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Sur la Route de la Soie
by Amnon Shamosh
Sur la Route de la Soie Une histoire d’amour émouvante sur le fils de Timur Lang Roman historique par Amnon Shamosh Amnon Shamosh, qui s’est rendu célèbre suite à la saga Michel Ezra Safra & Fils, ainsi que par des dizaines d'autres nouvelles captivantes, apparaissant dans les collections intitulées Ma Sœur, la Mariée et les Roues du Monde, nous surprend une fois encore avec un roman moderne, brillant et profond. Le récit se développe autour d'anciennes traditions, complétées de faits historiques, mêlés à l'imaginaire de Shamosh et passionnant le lecteur. En 1400, le grand conquérant Timur Lang arrive dans la ville syrienne d'Alep (Aram Tsova) et expulse une dizaine de familles juives travaillant la soie, les bannissant vers la ville Samarcande, capitale de l'empire Timur, sur la route de la soie. Timur Lang enlève aussi les jeunes juives vierges, et les séquestre dans ses harems. L'une des vierges conquis le cœur du fils de Timur, intellectuel et créatif, régnant sous ses ordres. Le roi Elias, « fils de la juive » élevé dans la foi musulmane, s'embarque à la conquête de l'Espagne dans une tentative de connaître et de comprendre le monde chrétien ainsi que le monde juif, très prospères en Espagne à cette époque. Elias, en quête d'identité ainsi que d'une femme, trouve l’une et l’autre à Alep, la ville de ses ancêtres maternels. Sa jeune épouse est issue de la famille Dayan, liée à la dynastie du Roi David. Le roman traverse trois périodes historiques. L'une se déroule au XVème siècle et se concentre particulièrement sur la famille royale et le harem de Samarcande. La seconde se déroule au début du XXème siècle, dans le quartier Boukhara de Jérusalem, dans lequel les immigrants de Boukhara et d'Alep se sont rassemblés; les leaders de cette nouvelle société d'immigrants Juifs visitent le quartier. La troisième période concerne la dernière décennie du siècle, avec l'immigration massive des Juifs de l’ancienne Union Soviétique ; ici, l'histoire se concentre principalement sur les immigrés de Boukhara. L'attention est portée sur Oshi Shauloff Ben Shaul, né dans le quartier Boukhara, dont la mère, originaire d'Alep, est la descendante de la maison Dayan et dont les racines remontent à l'une des familles expulsées d'Alep vers Samarcande. Ce roman, passionnément érotique mais raffiné et mesuré, est écrit dans un style puissant et source d'inspiration – comme nous l'attendons de tout travail écrit par Amnon Shamosh. Né en Syrie en 1929, Amnon Shamosh a immigré à Tel-Aviv dans son enfance et devint plus tard l'un des membres fondateurs du kibboutz Ma'ayan Baruch, où il réside encore aujourd’hui. Diplômé de l'Université Hébraïque de Jérusalem, il écrit en vers et en prose pour les enfants et les adultes ; son travail a été traduit en anglais, en espagnol et en français. Amnon Shamosh reçut le prix Agnon, ainsi nommé ne l’honneur du célèbre lauréat israélien du prix Nobel de littérature, le prix de créativité du Premier Ministre, le prix de littérature du Président d'Israël, il remporta aussi de nombreux autres prix littéraires.
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Suis-je, moi, le gardien de mon frère?
