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      • BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT

        BCSis committed to making IT good for society and has over 70,000 members,including students, teachers, professionals and practitioners. Through a wide range of global communities, we foster links between experts from industry, academia and business to promote new thinking, education and knowledge sharing. BCSpromotes continuing professional development through a series of respected IT qualifications, professional certifications and apprenticeships, and provides practical support and information services for its customers around the world.

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      • David and Charles Ltd

        David and Charles is an independent publisher of non-fiction books, predominantly in art, craft and creative categories. Our titles feature industry-leading authors and award-winning editorial and design, commissioned for commercial success in all markets. Category focus on practical how-to books in art, crochet, knitting, general crafts, patchwork & quilting, sewing and wellbeing. Cornerstone titles which are highly illustrated, project, technique and trend orientated.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Payment and philanthropy in British healthcare, 1918–48

        by George Campbell Gosling, Keir Waddington

        This book is available as an open access ebook under a CC-BY-NC-ND licence. At a time when payment is claiming a greater place than ever before within the NHS, this book provides the first in-depth investigation of the workings, scale and meaning of payment in British hospitals before the NHS. There were only three decades in British history when it was the norm for patients to pay the hospital; those between the end of the First World War and the establishment of the National Health Service in 1948. Payment played an important part in redefining rather than abandoning medical philanthropy, based on class divisions and the notion of financial contribution as a civic duty. With new insights on the scope of private medicine and the workings of the means test in the hospital, as well as the civic, consumer and charitable meanings associated with paying the hospital, Gosling offers a fresh perspective on healthcare before the NHS and welfare before the welfare state.

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        October 2022

        What Does the Ball Think?

        Why football is not just kicking

        by Johannes Schweikle, Oliver Lück

        A football is a moody thing, and the art of mastering it a highly challenging concern. Whether fan or philosopher, football is a fascination, and its various facets are revealed in this anthology with memorable, intelligent and curious contributions. How and with what (human rights-violating) methods did Qatar prepare for the World Cup? Actress Christiane Paul explains why she supports FC Bayern. Herman van Veen explains the difference between Dutch and German football fans, and the report 'Five balls for Angola' takes readers on a journey to football in Africa. A book for dedicated fans and critical football observers.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2017

        Hospitals and charity

        by Sally Mayall Brasher

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        October 1977

        Van Gogh in seinen Briefen

        by Vincent Gogh, Paul Nizon

        Vincent van Gogh, geboren 1853 in Groot-Zundert (Niederlande) und verstorben 1890 in Auvers-sur-Oise (Frankreich), gilt als einer der Begründer der modernen Malerei. In den letzten zehn Jahren seines Lebens fertigte er mehr als 850 Gemälde und mehr als 1000 Zeichnungen an. Paul Nizon, geboren 1929 in Bern, lebt in Paris. Der »Verzauberer, der zur Zeit größte Magier der deutschen Sprache« (Le Monde) erhielt für sein Werk, das in mehreren Sprachen übersetzt ist, zahlreiche Ehrungen und Auszeichnungen, u. a. 2010 den Österreichischen Staatspreis für Europäische Literatur.

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        May 2023

        Afrika ist kein Land

        Das Manifest gegen Dummheit, Faulheit und Einfachheit im Umgang mit der Vielgestaltigkeit des afrikanischen Kontinents | SPIEGEL Bestseller

        by Dipo Faloyin

        Mehr als 1,4 Milliarden Menschen, 54 Länder, über 2.000 Sprachen, seit Jahrzehnten auf einfache Geschichten reduziert: Hunger, Safaris, vielleicht noch brutale Diktaturen. Ein ganzer Kontinent wird bis zur Horrorhaftigkeit simplifiziert, mit desaströsen Folgen … Dipo Faloyin hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, diese Stereotype aus der Welt zu schaffen. Mit Biss, Tempo, unwiderstehlichem Charme zeichnet er ein zeitgemäßes Porträt Afrikas: urbanes Leben in Lagos, der erfolgreiche Kampf für Demokratisierung, die Kehrseite der Charity-Industrie, durchgeknallte kulinarische Rivalitäten, lebendige zivilgesellschaftliche Bewegungen, die einzigartige Rolle der Aunties im Großfamiliengefüge. Dipo Faloyin erzählt andere Geschichten, positiv, divers, kompliziert. Immer getrieben von Lebenslust und dem Glauben an eine großartige Zukunft trotz aller kolonialen Hindernisse. Afrika ist kein Land korrigiert eine globale Wahrnehmungsverzerrung. Es ist das erzählerische Manifest gegen Dummheit, Faulheit und Einfachheit im Umgang mit der Vielgestaltigkeit des afrikanischen Kontinents. Und eine absolut hinreißende Intervention.

