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      • Business, Economics & Law
        March 2022

        Business Research Methods

        by Emma Bell, Bill Harley, and Alan Bryman

        This extremely popular text is the complete introduction to doing business research and is the ideal guide for students embarking on a research project.The authors have extensively revised this sixth edition to make it the most engaging and relevant text available. New chapters on quantitative methods and visual research offer extensive coverage of these areas and even greater practical support in applying these techniques, while cutting-edge material on inclusivity and bias in research, feminist perspectives, and decolonial and indigenous research is also introduced. This book is accompanied by the following online resources:For studentsVideo tutorials covering SPSS, Nvivo, R, and Stata.Self-test multiple choice questions with answer feedbackResearch project guideVideo interviews with students and lecturersLinks to additional resources (articles, data repositories, and third-party guides)Guide to using Excel in data analysisFlashcard glossaryFor lecturersPowerPoint presentationsAdditional case studiesDiscussion questionsLecturer's guide (includes suggested lecture outlines, problem-spotting, and practical teaching tips)Test bank containing multiple choice questionsFigures from the text

      • Education

        Measuring Multiple Intelligences and Moral Sensitivities in Education

        by Tirri, K.

        In this book, we introduce several sensitivity measures in educational contexts that can be used in research, education and self-evaluations. In Chapter 1 we discuss the framework of Howard Gardner‘s Multiple Intelligences theory and introduce our Multiple Intelligences Profiling Questionnaire. We present the psychometrical qualities of the instrument with empirical data sets of children, youth and adults. In Chapter 2 the Spiritual Sensitivity Scale is introduced with the theoretical framework it is connected to. The existence of spiritual intelligence has been a widely debated issue and not everybody is ready to call advanced thinking in religious or spiritual domains as intelligence. This has guided us to use the term sensitivity, which is easier to justify than intelligence in these areas of human behavior. In Chapter 3 we introduce the Environmental Sensitivity Scale, which is quite close to the possible intelligence of naturalist suggested by Gardner. In Chapter 4, Ethical Sensitivity Scale is introduced followed by Emotional Leadership Questionnaire in Chapter 5. All these scales have a solid theoretical framework and earlier empirical work to support the instrument building. Chapter 6 introduces Intercultural and Interreligious Sensitivity Scales with their theoretical frameworks and earlier empirical work. Following each chapter, we have included a ready-to-use version of the questionnaire and SPSS syntax to compute factors. A commentary by Dr. Seana Moran compliments the book and challenges the readers to further reflect the meaning of education in supporting holistic development of learners in their life-long journey. We have authored this book to contribute to this goal and hope it will be used in the hands of researchers, teachers and students in their mutual effort to grow and to learn new things in life.

      • Econometrics
        September 2020

        Applied Statistical Techniques

        by Ekwal Imam

        The book is a reference book useful for undergraduates, postgraduates and research scholars of biological, ecological and medical sciences. The purpose of writing this book is to provide an accessible reference book on statistical techniques whose proper use will help students in withdrawing accurate results and able to interpret them logically. The methods described in this book are, of course, the same as those used in different disciplines, but things are made so users friendly that even general readers will find this book useful. The chapters of the book have been organized in such a way that suits the course curriculum of various universities. In this book enough materials are provided to cover statistical techniques with examples which are ecological and biological based.

      • Research methods: general
        July 2021

        Statistical Analysis Using R Software

        by Abhiram Dash

        The book Statistical Analysis Using R software deals with the fundamental concept of R software and the codes in R used for statistical analysis. It includes the development and content of R software, the concept of writing codes in R, importing of data from other software for use in R software. The codes in R used for statistical analysis purpose are mentioned in the mentioned and vividly explained. The book would definitely help the students and the personnel involved in teaching and research in understanding the concepts of R and its use for statistical analysis purpose.

      • Aquaculture & fish-farming: practice & techniques
        January 2008

        Applied Bioinformatics, Statistics and Economics in Fisheries Research

        by Ajit Kumar Roy & Niranjan Sarangi

        The bookis first of its kind available in the market. The book spreading over 42 s within three broad sections like aqua-informatics, statistics and economics has covered the advanced tools and techniques of bioinformatics and statistics for exploratory analysis of genomic and microarray data of fishes.Chapters on the latest developments on biotechnological approaches for fish disease diagnostic, infection and immunity of brood carps, cryoconservation of fishes, probiotics and nanotechnology in aquaculture are of paramount interest, in addition to information on prawn aquaculture, ornamental fish farming and trade. Information on various software and their application for exploratory data analysis and data mining leading to knowledge discovery and visualization is the main attraction of the book. Another important feature of the book is that one can find appropriate as well as illustrated examples exclusively with fisheries data. The statistics section includes biometrical and qualitative techniques in genetics and selective breeding of fish, besides fundamental statistical test, design of experiments and sampling methods for planning of experiments and survey in fisheries and aquaculture research. The book also includes econometric approach for technical efficiency estimation and input-output analysis, project evaluation, and impact assessment, linear programming, market intelligence, fisheries legislation, policy and IPR issues all of which are new in the field of fisheries and aquaculture. The book will not only be beneficial to students, but also will be a helpful guidance to researchers and planners for taking policy decisions as it covers a wide range of subjects that are gainfully applied to the fisheries and aquaculture research

      • Agriculture & farming
        May 2016

        Climate Change and Environment

        Concepts and Strategies To Mitigate Impacts

        by Devesh Sharma & K.C.Sharma

        The book comprises of topics on concepts of climate science and strategies to mitigate the impacts. The book therefore, covers topics of wider areas such as urbanization, coping strategies, water resources, watershed, land use patterns, atmospheric deposition, agriculture, carbon footprint etc. The book provides comprehension on which the researchers in the field may on which they can build up understanding on issues to be addressed. The articles are designed to interpret experiments, observations from the field and theory to understand the subject of climate change and its impacts.

      • Sustainable agriculture
        May 2017

        Climate Change and Sustainable Agriculture

        by P.Suresh Kumar, Manish Kanwat:, P.D. Meena:,Vinod Kumar & Rajesh A. Alone:

        This book to comprehensively present the standard methodologies for studying the impacts of climate change on agriculture, measuring and developing inventories of greenhouse gas emission, and analyzing the vulnerabilities and mitigation options. The book describes the methodology in a simple and lucid way so that a researcher can adopt it in field studies. Individual chapters are dedicated to subjects such as quantification of climate change impacts on crops in controlled and field conditions, impacts of climate change on water resources, soil fertility, erosion and carbon sequestration, insects, pests, weeds, microbes and diseases; greenhouse gas emission assessment, assessment of regional vulnerability to climate change, selection of crop. The book converted its 23 chapters into four sections. The 1st Section deals with recent mitigation strategies developed by the scientists to reduce the effect of climate changes and promote the Sustainable Agriculture by different ways viz., Role of Marker in Development of Climate Resilient Varieties. Section 2 deals with the conservation agriculture and mitigation strategies, Biofertilizers helps in development of sustainable agricultural practices. Section 3 deals with impact of climate change on pest scenario across the crops and has given insight on possible avoidance of pests. Final sections deals with the agroforestry and how they can minimise their affect of climate change. Finally Section 4th deals with Impact of climate change crop and livestock sectors and strategies for mitigation and adaptation. Role of ICT and extension agencies on framing policies and effective dissemination of technologies were discussed.

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