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Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing
Official Journal of the Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society
by Edited by Mikel L Gray PhD, FNP, PNP, CUNP, CCCN, FAAN
Bimonthly - 2013 Volume(s) - 38 JWOCN: Official Journal of the Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society covers the entire scope of WOC nursing practice. Journal of WOCN is an authoritative resource devoted to the nursing care and management of patients with abdominal stomas, wounds, pressure ulcers, fistulas, vascular ulcers, and continence disorders. Original, peer-reviewed articles examine these topics in hospital, home, and long-term care settings.
May 2020
Antropología del astronauta cotidiano
by José Alejandro Polanco Contreras
Desde la perspectiva de la antropología médica, este libro describe las condiciones de vida de las personas que llevan dispositivos médicos al cuerpo que pueden hacerlos parecer en cierto modo cyborgs, debido a esa simbiosis entre el ser humano y la tecnología. El lector encontrará historias de vida de personas de diversas condiciones sociales y económicas que tienen en común su condición de "astronauta de la vida diaria", término adoptado por el autor para nombrar a aquellas personas que, por circunstancias de su vida, fueron "lanzadas" en la complejidad de vivir con una ostomía. El libro describe la perspectiva médica del problema, así como las tecnologías y dispositivos que se han desarrollado para el cuidado de las ostomías y que han ayudado a esas personas a llevar una vida plenamente funcional.
Self-help & personal developmentApril 2012
Diagnose Krebs. Einmal Hölle und zurück
by Wille, Heike
Heike Wille is 43 years old when she is diagnosed with cancer. In her case the rather rare form of cancer affects the appendix and it already spread so widely that the primary tumor could not be found. Mayor surgical operations follow and eventually the resection of the entire colon and large parts of the small intestine is unavoidable. Hardly recovered and confronted with the challenges of being an ostomy patient, Heike has to fear for the life of her beloved husband Horst, who was badly injured in work accident. But Heike withstands surgeries, chemotherapy and medical throwbacks. She overcomes the challenges of her weary everyday life with admirable confidence. Her story is now supposed to bolster other people to take their lives and make the best out of whatever they get.