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        At Penguin Random House UK, we champion the world's most brilliant voices, bringing them to life in compelling and dynamic ways for audiences everywhere. Our books shape the broader cultural life of our society and accompany people of all ages on their journey of discovery of the greatest stories, the smartest thinking and the best ideas.   Penguin Random House UK Group Rights represents Foreign and Domestic Rights across the company’s seven divisions. One team represents Ebury, Cornerstone, Penguin General and Penguin Press, another represents Transworld, Michael Joseph and Vintage, and the third represents illustrated titles across the seven divisions.   For more information and our catalogue, please visit our webpage.

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        PRH Grupo Editorial is an industry leader in publishing and distribution in the Spanish language. Our objective is the publishing of books for all types of readers, for all ages and across all formats - be it print, digital or audio.

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      • September 2020

        The World's Amazing Places: Taiwan 1

        by Candy Tang

        There are a lot to see in Taiwan! Boys from the Puyuma tribe have to fight against sleep. In Penghu, you can cross the sea like Moses!

      • Bloody spring,1947 Penghu.

        by James Che Sheng

        Residents in Penghu, on the recorded history, was commended by the government for not getting involved in the February 28 incident, and a monument was built to praise their deeds. However, thanks to some highly respected senior residents and a few written records, the author discovered the untold stories and unfold the truth that doesn't aligned with the official documents. On February 27, 1947, due to corruption of the Nationalist Government, the residents long-suppressed anger erupted. Despite never starting a civil commotion, this time, Penghu echoed the movements that blossomed everywhere on Taiwan Island. Yet, as citizens were forming the democratic self-government league, the commando stormed in and the bloody nightmare began...

      • Rediscovering Taiwanese Old Military Villages

        by Zheng-Xi Miao

        Zheng-Xi Miao has been researching the culture and history in Taiwanese old military villages for many years, and this is the result of his survey. This book searches the ruins and remains of 65 old military villages in Taiwan and Penghu, introduces the origin, development, people, and surrounding environment of them. From north to south, Miao vividly depicts the history and stories of the villages and people lived there. Nearly 70 years after the Kuomintang government's military and people coming to Taiwan, this book witnesses and leads readers to deeply understand its historical background and moving stories.

