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      • Trusted Partner
        July 2024

        Knacks! 1 Ein T-Rex schlüpft aus

        by Claudia Scharf, Barbara Fisinger

        Lustiges und temporeiches Abenteuer für alle Dino-Fans! In Toms Schule legen die Schulhühner plötzlich seltsame Eier. Als aus einem Ei ein kleiner T-Rex schlüpft, muss Tom sich um das ungewöhnliche Küken kümmern. Das T-Rex-Mädchen Rexi ist zwar weniger gefährlich, als es aussieht, aber es ist gar nicht so einfach, ein Zuhause für Rexi zu finden. Vielleicht im Zoo? Kann Tom dem übereifrigen Zoodirektor vertrauen? Das lustige Kinderbuch zum Lesen lernen für Kinder ab 7 Jahren erzählt eine rasante Geschichte über ein seltsames Ei, aus dem ein freches Dino-Mädchen schlüpft. Mit einfachen Sätzen, kurzen Kapiteln und vielen witzigen Illustrationen ist es perfekt für Leseanfänger*innen und Lesemuffel geeignet. Ein leicht zu lesendes Dino-Abenteuer mit hohem Suchtfaktor! Knacks! 1 Ein T-Rex schlüpft aus: Tierischer Lesespaß für Leseanfänger*innen Einfach, rasant, witzig: Eine leicht lesbare Abenteuergeschichte mit einem frechen kleinen T-Rex für Kinder ab 7 Jahren. Perfekt für leseungeübte Kinder: Humorvoll und einfach geschrieben, mit kurzen Kapiteln und überschaubarer Textmenge. Kunterbunter Lesespaß: Die vielen lustigen Illustrationen lassen die Kinder auch visuell in die Geschichte eintauchen. Zwei tolle Themen in einem: Das Lieblingsthema Dinosaurier kombiniert mit einer witzigen Freundschaftsgeschichte. Mit kurzen Texten, vielen lustigen Bildern und einer rasanten Handlung ist die neue KNACKS!-Reihe der perfekte Leseeinstieg für Kinder ab 7 Jahren. Eine leicht lesbare Kinderbuch-Reihe, deren Fans schon sehnsüchtig auf das nächste Abenteuer warten! Denn, die Schulhühner legen auf einmal seltsame Eier – und Tom hat ein Riesenproblem.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2024

        BiBiBiber hat da mal 'ne Frage. Sind Dinos wirklich alle tot?

        Dr. Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim & Marie Meimberg wissen, warum Dinos noch leben und die Stärksten nicht immer gewinnen

        by Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim, Marie Meimberg, Marie Meimberg

        In diesem Sach-Bilderbuch haben Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim und Marie Meimberg auf über 100 Seiten all ihr Wissen in Antworten und Bildern vereint. Wenn Du dieses Buch liest, wirst Du verstehen, warum Dinos noch leben und was das mit der Geschichte der Erde zu tun hat. Mit Evolutionstheorie, dem Wettbewerb der Tiere und der Tatsache, dass wir besser überleben, wenn wir sehr, sehr unterschiedlich sind. Du wirst verstehen: Diese scheinbar kleine Frage ist mit der Klimakatastrophe, der Gut-Schlecht-Gleichzeitigkeit, Massensterben, T-rex-Klettergerüsten und Insel-Kiwis verbunden. Und mit uns. Mit der Frage, wie wir leben wollen. Und wie wir mit unserer Menschen-Magie die Welt verändern. Wissenschaft spannend erzählt, überraschend und lyrisch zugleich. Erfahre in diesem Kindersachbuch, warum wir immer noch täglich Dinos sehen – und viele andere ganz erstaunliche Fakten. Von den beiden Autorinnen Marie Meimberg, Kulturwissenschaftlerin und preisgekrönte interdisziplinäre Künstlerin, und Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim, Chemikerin und vielfach ausgezeichnete Wissenschaftsjournalistin. Wissenschaft wie Poesie: Selten war fundiertes Allgemeinwissen so unterhaltsam und spannend. Genial als Geschenk für Kinder ab 7 Jahren und alle Erwachsenen, die „maiLab“ auf YouTube lieben.

