Annika Parance Éditeur
Livres Canada Books
View Rights PortalFounded in 2010, the Parisian agency is a literary agency based in Paris. We represent a selected group of international writers of literary fiction such as multi-awarded Icelandic author Gudrun Eva Minervudottir and Hungarian novelist Arpad Kun, winner of the prestigious Aegon Award. We also represent the stunning illustrated books of the British and the Bodleian Library (UK) abroad. Last, we are now open to represent new lists in literary fiction, crime fiction and non fiction. Welcome to the Parisian Agency!
View Rights PortalWas hat die Kriminalliteratur mit der Paranoia und den Sozialwissenschaften zu tun? Dieser Frage geht Luc Boltanski in seinem höchst originellen Buch nach. Seine Antwort: Wie die Sozialwissenschaften entsteht auch die Kriminalliteratur um die Wende vom 19. zum 20. Jahrhundert, und in diese Zeit fällt auch die Entdeckung der Paranoia in der Psychiatrie. Zusammen zeugen sie von einem sich zunehmend verbreitenden Zweifel an der »Realität der Realität«, der als Symptom der Moderne gelten kann. Boltanski deckt diesen faszinierenden Zusammenhang zwischen Kriminalliteratur, Paranoia und Wissenschaft insbesondere durch fulminante Analysen der Romane von Arthur Conan Doyle und Georges Simenon auf.
Ein Orchester kommt bei einem Busunglück um, nur der Schlagzeuger überlebt und erfüllt den Auftrag allein: die Insassen einer Nervenklinik mit dem kollektiven Erlebnis der Musik aus dem individuellen Wahnsinn zu erlösen. Ein Mädchen steht am Fenster und beobachtet auf der Straße zwei Küssende, den Stein in der Hand, mit dem es die beiden zerschmettern will. Ein Unglück, auf das die Betroffenen nicht reagieren; kryptische Geschehnisse, in deren Zentrum das hinterrücks hereinfahrende Böse steht; Töten, ohne zu wissen, warum: um diese unheimlichen Erfahrungen kreisen die 27 kurzen Prosastücke des Bandes. Die Normalität, in der wir leben, erscheint als Insel in einem Meer aus Hass, Brutalität und Paranoia. László Darvasi, der Erkunder des Unbegreiflichen, hat früh die Novelle als Form entdeckt, in der seine Kunst der Verrätselung und Verdichtung ihren stärksten Ausdruck findet. Unbeirrt nimmt sein Erzähler den Menschen in den Blick, der seine Wünsche und Handlungen selbst nicht versteht. Darvasis Geschöpfe wirken wie Verzauberte, die zur schönsten, verrücktesten Liebestat und zum entsetzlichsten Verbrechen fähig sind. Es ist die Sprachmacht des Autors, seine buchstäblich bodenlose Phantasie, die aus den abwegigsten, albtraumhaften Szenerien Texte erstehen lässt, die mit ihrer Lakonie und berückenden Schönheit fesseln.
In "Truth or Dare" von Maja Köllinger finden sich vier langjährige Freunde - Brianna, Yves, Xenia, und Kian - am Ende ihrer Schulzeit entfremdet wieder. In einem letzten Versuch, die Bande ihrer Freundschaft zu erneuern, planen sie einen gemeinsamen Ausflug, der in einer verhängnisvollen Nacht voller Alkohol und dem riskanten Spiel "Wahrheit oder Pflicht" mündet. Die folgenschwere Nacht endet mit dem Tod Kians, einem tragischen Ereignis, an das sich keiner der drei überlebenden Freunde erinnern kann. Während die Ermittlungen laufen, beginnen sie, anonyme Nachrichten zu erhalten, die andeuten, dass jemand außerhalb ihrer Gruppe die Wahrheit über die Geschehnisse jener Nacht kennt. Getrieben von dem Bedürfnis, ihre Unschuld zu beweisen und den wahren Täter zu entlarven, sehen sich Brianna, Yves, und Xenia gezwungen, ihre Differenzen beiseite zu legen und zusammenzuarbeiten. Die Situation eskaliert, als die Ermittlungen tiefer gehen und dunkle Geheimnisse der Freunde ans Licht kommen, was ihre gegenseitigen Verdächtigungen und Paranoia nur noch verstärkt. Die Frage nach dem, was in jener verhängnisvollen Nacht wirklich geschehen ist, hängt wie ein Damoklesschwert über ihnen, während sie sich durch ein Netz aus Lügen, Verrat und Schuldgefühlen kämpfen. Die Spannung steigt, als die Freunde erkennen, dass der wahre Täter möglicherweise viel näher ist, als sie es je für möglich gehalten hätten. "Truth or Dare" ist ein packender Jugendthriller, der nicht nur die Grenzen der Freundschaft auslotet, sondern auch die tiefgründige Frage stellt, wie weit jemand gehen würde, um seine Geheimnisse zu bewahren. Packender Jugendthriller, der Freundschaft, Geheimnisse und die Folgen einer verhängnisvollen Nacht erforscht. Eine Geschichte über das Auseinanderdriften von Freunden und den verzweifelten Versuch, ihre Beziehung durch ein letztes Abenteuer zu retten, das tragisch endet. Spannende Ermittlungen und anonyme Drohungen sorgen für einen hohen Spannungsbogen und fesseln die Leser*innen von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite. Tiefgründige Charakterentwicklung und komplexe Beziehungen zwischen den Protagonisten, die die Geschichte emotional und realitätsnah machen. Das geheimnisvolle Setting einer Waldhütte und die Dynamik