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      • Inner Flower Child Books

        We present to you a rhino that actually once circled the earth in the spaceship, an artist cat from Paris known by everyone, the adventures, and wanderlust of a tiny house, and love stories kissed by the sun... Curious? If you are looking for children's books with a universal message of hope and connectedness, we'd love the opportunity to meet with you. Inner Flower Child Books is a children's book publisher founded in California in 2012 by the creative team of author Susan Schaefer Bernardo (M.A. English Languages and Literature, Yale University) and illustrator Courtenay Fletcher (BFA Advertising/Graphic Design, Art Center College of Design). These artists and their team produce profound, touching, and humorously inspiring books that have become very successful in the US. With wittiness, humor, and intelligence — with rhymes at times — they create stories that promote children's language and social capabilities development. Partly because of that, Susan’s and Courtenay's picture books are used nationwide by schools, children's charities, therapists, and families across the United States to help children and youth heal from problems, large and small. At a time when the whole world is being hit by the trauma of a pandemic, books such as “Sun Kisses and Moon Hugs” bring children and young people a comforting message of love and connection. The colorfully illustrated and inspiring picture books contain generally assignable topics such as healing trauma, bringing people closer to living a sustainable life, and the power of creative expression — predestined to be successful worldwide. (Speaking of worldwide distribution: one of Susan’s and Courtenay's books, “The Rhino Who Swallowed The Storm” was sent to the International Space Station to orbit the planet — and was read aloud by astronaut Kate Rubins as part of the innovative “Story Time From Space” program and broadcasted! Apart from that, “The Rhino” was also promoted by former, then-incumbent First Lady Michelle Obama and present presidential candidate Joe Biden. For more information, please visit our website!). All Inner Flower Child Books titles are currently only published in the United States. Susan and Courtenay are therefore pleased to be able to offer publication and subsidiary rights on all other world markets for the first time. On our book fair landing page, you can find book trailers and details about our work: We, the European representatives Anette and Leonie Waldeck, are happy to present the works of Inner Flower Child Books to you in the context of the Frankfurt book fair. Here we would like to meet in person or jump on an online video call to speak about publishing and foreign sub-rights options. Please contact us at +49 179 10 93 276 or via email to ask questions or to make an appointment. Thank you for your time.   Anette and Leonie Waldeck with international greetings from the US from Susan Bernardo and Courtenay Fletcher

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      • Schmit Jongbloed Advies

        ‘Ärzt*in als Ganzes‘ ist ein inspirierendes Buch für Mediziner aller Altersklassen und Spezialisierungen, die den Sinn in ihrer Arbeit (wieder)finden oder verstärken wollen.

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      • Trusted Partner
        June 2024

        Plant Nematology

        by Roland N Perry, Maurice Moens, John T Jones

        Plant-parasitic nematodes are a major threat to crop production in all countries, and identification of nematodes and knowledge of their biology is of paramount importance. Providing a broad introduction to nematodes as plant parasites, this book begins by describing nematodes by genera, and then builds on this foundation to detail nematode biology and pest management, including resistance, and biological and chemical control. This 3rd edition is updated to address advances in our knowledge of plant-parasitic nematodes, particularly concerning the molecular aspects of host-parasite relationships, including the application of genomics to nematode biology. Changes in control and management strategies are also covered. The influence of climate change on plant-parasitic nematodes is addressed in a new chapter on ecology. Primarily aimed at students (MSc and PhD), this book is also invaluable for researchers and lecturers in nematology, plant pathology and parasitology, advisory and quarantine services, and crop protection scientists.

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        Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        September 2024

        The Simons of Manchester

        How one family shaped a city and a nation

        by Martin Dodge, John Ayshford, Diana Leitch, Stuart Jones, Janet Wolff

        The Simons of Manchester revives the history of one of Manchester's most influential families, the Simons. The book investigates the lives and public work of Henry and Emily Simon, and Ernest and Shena Simon. Through philanthropy and work in social reform, the two generations of the Simons greatly enriched Manchester's cultural and civic institutions, worked to improve the lives of its citizens, and helped to spearhead profound national reforms in health, housing, planning and education. While many people in Manchester are familiar with the Simon name through Shena Simon College, Simonsway, and the Simon Building at the University of Manchester, there is scant public knowledge of who the Simons were and their legacy. As such, this edited volume of collected essays aims to illuminate their fascinating lives and public service to rehabilitate the Simons and examine their local and national significance.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2020


        by Wyn Grant, Bill Jones

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        Science & Mathematics
        April 2018