      • Illustrated Taiwan Keywords: A Hand-Drawn History of 1940-2020

        by Chiou Hsien-Hsin

        This is the first album of caricatures that records Taiwan’s not-so-distant past from 1940 to 2020, completely bilingual with Chinese and English placed side by side. It compiles a total of 184 caricatures of Taiwan’s history and 302 important keywords of Taiwan, divided by event and arranged in chronological order. Like standing on a historical timeline, it guides us to experience memories of the past and show us important people and events from Taiwan since 1940. Reference content: 01 02   About the Author A caricaturist documenting factual and current events.Born in Shuangxi, Taipei, in 1963.Graduated from the National Taiwan Academy of Arts Art Department, Chinese Painting Group, and the C.T.E de Vincennes School of Design, Division of Exhibition Space Design, in Paris, France.   Part1 A Hand-Drawn History of 1940-1948 #Taiwan Hit by a Demographic Shock #Second Chinese Civil War #Chongqing Negotiations #Taiwan Power Myth #Peng Meng-chi #27 Brigade #Hsieh Hsueh-hung  #Pai Chung-hsi #Lin Ting-li #Ko Yuan-fen #Chang Chi-lang #Chen Fu-chih #Chen Cheng-po #Chen Tsuan-ti #Tang Te-chang #Huang Jung-tsan #Yuanshan Massacre #Chiayi Militia #Thomas Liao #Chung Hao-tung #April 6 Incident #Temporary Provisions for National Mobilization to Suppress the Communist Rebellion #Huang Chi-nan #Yang Kuei   Part2 A Hand-Drawn History of 1949-1987 #Chen Yi Communist Spy Case #Chen Cheng #Taiwan Area Emergency Martial Law #40,000 to 1 Dollar #White Group #Kao Yi-sheng #Losing Watan #Valery S. de Beausset #July 13 Penghu Incident #Grand Victory at Kuningtou #Tang Shou-jen #Not Reporting Known Communists Is a Crime Equal to Being One #Civil Service Recruitment According to Province of Origin #China Women’s Anti-Communist and Anti-Russia League #Outbreak of the Korean War #US Seventh Fleet to Taiwan's Defense #Kuo Kuo-chi #Kuo Yu-hsin #Western Enterprises Inc. #Wu San-lien #Military Education at Senior High School Level and Above #37.5% Rent Reduction and Land-to-the-Tiller #China Youth Anti-Communist National Salvation Corps #Termination of Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Alliance #Lee You-pang #Battle of Nanri Island #Luku Base Case #Xiluo Bridge Open for Traffic #Treaty of Taipei #Getting Rich in the White Terror Period #Tuapse Incident #Sino-American Mutual Defense Treaty #Dachen Islands Withdrawal #Sun Li-jen Coup Case #Vietnam War #May 24 Incident #August 7 Flood #Central Cross-Island Highway Open for Traffic #Lei Chen Case #Chiang Regime Failed to Stop Mongolia Joining the UN #Start of Taiwan Television Broadcasts #Chen Chih-hsiung #Storing Water in Shihmen Reservoir #Hukou Coup #MacArthur Thruway Open for Traffic #Declaration of Formosan Self-Salvation #End of US Aid #Chiang Ching-kuo, Boss of the Intelligence Agency #Nine-Year Compulsory Education #Electoral Fraud Through Power Failure #Peeled Banana Case #Peng Ming-min Escapes Taiwan  #April 24 Chiang Assassination Incident  #Taiyuan Insurrection #Protect Diaoyu Movement #Establishment of China-Japan Diplomatic Relations #Blowhard Taiwanese Youth Policy #Cheng Ping #Death of Chiang Kai-shek #Yen Chia-kan #80,000 Invalidated Votes #Pai Ya-tsan Incident #Death of Mao Zedong #Wang Sing-nan Mail Bomb Incident #Zhongli Incident #Completion of Sun Yat-sen Freeway #Chiang Ching-kuo Elected President #Taiwan Relations Act #Qiaotou Incident #Hsu Hsin-liang #Yu Teng-fa #Taoyuan Airport Renamed Chiang Kai-shek Airport #Kaohsiung City’s Status Raised #Chungtai Hotel Incident #Formosa Magazine #Formosa Incident #Formosa Incident and Chen Shui-bian #Huang Hsin-chieh #Age of Defense Lawyers #Wang Ching-hsu’s Massive Arrests #Shih Ming-teh Apprehended #Lin Family Murders #Formosa Trials #US Pressure in the Formosa Trials #First-Class Special Exam #Chen Wen-chen Incident #Hsu Shih-hsien #Chiang Nan Case #Tenth Credit Cooperative Case #May 19 Green Action #Democratic Progressive Party Established #Lee Yuan-tseh #Taoyuan Airport Incident #March 7 Incident #Lifting of Martial Law #Opening Up of Cross-Strait Family Visits   Part3 A Hand-Drawn History of 1988-2010 #Death of Chiang Ching-kuo #February Political Struggle #May 20 Incident #Breaking Through the Blacklist #Establishment of Eslite Bookstore #President from Taiwan: Lee Teng-hui #Blacklist Incident #Wild Lily Student Movement #End of Diplomatic Relations with Saudi Arabia #Big Four of the Non-Mainstream #Su Chien-ho Case #End of the Period of National Mobilization for Suppression of the Communist Rebellion #Taiwan Independence Association Case #Chen Wan-chen Case #TRA Zaoqiao Train Collision #South Link Line Open for Traffic #April 19 Occupation of Zhongxiao West Road #Criminal Code Article 100 #Chien Kang Kindergarten Bus Fire #Hualien Collective Electoral Fraud #Silver Medal in Olympic Baseball #Establishment of South Korea-China Diplomatic Relations #Lifting of Martial Law on Kinmen and Matsu #Complete Re-election of the Ten-Thousand-Year Congress #Wave of Hijackings in China #Koo-Wang Talks #New Party Established #Qiandao Lake Incident #Influence of the Qiandao Lake Incident #Nagoya Air Crash #Direct Elections of Provincial