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      • Soore Mehr Publishing Co.

        Soore Mehr Publishing Co. is one of the Best and huge Publishing group in Iran, and established 1998, we selected 7 years as the best Publisher in Iran and get the prize with cultural ministry Of Iran. we published about 5000 title books up to now, and we publish about 300 new title( 1st edition) every year, we have fiction, Non-fiction, Poem, War story and Memory for Adults. we translate and published mor than 150 titles to Foreign languages, it's included: English,Arabic,Russian,spanish,.... 5 Audio books in English Language. we published up to 2000 titles E-books at Private e-book Reader.

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        India-based Mehta Publishing House is one of the leading publishers and trendsetters in Marathi Publishing. It was established in 1976, moving from publishing only Marathi titles to specialising in translations. They now also publish original English titles and reprints on a wide range of subjects.

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      • Trusted Partner
        December 2023

        Barrington 2. Kleine Morde unter Gangstern

        by A. W. Benedict, Johannes Steck, Tonstudio Schloss Seefeld, Tobias Wieduwilt

        Im neuen Pub "Five Apple Kernells" im schottischen St. Applewood kehrt, nach den Ereignissen des letzten Jahres, Ruhe ein. Farlan, der junge Koch, hat sich eingelebt und scheint sich in seiner neuen Heimat wohl zu fühlen. Doch eines Tages verschwindet er plötzlich spurlos und Barrington versucht, mit allen Mitteln, ihn wiederzufinden. Was verbindet die beiden unbekannten Besucher, die plötzlich im Ort aufgetaucht sind, mit Farlan Kidd? Was hat das mit einem alten Kriminalfall aus Glasgow zu tun und warum schwebt Farlan in Lebensgefahr? Barrington muss Antworten finden und macht sich erneut auf Verbrecherjagd. Ungekürzt gelesen von Johannes Steck.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2004

        Irish Pubs

        Ein Reisebegleiter durch Irland

        by Johann-Günther König, Doris Heitkamp

        Pubs und Literatur – das geht in keinem anderen Land besser zusammen als in Irland. Doch Pub ist nicht gleich Pub. In dieser kurzweiligen Rundreise durch Irland stellt Johann-Günther König rund 150 außergewöhnliche Gaststätten vor: Ob literarisches oder singing Pub, Trauer-Pub, Hotel-Bar, Laden-Pub oder viktorianischer Gin-Palace – der Varianten gibt es viele ...Zur Feier des 100. Bloomsday begibt sich König außerdem auf einen pub crawl durch Dublin, der die Spuren von Joyce, Beckett, Brendan Behan, Flann O'Brien u. v. a. aufnimmt.»Ausflüge« in die Geschichte bedeutender Brauereien und Whiskeybrennereien sowie eine Schilderung der Entwicklung irischer Trinkkultur und der public houses runden diese Reise ab.Im insel taschenbuch liegt außerdem vor: Von Pub zu Pub. Eine literarische Kneipentour durch London und Südengland (it 2888)

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2022

        "Mehr!", brummt der Bär

        by Henrike Lippa-Wagenmann, Katharina Staar

        In ""Mehr!", brummt der Bär" von Henrike Lippa-Wagenmann erleben junge Zuhörer*innen ab 2 Jahren ein interaktives Abenteuer mit einem hungrigen Bären. Der Protagonist des Buches, ein Bär mit einem unstillbaren Appetit, benötigt Hilfe bei der Suche nach den passenden Leckereien. Dank eines bunten Drehrads können Kinder dem Bären das zum Reim passende Essen auf den Teller legen. Das Buch besticht durch seine liebevollen Reime und wunderschönen Illustrationen. Es ist im praktischen Großformat gehalten und extra robust gestaltet, was es zu einem idealen Spiel- und Lesebegleiter für die Allerkleinsten macht. Die Interaktion mit dem Drehrad fördert nicht nur die motorischen Fähigkeiten der Kinder, sondern sorgt auch für anhaltenden Spielspaß und ist eine spielerische Einführung in die Welt der Reime und Geschichten. Interaktiver Spielspaß: Das Buch verfügt über ein Drehrad, mit dem Kinder aktiv in die Geschichte eingreifen und dem Bären beim Essen helfen können. Fördert die Feinmotorik und Kreativität: Durch die Verwendung des Drehrads werden motorische Fähigkeiten und Kreativität der Kinder spielerisch gefördert. Spielerischer Lerneffekt: Kinder lernen spielerisch Lebensmittel und Reime kennen, was das Buch nicht nur unterhaltsam, sondern auch lehrreich macht. Robuste Ausstattung: Dank des großen Formats und der robusten Gestaltung eignet sich das Buch auch für die jüngsten Leserinnen und Leser. Liebevolle Gestaltung: Liebevolle Reime und wunderschöne Illustrationen machen das Buch zu einem visuellen Erlebnis für Kinder. Vielseitige Verwendung: Ideal als Vorlesebuch, für gemeinsame Lesezeiten und zur Förderung des selbstständigen Spielens.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2025

