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        May 1997

        Holocaust und Literatur

        by Sem Dresden, Andreas Ecke, Gregor Seferens

        "Der Autor zeigt in seinem Essay mögliche Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Dargestellten und sprachlichen oder formalen Merkmalen literarischer Texte über den Holocaust; auffällig oft entdeckt man einen Stil, der bei aller Beherrschtheit und scheinbaren Ruhe von irrsinnigen Empfindungen geprägt zu sein scheint und zerrüttet wirkt wie das Leben unter den Bedingungen des Holocaust. Der niederländische Literaturwissenschaftler Sem Dresden schildert die Bedingungen, unter denen in Ghettos und Lagern geschrieben wurde; er beschreibt die Wirkung dieser Zeugnisse und der späteren Literatur des Holocaust auf Leser, die Gefühle der Schuld und Scham, die auch die Überlebenden kennen, die Fragwürdigkeit des Erfolgs mancher Werke. In drei aufeinanderfolgenden Kapiteln legt Dresden dar, daß das Thema der Verfolgung und Vernichtung es unmöglich macht, herkömmliche Kriterien der Beurteilung von Literatur anzuwenden."

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2024

        My Voice: Danny Herman

        by Danny Herman

        Danny Herman was born in 1935 in Königsberg in East Prussia. As the Nazis were rounding up Jews, Danny's father managed to escape to England in July 1939. He travelled to the Kitchener Camp in Kent, which helped refugees secure visas for safer places. Danny and his mother arrived in England just three days before war was declared in 1939, and his father was later sent to an internment camp on the Isle of Man. Danny went on to become a successful runner, competing in many international athletics events and volunteering in many roles, including at the 2002 Commonwealth Games. Danny's detailed memories of arriving in England, initially at the seaside in Kent and then moving to Manchester, create a vivid picture of life-changing events as experienced by a young child. Danny's book is part of the My Voice book collection, a stand-alone project of The Fed, the leading Jewish social care charity in Manchester, dedicated to preserving the life stories of Holocaust survivors and refugees from Nazi persecution who settled in the UK. The oral history, which is recorded and transcribed, captures their entire lives from before, during and after the war years. The books are written in the words of the survivor so that future generations can always hear their voice. The My Voice book collection is a valuable resource for Holocaust awareness and education.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2025

        Out of the depths

        The first collection of Holocaust songs

        by Joseph Toltz, Anna Boucher

        Available for the first time in English translation, this collection of songs is a powerful memorial to the victims of the Holocaust. In June 1945, before the full devastation of the Holocaust had emerged, a team of researchers embarked on a remarkable project. While documenting the experiences of Jewish refugees, they began to collect songs composed and sung in the Nazi camps and ghettos. The resulting book, Mima'amakim (Out of the depths), was published in a short run of 500 copies. Today, only a handful survive. Out of the depths: The first collection of Holocaust songs presents the contents of this extraordinary document for a new generation of readers. Based on a copy of Mima'amakim discovered in 2013, it contains not only the songs' melodies and lyrics, the latter in a new translation by Joseph Toltz, but also short biographies of the composers, drawn from painstaking original research. Introductory essays provide historical and musicological background, deepening our knowledge of this terrible event and the creative means by which the Jewish people responded to and endured it. Described by the original editor, Yehuda Eismann, as a 'memorial stone for Polish Jewry', the songbook is a timeless document of a people's despair, hope and strength.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2001

