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        The Arts
        December 2024

        Horizontal together

        Art, dance, and queer embodiment in 1960s New York

        by Paisid Aramphongphan

        Horizontal together tells the story of 1960s art and queer culture in New York through the overlapping circles of Andy Warhol, underground filmmaker Jack Smith and experimental dance star Fred Herko. Taking a pioneering approach to this intersecting cultural milieu, the book uses a unique methodology that draws on queer theory, dance studies and the analysis of movement, deportment and gesture to look anew at familiar artists and artworks, but also to bring to light queer artistic figures' key cultural contributions to the 1960s New York art world. Illustrated with rarely published images and written in clear and fluid prose, Horizontal together will appeal to specialists and general readers interested in the study of modern and contemporary art, dance and queer history.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2021

        Catholic nuns and sisters in a secular age

        Britain, 1945–90

        by Carmen M. Mangion

        This is the first in-depth study of post-war female religious life. It draws on archival materials and a remarkable set of eighty interviews to place Catholic sisters and nuns at the heart of the turbulent 1960s, integrating their story of social change into a larger British and international one. Shedding new light on how religious bodies engaged in modernisation, it addresses themes such as the Modern Girl and youth culture, '1968', generational discourse, post-war modernity, the voluntary sector and the women's movement. Women religious were at the forefront of the Roman Catholic Church's movement of adaptation and renewal towards the world. This volume tells their stories in their own words.

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        January 2016

        Sixty Years of Taohuawu New Year's Printings

        by Taohuawu Printings House

        Taohuawu New Year's Printings is a tradition of Chinese art and, as such, is representative of the type of cultural work highly valued by Phoenix Fine Arts Publishing. This book delves deep into the history and traditions of New Year woodcut printing and explores the ways in which the art form has changed over the past 60 years. Furthermore, the book traces the interplay of ethnic Chinese art and that of other cultures in recent decades. The book is a seminal text exploring the origins of the art and the manifold ways it has developed.

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        Social & cultural history
        October 2000

        Women's leisure in England 1920–60

        by Claire Langhame

        This insightful book offers a timely assessment of the complex relationship between women and leisure in England, drawing upon recent feminist theory. Departing from approaches which focus on particular activities or institutions, it places everyday experiences at its centre, presenting a wide-ranging and lively account of changing perceptions, representations and experiences of leisure across the period 1920-60. It addresses the nature of leisure within women's lives, examining shifting understandings of the concept and identifying areas of definitional ambiguity such as the 'family' holiday, shopping and handicrafts. Focusing upon experiences of leisure across the life cycle, it provides a detailed assessment of the particular forms of leisure enjoyed by women at distinct stages of their lives, including cinema-going, dancing, socialising and home-based pursuits. The book demonstrates that experiences and perceptions of leisure were fundamentally structured along life cycle lines: leisure in youth was often characterised by freedom and independence whilst leisure in adulthood became a vehicle for service and duty to others.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2023

        Objects of affection

        The book and the household in late medieval England

        by Myra Seaman

        Objects of affection recovers the emotional attraction of the medieval book through an engagement with a fifteenth-century literary collection known as Oxford, Bodleian Library Manuscript Ashmole 61. Exploring how the inhabitants of the book's pages - human and nonhuman, tangible and intangible - collaborate with its readers then and now, this book addresses the manuscript's material appeal in the ways it binds itself to different cultural, historical and material environments. In doing so it traces the affective literacy training that the manuscript provided its late-medieval English household, whose diverse inhabitants are incorporated into the ecology of the book itself as it fashions spiritually generous and socially mindful household members.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2024

        Mid-century women's writing

        Disrupting the public/private divide

        by Melissa Dinsman, Megan Faragher, Ravenel Richardson

        The traditional narrative of the mid-century (1930s-60s) is that of a wave of expansion and constriction, with the swelling of economic and political freedoms for women in the 1930s, the cresting of women in the public sphere during the Second World War, and the resulting break as employment and political opportunities for women dwindled in the 1950s when men returned home from the front. But as the burgeoning field of interwar and mid-century women's writing has demonstrated, this narrative is in desperate need of re-examination. Mid-century women's writing: Disrupting the public/private divide aims to revivify studies of female writers, journalists, broadcasters, and public intellectuals living or working in Britain, or under British rule, during the mid-century while also complicating extant narratives about the divisions between domesticity and politics.

