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      • Trusted Partner
        September 1985

        Buch der Freunde

        by Hugo Hofmannsthal

        Hugo von Hofmannsthal wurde am 1. Februar 1874 in Wien geboren und starb am 15. Juli 1929 in Rodaun. Bis 1898 Jura- und Romanistikstudium in Wien. Heirat mit Gerty Schlesinger. Ab 1901 zurückgezogenes Leben als freier Schriftsteller in Rodaun bei Wien. Zahlreiche Reisen in die Mittelmeerländer und nach Frankreich. Reserveoffizier in Istrien im Ersten Weltkrieg. 1916 Reisen nach Skandinavien und in die Schweiz. Mitherausgeber der Zeitschrift ›Der Morgen‹ und der ›Österreichischen Bibliothek‹. Freundschaft mit Stefan George und Richard Strauss.

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        SCRIBE :The Story of the Only Female Pope

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        The monastery at Siani was famous throughout the academic world for its library. The monks of medieval days routinely obtained ancient, crumbling manuscripts and recopied them. Among them, hidden in a wall in the cellar, the following parchment was found and faithfully recopied in the practiced hand of the Sianian monks several centuries after its original writing.  Hugo N. Gerstl, nationally famous American trial lawyer, world traveler and author of the bestselling historical novels: AGAINST ALL ODDS: The Magnificent Trio That Built Israel's Air Force; SCRIBE: The Only Female Pope; AMAZING GRACE: The Outstanding Tale of Grace O'Malley, The Notorious Pirate Woman; LEGACY: A Turkish Saga; and the gripping, breath-holding thrillers ASSASSIN & MISFIRE, which so far have been translated into Portuguese, Czech, and Turkish. as well as THE POLITICS OF HATE – A Piercing Insight into American Politics. Hugo Gerstl lives in Carmel, California with his wife Lorraine, a writer and teacher. Together they have raised five children, now grown. Published By  Pangæa Publishing Group 560 pages – 23 cm x 15 cm

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2005


        Das Spiel vom Sterben des reichen Mannes

        by Hugo Hofmannsthal, Joachim Seng

        »Geld regiert die Welt!« Auf diese Weisheit hat Jedermann sich zu Lebzeiten stets verlassen. Als er jedoch vor dem Richterstuhl Gottes steht, muß er erkennen, daß dort andere Maßstäbe angelegt werden ... Die Neubearbeitung des mittelalterlichen Mysterienspiels durch Hugo von Hofmannsthal stieß nicht nur bei Erscheinen auf große Resonanz. Alljährlich im Rahmen der Salzburger Festspiele aufgeführt, ist Jedermann bis heute von großer Aktualität und sorgt stets aufs neue für Diskussionen.

      • Trusted Partner

        Die Politik des Irrsinns

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        Die Politik des Irrsinns / Hugo N. Gerstl   Amerikas Freunde und unsere Feinde kratzen sich am Kopf und denken: „Wenn man die Welt auf die Seite stellen würde, würden alle losen Nüsse in den Vereinigten Staaten landen.“ Das absurde Theater ist auf allen Fernsehgeräten, Smartphones und sozialen Medien ausgebrochen. Ein megareicher Emporkömmling, der systematisch jedes Segment der Gesellschaft in den Vereinigten Staaten vor den Kopf stößt, steht kurz davor, der nächste Präsident zu werden! Kandidaten leugnen die Anzeichen des globalen Klimawandels – egal, Gott wird uns beschützen, und da er ein christlicher Gott ist, wird er uns gleich noch dabei helfen, die Muslime loszuwerden! Kann sich jemand zwei ernsthafte Kandidaten für das höchste Amt in den Vereinigten Staaten vorstellen, die sich über die Größe ihrer Genitalien streiten? („Sie wissen, was man über Männer mit kleinen Händen sagt...“).  Willkommen bei Die Politik des Irrsinns, einem ernsthaften Blick auf die neueste Form des bizarren „Reality-TV“. Wenn höchstens 2 % der Kandidatenliste vernünftige, ernsthafte Kandidaten sind. Wenn es akzeptabel ist zu sagen: „Wollt ihr etwa einen Präsidenten mit so einer Nase?“ Wenn eine Kandidatengattin halbnackt in der Werbung posiert. Aber ob Sie es glauben oder nicht, Prediger 1:9 ist Realität: „Es gibt nichts Neues unter der Sonne.“ Der politische Irrsinn ist nicht in den Vereinigten Staaten erfunden worden, und selbst in Amerika waren wir schon einmal auf diesem Weg. Hugo N. Gerstl, Autor von The Politics of Hate (2012), seziert mit scharfem Skalpell den American Pie der Politik von 2016 und beschreibt, was wie ein undurchdringlicher tragikomischer Irrgarten der Verrücktheit erscheint. Er schließt optimistisch, mit den Worten eines ehemaligen Präsidenten, dessen Frau im Rennen um das Weiße Haus die Nase vorn hat: „Es gibt nichts Falsches an Amerika, das nicht mit dem geheilt werden kann, was an Amerika richtig ist.“ Eine englischsprachige E-Book-Ausgabe wurde im Herbst 2016 von Samuel Wachtmans Sons, Inc., CA, veröffentlicht. 250 Seiten, 15 x 22,5 cm.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2013