        Erinnerung im globalen Zeitalter: Der Holocaust

        by Daniel Levy, Natan Sznaider, Ulrich Beck, Raimund Fellinger

        Natan Sznaider, 1954 in Deutschland als Kind aus Polen stammender staatenloser Überlebender der Shoah geboren, ging mit 20 Jahren nach Israel und studierte an der Universität von Tel Aviv Soziologie, Psychologie und Geschichte. Er lehrt heute als Professor für Soziologie an der Akademischen Hochschule in Tel Aviv. Im Suhrkamp Verlag erschien 2007 von ihm, zusammen mit Daniel Levy: Erinnerungen im globalen Zeitalter: Der Holocaust. Ulrich Beck ist einer der weltweit anerkannten Soziologen. Sein 1986 erstmals veröffentlichtes Buch Risikogesellschaft. Auf dem Weg in eine andere Moderne brachte ein neues Zeitalter auf den Begriff. Dieses Konzept machte ihn international und weit über akademische Kreise hinaus bekannt. Zwanzig Jahre später erneuerte und erweiterte er seine Zeitdiagnostik in Weltrisikogesellschaft. Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Sicherheit im Zeichen von Terrorismus, Klimakatastrophen und Finanzkrisen. Er war zwischen 1997 und 2002 Herausgeber der Reihe Edition Zweite Moderne im Suhrkamp Verlag. Zwischen 1992 und 2009 war Beck Professor für Soziologie an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Von 1999 bis 2009 fungierte Ulrich Beck als Sprecher des von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft finanzierten Sonderforschungsbereichs Reflexive Modernisierung. Vom Europäischen Forschungsrat wurde Ulrich Beck 2012 ein Projekt zum Thema Methodologischer Kosmopolitismus am Beispiel des Klimawandels mit fünfjähriger Laufzeit bewilligt. Beim Weltkongress für Soziologie 2014 in Yokohama erhielt Ulrich Beck den Lifetime Achievement Award – For Most Distinguished Contribution to Futures Research der International Sociological Association. Ulrich Beck wurde am 15. Mai 1944 in Stolp in Hinterpommern geboren. Nach seinem Studium der Soziologie, Philosophie, Psychologie und Politikwissenschaft in München promovierte er dort im Jahr 1972. Sieben Jahre später wurde er im Fach Soziologie habilitiert. Sein wissenschaftliches Hauptinteresse galt dem Grundlagenwandel moderner Gesellschaften. Diese grundlegenden Veränderungen faßte er, neben dem Begriff des Risikos, unter anderem mit Konzepten wie Reflexiver Modernisierung, Zweite Moderne, unbeabsichtigte Nebenfolgen und Kosmopolitismus. Ihm wurden mehrere Ehrendoktorwürden europäischer Universitäten und zahlreiche Preise verliehen. Er starb am 1. Januar 2015. Raimund Fellinger, geboren 1951 im Saarland, arbeitete nach Studium von Germanistik, Linguistik und Politikwissenschaft seit 1979 als Lektor im Suhrkamp Verlag, seit 2006 als Cheflektor. Er starb am 25. April 2020 in Frankfurt am Main.

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        Children's & young adult fiction & true stories

        Hide and Seek with Death.

        by Anna Yamchuk, Anna Tarnovetska, Natalia Herasym, Mykola Kushnir

        The plot is based on the real-life stories of four witnesses of the Holocaust, who experienced it as children. Elements of a graphic novel are used to reflect the drama of the events in the book. To better understand all the nuances of this difficult topic, young readers are assisted by special guides (through the pages of the book), whose roles are played by real-life people Erika Grigorchuk and Oleksiy Fisyuk. The guides are young men and women currently living in a town of Chernivtsi, where the historical events took place. A large group of editors and illustrators worked on the book, and famous Chernivtsi artist Anna Tarnovetska is among them.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2005

        The holocaust

        Critical historical approaches

        by Donald Bloxham, Tony Kushner

        Despite the massive literature on the Holocaust, our understanding of it has traditionally been influenced by rather unsophisticated early perspectives and silences. This book summarises and criticises the existing scholarship on the subject and suggests new ways by which we can approach its study. It addresses the use of victim testimony and asks important questions: What function does recording the past serve for the victim? What do historians want from it? Are these two perspectives incompatible? The perpetrators of the Holocaust and the development of the murder process are closely examined. The book also compares the mentalities of the killers and the contexts of the killing with those in other acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing in the first half of the twentieth century, searching for an explanation within these comparisons. In addition, it looks at the bystanders to the Holocaust - considering the complexity and ambiguity at the heart of contemporary responses, especially within the western liberal democracies. Ultimately, this text highlights the essential need to place the Holocaust in the broadest possible context, emphasising the importance of producing high quality but sensitive scholarship in its study. ;