eines "Wahrheit oder Pflicht"-Spiels, das außer Kontrolle gerät, schaffen eine düstere und fesselnde Atmosphäre. Ein Thriller, der wichtige Jugendthemen wie Identitätssuche, die Bewältigung von Schuld und die Auswirkungen von Mobbing behandelt. Der unvorhersehbare Verlauf der Geschichte mit zahlreichen Wendungen hält die Leser*innen bis zum überraschenden Ende in Atem. Ideal für Fans von Jugendthrillern, die gerne miträtseln und sich von einer Geschichte voller Geheimnisse und unerwarteter Entwicklungen mitreißen lassen möchten. Eine emotionale Erzählstimme, die sehr nah an den Leser*innen ist, macht die Erfahrungen der Charaktere intensiv nachvollziehbar. Empfohlen für Leser*innen, die nach einer Kombination aus Freundschaftsdrama und packendem Thriller suchen, der sowohl unterhält als auch zum Nachdenken anregt.
Personality disorders are patterns of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and oneself that are negative, abnormal, or stressful. They typically persist over time and involve perceptions, thoughts, and behaviors upsetting to the individual who experiences them and which cause significant problems in the person's relationships and professional and social activities. They can include antisocial behavior, acute shyness or sensitivity, negative perceptions, and more severe forms, such as paranoia or schizophrenia. Personality Disorders, Second Edition defines and explains these behavioral patterns, which are organized into three types, or clusters, the social and medical issues related to them, and how doctors can treat them.
Shakespeare's Catholic context was the most important literary discovery of the last century. No biography of the Bard is now complete without chapters on the paranoia and persecution in which he was educated, or the treason which engulfed his family. Whether to suffer outrageous fortune or take up arms in suicidal resistance was, as Hamlet says, 'the question' that fired Shakespeare's stage. In 'Secret Shakespeare' Richard Wilson asks why the dramatist remained so enigmatic about his own beliefs, and so silent on the atrocities he survived. Shakespeare constructed a drama not of discovery, like his rivals, but of darkness, deferral, evasion and disguise, where, for all his hopes of a 'golden time' of future toleration, 'What's to come' is always unsure. Whether or not 'He died a papist', it is because we can never 'pluck out the heart' of his mystery that Shakespeare's plays retain their unique potential to resist. This is a fascinating work, which will be essential reading for all scholars of Shakespeare and Renaissance studies. ;
Thirty-five years ago, Libertyville had a population of 2,000. Its citizens thought it would become the next Atlanta. But it’s now 1989, and the population is down to 278 and falling. The town’s remaining employer, the outdated, money-losing Libertyville Cotton Works, owned by an elderly Holocaust survivor, has been sold to a conglomerate that intends to reap huge tax and political benefits.But two other factions have different ideas. Bishop William Wyatt Walker, spellbinding African-American televangelist whose church takes in $500 million a year in contributions from the poorest of the poor, decides the church has lost touch with the common man and needs a new symbol of salvation – the Libertyville Cotton Works and the 40 acres that surround it. He’ll do whatever it takes to make sure the church gets the property.Meanwhile, a brilliant, Mexican-American lawyer and his militant contingent, faced with “the country’s growing paranoia toward Hispanics,” seeks to create his own Sanctuary Nation. His “army” takes armed control of the cotton works, holding hostages to ensure that the factory and its acreage are deeded to “the first truly Mexican town in the Southeastern U.S.”The stage is set for a Stalemate of epic proportions, a war where there can be no winners. Like James Dickey’s Deliverance, this book is a mixture of a thriller tinged with adventure, camaraderie, dread, and the horror that only an unexpected, unspeakable situation can inflict. Human nature is human nature, and it is impossible to predict how anyone would act if confronted with a similar situation. Powerful and suspenseful, Stalemate explores the best – and the worst – in the human spirit as it thunders toward a spine-chilling climax.International best-selling author Hugo N. Gerstl’s latest work is one you won’t be able to put down – and one you’ll long remember. Published by Pangæa Publishing Group 184 pages – 23 cm x 15 cm
Debut crime fiction from Simon Bullivant, co-creator for panel show Never Mind The Buzzcocks, writer/producer on They Think Its All Over & Mock the Week. 'Simon utilises his comedy prowess expertly to add a macabre wit to this pacy murder-mystery that keeps its protagonist, and readers, second-guessing themselves all the way to its visceral end.'