Governor and City Mayors #Welcome Restaurant Fire #Lee Teng-hui’s February 28 Apology #Implementation of National Health Insurance #Lee Teng-hui’s Visit to Cornell University #Taiwan Strait Missile Crisis #First Direct Presidential Election Candidates Lin and Hau #First Direct Presidential Election Candidates Peng and Hsieh #First Direct Presidential Election Candidates Lee and Lien Elected #Liu Pang-yu Murder Case #Pai Hsiao-yen Case #Chiang Wei-kuo Passed Away #Two-State Theory #Great Earthquake of September 21 #First Party Alternation #Pachang Creek Incident Part4 A Hand-Drawn History of 2000-2020 #Millennium Bug #Bursting of the Dot-Com Bubble #First Party Alternation #Pachang Creek Incident #Pingtung Speaker Cheng Tai-chi Executed #Gaoping Bridge Collapse #Sydney Olympics #Construction of Fourth Nuclear Reactor Halted #Merchant Vessel Amorgos Oil Spill # US-China Airplane Collision #Taiwan Solidarity Union Established #September 11 Terrorist Attacks #DPP Biggest Party in National Assembly #China Joined WTO #US-China Most-Favored Nation Treatment #Taiwan Joined GATT #Euro Issued #Aung San Suu Kyi Released #China Airlines Penghu Air Crash #Sri Lanka Civil War Ended #One Country on Each Side Talk #Policy Cutting Use of Plastic Implemented #Spring Festival Chartered Flights for Cross-Strait Taiwanese Businesspeople #Outbreak of SARS Epidemic #Chiang-Soong Mei-ling Dies of Illness in New York #First Taiwan Pride Parade #Referendum Act Officially Announced #Withdrawal of Parties, Government and Military from Media #Hand-in-Hand Taiwan Rally #March 19 Shooting Incident #Lawsuit to Declare Election of President Invalid #Athens Olympics #US President George W. Bush Second Term #US Military Invasion of Iraq #Taipei 101 Completed and Opened #Hsu Wen-long One China Statement #Ad Hoc National Assembly Elections #South Asia Earthquake #Hurricane Katrina Struck America #Worsening of Avian Flu #Chen Che-nan Casino Scandal #NCC Organization Act Passed #Major KMT Victory in 3-in-1 Elections #Cessation of Guidelines for National Unification #Depose Chen Red Shirt Army Movement #Chen Shui-bian State Visits #Earthquake in Indonesian Java #Solar System Reduced to Eight Stars #Abe Shinzo, New Prime Minister of Japan #North Korea Nuclear Tests #Former Iraq President Hussein Executed #Taiwan High-Speed Rail Open for Traffic #Opening of the National 228 Memorial Museum #Ma Ying-jeou Special Expenses Case #Sarkozy Elected President of France #Global Oil Prices Skyrocket #US Subprime Mortgage Crisis #Kaohsiung’s Sanmin Township Renamed Namasia Township #Ma Ying-jeou and Vincent Siew Elected President and Vice President #Tsai Ing-wen, New DPP Chairperson #Central Bank Opened Taiwan for Renminbi Influx #Beijing Olympics #National Pension Officially Set Up #Want Want Domination of China Post #Chen Yunlin in Taiwan #Three Cross-Strait Links #Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act #Obama Assumed Presidential Post #Panda Diplomacy #Typhoon Morakot #Dalai Lama’s Visit to Taiwan #Wenhu Line Open for Traffic #Liu Chao-shiuan Asked to Resign #Google Announced Withdrawal from Chinese Market #Sean Lien Shooting #Major US Arms Sales to Taiwan #Chen Shui-bian Imprisoned #Cross-Strait Cooperation Agreement on Medicine and Public Health Affairs #Status of Five Cities Raised #Great Japan Earthquake of March 11 #Plasticizer Incident #Kuokuang Petrochemical Scrapped Development #US Military Killed Bin Laden #Ma-Wu Ticket Formed #Steve Jobs Passed Away #Arab Spring #Ma-Wu Successfully Elected for Second Term #Fuel and Electricity Inflation Policy #Lin Yi-shih Bribery Case #US President Obama Second Term #Xi Jinping Appointed Highest Leader of China #Boston Marathon Bombing #White Shirt Army Movement #Dapu Incident #Syria Chemical Weapon Attack #Ma-Wang Strife #Sunflower Movement #Russian Annexation of Crimea #TransAsia Airways Penghu Air Crash #Kaohsiung Gas Explosion #Ting Hsin Malevolent Oil #Chen Shui-bian Released #Greece Debt Crisis #European Refugee Crisis #Two Days Off per Week Policy #Hung Hsiu-chu Replacement Controversy #Ma-Xi Meeting #Paris Terrorist Attack #Wei Kuan Building Collapse #Taiping Island Turned into Rock #Hsiung Feng III Missile Misfire #Trump Elected US President #Trump-Tsai Call #One Fixed Day Off and One Flexible Rest Day Formally Adopted #Park Geun-hye Impeachment #China-Europe Railway #Establishment of China-Pakistan Diplomatic Relations #Three Major Pension Reforms Passed in Three Readings #Taipei Universiade # Lee Ming-che Incident #Relaxing of Organized Crime Definition Passed in Three Readings #China Lifts Restrictions on Presidential Term #Taiwan Travel Act #North Korea-US Summit #UK Signs Bill to Leave the EU #2018 North and South Korea Summit #Yellow Vest Movement #Reiwa Era #Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage #Japan-South Korea Trade War #Tsai Ing-wen Transit in New York #Diplomatic Crisis #Tsai-Lai Ticket Second Term #Havoc Wreaked by Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia #China-India Border Clashes #Han Kuo-yu Recalled #Communist Planes Harassed Taiwan #Hong Kong Area National Security Law Passed #Lee Teng-hui Passed Away

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