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Trusted PartnerAugust 2006
Buenos Aires
Ein Reisebegleiter
by Sieglinde Oehrlein
In Buenos Aires blühte seit jeher das kulturelle Leben. Hier lebten nicht nur Jorge Luis Borges, Julio Cortázar, der Tangokönig Carlos Gardel und Diego Maradona, hier logierten Ana Pavlova und Manuel de Falla im ersten Hotel der Stadt, die Großen der Opernwelt – Caruso, Karajan, Toscanini, Callas – gastierten am Teatro Colón, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry entwarf seinen Vol de nuit in einem der ersten Hochhäuser der Stadt und Federico García Lorca war monatelang die Attraktion der Theaterwelt. Sieglinde Oehrlein führt den Leser auf den Spuren dieser und anderer Persönlichkeiten durch die Stadt und an so manche versteckte Orte, an die es normalerweise keinen Touristen verschlägt.
Trusted PartnerJune 2010
Eine kleine Geschichte Argentiniens
by Barbara Potthast, Sandra Carreras
Vor 200 Jahren erkämpfte Argentinien seine Unabhängigkeit von Spanien. Seither ist das Land, das Schriftsteller wie Borges, Tangosänger wie Carlos Gardel und Ikonen wie Evita Perón hervorgebracht hat, von einer wechselvollen Geschichte gezeichnet: Brutale Diktaturen folgten auf populistische Regierungen, und die Wirtschaftskrise von 2001 bedeutete für große Teile der Bevölkerung den Verlust ihres gesamten Hab und Guts. Daneben blüht das kulturelle Leben vor allem in der Hauptstadt Buenos Aires, die mit zahlreichen Buchhandlungen, Theatern und Kinos glänzt. Der Band behandelt die politischen, sozialen und kulturellen Entwicklungen in Argentinien, angefangen bei der Kolonialzeit, über die Unabhängigkeit bis hin zu den heutigen Herausforderungen, denen das Land sich stellen muß. Ein fundierter und anschaulicher Überblick über die Geschichte ArgentiniensBuchmesseschwerpunkt Argentinien 2010200 Jahre Unabhängigkeit Argentiniens im Jahr 2010Weitere Bände der Reihe: Eine kleine Geschichte Brasiliens (es 2150), Eine kleine Geschichte Mexikos (st3621), Eine kleine Geschichte Kataloniens (st3879)
Tango cruzado
by Aguirre, Max / Dufour, Sebastián
Gardel, his origin, two orchestras, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, New Orleans,a supraterrenal bandoneonist, all mixed in a story that delves intothe ocean of years that separates us from that full of mysteries first halfof the 20th century. Tango Cruzado is at first sight a tango story, butit’s much more than that if you know how to look between the folds ofthe story, or between the bandoneón notes of Estardas, a character thatknows everything and, nevertheless, walks the same path as the rest ofthe characters.
The Arts
The Guitar in Tango / La Guitarra en el Tango
Fundamental method for playing tango music
by Sebastián Henríquez
“Método de Tango” (Spanish for “Tango Method”) is the first fundamental book series that teaches how to play tango music, published in English and Spanish since 2014 by Tango Sin Fin in Buenos Aires, Argentina.This book series is the only collection which provides any musician, arranger, composer or ethnomusicologist from around the world a methodological and pedagogical approach to tango language, using academic terms, exercises and musical studies. CONTENTS» Each volume is focused on one instrument: violin, bass, bandoneon, piano, flute and guitar. » All the tools and techniques for playing tango music are covered throughout specific chapters and exercises. » 5 to 8 original works for ensemble are included in each book. Parts for other instruments are included on a separate insert. » Audio and video recordings and play-along tracks for each exercise and pieces are available for free on Tango Sin Fin’s YouTube channel. THE GUITAR IN TANGO CONTENTS » Rhythmic melody. Different ways to articulate and accentuate a rhythmic melody in tango. » Expressive melody. Fraseo and ornamentation as essential expressive devices. » Milonga and vals, connecting passages, guidelines for playing in a tango ensemble, the history of the guitar in tango, tango orchestra styles, and more. » 8 original works for guitar and ensemble. » 350 audio & video tracks.
