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      • Baby - wat wil je eten?

        Aanwijsboek voor peuters

        by Kathrin Dreusicke / Roberto Di Bartolomeo

        Mijn baby heeft honger - ja - en wil niet eten wat ik aanbied. Tot ik het merk: de kleine vingers tikken gretig op een mandarijn, die op een advertentie wordt afgedrukt. Ohhh - zo kunnen we communiceren, zelfs zonder woorden. Hier is het eerste baby moedertaalboek om onze kleintjes te helpen begrijpen. Dit indexboek is ideaal voor kinderen van 1 tot 2 jaar oud.

      • Food & Drink
        October 2022

        The Heart of Cocoa

        500 Years of Chocolate History

        by Napoleone Neri

        The temptation par excellence, that craving that suddenly arises and we cannot fight it unless we satisfy it: the desire for chocolate. Perhaps it is because of this power that it is called the most loved food on the planet. Or perhaps it is because its cultivation, production and consumption - which has been growing strongly in the last 10 years - are spread across all continents. Napoleon Neri tells its story, starting with the plant and its fruit, from the pioneers of chocolate, to the birth of confectionery factories in the 19th century and then the great modern industries. He describes in detail the processing and transformation of cocoa beans, their beneficial properties, the sensory characteristics of the finished product, and spices everything up with a thousand anecdotes and curiosities that only those who have lived and worked in this world for so long can know.

      • Children's & YA

        Come ali di gabbiano

        by Lorenza Farina, Anna Pedron (illustrator)

        One day Anne Frank meets a friend dressed in a red and white plaid dress. It is love at first sight. Anna confides to him what will happen to her in the two years of forced segregation lived in the secret quarters to escape the Nazi raids. He will be of great comfort to her, he knows how to dry her tears and keep her secrets. He will fly high as a seagull over all forms of violence, making the world aware of the message of peace that his young friend has engraved on his white wings. Anna is certain that no one will ever tear those wings and the words that are written on them. This desire will come true, making it a symbol of the Shoah and of a humanity trampled and vilified, thanks to her living witness today more than ever. To those who have not yet read the famous Diary, this story in images and words is an invitation to learn more through a new original point of view.

      • Children's & YA

        Amazing Places

        by Miralda Colombo

        A series dedicated to the wonders of the world, to be discovered through precious and peculiar books, filled with sensational illustrations. Not only for the contents, these books are “wonderful” also in their binding, with surprising elements on the cover andfor their evocative illustrations.A journey in discovery of the 15 most amazing places of the world created by humankind, which will enchant children and grown-ups: Taj Mahal, Machu Picchu, Cheope’s Pyramid and many others. For each place, there will bea suggested itinerary for a guided tour, a legend, the story of the construction and many more curiosities.

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