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      • Andrew Nurnberg Associates Ltd.

        International literary agency with a distinguished list of fiction, non-fiction and children's authors, specializing in foreign rights.

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      • Ediciones Uniandes / Universidad de los Andes

        Ediciones Uniandes, Universidad de los Andes’s press, in Bogotá, Colombia, publishes scholarly books and music CDs, thus making available the research and arts production of professors and researchers within the university. Our aim is to consolidate a rigorous catalog with high academic and editorial standards, and to publish relevant titles while promoting collaboration with other key institutions, both in Colombia and abroad, and intercultural exchange; we also support editorial policies such as open access. Our catalog includes a wide range of topics with special emphasis on Social Sciences, Humanities and Law, but also Economics, Sciences, Management, Architecture, Design, and Medicine.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        July 2021

        Andro, streng geheim! - Fehlermeldung: Schule (Band 1)

        by Kai Pannen

        Andro, Top Secret! - Error: School (Vol. 1)   0% human and 100% android   At first glance, Andro Newman seems like a normal boy - but Andro is a robot who is secretly smuggled into a school class as a human boy. Mission: to explore the humans and not to be exposed under any circumstances. Easier said than done, because these terribly illogical beings called humans and their strange habits have to be understood first. But the AI android 3.0-m, correction, Andro Neumann, has to get through it now: his builders have given him a clear goal!   • Situational comedy meets a great narrative voice • Varied layout with different fonts, vignettes and illustrations • Special hook: a robot goes undercover at school

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2022

        Das Babel Projekt 1. Lifelike

        by Jay Kristoff, Yesim Meisheit, Gerald Jung

        Was unterscheidet Mensch und Maschine? Die 17-jährige Eve kann sich gerade so mit Roboterkämpfen über Wasser halten – bis sie vernichtend geschlagen wird und auch das letzte Geld verliert. Auf der Suche nach einem Ausweg findet sie Ezekiel, ein Lifelike-Androide, die wegen ihrer Ähnlichkeit zu Menschen und überlegenen Kampfkunst verboten sind. Unerklärlicherweise vertraut sie ihm, obwohl seine Behauptungen ihr gesamtes Leben infrage stellen. Eve bricht in die Wüste aus schwarzem Glas auf, um die Wahrheit über ihre Vergangenheit und sich selbst herauszufinden. Aber manche Geheimnisse sollten besser ungelüftet bleiben …

      • Trusted Partner


        by Mervin Malonzo (author and illustrator)

        Tabi Po tells the story of Elias, a neophyte aswang (flesh-eating humanoid creature). Born from a tree during the country’s Spanish era, Elias embarks on a journey with two older aswangs in the quest to understand their true nature. Along the way, Elias meets Salome, a sex slave of the friars, and falls for her. In the middle of a rising revolution, Elias is forced to face his own battles– his love for Salome and her pursuit of vengeance versus his hunger for flesh, the growing rift between himself and his two aswang mentors, the society’s stigma with their kind, and the battle with his own inner demons.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        March 2022

        Andro, streng geheim! - Emotionen und andere Störfaktoren (Band 2)

        by Kai Pannen

        Andro, Top Secret! - Emotions and other Disruptive Factors (Vol. 2)   Battery full and go!   At first glance, Andro Newman seems like a normal boy - but Andro is a robot who is secretly smuggled into a school class as a human boy. Mission: to explore the humans and not to be exposed under any circumstances.   Andro's undercover spy mission continues: visit the fifth grade of the Konrad Zuse School, gather information about the complicated species called "humans" and find true friends. However, one peculiarity of these humans remains a mystery to Andro: their illogical feelings. This costs the android a lot of friendship points. He installs an emotion module to connect with humans better - but secretly, of course. The ‘emotion’ module works and Andro earns a lot of friendship points! It even works too well and Andro is no longer master of his senses - sorry - of his cables and screws: Andro has to let Lilli in on it, and together they absolutely have to turn off the module.   • Situational comedy meets a great narrative voice • Varied layout with different fonts, vignettes and illustrations • Special hook: a robot goes undercover at school