        Tyrants of Sicily by Hugo Falcandus

        by Graham Loud, Thomas Wiedemann

        This book is our principal source for the history of the Kingdom of Sicily in the troubled years between the death of its founder, King Roger, in February 1154 and the spring of 1169. It covers the reign of Roger's son, King William I, known to later centuries as 'the Bad', and the minority of the latter's son, William II 'the Good'. The book illustrates the revival of classical learning during the twelfth-century renaissance. It presents a vivid and compelling picture of royal tyranny, rebellion and factional dispute at court. Sicily had historically been ruled by tyrants, and that the rule of the new Norman kings could be seen, for a variety of reasons, as a revival of that classical tyranny. A more balanced view of Sicilian history of the period 1153-1169 has been provided as an appendix to the translation in the section of the contemporary world chronicle ascribed to Archbishop Romuald II of Salerno, who died in April 1181. In particular the chronicle of Romuald enables us to see how the papal schism of 1159 and the simultaneous dispute between the German Emperor Frederick Barbarossa and the north Italian cities affected the destiny of the kingdom of Sicily. In contrast to the shadowy figure of Hugo Falcandus, the putative author of the principal narrative of mid-twelfth-century Sicilian history, Romuald II, Archbishop of Salerno 1153-1181, is well-documented.

      • Trusted Partner

        Beyond the Sultan's Table: Turkish gastronomy, history, culture and travel

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        IT’S A COOKBOOK … OR IS IT A GUIDEBOOK? … MAYBE IT’S A TRAVEL GUIDE … OR A POCKET HISTORY … AN INTRODUCTION TO A SERIES OF NOVELS ABOUT TURKEY? … A DELICIOUS KEEPSAKE WORK OF ART PRODUCED BY THE INIMITABLE DESIGN PEAKS PRODUCTION? OR … ACTUALLY, BEYOND THE SULTAN’S TABLE IS SO MUCH MORE THAN THE SUM OF ITS PARTS. IT’S THE PERFECT HYBRID … AND IT IS THE PERFECT GIFT FOR “SOMEONE WHO HAS EVERYTHING” BUT WANTS A “DIFFERENT” ADVENTURE WITH WHICH TO THRILL THEIR FRIENDS! Hugo N. Gerstl, international bestselling novelist, nationally known trial lawyer, musician, world traveler, actor, journalist, Bon Vivant Wannabe,” and former president and CEO of a mid-sized cookbook company, who has enjoyed his “many lives” immensely, now shares his joys and experiences with you. Unquestionably, this most “unusual” guidebook to many things will leave you wondering: Is he a polymath-genius or simply an oddball with a penchant for bringing a smile to your face and taste sensations to your palate? And of course, he and his beloved wife, Lorraine, an educator and author in her own right – and their five adult children – have shared the greatest happiness any two people have ever had. Enjoy something totally different, enriching, and unique! Expand your own horizon.   An English-language edition was published in Spring 2024. 282  pages, 15x 22.5 cm.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2000

