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      • Le Cheval d'août

        Le Cheval d'août is an independent publishing company located in Montréal (Québec, Canada) that specializes in fictional contemporary literature, from the novel to non-fictional genres. Passionate about new voices, original and pertinent forms, its catalog has quickly acquired a name for itself and has won the favors of critics and readers. Its authors have earned several distinctions, are translated in Canada and in Europe, and have seen their books enjoy a second life through various adaptations.

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      • Chelsea Green Publishing

        Founded in 1984, Chelsea Green Publishing is recognized as a leading publisher of books on the politics and practice of sustainable living, publishing authors who bring in-depth, practical knowledge to life, and give readers hands-on information related to organic farming and gardening, ecology and the environment, healthy food, sustainable economics, progressive politics, and, most recently, integrative health and wellness. Chelsea Green has offices in Vermont and London and become 100% employee owned in 2020.

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      • Der Bau der Cheops-Pyramide

        Analyse und Modellentwicklung

        by Günter Fischer

        Der monumentale Bau der Cheops-Pyramide fasziniert die Menschheit seit Jahrtausenden. In dieser Arbeit wird der Nachweis erbracht, dass der Bau über einen auf dem Bauwerk liegenden Transportweg erfolgt ist. Die neusten Ausgrabungen von Hatnub liefern einen archäologischen Beleg für die Richtigkeit des entwickelten Modells.Seit Jahrhunderten schon versuchen Wissenschaftler die Frage zu beantworten, wie die Ägypter es geschafft haben, mit den ihnen damals zur Verfügung stehenden einfachen Mitteln 2,32 Millionen Steine, von denen in den unteren zehn Steinlagen jeder über 5 Tonnen schwer ist, in einem tradierten Zeitraum von 20 bis 30 Jahren bis zu einer Höhe von ca. 147 Metern die Cheops-Pyramide zu errichten.Groß ist die Zahl der Erklärungsversuche. Immer neue Apparate und Methoden sind entwickelt worden, mit denen diese Steine von einer auf die nächst höhere Steinlage gehoben werden könnten. Diese Vorschläge haben sich alle als untauglich erwiesen, weil die Ausführung gemäß dieser Modelle, sofern sie bautechnisch überhaupt realisierbar ist, eine deutlich längere Bauzeit als 30 Jahre benötigt.Es braucht einen Paradigmenwechsel. Der Autor setzt zum ersten Mal für die Analyse und Modellentwicklung die exakten Methoden der Mathematik und Mechanik ein. Er beschreibt in der vorgelegten Abhandlung alle Abläufe auf der Großbaustelle bis ins letzte Detail. Seine in Diagrammen und Tabellen aufgezeichneten Ergebnisse können von jedermann verifiziert werden. Er liefert konkrete Zahlen für die Bauzeit, die Anzahl der eingesetzten Gespanne, Zugtiere und Arbeiter und vieles andere mehr.Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen und Tabellen.

      • Children's & YA

        Amazing Places

        by Miralda Colombo

        A series dedicated to the wonders of the world, to be discovered through precious and peculiar books, filled with sensational illustrations. Not only for the contents, these books are “wonderful” also in their binding, with surprising elements on the cover andfor their evocative illustrations.A journey in discovery of the 15 most amazing places of the world created by humankind, which will enchant children and grown-ups: Taj Mahal, Machu Picchu, Cheope’s Pyramid and many others. For each place, there will bea suggested itinerary for a guided tour, a legend, the story of the construction and many more curiosities.