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      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        September 2007

        Politics and painting at the Venice Biennale, 1948–64

        Italy and the Idea of Europe

        by Nancy Jachec, Marsha Meskimmon, Shearer West, Tim Barringer

        Although cultural exchanges were named within the Council of Europe in the mid- 1950s as being second only in importance to the military as a tool for ensuring a stable and integrated Western Europe in the aftermath of the Second World War, European-led initiatives have generally been overlooked in the historiography of art of the immediate post-war period. Popularly remembered as the era of the United States' cultural 'triumph', American Abstract Expressionism in particular is commonly identified as the cultural 'weapon' by which that nation conquered Western European culture. Using the Venice Biennale as a case study, this book challenges the idea that there was an American cultural conquest in the 1950s through the fine arts, arguing instead that Western Europe retained a strong sense of world cultural leadership in the immediate post-war years. An institutional history that combines political and diplomatic with art history, and is informed by extensive archival research, it argues that Italian political and cultural figures actively promoted the 'Idea of Europe' - the Council of Europe's cultural initiative of 1955 designed to promote the idea of a homogeneous post-war European culture - at the Biennale in the form of gesture painting as an international style, as the emblem of a culturally united Western Europe, and as the repository of universal humanist values for the international community. Scholarly but accessible, this book will be of interest not only to researchers and to students of international cultural relations during the Cold War, but to general, interested readers, too. ;

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2020

        Killer Rock


        by Andrew Cartmel, Thomas Wörtche, Susanna Mende

        Valerian war eine britische Rock-Ikone der 1960er Jahre, die Leadsängerin der gleichnamigen Band Valerian. Sie hatte sich damals unter tragischen Umständen das Leben genommen, ihr Kind war verschwunden, entführt und getötet, wie viele Leute mutmaßen. Und jetzt steht plötzlich ein mysteriöser Klient, »the Colonel«, auf der Matte und beauftragt den Vinyl-Detective, das Kind zu finden. Eigentlich nicht sein Job, aber im Hintergrund gibt es eine wertvolle LP als Lockmittel.Zusammen mit seiner Crew – seiner Freundin Nevada, Kumpel Tinkler und der unwahrscheinlichen Taxifahrerin Clean Head – macht er sich an die Arbeit und gräbt sich tief in die Popgeschichte der Sixties, trifft einen Ex-Gitarristen von Frank Zappa und andere wunderliche Menschen aus der großen Ära des Rocks.Drogen sind natürlich auch im Spiel, damals wie heute. Das macht die Sache entschieden ungemütlich. Hinzu kommt, dass an dem Schicksal des verschwundenen Kindes nicht nur nette Menschen interessiert sind …

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2020

        Killer Rock


        by Andrew Cartmel, Thomas Wörtche

        Valerian war eine britische Rock-Ikone der 1960er Jahre, die Leadsängerin der gleichnamigen Band Valerian. Sie hatte sich damals unter tragischen Umständen das Leben genommen, ihr Kind war verschwunden, entführt und getötet, wie viele Leute mutmaßen. Und jetzt steht plötzlich ein mysteriöser Klient, »the Colonel«, auf der Matte und beauftragt den Vinyl-Detective, das Kind zu finden. Eigentlich nicht sein Job, aber im Hintergrund gibt es eine wertvolle LP als Lockmittel.Zusammen mit seiner Crew – seiner Freundin Nevada, Kumpel Tinkler und der unwahrscheinlichen Taxifahrerin Clean Head – macht er sich an die Arbeit und gräbt sich tief in die Popgeschichte der Sixties, trifft einen Ex-Gitarristen von Frank Zappa und andere wunderliche Menschen aus der großen Ära des Rocks.Drogen sind natürlich auch im Spiel, damals wie heute. Das macht die Sache entschieden ungemütlich. Hinzu kommt, dass an dem Schicksal des verschwundenen Kindes nicht nur nette Menschen interessiert sind …