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2023

        Posthuman Journey Trilogie

        by Pat To Yan, John Birke, Ulrike Syha

        Das zentrale Motiv der Reise verbindet diese Trilogie: Wohin die Figuren auch gehen, sie sind in einem Transitzustand, in Umbruchssituationen, auf der Flucht und auf der Suche nach den Bedingungen für eine freie Gesellschaft. Eine kurze Chronik des künftigen China erzählt eine Bewegung gegen den Strom: Alle fliehen vor dem Krieg in den Süden des Landes, während »Der Außenstehende« die Rückreise antritt ins Zentrum der Katastrophe, um sich mit seiner verdrängten traumatischen Geschichte zu konfrontieren. Eine posthumane Geschichte beginnt mit einem Soldaten, der vom Homeoffice aus feindliche Gebiete bombardiert. Als sein Sohn ohne Gesäß geboren wird, reist er an den Kriegsort und versucht Verantwortung für die eigene Schuld zu übernehmen. Überall im Universum Klang ist der philosophischste Teil der Trilogie. Er spielt im All und auf einem noch unbekannten Planeten. Die Erde wird von einem schwarzen Loch geschluckt. Ein Mann versucht seine Geliebte wiederzufinden, die dabei in einen anderen Bewusstseinszustand transformiert wurde. Pat To Yans Szenarien sind bevölkert von mythologisch inspirierten und allegorischen Figuren, zwischen Mensch und Tier, zwischen Mensch und Androide. Sie bewegen sich stets in parallel existierenden Bewusstseinsebenen und Timelines. Seine vom magischen Realismus beeinflusste Schreibweise erzählt vom Sterben, Leben und Überleben in politisch repressiven Systemen. »Wenn du über die Grausamkeit der Realität schreiben willst, darf es nicht realistisch sein.« Das unheimliche Mädchen aus Teil 1, Eine kurze Chronik des künftigen China

      • Fiction

        Polar Quantum

        by Almudena Otero

        Polar Quantum is a scifi novel set in the 22nd century. Global warming finally caused polar caps to melt and the air to become poisonous. To save humankind, two giant domes were built: one in Greenland, where rich people live; and one in Antarctica, for scientists and intellectuals. Antarctica is the sole remaining part of the Earth where some permanent ice survives, allowing for the development of a type of quantum technology to create a system of AI humanoid systems, that interact with humans being to save what remains of the planet. In this context, historian Gabriel Beristain moves to Quanta, in Antarctica, with his family, where he has been tasked with translating classic works of literature into Kunstig, a language developed to allow the interaction of humanoids and humans. What seems to be a fascinating project opens the door to a world of intrigue, betrayal, and violence that puts the fragile balance of Antarctica, and the survival of the world, into question. The purpose of Polar Quantum is depticing a world where the very essence of humankind is put to the test, and where the coexistence of synthetic humanoids and flesh and blood humans is possible…only if they work together.

      • May 2024

        Can You Love a Robot? with Blade Runner


        It’s the year 2019 in Los Angeles. The planet Earth has seen its fauna virtually disappear following overexploitation, pollution, nuclear wars, and man-made climate change. The population has been encouraged to move to the colonies situated on other planets. Artificial animals and androids have been created to meet their needs. For the later, their organs are manufactured independently using genetic manipulation. They are built in human form and called Replicants. Following a bloody and inexplicable uprising in a Martian colony, the Replicants are banned from Earth. Special police units, or Blade Runners, intervene to enforce the law against offenders but the latest android model is difficult to distinguish from humans pushing the Blade Runners to investigate at length, through a test to establish their lack of empathy, before shutting it down. From fiction to reality, this book looks at “affective computing”, a branch of research in AI which develops systems capable of recognizing, expressing, synthesizing, and copying human emotions. Discover the androids that could one day become our new life companions, eager to satisfy our every wish.

      • Yojimbot

        by Sylvain Repos

        Hoki Province, Japan, 2241. The island is populated by androids who tirelessly reenact the same samurai battles... The 3rd "Crisis of Man" destroyed all traces of life. Among the ruins of a feudal Japan rebuilt from scratch, the few machines that survived continue to reproduce scenarios that are thousands of years old. While humanity was thought to be unable to survive on the surface, one of the robots - a Yojimbot - comes face to face with a survivor, a child, threatened by a heavily armed troop... Overcoming the basic rules of robotics by prioritizing one life over another, this Yojimbot will kill every member of the squad in order to save the child. Later, other robots will join the adventure to defend the little boy. They will quickly understand that protecting him is a priority: in his genes lies the salvation of humanity. But their powerful opponents are determined to make this proof of potential survival on the surface disappear...

      • Fiction

        The Merchant of Bullshit

        by J.D.B.