        Die Gedichte

        by Hugo Hofmannsthal, Hansgeorg Schmidt-Bergmann

        Mit seinen Gedichten, die er im Wien vor der Jahrhundertwende unter dem Pseudonym Loris veröffentlicht hatte, war der junge Hugo von Hofmannsthal (1874–1929) zum »Idol einer Generation« geworden, wie Rudolf Borchardt mit Bewunderung formulierte. Die ersten lyrischen Versuche sind dem Geist Nietzsches verpflichtet, schnell jedoch findet Hofmannsthal zu einem ganz eigenen Ton.Die erste Sammlung von Gedichten Hugo von Hofmannsthals erschien 1907 im Insel Verlag Leipzig, dort wurden zu Lebzeiten Hofmannsthals 1911 und 1922 auch die folgenden Gedichtsammlungen veröffentlicht.

      • Trusted Partner

        Billy Jenkins: Europe's King of the Cowboys

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        illy Jenkins’ career spans the years 1895-1954. He was King of the Cowboys, the most popular act in all Germany, hero of German pulp fiction – the last genuine hero of the “American” Wild West. Yet, like Karl May before him, he never set foot in America...Billy became one of the world’s earliest superstars. He thrilled millions between the two World Wars, built a palatial mansion on the hill in Berlin, complete with a dude ranch in his backyard. In 1932, after joining the Nazi Party, he became their favorite, and soon reached the pinnacle of his success – this, despite the fact that he was half-Jewish! As his star waned, not because he was Jewish but because his name sounded too American as Germany entered World War II, Billy rediscovered his Jewish roots, and… but that’s for the reader to find out.Hugo N. Gerstl, nationally famous American trial lawyer, world traveler and author of the best-sellers Scribe: The Only Female Pope, Amazing Grace: The Woman Pirate, Legacy: The Birth of Modern Turkey, ChildFinders, and Stalemate, which so far have been translated into Portuguese, Czech, and Turkish, lives in Carmel, California with his wife Lorraine, a writer and teacher. Together they have raised five children, now grown. Published By Pangæa Publishing Group,2019.  534 pages – 23 cm x 15 cm

      • Trusted Partner


        The Ultimate Thriller

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        The ultimate thriller—with a twist. Forty-five years ago, a set of twins was separated at birth when their parents were caught in the crossfire between police and robbers. Flash forward to the present. Five billionaires plot to assassinate Iran’s Supreme Leader, the Ayatollah Khamenei, by hiring the most expensive killer in the world. Iran learns of the plot through a web of sex, lies, and betrayal, but they know they are hopelessly outclassed in counterterrorism. Only one service in the world has the wherewithal to bring down the assassin—Israel, a country Iran refuses to recognize. Nevertheless, Iran finally manages to hire Israel’s best counterterrorist. Unknown to one another, the assassin is one twin and the Israeli counterterrorist is the other. Let the chase begin!If you like a great thriller, such as The Da Vinci Code or The Day of the Jackal, you will certainly love ASSASSIN. It stands apart from other thrillers because it is truly original and goes outside the box to run circles around other books in this genre.Hugo N. Gerstl, famed American trial lawyer and bestselling author of eleven novels that have been translated worldwide, and fifteen works of nonfiction, has been involved in the American entertainment industry for years. Besides his legal career, the author has lived several lives as a musician, pilot, actor, director, and a world-traveler, and has employed them all to write this work. He resides on the Monterey Peninsula with his wife Lorraine. Published By Pangæa Publishing Group, 2019. 560 pages – 23 cm x 15 cm