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      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        July 2010

        Richard Lester

        by Neil Sinyard, Brian McFarlane, Neil Sinyard

        Richard Lester is of the most significant yet misunderstood directors of the post-war era. Indelibly associated with the Beatles and the 'swinging Sixties' because of his direction of A Hard Day's Night and Help and his joyous sex comedy The Knack, Lester has tended to be categorised as a modish director whose heyday passed when that decade's optimism slid into disillusionment and violence. This book offers a critical appreciation and reappraisal of his work, arguing that it had much greater depth and variety than he has been given credit for. His versatility encompasses the Brechtian anti-heroics of How I Won the War; the surreal nuclear comedy of The Bed-Sitting Room and the swashbuckling adventure of The Musketeers films. He has even, in his instinctively iconoclastic manner, cut Superman down to size. The book should win new admirers for a director with a gift of making movies whose visual wit and imaginative imagery reveal an intelligent and enquiring scepticism about heroes and society. Including comments from Lester himself and illustrations from his own private collection, the book is a must for film scholars and enthusiasts alike. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1993



        by Julio Cortázar, Rudolf Wittkopf

        Julio Cortázar wurde am 26. August 1914 in Brüssel geboren. Mit seinen argentinischen Eltern zog er im Alter von vier Jahren in einen Vorort von Buenos Aires. Er absolvierte dort an einer sogenannten »Escuela Normal« eine Ausbildung zum Grundschullehrer und nahm ein Universitätsstudium auf, das er aber er aus finanziellen Schwierigkeiten frühzeitig abbrechen musste. Er arbeitete dann als Lehrer in verschiedenen Provinzschulen und begann in dieser Zeit, sich ernsthaft dem Schreiben zuzuwenden. 1938 erschien ein erster Gedichtband, und 1944 veröffentlichte er seine erste Erzählung in einer Zeitschrift. Im selben Jahr erhielt er an der Universität von Mendoza (Argentinien) eine Dozentur für französische Literatur, aber schon 1946, aus Protest gegen den Wahlsieg Peróns, legte er sein Lehramt nieder. Er veröffentlichte weiter in Zeitschriften, ließ sich zum Übersetzer für Englisch und Französisch ausbilden und erhielt 1951 ein Stipendium des französischen Staates. Er ging nach Paris, wo er bis 1974 als Übersetzer für die UNESCO tätig war. In Paris verfasste er 1963 auch den Roman Rayuela (dt. Rayuela. Himmel und Hölle), der in den sechziger Jahren zum »Kultbuch« einer ganzen Generation von Intellektuellen und Studenten wurde. In Rayuela thematisiert er in provokanter Weise den künstlerischen Schaffensprozess, indem er neben der Handlung selbst »entbehrliche« Kapitel, wie er sie nennt, einfügt, in denen er die ästhetischen Prämissen des Buchs diskutiert. Seit Mitte der sechziger Jahre erschienen erste Übersetzungen seiner Erzählungen ins Englische, Französische, Italienische und Deutsche, und sein internationaler Ruf begann stetig zu wachsen. Es sind vor allem seine Erzählungen (die deutsche Gesamtausgabe, Die Erzählungen, erschien 1998 bei Suhrkamp), die Cortázar bald zu einem der originellsten und kreativsten Autoren Lateinamerikas machten. Seit den sechziger Jahren engagierte sich Cortázar, wie viele lateinamerikanische Intellektuelle, zunehmend politisch, unterstützte die kubanische Revolution, die Regierung Allendes und später auch die sandinistische Revolution in Nicaragua. Sein Gesamtwerk umfasst außer Romanen und Erzählungen auch Theaterstücke, Lyrik und verschiedene Bände mit Kurzprosa; es weist ihn als einen der bedeutendsten Autoren des 20. Jahrhunderts aus. Julio Cortázar starb am 12. Februar 1984 in Paris.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 1980

        Res publica amissa

        Eine Studie zu Verfassung und Geschichte der späten römischen Republik

        by Christian Meier

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