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        May 2023

        Afrika ist kein Land

        Das Manifest gegen Dummheit, Faulheit und Einfachheit im Umgang mit der Vielgestaltigkeit des afrikanischen Kontinents

        by Dipo Faloyin, Jessica Agoku

        Mehr als 1,4 Milliarden Menschen, 54 Länder, über 2.000 Sprachen, seit Jahrzehnten auf einfache Geschichten reduziert: Hunger, Safaris, vielleicht noch brutale Diktaturen. Ein ganzer Kontinent wird bis zur Horrorhaftigkeit simplifiziert, mit desaströsen Folgen … Dipo Faloyin hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, diese Stereotype aus der Welt zu schaffen. Mit Biss, Tempo, unwiderstehlichem Charme zeichnet er ein zeitgemäßes Porträt Afrikas: urbanes Leben in Lagos, der erfolgreiche Kampf für Demokratisierung, die Kehrseite der Charity-Industrie, durchgeknallte kulinarische Rivalitäten, lebendige zivilgesellschaftliche Bewegungen, die einzigartige Rolle der Aunties im Großfamiliengefüge. Dipo Faloyin erzählt andere Geschichten, positiv, divers, kompliziert. Immer getrieben von Lebenslust und dem Glauben an eine großartige Zukunft trotz aller kolonialen Hindernisse. Afrika ist kein Land korrigiert eine globale Wahrnehmungsverzerrung. Es ist das erzählerische Manifest gegen Dummheit, Faulheit und Einfachheit im Umgang mit der Vielgestaltigkeit des afrikanischen Kontinents. Und eine absolut hinreißende Intervention.

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        Picture books, activity books & early learning material

        Atlas of the world "Let's travel to the wonderland"

        by SSPE "Kartographia"

        Let's travel to the Wonderland! Geographical atlas for the youngest. An interesting and unusual journey awaits the little reader in this book. Together with the fairy-tale boy Telesyk and Goosenya, he will go on a space journey, where he will get to know the stars and planets. And when he returns to the Earth, he will be able to look into all its corners, find out how many countries there are on it, what their flags are and how the inhabitants of these countries dress. And then you will get to know the various plants and animals characteristic of each region of the world, find out where such familiar plants come from, and who was the first to domesticate domestic animals. Telesyk with Geese will help the baby to get to know his native Ukraine better, its nature, to look at the bright colored maps that are produced and grown on its lands, which are crafts and crafts in Ukraine. And then everyone together will return to the world of fairy tales of Europe and America, Africa and Asia, Australia and Ukraine. The book is beautifully illustrated. The cartographic material is aimed at the reading level of the youngest schoolboy. The publication is a laureate of the national competition "Book Art of Ukraine", awarded with diplomas of the Forum of Publishers in Lviv and the Committee of Radio and Television of Ukraine.

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        The Arts
        June 2025

        Toronto New Wave cinema and the anarchist-apocalypse

        by David Christopher

        The Toronto New Wave (TNW) comprises a group of avant-garde filmmakers working in Canada from the 1980s and into the new millennium whose innovative film works share significant affinities with anarchist themes and aesthetics. Several of the TNW filmmakers openly identify as anarchists and/or acknowledge a debt to anarchism in their production of highly apocalyptic narratives as part of their cinematic political projects. However, recognition of anarchism's progressive apocalyptic theoretical relevance has yet to be substantially taken up by scholarship in cinema analysis. This analysis introduces an anarchist-inflected analytical methodology to understand the apocalyptic-revelatory political work these films attempt to accomplish in the perceptual space between the filmic texts and both their auteurs and potential viewers, and to re-locate the TNW within cinema history as an ongoing phenomenon with new significance in an apocalyptic era of digital distribution.