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        Children's & YA
        August 2022

        T wie Tessa - Geheime Geschäfte (Band 3)

        by Frauke Scheunemann

        T for Tessa – Secret Business (Vol. 3) Fast fashion with a clear conscience? - Tessa and the Fashion MafiaChaos Queen Tessa's comfortable life has finally come to an end since she became a secret agent (by mistake) of the internationally operating secret service R.I.N.G. Now she's out to put a stop to the masterminds of organized crime.Cool, stylish, and exciting, T for Tessa combines classic chick-lit elements with trendy agent plotting. In each volume, there is a new thrilling case to keep readers on their toes.What happens in Volume 3:Tessa joins the school newspaper because she wants to prove to her crush Timo, the editor-in-chief, that she is a damn cool eighth grader. Wouldn't it be laughable if Tessa didn't make a top investigative journalist with her newly acquired agent skills? She wants to research how well recycling clothes works: Customers can return their used clothing, and stores like Fashionista refurbish the clothes and donate them to neighborhood projects. With the help of a GPS tracker sewn into a used sweater, they track the sweater to the Suez Canal ... but this does not fit the promises of Fashionista at all. The problem of old clothes imports seems to be even bigger than Tessa suspects. And then Tessa and the Girl Group receive a tip that calls for RING's intervention ...• Chick-lit with trendy agent plot in international settings: Charlie's Angels meets Austin Powers• Exciting and humorous entertainment for readers aged 11 and up, unmistakably humorous and entertaining à la Frauke Scheunemann• Special topic: fast fashion & greenwashing, narrated with coolness, humor and a touch of romance

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2006

        Nachdenken über Christa T.


        by Christa Wolf, Sonja Hilzinger

        Die Erzählerin in diesem Roman denkt über die widersprüchliche Persönlichkeit und den schwierigen Lebensweg ihrer jung gestorbenen Freundin Christa T. nach. Sensibel für die Nichtübereinstimmung, die Diskrepanz zwischen dem Faktischen und dem utopischen Anspruch des Sozialismus, suchte Christa T. nach Wegen, das, was ist, und das, was werden soll, zusammenzubringen – und machte dabei die schmerzhafte Erfahrung, daß der Riß der Zeit durch sie selbst geht. Aus den nachgelassenen Aufzeichnungen der Christa T., der eigenen Erinnerung und Erfindungen entwirft die Erzählerin ein vielschichtiges, beunruhigendes und faszinierendes Bild der Freundin: »… Daß die Zweifel verstummen und man sie sieht. Wann, wenn nicht jetzt?« Nachdenken über Christa T., erschienen 1968, gehört zu den modernen Klassikern der deutschen Literatur. Dieser Roman begründete Christa Wolfs Weltruhm.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2023

        Dido, Queen of Carthage

        by Christopher Marlowe

        by Ruth Lunney

        A city burns, and a queen burns for love: Dido, Queen of Carthage re-imagines one of the great legendary stories. The encounter between a wandering hero and an African queen engenders love and loss, eroticism and absurdity, childish simplicity and compelling eloquence. Written for children to perform in the 1580s, Dido is nonetheless a remarkable play, revolutionary in its approach to character, blank verse, and audiences. This volume is the first single-text scholarly edition in English. It is an indispensable resource for scholars, students, and theatre practitioners. The edition features an accessible text, lightly punctuated for ease of reading and speaking. It incorporates new research into authorship (which indicates that Marlowe wrote the play), a detailed analysis of Dido's sources, and a survey of criticism; it assesses the evidence for early performances and provides extensive information about modern productions.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2007

        Nachdenken über Christa T.

        by Christa Wolf

        Nachdenken über Christa T. begründete den Weltruhm Christa Wolfs und gehört zu den wichtigsten Werken der deutschsprachigen Nachkriegsliteratur. Mit nur 36 Jahren stirbt Christa T. an Leukämie. Ihre ehemalige Schulkameradin und Studienfreundin erinnert sich an sie: an eine Frau, die der Forderung nach Anpassung ihre Phantasie, ihr Gewissen und vor allem ihre Sehnsucht nach Selbstverwirklichung entgegensetzt.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2017