Final Approach charts the turbulent flightpath between a jetsetting father and a planespotting son. The 1970s were the final gasp of the Golden Age of Flying. Mark Blackburn grew up amidst this fuel-guzzling splendour, with airports his playground of choice. He came to adulthood well-heeled and well-travelled. However, he had to contend with his multimillionaire father. Luxury cars. Private planes. Racing stables. Foreign Mistresses. Paranoia, bullying and power plays. At the centre was the inescapable pull of the father.
Angela and Max move to Minehead. Jamie leaves her friend Denis to join them. She is hyper, euphoric and suffers panic attacks. A psychiatrist diagnoses Bipolar Disorder and believes she had problems long before taking drugs. She moves into bed & breakfast, then returns to Leamington to be with Denis. Max’s personality suddenly becomes aggressive, hyper, destructive, and violent. Age fourteen, he is prescribed the same anti-psychotic medication as Jamie. After being excluded from school, he leaves home and turns to petty crime. Max commits ‘Grevious Bodily Harm’ and is diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The courts place him in a children’s home, then in foster care. His girlfriend has his baby. Max’s life continues to be chaotic from alcohol abuse, drugs and crime. An armed response unit raids Angela’s home. Jamie acquires a flat in Leamington. Her mental health deteriorates drastically and she is admitted to hospital. She threatens to kill the psychiatrist as he continues to deny she is ill. A second opinion confirms Jamie has Bi-Polar and Schizophrenia. She attempts suicide a number of times as she suffers from paranoia, voices in her head, and poltergeist activity around her.
A house is a machine to live in, even after death. An un-putdownable, eerie literary thriller of urban paranoia, where a block of flats appears to be hiding terrible secrets. Secrets that should not be revealed... A young man suffering from MDD, or maladaptive daydreaming, has traveled the world aimlessly for years using his family’s money. Fed up, his father buys him a moderate flat in a small Nordic city and forces him to finish his studies. He wants his son to finally become a man, not a dreamer. But when darkness falls, everything changes. An unexplained humming resonates in the walls, making sleep impossible. Other more mysterious sounds follow. It seems that throughout the night, someone is running up and down the dark stairway. While the culprit appears to be impossible to find, the echo of bare feet on the steps night after night is very real indeed. When the young man starts to look into the history of his flat, strange tragedies seem to have plagued the past and, gradually, also the present of the building. Looking further back in time, the young man finds out that the first person to live in his flat is someone the old residents call the Architect, a mysterious patriarch who designed the whole building according to an ancient pattern as a machine to live in...even after death. The Dark Architect is a literary horror novel which deals with the mistrust between generations, whose dreams and nightmares very seldom seem to meet. It is a fresh Nordic take on the most classic and enduring of Gothic tropes, the haunted house.
