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      • December 2020

        Grammar Growth Curve

        by 丁宥榆, 謝右

        用彩圖圖解學英文文法,輕鬆搞懂文法重點,必學觀念一次掌握! 本書針對初級程度者編寫,涵蓋必學的重要文法概念,適合當作英文輔助教材,供課堂上補充使用,亦可用作自修教材。條列式文法解說內容深入淺出,搭配圖解簡單明瞭,並精心設計豐富多元練習題,幫助學生記憶與活用,從此搞懂英文文法! 本書特點1. 條列初級必學基礎文法收錄初級必學的文法條目,難易度適中,並以主題式分類編排文法。循序漸進按步驟學習,讓初學者能夠輕鬆掌握核心文法概念。 2. 一頁文法一頁練習,學完文法立即練習每單元採對頁編排,左頁文法說明文法重點,右頁立即做練習,每單元分量適中好消化,學習進度好安排,能聚焦學習重點,也能立即檢視學習成效。 3. 列點說明好抓重點各單元內的文法條目採條列式說明,清楚明瞭好吸收。一次搞懂一個觀念,讓初學者拋開煩雜的文法說明,不易混淆,艱澀文法也能輕易上手。 4. 彩色圖解說明文法概念上千張大量彩圖幫助學生用圖像式記憶學習文法,輕鬆理解記憶抽象文法概念,一次掌握必學文法觀念。 5. 豐富例句幫助活用文法文法概念編有豐富而多元的生活化例句,取材廣泛,舉凡運動、休閒、閱讀、飲食等,並用顏色標註文法重點字與解說,方便對照文法要點,理解更容易。 6. 表格分析文法要點更好懂大量採用表格式說明、歸納重點與進行比較,讓初學者也能一目瞭然,有效捕捉重點資訊。 7. 密集練習活用文法好簡單佔全書一半分量的練習題,能讓初學者透過大量練習,在練習中學會文法運用於實際生活中,不用死背文法要點。練習題型多元活潑,且融入大量看圖作答題,以簡單、切中練習目標為主,幫助學生訓練與加強文法實力。

      • December 2014

        Inferno: The Art Collection (Chinese Edition)

        by Dino Di Durante

        令人嘆為觀止,令人刺激興奮的地獄圖象,呈現於兩部備受好評的影片裏!你喜歡恐怖故事書嗎?《地獄之旅》肯定讓你毛骨悚然,丧胆亡魂! 迪諾·杜蘭特的著作《地獄之旅 ---- 繪畫集》是一本由72張描繪但丁地獄之旅的全彩繪畫集,是但丁‧阿利吉耶裏的文學名著----《神曲》之第一部,《神曲》是繼《福音》之後,第二個最偉大的基督教故事。這是在意大利研究原版超過30年的迪諾‧杜蘭特的一個全新,深邃而迷人的視覺作品。此繪畫呈現於名為《但丁的地獄動畫》(現有DVD)裏,由埃里克羅伯茨擔任但丁的配音。整個繪畫集將呈現於即將上映的電影《但丁的地獄之旅》。這是你的最佳良伴,也是作為任何書寫地獄故事之視覺參考的最好選擇。這是一本超值的書!油畫版本售價介於$5,000及$30,000之間。為什麼你應該購買這本書:一種真正的、聖神的癡迷,尽全心全力以各種可行方式將經典世界文學帶入現代生活。環繞於他對但丁才智的驚奇和不朽,迪諾也用了生命和靈魂去重新描繪《但丁的地獄之旅》以獻給現代的觀眾,特別是需要從這崇高的智慧中多多學習的年輕一輩。他們將會發現這一切的美,猶如一場視覺的饕餮盛宴,以及體驗一次全新的,輕易擊敗最新電腦遊戲和電影特別效果的絕佳經驗。"

      • Children's & young adult fiction & true stories

        Disability Wolf HuiMan / 残狼灰满

        by Author: Shen, Shixi / 沈, 石溪

        People only know about the nature of animals is strong for the king, the law of the jungle, evolution and the survival of the fittest,etc but do not know there is also wisdom and emotion in the animal world, there are also "ethical relationship" and "moral sentiments". This is not fiction novelist. Please read this book "Disability Wolf HuiMan", that Wolf has broken two right legs , to see him how to still dominated a group of the health wolves. To see how the male fox who was found by the hunter to protect his family. To see how the wolf pups who breasted by by red big goat to turn against the goats. To see how the old wolf to protect the safety of future generations, to see wolves and golden eagle struggle in the blue sky... Many works in "Disability Wolf HuiMan" have won the national prize. / 人们大概只知道动物的天性无非是强者为王、弱肉强食、优胜劣汰和异类相残等等,却不大知道动物世界里也有智慧和情感,也有“伦理关系”和“道德情操”。这并不是小说家的杜撰。请看这本"残狼灰满",那只已经断了两条右腿的残狼,如何仍然主宰着一群健狼;那只被猎人发现了老窝的公狐,如何保护自己的家族;那只由红奶羊奶大的狼崽,如何与同类反目;那只为保护后代安全的老狼,如何与金雕在蓝天拼搏……"残狼灰满"所收作品中有多篇获得全国奖。

      • August 2012

        English for Beauty Care Professionals: Refreshing Your Body and Mind

        by Pei-Chin Hsieh(謝佩芩) / Brian Foden

        This textbook is designed primarily for high-intermediate students and students in departments of beauty science, health beauty, and nursing.Based on breaking science and medical knowledge, English for Beauty Care Professionals: Refreshing Your Body and Mind represents the most comprehensive beauty care textbook to date. This book is a practical reference guide for English for beauty, introducing beauty care topics in a professional and easy to understand manner.This book tackles two major categories in the field of beauty: the face and the body. It includes 10 chapters of professional beauty care knowledge, important English grammar rules and usage tips, beauty product applications, and helpful step-by-step beauty care how-tos. This beauty care guide, illustrated throughout with more than 500 colorful pictures showing useful beauty concepts and vocabulary, provides both visually rich and textually engaging information about beauty care and is the most suitable reference book for beauty care professionals.FEATURES• Article. The article in each chapter focuses on essential beauty care knowledge and information, including skin histology, skincare regimens, and introductions to skincare products, facial masks, aromatherapy, and medical cosmetology.• Vocabulary, Phrases, and Sample Sentences. Terms related to and necessary for understanding beauty care are listed along with definitions and sample sentences.• Grammar in Use. Important English grammar in each article is clearly explained with examples.• Dialogue. Useful dialogues in different contexts associated with the topic serve as models of collaborative communication for students to engage in.• Post-Reading Exercises. Key concepts in each chapter are the focus of these exercises. The exercises include Reading Comprehension Questions, Grammar Practice, Listening Practice, and topic-related Practice and Pair Work, which allow students to evaluate and implement what they have acquired during the lesson.• Audio MP3. Audio MP3 containing audio examples of the articles, vocabulary, phrases and sample sentences, dialogues, and listening practices, is included with each book.• English-Chinese Glossary. The book concludes with an English-Chinese glossary covering translations and pronunciations of more than 300 key vocabulary words introduced in the book.

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