        The divorce of King Lothar and Queen Theutberga

        Hincmar of Rheims's De divortio

        by Rachel Stone, Charles West

        In the mid-ninth century, Francia was rocked by the first royal divorce scandal of the Middle Ages: the attempt by King Lothar II of Lotharingia to rid himself of his queen, Theutberga and remarry. Even 'women in their weaving sheds' were allegedly gossiping about the lurid accusations made. Kings and bishops from neighbouring kingdoms, and several popes, were gradually drawn into a crisis affecting the fate of an entire kingdom. This is the first professionally published translation of a key source for this extraordinary episode: Archbishop Hincmar of Rheims's De divortio Lotharii regis et Theutbergae reginae. This text offers eye-opening insight both on the political wrangling of the time and on early medieval attitudes towards magic, penance, gender, the ordeal, marriage, sodomy, the role of bishops, and kingship.The translation includes a substantial introduction and annotations, putting the case into its early medieval context and explaining Hincmar's sometimes-dubious methods of argument.

      • Trusted Partner
        Art forms

        T. Shevchenko. Life in art

        by Dmytro Stus, Tetyana Chuiko, Anastasia Morozova, Yulia Shilenko

        Of course, the fate of the artist was formed in a certain way because he realized his vocation - to be a poet. On the other hand, he lived his life as a professional artist. After graduating from the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, T. Shevchenko worked as an artist in the Temporary Commission for the consideration of ancient acts (Kyiv Archaeographic Commission), applied for the position of drawing teacher at the University of St. Volodymyr in Kyiv. And when his plans were broken by arrest, then in exile, despite the strict imperial ban on writing and drawing, the artist was able to work in his specialty, although not officially. Shevchenko devoted the last years of his life to the development of etching, having received the title of academician in engraving. The publication consists of two parts. The first is devoted to the works of the artist, made in graphic techniques, as well as sepia and watercolor. Given the fact that there are few oil paintings in the artist's works, we singled them out in the second part, trying to break stereotypes about their perception. Each section of the first part is devoted to a separate genre, which was addressed by T. Shevchenko. The largest of the sections are divided into thematic headings, which allows you to see the works of the artist from a new, perhaps unexpected, angle. In turn, the commentary to each work contains a brief history of creation (places, circumstances, relationships, etc.) and artistic characteristics that reveal the performing skills of the author. In addition, an important addition is the part of the commentary "Interesting" and quotes from the novels, Diary, correspondence of the artist, memoirs of his contemporaries. You can start your acquaintance with the publication from any section or even heading. Traveling through Shevchenko's paintings on separate routes you will have a complete rich journey through the original world of the artist.

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        Children's & YA
        June 2021

        T wie Tessa - Plötzlich Geheimagentin (Band 1)

        by Frauke Scheunemann

        T for Tessa - Suddenly Secret Agent (Vol. 1) T for Tessa and top secret! The first volume of a new secret agent series combines coolness, a touch of romance, and a ton of humor as Tessa trips into her first detective case. Together with her Mongolian gerbil Hector, a talking sidekick, Tessa soon turns into a real top-notch agent. Of course, she still retains her chaotic nature, which makes for a lot of situation comedy.   Extremely shy and clumsy – it’s no wonder Tessa would rather be someone else. Like a member of Gimme Four, for example, the super famous girl group at her school. Then the unimaginable happens: Tessa passes the audition and makes it into the band! But it’s not exactly what she thought it would be. The rehearsals are disrupted by sketchy fans, wild chases at night, and ruthless mafiosi. And Tessa’s new band mates seem to have other hobbies besides music. Or how else would you explain the weapons in the instrument cases?