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        Children of the World Illustrate the Bible

        by Amos Rolnik

        Children of the World Illustrate the Bible It all began when we were looking forward to the fiftieth year Jubilee of the State of Israel. We were looking for a way, something unconventional, to bring Israel to the attention of hundreds of millions of people throughout the world. And so we came up with the idea, rather self-evident: The Bible. The Book of Books, which speaks to each and every one in dozens of countries and countless cultures. We asked ourselves: Who will bring this message? And then the idea came up: A worldwide competition among children to draw the stories of the Bible. We did not limit the subjects. Anything would be accepted as long as it was in line with the stories of the Bible. And wonder of wonders: Just like a fire in a field of thorns, the message went from country to country, from city to city, from school to school, from family to family: The children of the world are drawing the Bible. And the project reached 91 countries. Hundreds of thousands of drawings reached us. Only a handful of the thousands are brought in this album, which is the first in the series of titles flowing from the illustrations that were sent to Israel and were chosen by our staff of curators. And indeed from this handful we can already see their uniqueness. We all know the stories of the Bible, but here they materialize before our very eyes. As the children from five continents described them in their imagination, it seems that even the authors of the Bible themselves would not believe how alive and full were their heroes, as depicted with the brushes of these little children. Not only did we find a drawing of a story, but also a wide rainbow of emotions, notions, beliefs and outlooks of the world. And above all: Personal expression and riveting exposition without filters, analysis or criticism. We conducted the project throughout the world for three years, and at the end, when the thousands of drawings began streaming to the country, we were astounded by this enormous and absorbing crop. We could not avoid falling captives to the charm, strength of expression and intensity of experience that flowed from these drawings. It seems that thanks to the remarkable coming to the rescue by the children of the world, the stories of the Bible won an inspiring, artistic revival. Amos Rolnik This book was previously published by Mallmedia Publishing House& Rolnik Publishing, Something Different In 2002.  273 Pages, 25X32 cm, Color Illustrations,

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        Can’t Swap Jokes with the Angel of Death

        by Lili Rebecca Kahan

        with the Angel of Death is an amazing story of survival against all odds and a great achievement for the writer who was a teenager during World War 2, 1939–1945. This is the personal story of a family torn apart, always on the run from country to country, hiding, hoping not to be discovered and praying to survive.Lili Rebecca Kahan grew up trying to stay alive and helping others do the same. She survived dangers as a member of the underground in Budapest, often thanks to her knowledge of languages including German. There, under the Germans’ noses, she also helped other Jews by giving them new identities in order to escape death. Today, when survivors are leaving this world, she wants to honor the silent command of those who perished—remember and never forget.We, the last survivors, have a solemn obligation to testify, in the name of the dead and the living, that what we endured was a gruesome reality but also a permanent warning to mankind of horrors that might still lie ahead.Former president of France Nicolas Sarkozy so aptly put it when he said, “The tragedy of the Holocaust should be etched onto our consciousness as it is onto our hearts.”  An English-language eBook Edition was published in late 2016 by Samuel Wachtman's Sons, Inc.,CA. 148 Pages, 15X22.5 cm

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2023

        The penny politics of Victorian popular fiction

        by Rob Breton

        Penny politics offers a new way to read early Victorian popular fiction such as Jack Sheppard, Sweeney Todd, and The Mysteries of London. It locates forms of radical discourse in the popular literature that emerged simultaneously with Brittan's longest and most significant people's movement. It listens for echoes of Chartist fiction in popular fiction. The book rethinks the relationship between the popular and political, understanding that radical politics had popular appeal and that the lines separating a genuine radicalism from commercial success are complicated and never absolute. With archival work into Newgate calendars and Chartist periodicals, as well as media history and culture, it brings together histories of the popular and political so as to rewrite the radical canon.

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        Suitcases and Backpacks

        by Chava Kohavi Pines

        Suitcases and Backpacksis a testimony of intricate detail that describes a young girl’s survival in ghettos and concentration camps between 1942 and 1945. Readers follow her journey from Vienna to the Theresienstadt Ghetto, then to Auschwitz and to a labor camp near Breslau, followed by the alienation she feels upon returning to Vienna, her subsequent journey to Prague, and, finally, the realization of her dream to immigrate to Palestine. The original edition published in Hebrew has proved interesting to readers of all ages.    Chava Kohavi Pines was born Eva Hirsch in 1927 in Vienna, Austria, to a middle-class Jewish family. Since immigrating to Palestine in 1946, the author has resided in Kibbutz Dorot in the northern Negev where she worked as a teacher and counselor for years. Only with forty years’ distance from the trauma of her youth has she been able to write an account of some of her experiences during the Holocaust.    An English-language eBook edition was published in late 2014  by Samuel Wachtman's Sons Inc., CA. An Italian edition was published in early 2017 by Edizioni Terra Santa, Milano. 80 pages, 14 x 21.5 cm