      • Trusted Partner


        A Novel

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        In this monumental historical novel of the late twentieth and early twenty-first century, Lev Arkady survives the murder of his entire family in the closing days of World War II. Rescued by the ultimate showman and huckster, Old Amos, a character as memorable as Falstaff, Lev survives by becoming the ultimate chameleon.Penny Fullerton lives the good life of a 1950s Los Angeles teenager, experiencing the early death of her parents, sexual awakenings, and young heartbreak. She and Lev meet for one glorious evening in Vienna. They will not see each other again for twenty-seven years.In the interim, Lev befriends Karol Wojtyla, who will eventually succeed to the Papal throne. He succeeds as an international showman. When his life is endangered due to his involvement with anti-communist forces, he is catapulted to England, where he becomes an "American" star of 1960s pirate radio. Later, he participates at the dawn of revolutions that will topple Communism. Meanwhile, Penny achieves unexpected success, rising to the top of a small startup company—FedEx.When they finally meet again, Penny is a widow. Lev has never married. The magic between them ignites anew. They share a dramatic, life-threatening adventure in the Caucasus and, ultimately, a highly satisfying climax when they realize that the meaning of life is getting over fear and making the world a better place for having lived in it.This is Hugo Gerstl, author of ten novels, at his very best. Arcade is guaranteed to cement and increase his worldwide reputation! Published By Pangæa Publishing Group, 2019.  436 Pages, 23 cm x 15 cm

      • Trusted Partner

        SKORZENY: Dancing with the Devil

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        The tide of the War has turned against Hitler. Mussolini is deposed, imprisoned, and hidden.  1943: single commando leads gliders to the top of the highest peak in the Apennines to rescue the Duce.October 1944: Hungary’s Admiral Horthy is about to defect to the Soviets. Hitler’s man kidnaps Horthy’s son, and advises him it’s time to “retire” if he ever wants to see his son again .December 1944: The Battle of the Bulge. Hitler’s favorite soldier, using 2,000 stolen American Army uniforms, leads a group of English-speaking Germans behind enemy lines and wreaks havoc throughout the front.That same man helps former SS members get to South America; becomes Juan Péron’s security chief and Eva Péron’s secret lover; trains Arab forces and Yasser Arafat for the next Israeli war; sells arms to both sides of wars throughout Africa; and ultimately, as a Mossad agent, “takes out” the very group of nuclear scientists Egypt recruited to destroy Israel!The same man, Otto Skorzeny, did all these things and more. Unrepentant Nazi, this ultimate predator, the most dangerous man in the world, lived more lives than a dozen James Bonds.International best-selling author Hugo N. Gerstl, brings the life of this amazing hero/villain, now almost forgotten, back onto the world’s stage where, during the time he lived, he made the world a much more exciting – and scary – place. Published by Pangæa Publishing Group  354 pages – 23 cm x 15 cm

      • Trusted Partner

        The Deathmaster

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        Does the rescue of 1600 men, women, and children justify aiding and abetting the murder of more than half a million others? Under these circumstances, is it morally imperative for one man to bring down an entire government? A young attorney defends an old man accused of criminal libel and must confront these agonizing ethical questions arising from the Holocaust. Jerusalem, 1953-1954. A 72-year-old pensioner, Malchiel Greenwald, publishes a mimeographed newsletter accusing Rudolph Kasztner, Deputy Minister for Trade and a prominent Israeli politician, of being complicit in the deaths of 800,000 Hungarian Jews during 1944, when he was Chairman of the Hungarian Jewish Rescue Committee. Kasztner demands that the State of Israel bring a criminal libel action against the virtually penniless Greenwald for this defamatory publication. Greenwald manages to convince brilliant lawyer and former Irgun “terrorist,” Samuel Tamir, to take on his defense at no cost. On a frigid December day in 1953, Greenwald could not know, nor could he imagine, that he was about to walk into the history of Israel; and that fourteen months later, when the trial concluded and the verdict was announced, the government of Prime Minister Moshe Sharett would be brought down, and the Holy Land would never be the same again. Even today, more than 65 years later, this tale, which has been largely suppressed until now, remains a “hot potato” in Israel. And international bestselling author Hugo N. Gerstl, author of Assassin, The Wrecking Crew, Scribe, and Against All Odds, himself a nationally known trial lawyer, brings the proceedings to the forefront in this riveting historical thriller. Published by Pangæa Publishing Group,2020. 426 pages – 23 cm x 15 cm