        A rotting gene has infiltrated mankind’s cognitive process at an advanced level and turned it into gibberish.  Moreover, the Dronzyme, an integral part of the Detox Unorthodox advocated by major forces in the Consultancy Sector, actively stimulates the production of this gene via a benign mucous in the larynx. Soon, under the auspices of the Catallus Group, a new language and functionality possesses the mindset, and no one is considered immune. The Capital itself becomes a repository for degenerate ideas and concepts, whose terror becomes flesh with the birth of a quasi-physical oaf. Herein is the awful truth of the Schnimp, and the Corporate Giants now forced to obey its commands... in a unprecedented wave of NONSENSE. The explanation: The Merchant of Bullshit is a satire on the City of London, and its all-pervading, meaningless jargon, part of the global war against intelligence, as documented by someone who worked nights for over 15 years immersed in it. The author: (location unknown) lives in a shed in Myrddin’s Precinct where he communes with drunken spirits and entities, and launches vitriolic assaults against the Satanic Inertias of the Capital, soon to be revisited in The Gnat.  A series of endless night-shifts in the Ancient City of London drives him to the terrifying conclusion that its entire existence is a Hoax – a bankrupt Government, media and economy imprisoned in a Tower of Babble.  But can a man certified as insane – twice – complete his mission to rescue the intellectual heritage of his Nation?  Who knows.  For now, he sleeps amid the empty quarts and flasks, waiting to spring forth from his chrysalis...

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2020

        Do Androids Dream of Electric Cars?

        Public Transit in the Age of Google, Uber, and Elon Musk

        by James Wilt

        Laying the tracks for a just public transit future Public transit in North America is in crisis. Ridership is down, fares are up, breakdowns more frequent, and in some cities trains are delayed because the tracks are literally on fire. Meanwhile, ride-sharing platforms like Uber and Lyft offer an alternative to standing on a crowded bus. And the electric and self-driving car manufacturers like Tesla and Google’s Waymo promise a sustainable future without accidents caused by human error. But does Silicon Valley really have the right plans for moving us around and saving the planet? James Wilt takes a closer look at the state of public transit in North America and the devious ways that corporations have worked to dismantle our public systems. He provides hopeful answers to the question of how we might make public transit affordable, equitable, sustainable, and efficient.

      • April 2020

        L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 36

        by L. Ron Hubbard (Author), Nnedi Okorafor (Author), Katherine Kurtz (Author), Jody Lynn Nye (Author), Echo Chernik (Author), Mike Perkins (Author), Sean Williams (Author), Zack Be (Author), F. J. Bergmann (Author), Tim Boiteau (Author), Andy Dibble (Author), David Elsensohn (Author), Michael Gardner (Author), J. L. George (Author), Storm Humbert (Author), Katherine Livingston (Author), Leah Ning (Author), C. Winspear (Author), Sonny Zae (Author), David Farland (Editor), Brock Aguirre (Illustrator), Aidin Andrews (Illustrator), Arthur Bowling (Illustrator), Irmak Çavun (Illustrator), Kaitlyn Goldberg (Illustrator), Benjamin Hill (Illustrator), John Dale Javier (Illustrator), Heather Laurence (Illustrator), Anh Le (Illustrator), Mason Matak (Illustrator), Phoebe Rothfeld (Illustrator)

        Who are the top science fiction writers and illustrators of the future?The answer is here. Get to know tomorrow’s brightest creative talents chosen by some of today’s bestselling authors and celebrated artists including Kevin J. Anderson, Orson Scott Card, Larry Elmore, Brandon Sanderson, Dan dos Santos, and Robert J. Sawyer. Enter brilliantly realized worlds of dystopian politics, magical realism, post-apocalyptic adventure and romance, dark fantasy and more. Explore universes of unlimited possibility in which a cereal box becomes a Pandora’s box of good and evil . . . a troupe of artistic androids risk everything to catch the eye of a critic . . . and the foundation of a family, the very key to their existence, is not only inhabiting a home, but becoming it. Discover the writers who push the boundaries—and break beyond them . . . the illustrators who envision the impossible—and render it real . . . the stories that challenge the way we see ourselves—and see the world in a new way. The future of science fiction and fantasy is in your hands. Anthology includes: 12 award-winning stories, 16 full-color illustrations, 4 bonus stories, and 4 articles offering art and writing tips. ___________________________ 4 bonus short stories: “Borrowed Glory” by L. Ron Hubbard: For a single day of glory and the settlement of a dispute among immortals, a life can be a satisfactory price. “The Green Tower” by Katherine Kurtz: The magic is strong in the Green Tower, and two young girls struggle to discover its secrets. “The Phoenix’s Peace” by Jody Lynn Nye: The Phoenix has always been the guardian of Dembia. Now there’s trouble in the land, and mysteriously, the Phoenix has left two golden eggs. “The Winds of Harmattan” by Nnedi Okorafor: A young woman seeks her destiny in the African winds of Harmattan. ___________________________ Art and writing tips: “The Illustrators of the Future Contest and the Art of This Anthology” by Echo Chernik: As a successful advertising and publishing illustrator, Illustrators of the Future Coordinating Judge and art director, Echo gives the story behind the cherished art included in this anthology. “Steps in the Right Direction” by L. Ron Hubbard: In this interview, Ron describes the practical philosophy and energetic disciplines he applied with such telling success to his own career as a professional author. “Breaking In” by Mike Perkins: Marvel and DC artist for Captain America, Thor, and Spider-Man shares valuable advice for anyone wanting to make it as a professional artist and illustrator. “Making Collaboration Work for You or Co-writing with Larry and Sean” by Sean Williams: New York Times bestselling author, provides insight on the pitfalls and advantages of collaborating with another author. ___________________________ “Science fiction as a genre has always looked to the future and the Writers of the Future looks to the future of science fiction.” —Kevin J. Anderson “Writers of the Future is the flagship of short fiction.” —Orson Scott Card “L. Ron Hubbard ignited the spark of imagination, which in the minds of these new artists has become a blaze.” —Bob Eggleton “Some of the most excellent speculative fiction that you can find anywhere. They’re cutting edge. They’re new.” —Nnedi Okorafor “These are the people who are going to be creating trends.” —Brandon Sanderson “The Illustrators of the Future is an amazing compass for what the art industry holds in store for all of us.” —Dan dos Santos “Packed with brilliant stories and thoughtful essays, all wonderfully illustrated by the artist winners―always a joy to behold.” —Robert J. Sawyer