by Daniel Gelleri
Suis-je, moi, le gardien de mon frère? – Roman par Daniel Gelleri La guerre civile en Israël ! Bien que cela paraisse impossible, ce titre fait la une dans les médias du monde entier. Est-ce que la plus grande expérience de la démocratie a finalement échoué ? Tandis que le monde arabe triomphe, les Etats-Unis – la seule superpuissance encore survivante – sont confrontés par un effroi considérable. Sur le champ de la politique internationale, ont-ils parié sur le mauvais cheval? Cent dix ans après la naissance à Cracovie, en Pologne, de Yitzhak Isaac Isserlish, le descendant d’une lignée de rabbins d’Europe de l’Est de premier plan, ses arrière petits fils sont en guerre l’un contre l’autre dans les collines de Jérusalem – une guerre qui pourrait réellement prouver au monde que l’heure d’Armageddon a sonné! Dans une saga transgénérationnelle finement tramée, Daniel Gelleri, l’auteur du roman populaire Iris, retrace la vie de cinq générations d’une famille juive israélienne dont les membres n’ont pas seulement hérité de leurs ancêtres le temps, l’espace, les espoirs et les rêves, mais en sont profondément affectés dans les cauchemars et les terreurs de leurs propres vies. A la suite de la décision du gouvernement de faire revenir Israël à ses frontières d’avant 1967, la controverse idéologique déchire le tissues fragile de ce que le monde avait toujours considéré comme une lueur d’espoir, un havre d’unité dans un océan de discorde. Ce que l’on chuchotait auparavant entre quatre murs explose désormais dans les rues de chaque bourgade et ville importante. Chaque parti reste inflexible dans sa vision de la forme finale que doit prendre le pays. Chaque parti, aussi, a l’intention de réaliser l’objectif désiré. La plus grande crainte devient une réalité : LA GUERRE CIVILE ! Les citoyens d’Israël se confrontent l’un l’autre, frère contre frère. Chacun aime son pays, ils ont tous à cœur ses meilleurs intérêts, et tous ont peur pour sa sécurité; mais d’une manière paradoxale et tragique, chacun trouve la vision de ses opposants être une abomination. Dans une nation minuscule qui a su affronter l’ennemi sans peur durant soixante-quinze ans, l’impossible arrive: l’ennemi est à l’intérieur. L’ennemi n’est pas aux frontières; l’ennemi est à l’intérieur des frontières! Chaque parti combat pour sa propre justice, pour sa propre foi, pour sa propre vérité, et pour sa propre vision d’un Israël biblique libéré. Daniel Gelleri, un officier supérieur de réserve des Forces de Défense d’Israël (IDF), était autrefois un juif non pratiquant, qui est devenu orthodoxe à l’âge de 25 ans. Il vécut avec sa famille dans la colonie de Cisjordanie de Bat-Ayin pendant dix ans. Quand le Premier Ministre d’Israël Yitzhak Rabin a été assassiné par un extrémiste juif, Gelleri se mit à refaire l’examen de sa foi et de ses convictions. Après une période d’examen de conscience, il revint à son style de vie non religieux d’origine et abandonna le monde religieux dans lequel il vivait. On premier roman, Iris, a été reçu avec beaucoup de succès.
Trusted PartnerMedicineSeptember 2018
Animal Welfare in a Changing World
by Edited by Andrew Butterworth
Contemporary and challenging, this thought-provoking book outlines a number of the key dilemmas in animal welfare for today's, and tomorrow's, world. The issues discussed range from the welfare of hunted animals, to debates around intensive farming versus sustainability, and the effects of climate and environmental change. The book explores the effects of fences on wild animals and human impacts on carrion animals; the impacts of tourism on animal welfare; philosophical questions about speciesism; and the quality and quantity of animal lives. The welfare impacts of human-animal interactions are explored, including human impacts on marine mammals, fish, wildlife, and companion and farm animals. Animal Welfare in a Changing World provides: Concise, opinion-based views on important issues in animal welfare by world experts and key opinion leaders. Pieces based on experience, which balance evidence-based approaches and the welfare impacts of direct engagement through training, campaigning and education. A wide-ranging collection of examples and descriptions of animal welfare topics which outline dilemmas in the real world, that are sometimes challenging, and not always comfortable reading. This is a 'must-read' book for animal and veterinary scientists, ethologists, policy and opinion leaders, NGOs, conservation biologists and anyone who feels passionately about the welfare of animals
March 2021
Postmark Africa
Half a Century as a Foreign Correspondent
by Michael Holman
Michael Holman's 50 years of eye-witness reports on the state of sub-Saharan Africa, written for the Financial Times and other media, provide a valuable perspective on the region’s post-independence successes and set-backs. The book is both relevant and readable, and a perfect introduction for students. From accounts of the atrocities committed by Rhodesian forces in the 1960s to interviews with Africa’s future leaders and assessments of how they actually performed, Postmark Africa brings together a lifetime of commentaries about a continent Michael Holman grew up in, knows acutely and loves dearly. Written with the benefit of unique access, Holman’s writings still hold out hope for Africa, in spite of decades of disappointment at the new nations’ structural mismanagement and corruption, the destructive policies of donor countries, and the hateful legacy of colonialism
Humanities & Social Sciences
L'os et le souffle
Les ancêtres porteurs de vie : Le système social et cosmique des Paimboa (Nouvelle Calédonie)
by Dominik Bretteville
« L’os et le souffle » est le nom que se donne la « chefferie » kanak des Paimboa lors des discours cérémoniels propres aux funérailles et aux échanges rituels. Le sens de cette formule renvoie au grand œuvre de la société consistant à transformer ses morts en ancêtres. Car dans les jardins, récolter des ignames requiert le concours des ancêtres ; à cette fin, il est nécessaire de convertir les morts récents en ancêtres. En étudiant les discours cérémoniels et le travail rituel, cet ouvrage se propose de comprendre une société qui n’oppose pas la nature à la culture, mais au contraire se prolonge dans l’univers, en particulier dans le monde végétal. C’est ainsi que les funérailles, parce qu’elles synchronisent la fin du cycle de vie humaine avec le cycle de l’igname, sont une remise en ordre social et cosmique, et un retour vers la vie. En cela, l’horticulture et les funérailles participent d’un vaste cycle rituel qui, en mobilisant la société, convoque aussi bien son héritage précolonial que des éléments adoptés de la mondialisation économique.
