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Guangdong Education Publishing House
Established in 1985, GEPH is a comprehensive publishing house, subordinated to Southern Publishing and Media. It is named “National Outstanding Publishing House” and “National Top 100 Publishing House”, by The Press and Publication Administration of the People‘s Republic of China.
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Promoted ContentJuly 2024
by Colin Niel, Thomas Wörtche, Anne Thomas
In Bois Sec, einem kleinen, elenden Slum im Amazonasgebiet von Französisch-Guayana, lebt der zehnjährige Darwyne mit seiner Mutter Yolanda. Yolanda ist schön, stark und klug. Darwyne ist klein, ein wenig körperlich beeinträchtigt und meistens schmutzig. Er möchte so sehr von seiner Mutter geliebt werden, sie aber hält ihn für ein Monster. Sieben ihrer Liebhaber sind bis jetzt spurlos im Dschungel verschwunden. Ein achter, Jhonson, taucht gerade auf. Auch er bekommt keinen Draht zu Darwyne. Im Gegensatz zu Mathurine, einer Sozialarbeiterin, die versteht, dass Darwyne eine besondere Beziehung zur Natur hat, anscheinend mit den Tieren und den Pflanzen kommunizieren kann und dass er in der Tat »anders« ist, irgendetwas zwischen den Spezies. Und ihr drängt sich mit der Zeit der Verdacht auf, dass Darwyne womöglich mit dem Verschwinden der ersten sieben Lover etwas zu tun hat. Nach einem dramatischen Erdrutsch, der den Slum vernichtet, fliehen Yolanda und Jhonson ‒ ausgerechnet in den Dschungel ...
August 2020
The Dawn
by Pia Malaussène
The narrator is driving across France to join her brother in the South: she is coming to tell him that their little sister Agnès has just been admitted to Saint-Anne hospital for mentally ill. But it is hard to speak with him who refuses all complicity and who spends his time examining his family tree… Tensions are rising between brother and sister: they have nothing in common but childhood memories, mostly in Guyana, including with Agnès… Agnès whose childish fears have been misunderstood by her older sister, who reproaches herself bitterly for it, whereas the brother retreats into a chilling silence. What really happened in the green paradise of Guyana jungle? What is the family secret which made Agnès mad? Pia Malaussène creates an oppressive, intense and disturbing atmosphere as in equatorial forest… In the heart of it, however, we can see the sweet lights of a possible dawn.
Children's & young adult: general non-fiction2019
Learn How People Celebrate in America
by Ángeles Quinteros, Ángeles Vargas
This book wants to celebrate the cultural richness that comes from the native people and from different migration processes that vitalize our whole continent. Along with an attractive design, based on illustrations and images, the objective is to encourage children to have a positive attitude towards reading a text of greater difficulty, and thus contribute to a comprehensive education, developing reading skills and the cultural heritage of little readers. At the same time you will discover shared experiences that unite us as one great nation—like slavery or the cycles of Mother Earth—which are remembered and celebrated in ways you would never have imagined. Find out and celebrate the most interesting and beautiful festivals in America, a continent full of colors!