      • History

        Golden King

        The Secrets of Tutankhamun

        by Dr. Sherif Shaban

        What made this boy king grab the attention of the world for decades? Did Tutankhamun succeed in reaching Egypt's borders as far as Thutmose III? Or did he succeed in erecting one of the most important architectural structures in history such as the Pyramid of Cheops? Or did he make an intellectual and ideological revolution that shook society and human thought like his father Akhenaten? The answer is none of the above. Indeed, age did not give the king time to make any achievement in his time, especially since he did not live more than 18 years, which is the shortest age reached by an ancient Egyptian king. An Egyptian king did not reach the level of the overwhelming fame that Tutankhamun enjoyed, which was compensation for the tragedies he experienced in his life and after his death. In this book we will trace the biography of the young king and try to answer the questions that surrounded him

      • History


        The Lost Prophet

        by Dr. Sherif Shaban

        When we look at the kings of ancient Egypt, we find them always represented as Holy King and the warrior hero. This stereotype never changed for millenniums. But Akhenaten came to change all the rules of the game and shock the Egyptian society in all respects; this man did not gain fame like his ancestors as a great conqueror with decisive battles, such as Thutmose III. Or influential administrative reformer, such as Horemheb. Or is remarkable for his immortal installations like: Ramses II, or Khufu, but he changed the royal and societal traditions of his time; he began to change his name and royal ceremonies based on rigidity and rigor and set out towards realism in his embodiment and the depiction of his diary and became "the living in fact." However, the most dangerous thing he came up with was his overthrow of the worship of his ancestors, and he brought about a religious-intellectual revolution that resonated in the history of religions, and a philosophical view that preceded Pericillus and Socrates, namely: the idea of monotheism, an idea that was directly and fundamentally linked to heavenly monotheism. We find that many scholars have linked Akhenaten to the prophets of the Old Testament and attributed to him the precursors of the idea of monotheism and considered him to be the preacher of oneness before the prophets (Moses, David, Solomon); basing their theories on work of a literary nature, namely: (Anthems of Aton).

      • Teaching, Language & Reference
        January 2018

        Prove It! Using Textual Evidence, Levels 6-8

        by Melissa Cheesman Smith, v

        Knowing how to cite textual evidence is a key component in reading and writing in education today. This resource equips teachers with the strategies they need to teach students how to cite and annotate textual evidence when reading and writing. Secondary school students will learn how to find evidence to support their opinions, incorporate that evidence in their writing, and accurately cite their sources. The ten lessons include proper MLA formatting, paraphrasing, using block quotation, creating a bibliography, the use of credible sources, avoiding plagiarism, and more. Students will apply what they've learned through twenty practice exercises. Citing textual evidence powerfully strengthens students' writing, develops analytical thinking and logic, and readies students for college and career with lessons that are aligned to McREL, TESOL, and WIDA standards.

      • Business, Economics & Law
        January 2016

        Maritme Silk Road

        by Li Qingxin

        This book is a combination of useful knowledge and readability. It presents the old history of the maritime silk road, development and contributions from countries along the route. The book covers the history of navigation,immigration, international affairs,religious communication and maritime trade. It is a popular book about maritime silk road, and also a way to show the foreign readers the culture of Chinese silk road and its cultural communication with other nations.

      • Ancient Peoples

        by Giorgio Bergamino

        A lively book for those children who want to learn everything about the ancient Romans, Greeks end Egyptians. Many beautiful illustrations and fun comics throughout.

      • August 2007

        Performing Dark Arts

        A Cultural History of Conjuring

        by Mangan, Michael

        Magic and conjuring inhabit the boundaries and the borderlands of performance. The conjuror’s act of demonstrating the apparently impossible, the uncanny, the marvellous, or the grotesque challenges the spectator’s sense of reality.

      • Thriller / suspense

        Tego Arcana Dei

        Forces of Retribution

        by Andrew Man

        Marooned in a parallel universe in war-torn Lebanon, James Pollack finds a mysterious time-travelling medallion. Meanwhile, some fifty years in the future, his companions and former lover fight to stay alive. Earth has changed. The landscape is dangerous and genetic mutations have wiped out the male species. Will James be able to get his female companions safely home?

      • September 2018

        NEW HUMAN FOOTPRINT - Unsere Welt im Umbruch

        by Markus Eisl, Gerald Mansberger

        The satellite images presented in New Human Footprint show impressively the status of and trends in our world at the beginning of the third millennium. Organized in thematic sections, large-format double pages display finest details in satellite images acquired from an altitude of 600 kilometers by satellites of the latest generation. The images provide a spectacular overview of landscapes formed or influenced by man in various ways.

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