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      • Trusted Partner
        Personal & social issues: body & health (Children's/YA)
        October 2020

        Enciclopedia de anatomía fantástica

        by Pedro Mañas, Mariana Alcántara

        For centuries, illustrious doctors have tried to find the ultimate weapon against disease: from hot stew to injections, trying even injections of hot stew. As tasty as they are useless. But not everything is lost. In this fantastic and incredible encyclopedia, if you read carefully, you will be able to find cures and remedies against new and unsuspected diseases. We prescribe you to read it carefully, preferably with a scarf on and with a bowl of stew broth. Just in case, get a scarf for the chicken as well, before you cook it.

      • The Arts
        October 2020


        by José F. Colaço Guerreiro

        Considered by Unesco as World Heritage, the art of Cante is one of the most ancient and pure singing art form in Portugal. Along with this marvellous tradition, there are a few people that still keep the art of playing the Viola Campaniça, an acoustic guitar invented centuries ago in the region of Alentejo.The author, José Francisco Colaço, rescued this lost tradition from oblivion researching for more than twenty years, tracking the guardians of this old knowledge and bringing them back to the spotlight through audio records, radio programmes and, of course, writing.

      • Fiction
        April 2019

        nothing else to append... book 3

        by Vítor Encarnação, Joaquim Rosa

        A series of two year newspaper chronicles (2017-2019) in the form of beautiful poetic prose, with no particular theme in the background, with the exception of people and their general behaviour towards life, death, family, love or the lack of it, nature, land, home.

      • Fiction
        April 2017

        nothing else to append... book 2

        by Vítor Encarnação, Joaquim Rosa

        A series of two year newspaper chronicles (2015-2017) in the form of beautiful poetic prose, with no particular theme in the background, with the exception of people and their general behaviour towards life, death, family, love or the lack of it, nature, land, home.

      • Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2020

        Poetry Also Shouts

        by José Martins Gago, Sofia Paulino

      • Poetry by individual poets
        May 2018

        Crossing Of The Nimble Time

        by Luís Filipe Marcão

      • Fiction
        February 2018

        The Knight Of Nobody's Land

        by Sinval Medina

        With a combination of documental record and pure fiction, Brazilian Sinval Medina brings us in this great work an historical figure that had his life on the wire in Brazil.Cristóvão Pereira de Abreu, the protagonist, was born in Portugal in 1678, and travelled to Brazil in an early age. Bonded with family ties to the economical elite of Rio de Janeiro, he becomes a man of great local deals. The true life of Cristóvão is novelized here in this stunning journey through the south of Brazil, since he was the man responsible for the discovering of the new land rails to the territories of the South.

      • Fiction
        April 2018

        My House Is Not My House Anymore

        by Eva Guimarães

        What happens when a woman is deprived of her belongings? She left her land for love. Far away, she realizes that all she had dreamed with becomes slowly into a nightmare. Meanwhile, she is unbelievably forced to self-isolation in her own house. Baruch, the dog, was her only and loyal friend. What if she was deprived even from that friend? Fear, harassment, violence.A true story disguised as pure literature that tells the story of a woman that never lost her dignity, despite all the abuse and humiliation. She never stopped fighting for her freedom.

      • Literature & Literary Studies

        El arte de la cháchara - La poética de lo abigarrado en las novelas de Enrique Lihn

        La poética de lo abigarrado en las novelas de Enrique Lihn

        by Daniel Rojas Pachas

        La trilogía sobre la retórica del poder, que Enrique Lihn nos ha legado, fue creada bajo el signo del bufón y la podemos entender como literatura plural y abigarrada. Antonio Cornejo Polar señala en torno a estos dos conceptos: "corresponde a una especie de supradiscurso multiétnico que acumula, sin sintetizarlas, sus hondas y extensas contradicciones".  En ese tenor, Enrique Lihn señala en uno de sus versos, dedicados al ocio increíble del que somos capaces: “el estilo que por lo cierto no es el hombre / sino la suma de sus incertidumbres”.  En busca de la contradicción inherente, el autor chileno crea realidades ficcionales, que se apartan de lo documental y privilegia generar efectos de enmascaramiento y una comunicación que se da en términos de una combinación de estados neuróticos y paranoides. Habla que remite a un marco de censura y vigilancia, al punto de extremar el locus horridus propiciado por un poder corrupto e irrefrenable. Se trata del reino en que prevalece la palabra vacía e impotente que surge de la censura. Daniel Rojas Pachas nos entrega en este ensayo, una visión profunda y crítica de la narrativa, de uno de los escritores chilenos más importantes del siglo XX.