The Arts
The Flute in Tango / La Flauta en el Tango
Fundamental method for playing tango music
by Paulina Fain
“Método de Tango” (Spanish for “Tango Method”) is the first fundamental book series that teaches how to play tango music, published in English and Spanish since 2014 by Tango Sin Fin in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This book series is the only collection which provides any musician, arranger, composer or ethnomusicologist from around the world a methodological and pedagogical approach to tango language, using academic terms, exercises and musical studies. CONTENTS» Each volume is focused on one instrument: violin, bass, bandoneon, piano, flute and guitar.» All the tools and techniques for playing tango music are covered throughout specific chapters and exercises.» 5 to 8 original works for ensemble are included in each book. Parts for other instruments are included on a separate insert.» Audio and video recordings and play-along tracks for each exercise and pieces are available for free on Tango Sin Fin’s YouTube channel. THE FLUTE IN TANGO CONTENTS» Expressive melody. The art of fraseo, the authentic shaping of the expressive melodies.» Rhythmic melody. The performance of rhythmic melodies and the articulation specific to tango.» Use of ornaments and extended techniques applied to tango, guidelines to playing in a tango ensemble, the history of the flute in tango, the different styles of the genre and more.» 5 original works for flute and piano.» 105 audio examples.
FictionAugust 2014
The Heat of the Kitchen
by Tony Whelpton
The Heat of the Kitchen is a fast-moving, exciting story: Saint-Pierre-sur-Loup is a little town in the south of France, a popular tourist destination, but with a notorious problem – perpetual traffic jams. Alain Simondi is Mayor of the town, whilst the leader of the opposition on the Town Council is an attractive single mother – who is much closer to the Mayor than her position would imply. Simondi’s proposals for building a relief road split the town, and tempers run high, especially when adverse reports start to appear in the regional newspaper, at the hand of a pretty, young, feisty woman reporter who has caught the compulsively roving eye of the Mayor. Who will gain the upper hand, Simondi or his critics? Whose dirty tricks are the most effective? In a part of France where the heat can transform a traffic jam into a murder scene, and the police, supposedly under the control of the Mayor, are not to be trusted – especially, it seems, when faced with an endemic drug culture among the young people of the region, the heat of the political kitchen is even more intense. The author has used his familiarity with, and love of France and the region where Saint-Pierre is situated, to create a fascinating and authentic portrayal of how French local politics work – or might work if this were not a work of fiction.
The Arts2010
Die flote im Tango / Le flute dans le Tango
Grundlegende schule des tangospiels
by Paulina Fain
“Método de Tango” (Spanish for “Tango Method”) is the first fundamental book series that teaches how to play tango music, published in English and Spanish since 2014 by Tango Sin Fin in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This book series is the only collection which provides any musician, arranger, composer or ethnomusicologist from around the world a methodological and pedagogical approach to tango language, using academic terms, exercises and musical studies. CONTENTS » Each volume is focused on one instrument: violin, bass, bandoneon, piano, flute and guitar. » All the tools and techniques for playing tango music are covered throughout specific chapters and exercises. » 5 to 8 original works for ensemble are included in each book. Parts for other instruments are included on a separate insert. » Audio and video recordings and play-along tracks for each exercise and pieces are available for free on Tango Sin Fin’s YouTube channel. THE FLUTE IN TANGO CONTENTS » Expressive melody. The art of fraseo, the authentic shaping of the expressive melodies. » Rhythmic melody. The performance of rhythmic melodies and the articulation specific to tango. » Use of ornaments and extended techniques applied to tango, guidelines to playing in a tango ensemble, the history of the flute in tango, the different styles of the genre and more. » 5 original works for flute and piano. » 105 audio examples.
Literary FictionNovember 2017
Chasing Butterflies
by Manuel Aguilera
Chasing Butterflies is a thriller combining the suspense of a crime investigation with a mystery that takes readers back centuries to one of the darkest figures of Mexican history: Agustín de Iturbide, who liberated the young nation from the Spanish rule but then betrayed his own ideals and crowned himself Emperor. This is the story of three friends who meet again after a 20 years hiatus, and who see their lives crossing the path of a killer, a mystery involving a treasurer, and an unexpected hero.