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      • Al Masriah Al Lubnaniah

        Al-Masriah Al-Lubnaniahwas established to create and maintain a high status in the publishing field and the Arab world,andalways has the aim of producing quality books in its content and shape.

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      • MSL Master

        MSL Master focuses on developing Chinese learning materials for young adult and adult students. We are keen to solve problems they face when learning Chinese. When students are not making progress, we usually find problems else where.  Take a brief look at our products here:

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2024

        Today Is a Good Day to Abolish the Patriarchy

        by Bettina Schulte (ed.)

        Do we still need feminism in Europe? Equality or difference feminism? A new generation of feminists has now broken away from the feminism of the 1960s. The old white Cis man has been discredited, by the "#MeToo" movement at the latest. Sexualised violence against women has been outlawed, perpetrators taken to court. So everything’s good? No, of course not. Men still dominate public discourse; men are unchallenged in leadership positions in politics, society and business; male power still prevails in the domestic environment as well. The extent to which men fight back when they feel threatened by feminism is also evident in the revival of authoritarian nationalist politicians in Europe and around the world. The seven authors shed light on feminist struggles in different areas of life, and illustrate the range of feminism today.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Silk and empire

        by Brenda King

        In this book, Brenda M. King challenges the notion that Britain always exploited its empire. Creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship were all part of the Anglo-Indian silk trade and were nurtured in the era of empire through mutually beneficial collaboration. The trade operated within and without the empire, according to its own dictates and prospered in the face of increasing competition from China and Japan. King presents a new picture of the trade, where the strong links between Indian designs, the English silk industry and prominent members of the English the arts and crafts movement led to the production of beautiful and luxurious textiles. Lavishly illustrated, this book will be of interest to those interested in the relationship between the British Empire and the Indian subcontinent, as well as by historians of textiles and fashion.

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        Children's & YA
        December 2018

        The Tree Boy

        by Srididhya Venkat and Nayantara Surendranath

        Sid is a lonely boy who detests idle, lonely trees. He has good reasons though. At least he likes to think so. He does not notice the friendship between the dangling leaves, dancing to the song of the wind. He ignores countless birds returning to the safety of their comfy homes, nestled in the soft spots of rough branches, after a long day of collecting worms. So when he is called a brainless tree for missing a save in soccer at school, it is easy for him to decide he never wants to be a tree, until one morning he wakes up to have transformed into one. Srividhya Venkat spins a delectable fantasy around thinking twice about what you wish for, or not and depicts the transformation of Sid’s lonely life after he embraces the excitable voices of kids twisted in his vines and the ecosystem hovering above him. Nayantara Surendranath’s eccentric combination of art collage and digital creation expresses the refreshing quirks that breathe life into the tale.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2024

        A savage song

        Racist violence and armed resistance in the early twentieth-century U.S.–Mexico Borderlands

        by Margarita Aragon

        This book examines key moments in which collective and state violence invigorated racialized social boundaries around Mexican and African Americans in the United States, and in which they violently contested them. Bringing anti-Mexican violence into a common analytical framework with anti-black violence, A savage song examines several focal points in this oft-ignored history, including the 1915 rebellion of ethnic Mexicans in South Texas, and its brutal repression by the Texas Rangers and the 1917 mutiny of black soldiers of the 24th Infantry Regiment in Houston, Texas, in response to police brutality. Aragon considers both the continuities and stark contrasts across these different moments: how were racialized constructions of masculinity differently employed? How did African and Mexican American men, including those in uniform, respond to the violence of racism? And how was their resistance, including their claims to manhood and nation, understood by law enforcement, politicians, and the press? Building on extensive archival research, the book examines how African and Mexican American men have been constructed as 'racial problems', investigating, in particular, their relationship with law enforcement and ideas about black and Mexican criminality.

