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        July 2024

        Die Superpfoten 1. Ein Hund mit Pups-Power

        Aufregende Leseabenteuer mit Oetinger SPLASH

        by Mark Tatulli, Mark Tatulli, Matthias Wieland

        Ein Superheld auf vier Pfoten Bosco führt ein gemütliches Hundeleben. Als zwei Einbrecher in sein geliebtes Heim eindringen, schlägt er sie mit seinen superdehnbaren Beinen, seinem Hundeatmen und seinen mächtigen Hundepupsen in die Flucht. Da kommt ein Roboter angeflogen und entführt Bosco in das geheime Hauptquartier der Superpfoten. Dort soll Bosco zum Superhelden ausgebildet werden. Bosco und ein anstrengender Job? Nein, danke! Doch dann erfährt er, dass überall auf der Welt niedliche kleine Kätzchen ins Weltall entführt werden… Dieser Comic-Roman für Kinder ab 8 Jahren bietet ein ganz besonderes Lesevergnügen: Leicht verständliche Texte, lustige Illustrationen und eine rasante Geschichte machen es auch leseschwächeren Kindern leicht, den Spaß am Lesen für sich zu entdecken. Die perfekte Kombination aus tierischen Superhelden und spannendem Weltraumabenteuer verpackt in eine herrlich verrückte Bildergeschichte – zum Pupsen lustig! Die Superpfoten 1. Ein Hund mit Pups-Power: Bosco rettet die Kätzchen Ein tierischer Superheld: Witziger und leicht lesbarer Comic-Roman für Kinder ab 8 Jahren. Ideal für Leseanfänger: Die leicht verständliche Geschichte ist ein unterhaltsamer Einstieg in das selbstständige Lesen. Geniale Kombination: Lieblingsthemen wie Hunde, Pupsen, Superhelden und Weltall – verpackt in einem lebhaften Comic. Witzig und spannend: Die lustige Geschichte rund um Freundschaft, Mut und Abenteuer macht Spaß und weckt die Lust am Lesen. Die Superpfoten bereitet Kindern ab 8 Jahren einen einfachen und lustigen Einstieg in die Welt des Lesens. Eine wunderbare, leicht lesbare Lektüre im Comic-Stil für Fans von tierischen Abenteuern wie Paw Patrol und Dog Man.

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        January 1992


        Die Verwirtschaftung der Moral

        by See, Hans

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        Business, Economics & Law
        August 2010

        Markets, rules and institutions of exchange


        by Stan Metcalfe, Mark Harvey, Mark Harvey

        This book is about how to understand the huge variety of markets and market organisation in contemporary economies through a dialogue between a group of UK and French scholars. It presents a critique and development of institutional views of markets, and 'puts markets in their place' in a wider political and social context. In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis in markets, the book makes a topical and significant contribution on the importance of the rules and regulations that constitute markets, and their broader political and legal frameworks. Moreover, the disruption of markets brings to the fore their interconnection with the broader economy, with production, distribution and consumption in a way often ignored at the height of market bubbles. Both theoretical and empirical, a wide range of markets are considered, capital markets for new technology and venture capital, for food, domestic services and scientific knowledge. The authors address how markets emerge and disappear, or indeed why they fail to appear, as well has how they become stable and institutionalised. ;

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        The Arts

        Signs of China

        by Project group of Picture

        Nearly fifty symbols of traditional Chinese culture with strong symbolism, high recognition and extensive influence are selected in this book, whose connotation covers the fields like architecture, collection, dress and personal adornment, military affairs, health preservance and folk arts. The symbols are of special postion and meaning in the history of traditional Chinese culture since they are stereo, multidimensional, and full of fresh color and life with profound historical origins and cultural significance; therefore they not only bring people a visional impact and enjoyment, but conform with the Chinese aesthetic ideas and cultural complex in their innermost hearts; furthermore created originally by the Chinese ethnic peoples, they have a very deep brand of traditional Chinese aesthetic sentiment and historical memory, meanwhile they make a great effect on the development of culture and arts of mankind. With a view to make the panoramic scan of “traditional Chinese cultural symbols” this time, the compilers intend to display the essence of the culture of Chinese symbols and record the new growth of traditional Chinese culture truthfully through plentiful exqusite pictures in the lively and concise language on the basis of the principle of respecting history and deep exploration.

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        March 2008

        Was bleibt

        Wie die richtige Story Ihre Werbung unwiderstehlich macht

        by Heath, Chip; Heath, Dan

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Tempting Fate, Hardening the Will: Ukraine and Ukrainians in the XX - Early XXI Century. In Three Books

        by Larysa Yakubova (project coordinator)

        The transformation of a mental Ukraine into a real Ukraine, people - into a nation, a territory – into a state is a semantic axis of this trilogy. Book 1. Ukraine and Ukrainians in 1917-1939 The first book is devoted to the interwar period – a key stage of ethnic modernization and mobilization of Ukrainians, the culmination of the Ukrainian Revolution, and the battle for Ukraine in the context of the First World War. Book 2. Between World War II and the Cold War: Wars in the Destiny of Ukraine The second book tells about Ukrainians in the Second World War, after which the Ukrainian lands were united within one state, and in the Cold War, which made possible the sovereignty of Ukraine. Book 3. 30 Years of Independence: Challenges, Trials, Answers The third book is dedicated to the period of Ukrainian Independence and summarizes the thirty years of Ukrainian post-totalitarian transit. Contradictions of internal development, geopolitical challenges, three modern Ukrainian revolutions, and the Russian-Ukrainian war are the focus of understanding the path of Ukraine and Ukrainians in the global world.

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        January 2016

        Judge This

        Warum der erste Eindruck zählt. TED Books (gebundene Ausgabe)

        by Kidd, Chip / Englisch Gabler, Irmengard

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        March 2006

        Das grosse Agatha Christie-Buch

        Ihr Leben und ihre Romane von A bis Z

        by Sova, Dawn B

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        February 2019


        Folge nicht der Herde

        by O'Porter, Dawn / Übersetzer Strüh, Christine

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