Sag mir, wen du hörst. Sag mir, wen du siehst. Sag mir, wer du bist Andrea Nagele Laura wird Zeugin eines Mordes, nur knapp kann sie dem Täter entkommen. Doch als die Triester Polizei den Tatort untersucht, finden sich weder ein Toter noch Spuren eines Verbrechens. Fand die Tat womöglich nur in ihrer Phantasie statt? Als ein weiterer Mord geschieht, wird Laura von einem jahrelang verdrängten Geheimnis eingeholt, das sie zutiefst verstört. Und die Schlinge zieht sich immer enger um ihren Hals. Subtile Charakterstudie und atemberaubender Pageturner zugleich In ihrem neuen Thriller konstruiert die Klagenfurter Autorin Andrea Nagele ein beklemmendes Psychospiel, das einem das Blut in den Adern gefrieren lässt. Ihre Protagonistin wird in der norditalienischen Hafenstadt Triest Zeugin eines Mordes. Doch niemand glaubt den Aussagen der psychisch kranken Frau. Sollte sie sich die Tat tatsächlich eingebildet haben? Mit einer Dramatik, die wie ein Unwetter über die Lser*innen hereinbricht, nähert sich der Roman der Frage: Was ist Wahn, was ist Realität - und wem kann derjenige, der die Antwort darauf nicht kennt, tatsächlich vertrauen? Andrea Nagele gelingt ein atmosphärisch komplexer und dichter Roman, der aus den verschiedenen Färbungen und Formen der Angst und Paranoia ein narratives Bild von herausragender Spannugn und Faszination erzeugt. Dabei weiß die Autorin, worüber sie schreibt: Seit vielen Jahren betreibt Nagele eine psychotherapeutische Praxis in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee. Während sie dort Menschen hilft, ihre psychischen Nöte und Erkrankungen zu überwinden, stürzt sie die Figuren ihrer Romane regelmäßig in immer tiefere Konflikte und Abgründe. Den Kern ihres neuen Thrillers bildet eine komplee Mutter- Tochter-Beziehung, die geprägt ist von Abhängigkeit, Liebe und auch Hass. Die Leser*innen werden dabei mit unzuverlässigen Ich-Erzählerinnen konfrontiert und müssen genau wie die Figuren selbst zur Wahrheit durchdringen. Ein psychologisches Puzzle der Extraklasse - spannend bis zur letzten Seite. So eindrucksvoll wie in diesem Roman wurde existenzielle Unsicherheit und Wahn selten dargestellt. Ein Thriller mit Tiefgang, den man keinen Moment aus der Hand legen will.
Odes that any mother or anyone who ever loved their mother can appreciate. Inspired by the odes of Pablo Neruda, and an expansive appreciation for the blessings of every day life, they are in many ways universal, but Cinader does not shy away from addressing the experience of the white woman. Lavishing her with both honest criticism and love, the odes as a whole raise a distinct voice to join the milieu of feminists without any equivocation. Cinader's style has been shaped by her live performance experience, resulting in a direct and sometimes distinctly narrative approach. The odes were all written during a period of about nine years while the author was publishing a weekly arts newspaper and hosting a weekly open mic in the California bay area. Many of them were previously published as the "Poem of the Day" in Listen & Be Heard Weekly. A 77 page manuscript, about 4500 words. For a list of titles and further information, please see the supporting document.
When Keith Wilson, an art teacher at Grasmere Academy is murdered DI Elizabeth Jewell expects to lead the investigation. Within hours, her new boss DCI Liam Yeats takes over and excludes both her and Sergeant Patterson without giving a valid reason. However, Yeats's policy is short lived when he realises alienating Jewell and her team is counterproductive.Jacob Morven, a Canadian citizen from a remote area of North-Western British Columbia is the prime suspect. Although the evidence against him points to his guilt, DI Jewell has doubts. Keith Wilson, the victim, had boasted of a change in his fortune, implying he was about to receive a substantial amount of money. With this in mind, Jewell looks further afield for other suspects. As the mystery deepens, Jewell and Patterson look back almost three hundred years to the origins of a lost artefact.Amidst escalating dissent at Park Road HQ, Elizabeth tackles yet another problem. Where is their previous boss, DCS Daly? And is his unexpected disappearance connected to the current situation?
Katya Stevens' eighteenth birthday brings more than just adulthood—it reawakens a terrifying gift. Suddenly able to see the dead again, she's thrust into a hidden world where restless spirits roam and ancient prophecies come alive.Enter Gregor, a brooding Grim Reaper with secrets of his own. Together, they must confront The Want—malevolent spirits defying their fate—while Katya grapples with her newfound abilities, family tensions, and a destiny she never asked for.As Katya explores the ethereal realm of Ager, she faces not only supernatural threats but also the turmoil of her own heart. With friendships tested and first love blooming in the shadow of danger, she must learn to harness her powers and find her place between two worlds.In this thrilling journey of self-discovery, Katya will face the ultimate choice: embrace her role as a legendary beacon of hope, or risk losing everything—and everyone—she's come to love.
