-led policies and practices that have improved the wellbeing of the creative workforce and have increased access to live performance. Through sections that address digital innovations, workforce resilience and programming live performances outdoors and in community settings, this book provides practical insights into the challenges live performance faced during the pandemic. It shows how, in order to survive, individuals and companies within the sector drew on the creativity and resourcefulness of its workforce, and on new and existing networks. In these accounts, the pandemic functioned as catalyst for technological innovations, stock-taking regarding exploitative industry structures, and a re-valuing of the role of live performance for community-building.

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        January 2006

        Dunkelkammer digital

        Vom Datei-Management zum optimalen Fotodruck

        by Evans, Duncan / Deutsch Schossig, Matthias

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2024

        The machinic city

        Media, performance and participation

        by Marcos P. Dias

        As human and machine agency become increasingly intermingled and digital media is overlaid onto the urban landscape, The machinic city argues that performance art can help us to understand contemporary urban living. Dias analyses interventions from performance artists such as Blast Theory, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer and Rimini Protokoll, which draw from a rich history of avant-garde art movements to create spaces for deliberation and reflection on urban life, and speculation on its future. While cities are increasingly controlled by autonomous processes mediated by technical machines, Dias analyses the performative potential of the aesthetic machine, as it assembles with media, capitalist, human and urban machines. The aesthetic machine of performance art in urban space is examined through its different components - design, city and technology actants. This unveils the unpredictable nature and emerging potential of performance art as it unfolds in the machinic city.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2024

        Heritage and healing in Syria and Iraq

        by Zena Kamash

        This book explores what to do with heritage that has been destroyed in conflict. It charts a path through the colonial histories and traumatic wars of Syria and Iraq to examine the projects and responses currently on offer and assess their flaws and limitations, including issues of digital colonialism, technological solutionism, geopolitical manoeuvring, media bias and community exclusion. Drawing on current research into the psychology and neuroscience of trauma and trauma recovery, and taking inspiration from artists and creative thinkers who challenge the status quo, this book envisages gentler, creative and ethically-driven ways to respond to heritage damaged in conflict that recentre people and their hopes, dreams and needs at the heart of these debates.

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        Aid for the pharmacy

        by Dr. B. Mecking and S. Wessinger

        Ready for telepharmacy? Digitalisation is not only increasingly influencing our private lives, it is also playing an ever greater role in the healthcare sector. For example, digitalisation in the form of telepharmacy can significantly improve comprehensive patient care. This book shows how telepharmacy makes it possible to tap into new target groups and thus strengthen brick-and-mortar pharmacies. In addition, it suggests a wide range of possible ways of implementation, from individual patient consultations to telepharmaceutical lectures. In addition to the opportunities offered by telepharmacy, the authors also discuss • how telepharmaceutical services can be integrated into existing workflows, • how telepharmacy can enable employees to work from home, and • which technical and legal aspects need to be considered, especially regarding data protection. Telepharmacy can be used to expand the pharmacy‘s digital offering. Practical examples and checklists make it easier to get started.

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        November 2011

        Sperrzone Fukushima es digital

        Ein Bericht

        by William T. Vollmann

        Angesichts der Havarie in Fukushima tappten alle wochenlang im dunkeln: Was passierte wirklich in den Reaktorblöcken? War die Kernschmelze bereits eingetreten? Und ganz praktisch: Wie rechnet man eigentlich Sievert in Becquerel um? Kraftwerksbetreiber und Verwaltung schienen überfordert, Medienberichte waren widersprüchlich, selbst den Geigerzählern war nicht zu trauen. In dieser Situation machte sich William T. Vollmann, ausgestattet mit einem Dosimeter und Jodtabletten aus dem Kalten Krieg, Anfang April auf den Weg ins japanische Katastrophengebiet. »Vollmann reist durch ein zerstörtes, doppelt und dreifach heimgesuchtes Land, weil er mit eigenen Augen sehen will, was geschehen ist. Weil er es aufschreiben und so das Unbegreifbare, das Unsichtbare sichtbar machen will. Und dieses Unsichtbare ist nicht abstrakt, sondern ganz konkret. Es heißt Radioaktivität. Deswegen muss Vollmann bis zum Äußersten gehen, bis an die Grenze, in die Sperrzone eben.« (Richard Kämmerlings in der Welt am Sonntag)

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        March 2021

        Soziologie der Entnetzung

        by Urs Stäheli

        Netzwerke durchdringen heute nahezu jeden gesellschaftlichen Bereich, und lange Zeit galt: je vernetzter, desto besser! Diese Vernetzungseuphorie ist aber inzwischen ein Stück weit verflogen. Die ständige Erreichbarkeit fordert ihren Preis, Open-Office-Architekturen geraten zunehmend in die Kritik und neue Sicherheitsrisiken sorgen für Unruhe. Ausgehend von solchen Krisendiagnosen denkt Urs Stäheli in diesem Buch auf dreifache Weise über die Grenzen der Vernetzung nach – als Kritik an relationalen Sozialtheorien, als kultursoziologische Analyse von Figuren der Entnetzung und als genealogisch angelegte Untersuchung von Praktiken der Entnetzung in verschiedenen Feldern.

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