Trusted PartnerMedicineDecember 2022
Small Animal Fluid Therapy
by Edward Cooper, Julien Guillaumin, Page Yaxley, Jiwoong Her, Anda Young
Fluid therapy is one of the most important aspects of patient management in veterinary medicine, and this book provides guidelines for its safe implementation in clinical practice. It describes fluid compartments of the body and considers the factors that affect movement of administered water, electrolytes and colloids. It also covers characteristics of different fluid types, routes of fluid administration and how to approach fluid supplementation. Finally, this book provides information regarding both general application and monitoring of fluid therapy, as well as consideration of an assortment of specific clinical circumstances. This book: - Provides the tools necessary to develop an appropriate fluid therapy plan for any small animal patient; - Includes careful consideration of potential adverse effects associated with fluid therapy to help optimize safety and efficacy of fluid administration; - Contains numerous colour illustrations and is written by recognized experts from the USA. With multiple case examples to help translate theory into practical advice, this valuable book provides a comprehensive and informative resource for veterinarians facing a range of clinical circumstances.
Computer programming / software developmentJuly 2006
The Minimum You Need to Know About Java on OpenVMS
by Roland Hughes
Up until this point, most Java programming books attempt to make the reader believe that Java is the way-of-the-future and that all other languages are soon to become obsolete. Not so with this book. The author presents Java with all of its warts while continually comparing it to C++ and sometimes C. He admits not being a fan of Java and assumes you are only interested in learning it because your superiors are forcing a Java project upon your OpenVMS system (this is probably more true than not).
FictionMarch 2019
Do Not Say It's Not Your Country
by Nnamdi Oguike
Do Not Say It's Not Your Country is filled with fascinating characters: a South African woman and her children crowding an iron shack in Blikkiesdorp; a Madagascan slum boy who gets a job as a cook in Antananarivo; a shy Sierra Leonean girl who falls in love with a sly fisherman; a wily Nigerian prophet whose tricks are exposed; a Kenyan couple back in their old ways after confirmation in church – and many more. With themes such as love and innocence, terrorism and slavery, this brilliant book takes you on a tour of Africa and beyond, to meet more of humanity in its beauty and its pain.
Coping with illnessOctober 2014
Living with Hearing Loss
by Dr Don McFerran, Lucy Handscomb, Dr Cherilee Rutherford
Hearing is one of our most precious senses, essential for survival, communication and the enjoyment of music and sound. Yet, its loss is common, and often results in lowering of confidence, isolation, depression and anxiety. This book explores different forms and causes of impairment and what can be done to treat and prevent it.
Combat sports & self-defenceJune 2010
Wrestling's 101 Strangest Matches
by Oliver Hurley
There’s nothing else in the world of sport or pantomime to compare with the manic mat mayhem of pro wrestling, which amalgamates high-flying stunts with melodrama, spandex, bodybuilding and blood – and sometimes it gets really weird. Wrestling’s 101 Strangest Matches scours 100 years of history to reveal bouts that bordered on the unbelievable. Take the grappler who lost his foot in the middle of a match, the bout that took place in an exploding swimming pool, or the baroque carnage of ultraviolent deathmatches – and then sprinkle liberally with double-crosses, drunkenness, riots, time travel, broken rings and broken bones. Boasting an impressive breadth of coverage which takes in old-school British wrestling and present-day WWE, the bill features Hulk Hogan, Kendo Nagasaki, Muhammad Ali, a wrestling robot and a monkey. Many of the stars and bizarre attractions submit to revealing interviews in a celebration of the grap game at its very strangest.
March 2010
Done into Dance
Isadora Duncan in America
by Ann Daly
The larger-than-life story of an American dance icon.
Preserving & freezingJuly 2019
Bakery and Confectionery Products
Processing,Quality Assessment,Packging and Storage Techniques
by Lakshmi Jagarlamudi
The first few chapters introduces the reader to the crop, its origin and distribution, varieties cultivated throughout the country and their characteristics. Later the trade of banana, both international and domestic, is explained along with the ways the fruit is consumed in different parts of the world. A exclusively deals with the nutritive and therapeutic values of banana followed by the post harvest aspects at length in seven chapters with all the latest scientific developments. The last three s explain about the processing and value addition including the waste/by-products utilization. The readers will find it comprehensive with all the information relevant to post harvest aspects of bananas and plantains.