      • Trusted Partner

        The Politics of Insanity

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        America's friends and our enemies alike are scratching their collective heads and thinking, "If you turned the world on its side all of the loose nuts would end up in the United States." The Theater of the Absurd has come to life on every television set, smart phone, and social media outlet around the world. A megawealthy upraised carnival barker, who has systematically alienated every segment of society in the United States, stands poised to become the next president! Candidates deny the signs of global climate change—never mind, God will protect us, and since he's a Christian God, he will help us get rid of the Muslims in the process! Can anyone imagine two serious candidates for the highest office in the United States arguing over the size of their genitals? ("You know what they say about men with small hands...").  Welcome to The Politics of Insanity, a serious look at the newest form of the bizarre "reality TV." Where thoughtful, serious contenders eke out 2% of the vote at best. Where it's acceptable to say, "Would you want to have a president with a face like that?" Where a semi-nude photo of a candidate's gorgeous wife is splashed across a TV ad? But believe it or not, Ecclesiastes 1:9 is accurate: "There is nothing new under the sun." Political insanity did not start in the United States, and even in America we've been down this road before. Hugo N. Gerstl, author of The Politics of Hate (2012), slices into the "American Pie" of 2016 politics with a clear-eyed analytical scalpel, and, despite what appears to be an impenetrable tragicomic maze of craziness, he optimistically concludes, in the words of a former president whose wife is the frontrunner in the race for the White House, "There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured with what is right with America." An English-language eBook edition was published in fall 2016 by Samuel Wachtman's Sons, Inc., CA. 250 Pages, 15X22.5 cm

      • Trusted Partner

        Stalemate: There can be no winners

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        Thirty-five years ago, Libertyville had a population of 2,000. Its citizens thought it would become the next  Atlanta. But it’s now 1989, and the population is down to 278 and falling. The town’s remaining employer, the outdated, money-losing Libertyville Cotton Works, owned by an elderly Holocaust survivor, has been sold to a conglomerate that intends to reap huge tax and political benefits.But two other factions have different ideas. Bishop William Wyatt Walker, spellbinding African-American televangelist whose church takes in $500 million a year in contributions from the poorest of the poor, decides the church has lost touch with the common man and needs a new symbol of salvation – the Libertyville Cotton Works and the 40 acres that surround it. He’ll do whatever it takes to make sure the church gets the property.Meanwhile, a brilliant, Mexican-American lawyer and his militant contingent, faced with “the country’s growing paranoia toward Hispanics,” seeks to create his own Sanctuary Nation. His “army” takes armed control of the cotton works, holding hostages to ensure that the factory and its acreage are deeded to “the first truly Mexican town in the Southeastern U.S.”The stage is set for a Stalemate of epic proportions, a war where there can be no winners. Like James Dickey’s Deliverance, this book is a mixture of a thriller tinged with adventure, camaraderie, dread, and the horror that only an unexpected, unspeakable situation can inflict. Human nature is human nature, and it is impossible to predict how anyone would act if confronted with a similar situation. Powerful and suspenseful, Stalemate explores the best – and the worst – in the human spirit as it thunders toward a spine-chilling climax.International best-selling author Hugo N. Gerstl’s latest work is one you won’t be able to put down – and one you’ll long remember. Published by Pangæa Publishing Group 184 pages – 23 cm x 15 cm