        Dear Algorithm

        The Wed Luck Show

        by Michael Afenfia

        Two sisters living in two different cities, one in Port Harcourt, Nigeria and the other in Saskatoon, Canada have big announcements to make to their parents about marriage and finding love. While the older sister, Mondi appeared unsure of where she stood between convention and what she desired, her younger sister Yola was all set for an extreme adventure that threatened to tear their family apart.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        September 2020

        Science in performance

        Theatre and the politics of engagement

        by Simon Parry

        This electronic version has been made available under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND) open access license. This book is about science in theatre and performance. It explores how theatre and performance engage with emerging scientific themes from artificial intelligence to genetics and climate change. The book covers a wide range of performance forms from Broadway musicals to educational theatre, from Somali drama to grime videos. It features work by pioneering companies including Gob Squad, Headlong Theatre and Theatre of Debate as well as offering fresh analysis of global blockbusters such as Wicked and Urinetown. The book offers detailed description and analysis of theatre and performance practices as well as broader commentary on the politics of theatre as public engagement with science. Science in performance is essential reading for researchers, students and practitioners working between science and the arts within fields such as theatre and performance studies, science communication, interdisciplinary arts and health humanities.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 1976

        Mehr von Michel aus Lönneberga

        by Astrid Lindgren, Björn Berg, Anna-Liese Kornitzky

        Mit seinen blauen Augen und seinen blonden Haaren sieht Michel aus Lönneberga fast wie ein Engel aus – wenn er schläft. Aber wenn er nicht schläft, hat er mehr Unsinn im Kopf als irgendein anderer Junge auf der Welt. "So was wie diesen Michel gibt es nicht noch einmal", sagt Lina, die Magd. Und damit hat sie zweifellos Recht! Eine der schönsten Michel-Geschichten mit farbigen Bildern von Björn Berg. Astrid Lindgrens große Bilderbuch-Klassiker aus dem Verlag Oetinger verbinden Generationen! Seit mehr als 60 Jahren lauschen Groß und Klein gebannt den Abenteuern von Pippi Langstrumpf, Lotta aus der Krachmacherstraße, Michel aus Lönneberga und Co. Die schönen Bilderbücher begeistern junge Leser*innen mit ihrem warmherzigen Charme, regen die Fantasie an und machen das Vorlesen zum unvergesslichen Erlebnis!Das gemeinsame Betrachten lädt zum Kommentieren und Nacherzählen ein. Auf diese Weise fördern Bilderbücher das Erkennen von Farben, Formen und Gegenständen, schulen das Gedächtnis und beschleunigen die sprachliche Entwicklung.Ob Vorlesebücher mit Original-Illustrationen oder mit Abbildungen im modernen Stil: Die ausdrucksstarken Bilder lassen Kinder auch alleine zum Buch greifen, um Astrid Lindgrens berühmte Geschichten immer wieder neu zu erfahren. So bereichern Oetingers zeitlose Kinderbuch-Klassiker Tag für Tag die Vorlesezeit in Kita und Familie.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2018

        Temperament of Public Opinion

        by Zhao Qiang

        What is public opinion? What does public opinion do with you? Does public opinion have a temper? The author joined hands with "public opinion" for more than two decades, and integrated many years of observation experience into the hotspots of public opinion, and wrote "How much is a catty for" false public opinion "," Who sacrificed for public opinion "," You liar "," Wu Hezhong ", etc. Twenty notes, using smooth texts to tell people: Public opinion is everywhere, no one can hide. These twenty notes are both academic and readable, and strive to be targeted and systematic. They will comment on public opinion events, popular science phenomena, analyze public opinion strategies, and discuss public opinion safety in as easy-to-understand manner as possible. These 20 notes, from shallow to deep, from the surface to the inside, can be ordinary readers to understand the phenomenon of public opinion, can also be used by public opinion workers to take stock of public opinion work, or experts and scholars to discuss the safety of public information.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Everyone is amazing-Xiaoxiang Family Letters 2020