FictionMay 2024
The Rise of Mathe-Lingua-Musica
by Ray Anderson
With Earth on the brink of total annihilation, can a new universal language unite the world enough to save it? It’s 2422 and the world’s governing mathematicians have calculated that society’s struggles with rampant war and homicide have put humanity on a crash-course with extinction. With an estimated fifteen months left until humankind’s total annihilation,the World Council of Mathematicians (WCM) determine the only way out of the crisis is to create the optimum language for humans, creating common understanding across all cultures and allowing them to work together for their joint salvation. The WCM and Charles De Costa, a brilliant mathematics student, must rely on LIFT, a scientific breakthrough that allows them to enlist the aid of the greatest minds in history, to create this new world language based on mathematics, linguistics, and music. Can the great minds of the past help lead humanity to a better future? Can this new language be created in time? Or will society’s continued evil and miscommunication lead the world to an inevitable end?
Walking with Nelson Mandela
by Roger Friedman
Nelson Mandela’s journey from a rural South African herdboy, through decades of anti-apartheid struggle and imprisonment, to the head of the top table of humanity, is an epic tale of sacrifice and the triumph of principle over bitterness and anger.
by Andrée Blouin
My Country, Africa chronicles, in her own eloquent words, the extraordinary life of Andree Blouin, a pivotal figure in Africa’s struggles for independence, who became chief of protocol to Congolese prime minister Patrice Lumumba. In an absorbing and intensely personal account, Andrée traces her evolution from rebellious schoolgirl to "black pasionaria.” Possibly the only woman to emerge a leader of the liberation movements of the 1950s and 1960s, she was at times branded a courtesan and a witch. Slander, expulsion, even attempts against her life did not deter her while she was embroiled in the events that led to the assassination of Lumumba. She won world acclaim as the Madame de Stael of the African Independence Movement as she fought to teach her humiliated and resigned countrywomen a new sense of pride and dignity.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social Sciences
108 Days of Mindfulness
by Victor Parachin
This book presents mindfulness teachings via 108 short insights or meditations. Unlike many books that “tell” about the subject, this one “shows” the reader with teaching stories how to put mindfulness into daily life. Mindfulness is more than stress release, or mental focus. It cannot be separated from the ethical framework of Buddhism. Think Like the Buddha retains this ethical component of Buddhism from which mindfulness is derived. The stories and teachings here cover a wide variety of topics, from divorce, to illness, to losing a job, to determining a course of action. All these meditations are infused with the message of compassion that needs reinforcing day by day. All too often we “forget” to be present. We neglect to be aware when eating, listening, speaking, working, studying, seeing the sunrise and the sunset, being with friends or sipping a cup of tea. As a result, we fail to live our lives to their fullest potential and experience the joy of living.
MusicMarch 2021
This Band Will Save Your Life
by Reinhardt Haydn
My Chemical Romance emerged from New Jersey in the aftermath of the 9/11 atrocities to become the standard bearers for a new fusion of punk, glam and emo. After building a committed following with their first two albums, MCR achieved global prominence in 2006 with their platinum-selling album Welcome To The Black Parade. This book tells the definitive story of the groundbreaking band, charting their rise to the apex of the post-millennial rock pantheon.
Children's & YAJuly 2019
Lily and the Unicorn King
by Kate Gordon
A riding competition. A magical battle. Can she win first prize and rescue a herd of lost unicorns? Lily loves every minute in the saddle. But native herb lessons with her Maori grandmother keep interrupting the 12-year-old's Pony Club championship training. As if that weren't enough, a curious sound under the stars just revealed an impossible sight: battle-ready unicorns appearing out of thin air. While the wild, horned creatures look nothing like a fairy tale, she refuses to turn her back on the animals in need. So when the king asks her to hide his herd from an evil sorceress, she calls on her friends to share the terrifying responsibility. If the girls fail, then Lily's mythical new friends will be forced to fight a deadly war… Can Lily use her wits and the power of her Maori heritage to preserve the unicorns' freedom? Lily and the Unicorn King is the first book in an edge-of-your-saddle middle grade fantasy series. If you like brave heroines, legendary creatures, and new twists on ancient folklore, then you’ll love Kate Gordon’s galloping tale. Author’s note: Lily and the Unicorn King is set in New Zealand and combines European mythical creatures with Maori mythology and lore. Look out for the second Unicorn King book soon called Sasha and the Warrior Unicorn!
Children's & YAOctober 2020
How to Do It Now Because It's Not Going Away
An Expert Guide to Getting Stuff Done
by Leslie Josel
Packed with practical solutions and tips to stay on top of homework, develop a sense of time, manage digital distractions, and create easy-to-follow routines, this guide will help teens stop procrastinating and get their tasks done.
July 2012
Starboard Wine
More Notes on the Language of Science Fiction
by Samuel R. Delany, other Matthew Cheney
The long-awaited reissue of a classic work of criticism -- revised and expanded