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        January 2016


        Itzik Manger – ein europäischer Dichter

        by Efrat Gal-Ed

        Die Biographie eines der größten Dichter jiddischer Sprache (weltweit die erste umfassende überhaupt) ist nach Inhalt und Form außergewöhnlich. Die Lebensgeschichte des Itzik Manger (1901 – 1969) wird verschränkt mit einer lebendigen Schilderung der jiddisch-säkularen Kultur Osteuropas zwischen den Weltkriegen. Und passend orientiert sich die Texteinrichtung durch die Autorin an der Seitengestaltung des Talmud: mit erzählendem Haupttext, Abbildungen und erläuternden Seitentexten. „In Mangers Lebens- und Schaffensgeschichte verkörpern sich Entwicklung und Reichtum der jiddischen Kultur bis 1939, ihre Zerstörung und der tragische Bruch, den die Shoah hinterlassen hat. Mangers Werk entspringt dem jüdischen Osteuropa mit seinen rumänischen, galizischen, polnischen und baltischen Landschaften, in denen seit der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts eine jiddisch-säkulare Kultur sich rasch entfaltete … Itzik Manger zog es, wie die meisten seiner Kollegen, nach Warschau, weil man dort auf unterschiedlichste Weise jiddisch denken, leben und schöpferisch tätig sein konnte. Sie dachten Europa jenseits des Gegensatzes von Eigenkultur und Fremdkultur … Im zunehmend nationalistischen und antisemitischen Polen war das jiddische Europa ein kosmopolitischer Entwurf, ein imaginierter, herbeigeschriebener Ort, an dem jiddisches Leben beheimatet war.“

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Colonial masculinity

        by Mrinalini Sinha

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2008

        Silk and empire

        by Brenda King, Andrew Thompson, John Mackenzie

        In this book, Brenda M. King challenges the notion that Britain always exploited its empire. Creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship were all part of the Anglo-Indian silk trade and were nurtured in the era of empire through mutually beneficial collaboration. The trade operated within and without the empire, according to its own dictates and prospered in the face of increasing competition from China and Japan. King presents a new picture of the trade, where the strong links between Indian designs, the English silk industry and prominent members of the English the arts and crafts movement led to the production of beautiful and luxurious textiles. Lavishly illustrated, this book will be of interest to those interested in the relationship between the British Empire and the Indian subcontinent, as well as by historians of textiles and fashion. ;

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        The Arts
        November 2024

        'The industrialized designer'

        Gender, identity and professionalization in Britain and the United States, 1930-80

        by Leah Armstrong

        What does it mean to be called an industrial designer? This book traces the remarkable rise of this professional identity in historical perspective from a position of anonymity in the early twentieth century, to mid-century professionalisation, to decline and disintegration by 1980. Drawing on new, extensive, original archival research, it uncovers the history of a profession in a state of re-invention, 1930-1980 in Britain and the United States. The book tests assumptions about the relationship between the professions in the two countries, bringing them into comparative historical perspective for the first time. The gendered dynamics of professionalisation and their interaction with the representation of the heroic male designer are interrogated and critically examined. Building on new gender perspectives to the history of the industrial design profession, the book calls for a re-examination of the limits and boundaries of what constitutes professional identity and work.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 1993

        Die Ideologie des Ästhetischen

        by Paul Man, Karl Heinz Bohrer, Christoph Menke, Jürgen Blasius, Christoph Menke

        Als Paul de Man 1983 starb, war er der wohl bekannteste und einflußreichste Vertreter einer Richtung der Literaturkritik und ihrer Theore, die allgemein als »dekonstruktiv« bezeichnet wird. Kennzeichnend für diese Richtung ist eine erneute Konzentration auf die innere Verfaßtheit der literarischen Texte. Eine erste Auswahl dieser methodisch vorbildlich wie brillant geschriebenen Texte ist 1988 unter dem Titel »Allegorien des Lesens« in der edition suhrkamp erschienen. Die vorliegende Auswahl konzentriert sich auf die methodologischen und theoretischen Prämissen dieses Vorhabens, wie sie die Abhandlungen über die Zeitlichkeit der Literatur, über Shelley und über die Autobiographie deutlich machen. Sich auf die immanente Verfaßtheit und Bewegung von Texten einzulassen ist nach de Man kein selbstzweckhaftes, folgenloses Unternehmen. De Man beansprucht vielmehr für seine »Rückkehr zur Philologie« eine allgemeine Bedeutung; die Literaturkritik ist zugleich philosophische und politische Kritik. Damit ist der zweite Schwerpunkt dieser Auswahl bezeichnet. De Man erläutert diese These zum einen in kritischer Auseinandersetzung mit der Philosophie Jacques Derridas. Zum anderen zeigt er an zentralen Texten der ästhetischen Tradition, an Kant und Hegel, daß ihr falsches – »ideologisches« – Verständnis literarischer Texte unter der Kategorie des »Ästhetischen« ebenso weitreichende philosophische wie politische Konsequenzen hat.

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        Cultural studies
        July 2013

        Food, risk and politics

        by Ed Randall

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