        Cyst Nematodes

        by Roland N Perry, Maurice Moens, John T Jones, Matthew A. Back, James G. Baldwin, George W. Bird, Vivian C. Blok, David J. Chitwood, Laura Cortada, Matthias Daub, Keith G. Davies, Walter S. de Jong, Loes J.M.F. den Nijs, Sebastian Eves-van den Akker, Godelieve Gheysen, Aska Goverse, Ivan G. Grove, Johannes Hallmann, Zafar A. Handoo, John T. Jones, Catherine J. Lilley, Horacio D. Lopez-Nicora, Edward P. Masler, Melissa G. Mitchum, Maurice Moens, Sharad Mohan, Terry L. Niblack, Roland N. Perry, Jon Pickup, Adrian M.I. Roberts, Andrea M. Skantar, Geert Smant, Richard W. Smiley, Sergei A Subbotin, Victoria Taylor, Gregory L. Tylka, Lieven Waeyenberge, Inga A. Zasada

        This book is a compendium of current information on all aspects of these economically important parasites. It provides comprehensive coverage of their biology, management, morphology and diagnostics, in addition to up-to-date information on molecular aspects of taxonomy, host-parasitic relationships and resistance. Written by a team of international experts, Cyst Nematodes will be invaluable to all researchers, lecturers and students in nematology, parasitology, agriculture and agronomy, industries with an interest in chemical and biological control products for management of plant-parasitic nematodes, and any courses, quarantine and advisory services.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020

        Aveline Jones und die Geister von Stormhaven

        by Hickes, Phil

        Schaurig schön und echt gruselig: die Abenteuer von Aveline! Der Wind pfeift durch die Ritzen und jede Diele knarzt: Avelines neues Zuhause ist ihr auf den ersten Blick gar nicht geheuer. Dass die Einwohner des stürmischen Küstenörtchens überall Vogelscheuchen aufstellen, macht es nicht besser. Einfach. Nur. Gruselig! Avelines einzige Rettung ist Mr Liebermans verwunschener Buchladen, der sofort zum Stöbern einlädt - denn sie liebt schaurige Geschichten und Bücher über alles. Aber schon bald steht die schauerlichste Nacht des Jahres bevor. Und an Halloween werden längst vergessene Legenden in Stormhaven sehr viel lebendiger, als Aveline lieb ist ... Pünktlich zu Halloween erscheint dieses schaurig-schöne Kinderbuch für alle Mädchen ab 9 Jahren, die wohlfühlige Gruselgeschichten lieben. Perfekt ist für stürmische Herbstabende: zum gemütlichen Einkuscheln, Schmökern und Gruseln! Wunderschön und stimmungsvoll illustriert von Kaja Reinki. Mit Aveline Jones geht es immer schön schauerlich weiter! Band 2 „Aveline Jones - Im Bann der Hexensteine“ erscheint im Frühjahr 2021.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2006

        Tom Jones

        Die Geschichte eines Findelkindes. Roman

        by Henry Fielding, Horst Höckendorf

        Gutsherr Allworthy findet einen Säugling und zieht den Jungen an Sohnes Statt auf. Der Findling – Tom Jones – wächst und gedeiht prächtig, in den Augen seines Ziehvaters mitunter sogar etwas zu prächtig. Als sich Tom in die Nachbarstochter verliebt, die Allworthys Neffen versprochen ist, verweist der Gutsherr Tom des Hauses. Der junge Mann macht sich auf nach London, wobei ihn seine Reise quer durchs Land und auch durch sämtliche Schichten der vorviktorianischen Gesellschaft führt. Auf Toms Suche nach sich selbst, seiner Herkunft und vor allem nach der großen Liebe erschließt sich ein wahres Panoptikum des 18. Jahrhunderts.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2024

        Manchester minds

        A university history of ideas

        by Stuart Jones

        A bicentennial celebration of brilliant thinkers from The University of Manchester's history. The year 2024 marks two centuries since the establishment of The University of Manchester in its earliest form. The first of England's civic universities, Manchester has been home and host to a huge number of influential thinkers and generated world-changing ideas. This book presents a rich account of the remarkable contribution that people associated with The University of Manchester have made to human knowledge. A who's who of Manchester greats, it presents fascinating snapshots of pioneering artists, scholars and scientists, from the poet and activist Eva Gore-Booth to the economist Arthur Lewis, the computer scientist Alan Turing and the physicist Brian Cox.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2011

        Die Sterne von Paris

        Ein Roman der kulinarischen Abenteuer

        by Idwal Jones, Andrea Fischer, Anthony Bourdain

        Die Geschichte eines jungen Mannes, der nach Paris kommt und dort leben, lieben und kochen lernt – nur nicht in dieser Reihenfolge. Eigentlich will Jean-Marie zur See fahren. Aber dann improvisiert er für eine englische Baronin eine Mahlzeit. Und die trägt ihm eine Empfehlung an ein altehrwürdiges 3-Sterne-Restaurant in Paris ein. Dort tafeln Aristokratinnen und Anarchisten, große und kleine Ganoven, Mätressen und Maharadschas. Noch interessanter geht es aber in der Küche zu – hier begegnet Jean-Marie der wahren Liebe seines Lebens. Folgen Sie Idwal Jones ins Paris der 30er Jahre, köstlich und leicht wie ein Soufflé, lebensklug und witzig wie ein Tischnachbar im Paradies. »Ein bezaubernder Roman über die wirklich wichtigen Dinge im Leben: Liebe, Freunde, Schokolade.« Denis Scheck