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        Children's & young adult fiction & true stories
        March 2022

        T wie Tessa - Codewort Lotusblüte (Band 2)

        by Frauke Scheunemann

        T for Tessa - Codeword Lotus Flower (Vol. 2) From Hamburg Harbour to Rotterdam - Tessa topsecret!Shooting training, karate, heart palpitations and band rehearsals - Tessa Neumann's comfortable life has finally come to an end since she "accidentally" became an agent of the internationally operating secret service R.I.N.G. Now she's out to put a stop to the masterminds of organized crime.And it’s Tessa's first mission to be involved from the very beginning! Quite stressful but usually absolutely okay, if not now of all times Timo Erhardt, the crush of her sleepless nights, would show interest in her. How can fate throw such lousy timing at her? Actually, Tessa would really like to take a break, but evil never sleeps, as we all know. The scene of the crime in this mission is the port of Hamburg. Here, the customs investigation has uncovered 16 tons of cocaine in the container of a cargo ship. A remarkable catch! But one thing soon becomes clear to Tessa, her band mates and the Mongolian gerbil Hector: the real culprits are not in Hamburg, but in Rotterdam. There a cat-and-mouse game begins, in which the girls have to show what they are made of. With their combined forces, they manage to lure the criminals into a trap so that the Dutch police can arrest them. But mousy Hector discovers that drugs are not the only commodity being smuggled across Europe via Rotterdam: In fact, one of the smugglers is also dealing in exotic animals, animals listed as Endangered Species, so they can't be imported. But be assured, Hector wouldn't be Hector if he didn't do everything he could to save the animals!

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        Billy Jenkins: Europe's King of the Cowboys

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        illy Jenkins’ career spans the years 1895-1954. He was King of the Cowboys, the most popular act in all Germany, hero of German pulp fiction – the last genuine hero of the “American” Wild West. Yet, like Karl May before him, he never set foot in America...Billy became one of the world’s earliest superstars. He thrilled millions between the two World Wars, built a palatial mansion on the hill in Berlin, complete with a dude ranch in his backyard. In 1932, after joining the Nazi Party, he became their favorite, and soon reached the pinnacle of his success – this, despite the fact that he was half-Jewish! As his star waned, not because he was Jewish but because his name sounded too American as Germany entered World War II, Billy rediscovered his Jewish roots, and… but that’s for the reader to find out.Hugo N. Gerstl, nationally famous American trial lawyer, world traveler and author of the best-sellers Scribe: The Only Female Pope, Amazing Grace: The Woman Pirate, Legacy: The Birth of Modern Turkey, ChildFinders, and Stalemate, which so far have been translated into Portuguese, Czech, and Turkish, lives in Carmel, California with his wife Lorraine, a writer and teacher. Together they have raised five children, now grown. Published By Pangæa Publishing Group,2019.  534 pages – 23 cm x 15 cm

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2011

        Sperrzone Fukushima es digital

        Ein Bericht

        by William T. Vollmann

        Angesichts der Havarie in Fukushima tappten alle wochenlang im dunkeln: Was passierte wirklich in den Reaktorblöcken? War die Kernschmelze bereits eingetreten? Und ganz praktisch: Wie rechnet man eigentlich Sievert in Becquerel um? Kraftwerksbetreiber und Verwaltung schienen überfordert, Medienberichte waren widersprüchlich, selbst den Geigerzählern war nicht zu trauen. In dieser Situation machte sich William T. Vollmann, ausgestattet mit einem Dosimeter und Jodtabletten aus dem Kalten Krieg, Anfang April auf den Weg ins japanische Katastrophengebiet. »Vollmann reist durch ein zerstörtes, doppelt und dreifach heimgesuchtes Land, weil er mit eigenen Augen sehen will, was geschehen ist. Weil er es aufschreiben und so das Unbegreifbare, das Unsichtbare sichtbar machen will. Und dieses Unsichtbare ist nicht abstrakt, sondern ganz konkret. Es heißt Radioaktivität. Deswegen muss Vollmann bis zum Äußersten gehen, bis an die Grenze, in die Sperrzone eben.« (Richard Kämmerlings in der Welt am Sonntag)

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