      • Astrogames #1

        Match Among Junk

        by Leo Bican, Pablo Broseta

        Living in Roughstone, the farthest asteroid in the galaxy, is almost a nightmare. But just almost, because Bico and his friends have a golden opportunity: they will participate in the Astrogames. Of course, first they have to defeat cheating Mr. Goldbar's android team. Join the most unpredictable sport competition in the galaxy!

      • 2021

        Pin-8 quiere ir al colegio

        by Álvaro Colomer

        Pin-0 Ki-0 is the first version of an android that doesn’t work properly. Pin-0 KI-0 does not control its own gadgets at all, causing multiple disasters in the most unexpected moments and without previous advice. Let’s say, is kind of a clumsy robot. Nevertheless, Pin-0 Ki-0 is very sweet and curious, and he wishes to become a bit more human every day. In the search of his dream to become human, Pin-0 Ki-0 will run many humoristic and tender adventures.

      • Suziko The Iron Claw 3

        The Adventure of Oceania

        by Sara Gürbüz Özeren

        The lives of Alper, Oğuz and Caner completely changed with that plane crash. The only thing they could save from the accident was Suziko, a humanoid robot with artificial intelligence. As our heroes travel between continents, they set sail for a new adventure after Africa and Antarctica: Australia, Oceania Continent composes of Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia islands. There are active volcanoes, geysers, Tasmanian devils, kangaroos, box jellyfish, Pygmies, Aborigines, the terrifying Mount Marum, the glassy shark and much more in this continent. Will Suziko return to see active volcanoes? Will our heroes be able to dodge the bad guys chasing after Suziko? How will our heroes who are trapped on a rock in the vast ocean be survived? Will the pirates harm our heroes? Get ready to turn the pages excitedly for the answers to all these questions and more! Our artificial intelligence robot Suziko and our heroes are waiting for you with their new adventures!

      • Weapons & equipment
        March 2008

        Soldier Protective Clothing and Equipment

        Feasibility of Chemical Testing Using a Fully Articulated Robotic Mannequin

        by Committee on Full-System Testing and Evaluation of Personal Protection Equipment Ensembles in Simulated Chemical-Warfare Environments, National Research Council

        There is an ongoing need to test and ensure effectiveness of personal protective equipment that soldiers use to protect themselves against chemical warfare agents. However, testing using human subjects presents major challenges and current human-size thermal mannequins have limited testing capabilities. The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) along with their counterparts from other countries are seeking to develop more human like mannequins, which would include features like human motion, in order to carry out more advanced chemical testing. At the request of DOD Product Director, Test Equipment, Strategy and Support, the National Research Council formed an ad hoc committee to evaluate the feasibility of developing an advanced humanoid robot, or Protection Ensemble Test Mannequin (PETMAN) system that meets the DOD requirements. The book concludes that although most of the individual requirements can technically be met, fulfilling all of the requirements is currently not possible. Based on this conclusion the committee recommends that DOD considers three issues, prioritization of current system requirements, use qualified contractor for particular technical aspects, incorporate complementary testing approaches to the PETMAN system.

      • Fiction


        by Adrien Mangold

        Progress won't let us a choice. The Great Blue led Humanity to the brink of extinction. A thousand years later, five megalopolis were built. Numeris, leader of the  technological progress, is the target of all ambitions. Revenge, idealism, power, fuel the cyclone that befalls on the authorities.  In its eye, Thomas Milas. Great defender of the android cause, he fights to develop artificial intelligence to the point to make it exceed man IQ. Yet, there are experiments you'd better avoid when the enemy watches you, hunts you you, is you…

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