        by Xiaoxiang Family Letters Activity Organization

        In the context of the "Xiaoxiang Family Letters" activity carried out across the province, the organizing committee extensively collected family letters and selected 100 family letters to show the spirit of the people in the new era. The main content of the letter includes the gratifying changes in the fight against poverty in Sanxiang, the affectionate concern of the wandering children and the fathers and elders in the hometown, the home and country feelings of heroes and the most beautiful people, and the silent persistence of various industries in specific positions, and so on. The structure of each chapter of the book is divided into two parts: introduction (mainly including the information of the writer and recipient, refer to "Anti-epidemic") and the main text. The structure of the whole book includes the preface, table of contents, main text, and postscript. Further reading or content links. The structure is characterized by conciseness, conciseness and conciseness.

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        Children's & YA


        A sentimental and heartfelt story about a happy little Button and his big and cozy feeling of HOME. A kind book about the pain of loss and the joy of rediscovering one’s true self, about a tiny ray of hope and compassion that are often met along the way.

        by Author — Slava Svitova, Illustrator — Halyna Verheles

        5+   This magically crafted story is here to remind us all that home is where our heart is. The Button had a home and lived a simple, happy life surrounded by the music of his native language and the voices of those he loved, the warm cosiness of the house, and many other details that made his life complete. Until one day he got lost. He travelled from someone’s pocket into a beautiful treasure box, and met a lot of people, and buttons, along his way. All the time during his sentimental journey, he only had but one wish — to be back home. One day, a little girl found him in the vintage shop and asked her mom to take him. This was the moment when the Button had found friends. And cried a happy tear for he had finally realized he was where he had to be and became the symbol of home for those who desperately needed it.The story of a little and brave Button will tug at the heartstrings of those who once had to abandon home for various reasons, and unexpectedly found home within themselves.   Selling points: □ The story teaches empathy and compassion, trust and resilience, it also shows that no matter where we go and what happens to us in life, there will always be good people along the way. □ In any language, the book will still have the same core values: the feeling of home and safety, the treasures that are hidden in one’s heart, the healing memories that never fade with time, the music of one’s native language, and the road that unfolds to teach us who we truly are. □ The book evokes questions and promts the answers gently inspiring young readers to discover the magic of a simple story and the unexpctedness of life. □ This story is perfect for familiy readings where children and parents sit together in a safe and comfortable circle.

      • Trusted Partner
        Food & Drink

        The Golden Book of Home Cooking

        by Food & Life Studio

        The Golden Book of Home Cooking is a beautifully printed cookbook with over 400 different approachable Chinese food recipes. The book collects recipes from the 10-year accumulation of seven food bloggers with more than 10 million followers, including Yuan Zhuzhu, Mi Tang, Xie Wanyun, Meng Xiangjian, Die Er, Liang Fengling and Cook Chen. Accompanied with audios of 419 recipes, videos of 84 recipes, and nearly 100 health tips, the book offers the first "visible and audible" grand feast to household chefs through a combination of media, allowing them to enjoy the benefits of technology and cook with love and passion.

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        The Arts
        July 2024

        Pasticcio opera in Britain

        History and context

        by Peter Morgan Barnes

        This study overturns twentieth-century thinking about pasticcio opera. This radical way of creating opera formed a counterweight, even a relief, to the trenchant masculinity of literate culture in the seventeenth century. It undermined the narrowing of nationalism in the eighteenth century, and was an act of gross sacrilege against the cult of Romantic genius in the nineteenth century. In the twentieth century, it found itself on the wrong side of copyright law. However, in the twenty-first century it is enjoying a tentative revival. This book redefines pasticcio as a method rather than a genre of opera and aligns it with other art forms which also created their works from pre-existing parts, including sculpture. A pasticcio opera is created from pre-existing music and text, thus flying in face of insistence on originality and creation by a solo genius.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2025

        The return of the housewife

        Why women are still cleaning up

        by Emma Casey

        An illuminating look at the world of cleanfluencers that asks why the burden of housework still falls on women. Housework is good for you. Housework sparks joy. Housework is beautiful. Housework is glamorous. Housework is key to a happy family. Housework shows that you care. Housework is women's work. Social media is flooded with images of the perfect home. TikTok and Instagram 'cleanfluencers' produce endless photos and videos of women cleaning, tidying and putting things right. Figures such as Marie Kondo and Mrs Hinch have placed housework, with its promise of a life of love and contentment, at the centre of self-care and positive thinking. And yet housework remains one of the world's most unequal institutions. Women, especially poorer women and women of colour, do most low-paid and unpaid domestic labour. In The return of the housewife, Emma Casey asks why these inequalities matter and why they persist after a century of dramatic advances in women's rights. She offers a powerful call to challenge the prevailing myths around housework and the 'naturally competent' woman homemaker.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2013

