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      • Sirkel Forlag

        Sirkel Forlag was set up in 2016 as an author´s cooperative enterprise. As of today, we represent six authors and have a catalogue of eight books, including poetry, non-fiction, an illustrated children’s book, a screenplay and four novels. Two of our novels have been supported by the Norwegian Arts Council.   While our main mission is to promote innovative and independent authorship in Norway, we also hope to reach readers abroad through high-quality translations.

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2019

        Die Stille zwischen den Sekunden

        by Witte, Tania

        Nur knapp ist Mara einem Bombenattentat in der U-Bahn entgangen. Ihre Mitschüler nennen sie seither „Das Mädchen, das überlebt hat“ und erwarten Betroffenheit von ihr. Aber Mara hat ganz andere Sorgen. Ihre Freundin Sirîn meldet sich immer seltener und scheint plötzlich komplett unerreichbar. Je mehr Mara ihr zu helfen versucht, desto mehr Unverständnis und Ablehnung erntet sie. Was verheimlichen alle vor ihr? Erst als sich ihr Schwarm Chriso in die Suche einschaltet, kommt die erschütternde Wahrheit ans Licht. "Ein Buch, das unter die Haut geht." Corinna Schmitz, Blog „buecherweltcorniholmes“ "Ein Buch, das aktueller nicht sein könnte!" Timo Muth, Blog „rainbookworld“ "Ein Roman, der mich unsagbar berührt und völlig verloren und erschüttert zurückgelassen hat." Susanne Matiaschek, „Magische Momente Alys Bücherblog“ "Wer gerne feinfühlige, spannende, emotionale und lebensnahe Jugendbücher liest, sollte unbedingt zu „Die Stille zwischen den Sekunden“ von Tania Witte greifen. Mich hat die Geschichte komplett von den Füßen gerissen und ich bin in jeglicher Hinsicht begeistert." Blog "Buchstabenträumerei"

      • Family & home stories (Children's/YA)
        August 2017

        CHAINS: [Don't] let go!

        by Johannes Wiedlich

        A novel for young adults about friendship and enmity, and how closely allied these two can be.   Snow white? What? Bite me! I was expecting idiots, not the blue-haired pestilence. I was expecting conflict, not a battle for my sanity. So what did my past teach me? [Nothing!]   Matthew moves into a shared apartment for an exchange semester that couldn't be more annoying. His roommate Sirin turns out to be an obsessive-compulsive domestic dragon already within the first week. You can get along with Robert quite well, but you can't expect any backing from him, and Karla mainly is conspicuous by her absence. But Luka seems the worst. The guy who doesn't follow any pattern, doesn't play by any rules, and obviously enjoys pushing Matthew to his limits repeatedly.

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