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2024

        Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 100/2

        Higher Learning and Civic Cultures of Knowledge: Manchester 1824–2024

        by Stuart Jones

        The John Rylands Library houses one of the finest collections of rare books, manuscripts and archives in the world. The collections span five millennia, have a global reach and cover a wide range of subjects, including art and archaeology; economic, social, political, religious and military history; literature, drama and music; science and medicine; theology and philosophy; travel and exploration. For over a century, the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library has published research that complements the Library's special collections.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2002

        Leicester and the court

        Essays on Elizabethan politics

        by Simon Adams, Peter Lake, Anthony Milton, Jason Peacey, Alexandra Gajda

        Now back in print, this comprehensive collection of essays by Simon Adams brings to life the most enigmatic of Elizabethans--Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester. Adams, famous for the unique depth and breadth of his research, has gathered here his most important essays looking at the Elizabethan Court, and the adventures and legacy of the Earl. Together with his edition of Leicester's accounts and his reconstruction of Leicester's papers, Adams has published much upon on Leicester's influence and activities. His work has reshaped our knowledge of Elizabeth and her Court, Parliament, and such subjects of recent debate as the power of the nobility and the noble affinity, the politics of faction and the role of patronage. Sixteen essays are found in this collection, organized into three groups: the Court, Leicester and his affinity, and Leicester and the regions. This volume will be essential reading for academics and students interested in the Elizabethan Court and in early modern British politics more generally. ;

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        Children's & YA
        February 2021

        One Human Community

        by Amelina Jones

        Soothing words and fascinating illustrations of Amelina Jones touches readers of all ages. One Human Community introduces the concept of community and explores our differences and similarities as individuals. The story makes us reconsider our relationship with each other as a community, ourselves, and our planet.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2018

        Order and conflict

        Anthony Ascham and English political thought (1648–50)

        by Peter Lake, Marco Barducci, Anthony Milton, Jason Peacey, Alexandra Gajda

        This book provides a careful and systematic analysis of Anthony Ascham's career and writings for the first time in English. During the crucial period between the Second Civil War and the establishment of the English Republic, when he served as official pamphleteer of the Parliament and the republican government, Ascham put forward a complex argument in support of Parliament's claims for obedience which drew on the political thought of Grotius, Hobbes, Selden, Filmer and Machiavelli. He combined ideas taken from these authors and turned them into a powerful instrument of propaganda to be deployed in the service of the political agenda of his Independent patrons in Parliament. This investigation of Ascham's works brings together an intellectual analysis of his political thought and an exploration of the interaction between politics, propaganda and political ideas.

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        Biography & True Stories
        May 2025

        Mrs Dalloway

        Biography of a novel

        by Mark Hussey

        A compelling biography of one of the most celebrated novels in the English language. The fourth and best-known of Virginia Woolf's novels, Mrs Dalloway is a modernist masterpiece that has remained popular since its publication in 1925. Its dual narratives follow a day in the life of wealthy housewife Clarissa Dalloway and shell-shocked war veteran Septimus Warren Smith, capturing their inner worlds with a vividness that has rarely been equalled. Mrs Dalloway: Biography of a novel offers new readers a lively introduction to this enduring classic, while providing Woolf lovers with a wealth of information about the novel's writing, publication and reception. It follows Woolf's process from the first stirrings in her diary through her struggles to create what was quickly recognised as a major advance in prose fiction. It then traces the novel's remarkable legacy to the present day. Woolf wrote in her diary that she wanted her novel 'to give life & death, sanity & insanity. to criticise the social system, & to show it at work, at its most intense.' Mrs Dalloway: Biography of a novel reveals how she achieved this ambition, creating a book that will be read by generations to come.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2024

        Shakespeare's borrowed feathers

        How early modern playwrights shaped the world's greatest writer

        by Darren Freebury-Jones

        A fascinating book exploring the early modern authors who helped to shape Shakespeare's beloved plays. Shakespeare's plays have influenced generations of writers, but who were the early modern playwrights who influenced him? Shakespeare's borrowed feathers offers a fresh look at William Shakespeare and the community of playwrights that shaped his work. This compelling book argues that we need to see early modern drama as a communal enterprise, with playwrights borrowing from and adapting one another's work. From John Lyly's wit to the collaborative genius of John Fletcher, to Christopher Marlowe and Ben Jonson, Shakespeare's borrowed feathers offers fresh insights into Shakespeare's artistic development and shows us new ways of looking at the masterpieces that have enchanted audiences for centuries.

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