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        Mit dem Todesengel ist nicht zu scherzen

        by Lili Rebecca Kahan

        Mit dem Todesengel ist nicht zu scherzen / Lili Rebecca Kahan Eine erstaunliche Geschichte des Überlebens gegen alle Widrigkeiten und eine große Leistung für die Autorin, die während des Zweiten Weltkrieges 1939–1945 ein Teenager war. Dies ist die persönliche Geschichte einer auseinandergerissenen Familie, die über lange Zeit auf der Flucht von Land zu Land ist, sich versteckt, darauf hoffend, nicht entdeckt zu werden, und ums Überleben betet. Lili Rebecca Kahan wuchs auf in dem stetigen Versuch, selbst zu überleben, nur um anderen zu helfen, ebenfalls zu überleben. Als Mitglied des Untergrunds in Budapest durchlebte sie viele gefährliche Situationen, oft dank ihrer Kenntnisse in Sprachen wie Deutsch. Dort half sie unter der Nase der Deutschen auch anderen Juden, indem sie ihnen zu neuen Identitäten verhalf, um dem Tod zu entgehen. Heute möchte sie jedes Mal, wenn eine der letzten Überlebenden diese Welt verlässt, den stillen Befehl derjenigen ehren, die umgekommen sind. „Mögen wir niemals vergessen. Wir, die letzten Überlebenden, haben die feierliche Verpflichtung, im Namen der Toten und der Lebenden Zeugnis davon zu geben, dass das, was wir ertragen haben, eine grausame Realität war, aber auch eine permanente Warnung an die Menschen sein soll, vor den Schrecken, die möglicherweise noch bevorstehen.“ Der frühere Präsident Frankreichs, Nicolas Sarkozy, sagte so treffend: „Die Tragödie des Holocaust sollte ebenso in unser Bewusstsein eingraviert werden wie in unsere Herzen.“   Eine englischsprachige E-Book-Ausgabe wurde im Herbst 2016 von Samuel Wachtmans Sons, Inc., CA, veröffentlicht. 148 Seiten, 15 x 22,5 cm.

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        Shattered Crystal

        by Baruch Cohen

        A riveting historical novel about a Berlin family during World War II, whose members struggle to come to terms with conflicting parts of their identities. Widower Franz Kerner and his three grown children live their lives as loyal German citizens. With the Third Reich’s rise to power and subsequent war, they do their best for their beloved country, during those tumultuous times. Karl, the eldest, enlists in the Luftwaffe and becomes a pilot; Elsa, the middle child, works at a government office; and Helmut, the youngest, joins the infantry. But Franz harbors a deep secret, one that defines the Kerners’ identity. When he finally reveals the secret, their worlds are deeply shaken. Illustrating the characters’ inner struggles against the backdrop of the raging war, the author vividly recounts this intricate tale. The historical aspects in the novel are based on largescale, comprehensive research, and serve to shed light on major global events from a more intimate point of view, one that illustrates the repercussions of war for all of mankind. Baruch (Bobby) Cohen was born in Romania (1927) and, after previous unsuccessful attempts, immigrated to Israel in 1948 upon its establishment. The author served in the Israeli Navy, and later worked at the State Comptroller’s Office until his retirement as deputy director of inspection of Israel’s security forces. For his activities in helping the Romanian Jews between 1945-1947, Cohen was awarded the Decoration of State Warriors by the Israel Ministry of Defense. Shattered Crystal is Cohen’s second book. His first, The Decade of Tears, recounts the story of three young Jews in the newly-born State of Israel in the decade following WWII. An English-language North-American edition was published in early 2021 by Samuel Wachtman's Sons, Inc., CA. 242 Pages, 15X22.5 cm