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        August 2019

        Morgen in Katar


        by Theresia Walser

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2024

        The Gulf monarchies after the Arab Spring

        by Cinzia Bianco

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        DESERT PASSIONS - Wild Love in Sinai

        by Robert Bettelheim

        Desert Passions unfolds tales of wild, dramatic transformations that may occur to people in Sinai due to a mixture ofcravings, sexual arousal, spontaneity, love, rapture, hopes and dreams—conflicting forces that are often at odds with our current lifestyles. New motivations appear, behavioral patterns might shift or completely change, sex and romance easily flourish, often unrestrained by former inhibitions. This explains why seekers trying to find their way in this puzzled, crazy world travel to the Sinai Desert where secret passions, hidden sexual fantasies, and lust that have been long subdued suddenly emerge and rule. Since ancient times, the Sinai Desert has been a place for spiritual and mental metamorphosis, initiating its powerful impact on anyone who wanders there. When Western ideas and habits first met traditional, tribal Bedouins after the Six-Day War in 1967, it created a unique cultural divergence. Many Westerners, too, have been deeply influenced by the raw nature revealed to them.  Robert Bettelheim was born in Vienna, but after his parents fled the Nazi Anschluss of Austria to China, he grew up in Shanghai Ghetto under Japanese rule during WWII. Bettelheim later served in the IDF as a paratrooper, and soon became an ardent scuba diver on the enchanting shores of the Sinai Desert. A musicology graduate and teacher, the author lives with his wife in Kibbutz Zikim, which is not infrequently under shell fire. He has six grandchildren. An English-language eBook edition was published in Summer 2018.  326 Pages, 15X22.5 cm.

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        Geographical atlas of the world

        by SSPE "Kartographia"

        The Geographical Atlas of the World is a modern reference cartographic publication containing up to 100 political and physical maps of the world and political maps of individual countries and groups of countries. Political and administrative maps of the regions of Ukraine are presented separately. At the end of each separate section, a reference block with flags and a selection of modern, necessary information about the countries is provided from the "Political and political-geographical maps" section. In the second part of "Physical Maps", each map is supplemented with thematic illustrations, reference data, and interesting facts inherent in the corresponding region of our planet. The index of geographical names, which includes more than 16 thousand proper names of geographical objects in its list, will help you quickly find them on pages of the atlas. Modern design and printing capabilities were used to create the atlas.

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        The Provision of Reason to the Piety of the Heart

        (Sharia - Creed)

        by Ramza Khair Allah

        In this book, I have presented in an easy and accessible manner what I have learned about my religion that I must convey to every Muslim and Muslimah. "Convey from me, even if it is just one verse," as narrated by Bukhari. Knowledge is a duty for every Muslim and Muslimah. Allah says, "Allah raises those of you who have believed and those who were given knowledge, degrees." And the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said to Ali ibn Abi Talib, "By Allah, if Allah guides a single man through you, it is better for you than red camels," agreed upon. He also said, "When a son of Adam dies, his deeds are cut off except for three: a continuous charity, knowledge that benefits, or a righteous child who prays for him." These are attempts we have made to serve our religion and benefit our fellow believers. O Allah, Protector of the believers and Guardian of the righteous, make this work of mine accepted, and make my efforts in it praiseworthy and beneficial.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2014

        The Protestant Orphan Society and its social significance in Ireland 1828–1940

        by June Cooper

        The Protestant Orphan Society, founded in Dublin in 1828, managed a carefully-regulated boarding-out and apprenticeship scheme. This book examines its origins, its forward-thinking policies, and particularly its investment in children's health, the part women played in the charity, opposition to its work and the development of local Protestant Orphan Societies. It argues that by the 1860s the parent body in Dublin had become one of the most well-respected nineteenth-century Protestant charities and an authority in the field of boarding out. The author uses individual case histories to explore the ways in which the charity shaped the orphans' lives and assisted widows, including the sister of Sean O'Casey, the renowned playwright, and identifies the prominent figures who supported its work such as Douglas Hyde, the first President of Ireland. This book makes valuable contributions to the history of child welfare, foster care, the family and the study of Irish Protestantism. ;

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