      • Trusted Partner

        The Wrecking Crew

        by Hugo N. Gerst

        g on for a wild ride! The craziest “coalition” in history is out to destroy ISIS!Forty years ago, Don Tommy Aiello was the most feared mafia leader in the United States. Each week, he counted the number of bodies he was responsible for killing. Each week, he counted the number of women he had slept with. But that was forty years ago. Today, he counts the number of pills he takes and the pennies left over from his small Social Security check so he might buy a cheap set of dentures – not covered by Medicare. Life is pretty awful. Twenty miles away, Pedro Sanchez, twenty, has already done two of his three strikes in prison. He can’t find a job. His seventeen-year-old girlfriend has just told him she’s pregnant. Life is pretty awful.Sister Maureen Richards is about to be dumped from her position as head of a prestigious private girls’ school. And FBI middle-manager Dennis O’Brien, 63, knows he’s on the way out the door. But he’s got an idea, which he shares with Ezra Caen, the hero of Gerstl’s Assassin. Five thousand miles away, a group of malcontents calling themselves the Islamic State (ISIS) is stirring up a worldwide bag of problems. Boots on the ground can’t stop them, aircraft in the air have no effect. The U.S. is spending $14 million a day and going nowhere.What if 15 “retired” Mafia Dons under the leadership of Sister Maureen are tasked with destroying ISIS? In exchange, their criminal records will be erased, and each will get $75,000 tax free a year for the rest of their lives. Their “army” will consist of young Hispanics who aren’t going anywhere except to the bottom … they’ll be given a four-year free college education and guaranteed government employment. Of course, the good, moral U.S. of A. can’t be seen to have a hand in this, so it will all be funded through La Società di Religione – the Vatican Bank.Hugo N. Gerstl, international bestselling author, steps into a wacky world that only his imagination could devise. Beneath the outrageous hilarity lies a much more serious message – how seniors we’ve put out to pasture, and those who are socially disadvantaged, become “invisible” in our world. As this splendidly entertaining novel makes clear, “Old age and treachery will defeat youth and vigor every time.” Published By Pangæa Publishing Group, 2019. 252 pages – 23 cm x 15 cm

      • Trusted Partner
        July 1985

        Tagebücher und Briefe

        Band 2: 1948–1975

        by Schmuel Hugo Bergman, Miriam Sambursky, Natan Rotenstreich

        Die kommentierte Edition der Tagebücher Hugo Bergmans gibt dem Leser einen Überblick über die geistigen und politischen Auseinandersetzungen in Palästina sowie über den Hintergrund zu Leben und Werk dieses großen jüdischen Denkers unseres Jahrhunderts.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1974

        Der Kaiser und die Hexe

        by Hugo Hofmannsthal, Heinrich Vogeler, Rudolf Hirsch

        Hugo von Hofmannsthal wurde am 1. Februar 1874 in Wien geboren und starb am 15. Juli 1929 in Rodaun. Bis 1898 Jura- und Romanistikstudium in Wien. Heirat mit Gerty Schlesinger. Ab 1901 zurückgezogenes Leben als freier Schriftsteller in Rodaun bei Wien. Zahlreiche Reisen in die Mittelmeerländer und nach Frankreich. Reserveoffizier in Istrien im Ersten Weltkrieg. 1916 Reisen nach Skandinavien und in die Schweiz. Mitherausgeber der Zeitschrift ›Der Morgen‹ und der ›Österreichischen Bibliothek‹. Freundschaft mit Stefan George und Richard Strauss. Heinrich Vogeler, geboren 1872 in Bremen, war Maler, Grafiker, Architekt und Schriftsteller. Er war Teil der ersten Generation der Künstlerkolonie Worspwede, zu deren Mittelpunkt sein Wohnhaus für einige Jahre wurde. Heinrich Vogeler verstarb im Jahr 1942 unter tragischen Umständen im sowjetischen Exil.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2000

        Die Erzählungen

        by Hugo Hofmannsthal, Hansgeorg Schmidt-Bergmann

        Hugo von Hofmannsthal wurde am 1. Februar 1874 in Wien geboren und starb am 15. Juli 1929 in Rodaun. Bis 1898 Jura- und Romanistikstudium in Wien. Heirat mit Gerty Schlesinger. Ab 1901 zurückgezogenes Leben als freier Schriftsteller in Rodaun bei Wien. Zahlreiche Reisen in die Mittelmeerländer und nach Frankreich. Reserveoffizier in Istrien im Ersten Weltkrieg. 1916 Reisen nach Skandinavien und in die Schweiz. Mitherausgeber der Zeitschrift ›Der Morgen‹ und der ›Österreichischen Bibliothek‹. Freundschaft mit Stefan George und Richard Strauss.

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