        Michel aus Lönneberga 2. Michel muss mehr Männchen machen

        by Astrid Lindgren, Klaus Jepsen, Oliver Rohrbeck, Hermann Nespech, Regine Mahler, Hans Mahlau, Uwe Paulsen, Harald Hofer, Kurt Peters, Björn Berg, Kurt Vethake

        Michel aus Lönneberga ist ein richtiger Lausejunge! Er macht mehr Unfug als alle anderen Kinder auf der Welt. Wenn er etwas angestellt hat, schickt sein Papa ihn in den Tischlerschuppen. Jedes Mal schnitzt Michel sich dort ein lustiges Holzmännchen. Mehr als hundert hat er schon und es kommen immer wieder neue dazu. Wie zum Beispiel an dem Tag, als Michel Klein-Ida ganz blau anmalte ... Enthält die Geschichten "Als Michel einige geglückte Wahnsinnsgeschäfte auf der Auktion in Backhorva machte", "Als Michel drei tapfere Versuche machte, Linas Backenzahn zu ziehen, und danach Klein-Ida ganz blau anmalte" und "Als Michel den Frosch in den Vesperkorb steckte und dann so Fürchterliches anstellte, dass man kaum davon reden mag".

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2020

        Family Farm Ecological Planting Series: Family Farm Ecological Planting Series: New Technology of Ecological Planting and Raising of Meat Duck Rice Field

        by Fu Zhiqiang

        This year, our country has promoted three-dimensional rice farming. Among them, raising ducks and fish in paddy fields is currently a project with great promotion. This book mainly introduces the common meat duck varieties in rice fields, meat duck production process, duck house construction requirements, meat duck feeding management, breeding duck feeding management, artificial hatching of meat duck breeding eggs, and the prevention and control of meat duck common diseases.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2021

        Making home

        Orphanhood, kinship and cultural memory in contemporary American novels

        by Maria Holmgren Troy, Elizabeth Kella, Helena Wahlstrom, Maria Holmgren Troy

        Making home explores the figure of the orphan child in a broad selection of contemporary US novels by popular and critically acclaimed authors Barbara Kingsolver, Linda Hogan, Leslie Marmon Silko, Marilynne Robinson, Michael Cunningham, Jonathan Safran Foer, John Irving, Kaye Gibbons, Octavia Butler, Jewelle Gomez and Toni Morrison. The orphan child is a continuous presence in US literature, not only in children's books and nineteenth-century texts, but also in a variety of genres of contemporary fiction for adults. Making home examines the meanings of this figure in the contexts of American literary history, social history and ideologies of family, race and nation. It argues that contemporary orphan characters function as links to literary history and national mythologies, even as they may also serve to critique the limits of literary history, as well as the limits of familial and national belonging.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2019

        Eternal Pursuit of Peace in Zhijiang

        15th Anniversary of Peace Culture in Zhijiang

        by Tian Junquan

        Zhijiang, in Hunan province, is the place where China and Japan negotiated for the affairs about Japan surrendered in the World War Ⅱ. It plays an important role in the history of world peace. Zhijiang focuses on peace culture and has held "China Zhijiang · International Peace Festival" for five times since 2003, which makes peace culture a calling card for Zhijiang to go global. Due to the influence of this festival and further research of peace culture in Zhijiang, more and more attention both at home and abroad has been paid to Zhijiang so that people hope to know more about Zhijiang in a more comprehensive and thorough way. This book collects lots of scholar articles on the study od peace culture in Zhijiang, and gives a detailed introduction to "China Zhijiang · International Peace Festival", which reflects Chinese people attach importance to history and peace.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2018

        Changsha Traditional Family Values and Rules

        by Changsha Discipline Inspection Committee

        This book collects Changsha traditional family rules, family values, and family mottos, and contains a lot of folk proverbs and sayings. It uses pictures, footnotes, and content reviews to help readers have a better understanding. The author hopes to keep this good tradition and promote the building of family values and rules.

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        Children's & YA
        April 2016

        A House that Holds Us All

        by Tang Sulan

        A moment ago, sun was smiling in the sky. Why rain all of the sudden? Snail was not afraid of rain, because he had his own little house. An ant, a bunny and a little boy was running close one by one. They asked a same question, "Can I get in your house to get out of the rain?"

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