      • Trusted Partner

        Koffer und Rucksäcke

        by Chava Kohavi Pines

        Koffer und Rucksäcke von Chava Kohavi Pines   Koffer und Rucksäcke ist ein detailgetreues Zeugnis, das das Überleben eines jungen Mädchens in Gettos und Konzentrationslagern zwischen 1942 und 1945 beschreibt. Der Leser folgt ihrer Reise von Wien ins Getto Theresienstadt, dann nach Auschwitz und in ein Arbeitslager in der Nähe von Breslau, gefolgt von der Entfremdung, die sie bei ihrer Rückkehr nach Wien verspürt, ihrer anschließenden Reise nach Prag und schließlich der Verwirklichung ihres Traumes von der Einwanderung nach Palästina. Die auf Hebräisch veröffentlichte Originalausgabe hat LeserInnen aller Altersgruppen fasziniert.   Chava Kohavi Pines wurde 1927 als Eva Hirsch in Wien in eine bürgerliche jüdische Familie geboren. Seit ihrer Auswanderung nach Palästina im Jahr 1946 lebt die Autorin im Kibbuz Dorot im nördlichen Negev, wo sie Jahre lang als Lehrerin und Beraterin tätig war. Nur aus vierzig Jahren Distanz vom Trauma ihrer Jugend konnte sie über einige ihrer Erfahrungen während des Holocaust berichten.   Eine englischsprachige nordamerikanische Ausgabe wurde Anfang 2014 von Samuel Wachtmans Sons, Inc., CA, veröffentlicht. Eine italienische Ausgabe wurde Anfang 2017 von Edizioni Terra Santa, Milano, veröffentlicht. 80 Seiten 14 x 21,5 cm.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2024

        Tracking the Jews

        Ecumenical Protestants, conversion, and the Holocaust

        by Carolyn Sanzenbacher

        This book sheds light on an unprecedented Protestant conversion initiative for the global evangelisation of Jews. Founded in 1929, the International Committee on the Christian Approach to the Jews (ICCAJ) aimed to bring Jewish people to their 'spiritual destiny', a task it saw as both benevolent and essential for a harmonious society. By the time of Hitler's rise to power it was active in thirty-two countries, educating Protestant churches on the right Christian attitude towards Jews and antisemitism. Reconstructing the activities of the ICCAJ in the years before, during and immediately after the Holocaust, Tracking the Jews reveals how ideas disseminated through the organisation's discourse - 'Jewish problem', 'Jewish influence', 'Judaising threat', 'eternal Jew' - were used to rationalise, justify, explain or advance a number of deeply troubling policies. They were, for vastly different reasons, consciously used elements of argumentation in both Protestant conversionary discourse and Nazi antisemitic ideology.

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        The Arts
        March 2025

        We all die at the end

        Storytelling in the climate apocalypse

        by Sam Haddow

        We all die at the end offers a survey of contemporary end-of-the-world fiction, spanning literature, children's fiction, video games, theatre and film. It draws on eco-critical philosophy and narrative theory to show ways in which the climate crisis is reorienting storytelling in the face of foreseeable human extinction. In the process, it argues that such stories have a role to play in helping us come to terms with the severity and scale of the crisis that we face.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2020

        Howard Jacobson

        by David Brauner, Daniel Lea

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2025

        The Jewish pedlar

        An untold criminal history

        by Tony Kushner

        An imaginative investigation into a historical crime that sheds new light on Jewish history. In 1734 a pedlar turned smuggler named Jacob Harris slit the throats of three people in a pub in Sussex. This triple-murder, for which he was hanged and gibbeted, remains the most violent crime ever committed by a British Jew. Yet today it is all but forgotten. In The Jewish pedlar, Tony Kushner goes in search of the enigmatic Harris. Digging into a remarkable range of sources, from law records and newspaper reports to ballads and folktales, he follows the traces of Harris's legend across three hundred years of British history. In doing so, he reconstructs the world of Jewish pedlars and criminals across many continents. The lives these figures eked out at the margins of society paint a picture of persistent antisemitism - but also of remarkable integration. Intellectually bold and deeply humane, The Jewish pedlar takes a new, grassroots approach to the history of Jews in the modern world, shedding light on everyday lives from the Enlightenment to the Holocaust and beyond.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2018

        Rushing out of the Solar System

        by Yang Peng

        Yang Peng's alien series original science fiction works. The book continues Yang Peng's consistent style of creation—incredible imagination, extraordinary exaggeration, unrepeatable comedy, bizarre plots, sci-fi elements, relaxing, humorous, and thrilling fun. At the same time, courage, integrity, kindness, unity, patriotism, and environmental protection are integrated into the delightful storytelling. The theme is positive, setting a good example for the children. The evil aliens were sucked into the black hole, but broke through the white hole and got out of the captivity of the crystal box. In 3199, they took the snow comet to the solar system again, and started the first shot of attacking humans on Mars. Then they launched a horrible "smashing bomb" to the earth. As a result, the earth's pollution is raging. Earth was at stake! The 15-year-old CEO Yang Jian, super-powered girl Murong Xue, little doctor Jiligulu and their peers, sailed the super space battleship "Dragon" to the distant crystal star for help, and once again encountered the enemy fleet on the edge of the solar system at a ratio of 1 against 53. Can they win?

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