The X-Files meets Twilight and blows them both away!""The heir to the Lux series."THE TRUTH DOESN'T ALWAYS SET YOU FREEI've fallen hard for an alien, but he's harboring secrets. Massive secrets that threaten the very essence of humanity. How can I give him my heart when his race plans on taking my future?Sadie Owens has been slowly dying inside. Bit by bit, piece by piece, day by day. Trapped in a life she hates, she relies on only one person--herself.Despised by her family and betrayed by an unscrupulous government, Sadie dreams of a different life. When she is chosen to participate in the government's new social experiment, she is ecstatic at the prospect of spending six months in Thalassic City, the shiny new city under the sea.Immediately drawn to Logan Chandler, Sadie is captivated by the beautiful boy with the ocean-blue eyes. Logan seems to embody everything that has been forbidden, but he isn't all he appears to be.Confused over Logan's true intentions and concerned when best friend Jenna starts transforming in front of her eyes, Sadie partners with newcomer Jarod in a bid to uncover the government's real agenda. The truth is more shocking than anything she could ever have imagined.When Sadie finally understands why the Saven walk among us, will it be too late to save her heart and the human race?Full Series Information Saven Deception - Book 1. Self Published Dec 2015. Saven Disclosure - Book 2. Self Published April 2016 Saven Denial - Novella 2.5. Self Published May 2016 Saven Defiance - Book 3. Self Published August 2016 Saven Deliverance - Book 4. Self Published February 2017 All full-length novels are released in ebook and paperback format. This is now a fully completed series.Who will enjoy this series?This series has been favorably compared to The Lux Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. This series will also appeal to fans who enjoyed any of the following series/books: The Fifth Wave by Rick Yancey, The Kricket series by Amy. A. Bartol, Alienated by Melissa Landers, Gravity by Melissa West, The Host by Stephenie Meyer, Broken Skies by Theresa Kay.
WHAT IF YOU HAD AN IDEA THAT COULD CHANGE EVERYTHING? In this provocative and thought-provoking novel, Affrossman takes a look at the nature of modern day belief. Post pandemic, Peter Kelso and his wife, Ellisha, have moved to Edinburgh in a last desperate bid to get their lives back on track. But things rapidly start to spiral out of control. Just as there seems no hope, an encounter with Edinburgh University’s most eccentric professor of history leads them to uncover a source of knowledge kept hidden for centuries. Using this knowledge, known as The Woman’s Secret, Peter sets out to heal a damaged world, and the Internet provides the perfect platform for the new world order to spread. In the midst of this, American, mixed-race, Ellisha is an unlikely messiah, but she becomes the face of a new age and soon everyone is pinning their hopes upon her. But if they thought The Woman’s Secret would produce a kinder, gentler world, they are in for a terrible shock. As corruption starts to cast its shadow, cracks begin to show and Peter and Ellisha’s reactions are very different to the encroaching threat. As they become embroiled in their own private battles, unseen forces are moving against them.
The most ambitious work of fiction by a writer widely considered the most important novelist working in China today In this darkly comic novel, a group of women inhabits a world of constant surveillance, where informants lurk in the flower beds and false reports fly. Conspiracies abound in a community that normalizes paranoia and suspicion. Some try to flee—whether to a mysterious gambling bordello or to ancestral homes that can be reached only underground through muddy caves, sewers, and tunnels. Others seek out the refuge of Nest County, where traditional Chinese herbal medicines can reshape or psychologically transport the self. Each life is circumscribed by buried secrets and transcendent delusions. The most ambitious work of fiction by a writer widely considered the most important novelist working in China today In this darkly comic novel, a group of women inhabits a world of constant surveillance, where informants lurk in the flower beds and false reports fly. Conspiracies abound in a community that normalizes paranoia and suspicion. Some try to flee—whether to a mysterious gambling bordello or to ancestral homes that can be reached only underground through muddy caves, sewers, and tunnels. Others seek out the refuge of Nest County, where traditional Chinese herbal medicines can reshape or psychologically transport the self. Each life is circumscribed by buried secrets and transcendent delusions.
When the American Air Force conducts final tests on Global Raider, the new unmanned bomber capable of deploying missiles from the outer stratosphere, terrorists close in to steal the aircraft and cause a major disaster. On advice from the Security Services, Juliet Walsh, daughter of Wat Walsh, Global Hawk’s manufacturer, is sent to a safe house in Britain under close protection of her bodyguard Lisa, and Seb, a young SAS officer, to whom she becomes attached. But betrayal, deceit and corruption allow Juliet’s abduction. Seb is blamed, but is the real enemy Lisa or head of Walsh Security? While Global Hawk flies towards the Middle East with its deadly load of missiles, two sides wrestle for control as Seb hunts for Juliet and her abductors. Can her father allow the murder of his only child for the sake of American prestige, or will one innocent life be sacrificed to the intransigent hatred between terrorists and US government? Only Seb can change the balance, but who does he trust?