      • Fiction
        May 2019

        Assesta's Short Stories - Water

        by Assesta

        In this second volume of short stories by the authors of Assesta (Writers Association of Alentejo), water was the chosen theme to bring to life the imagination of writers and illustrators of Assesta.Short stories or poetic prose wanderings, the reader will find everything in these small texts followed by marvellous illustrations, all made in Alentejo.

      • Fiction
        September 2018

        Una cala a la narrativa cubana (A taste of the Cuban narrative)

        by Rodolfo Alpízar

        In the Modern Age, the Caribbean was the hinge of an economic system that sustained the transatlantic economy of the West for at least three centuries; it was the crossroads of continents, a cultural gateway that brought together -as Antonio Garcia de Leon would say- an "Atlantis of mentalities". And that is precisely what is reflected in this selection made by Rodolfo Alpízar, where voices of all types, ages and genres converge, dialoguing with each other. Here we see once again why Cuba has always been a beacon for Latin America and the world. Una cala a la narrativa cubana de hoy is a slice, a cove, of that throbbing torrent that is Cuban literature.

      • Fiction
        July 2018

        Risk Commitment

        by Maria Ana de Carvalho Ameixa

        Joana, a paediatrician by heart working in the Santa Maria Hospital, is able to read the mind of other people, sort of speak. She’s also waiting for a meeting with love. An unusual incident will take her right to the arms of her loved one, but Joana never imagined that this Israelite would become so deeply mysterious. The mind of that man holds undecipherable thoughts. Is he a terrorist? A member of a radical secret organization? Ho will she act when she finds out the truth?A magnificent plot that will take the main character to Lisbon, Lagos, Jerusalem and Telavive, an unflinching narrative that will make the reader wonder about our goals in life.

      • October 2013

        El silencio de los pájaros

        by Horacio Cavallo / Gonzalo Delgado

        Para salvar su vida, un hombre decide salvar la de los demás.Una solitaria mujer recibe las esperanzadoras cartas de un admirador secreto.Padre e hijo viajan al pasado con una caja de cenizas en las manos.Un músico ciego recorre a tientas un pequeño pueblo del interior.Un poeta ignoto le entrega el más valioso regalo al hombre que lo iluminó con sus palabras.Un grupo de niños planean un mágico rescate.Un abuelo, su nieto y un perro ven lo que el río devuelve a los hombres, mientras los pájaros callan. En los siete cuentos de este libro, Horacio Cavallo construye un mundo de particular sensibilidad gracias a la calidad sugestiva de su prosa. Las vidas de los personajes que habitan ese mundo son antiguas, vidas que han llegado a un punto en el que un solo gesto de bondad, de sencilla ternura, puede devolverles una parte de su fuerza original. Mucho tiempo después de que el lector haya abandonado estas páginas, esos personajes continuarán en su memoria, buscando nuevas oportunidades de redención, y, quizá, encontrándolas. Un nuevo relato se añade a los siete que conformaban la primera edición de este volumen. Se trata de «El sabor de la nieve», originalmente publicado en el libro colectivo Exposición múltiple (Alter Ediciones, 2015), un texto que, además de ser una prodigiosa muestra de técnica narrativa, alcanza una gran hondura emotiva y se ubica entre las mejores piezas breves del autor. El nuevo conjunto amplía así los márgenes de su universo simbólico y ofrece nuevas posibilidades de diálogos cruzados. Cabe señalar que luego de obtener el Premio Nacional de Narrativa Édita del Ministerio de Educación y Cultura en 2015, varios de los relatos de este libro han formado parte de antologías en diversas lenguas.

      • November 2016

        No hay risas en el cielo

        by Ariel Urquiza

        Entre México y Buenos Aires, en una lucha violenta entre la lealtad y la traición, los destinos de los personajes se entrecruzan, todos ellos sicarios y narcotraficantes, formando una trama más amplia, que hace de los relatos de No hay risas en el cielo una novela. El mundo del narcotráfico, narrado desde la ficción con duros golpes de realismo, revela un sinnúmero de experiencias violentas en las que las consecuencias últimas de nuestros actos y la búsqueda de la identidad cobran resonancias inesperadas. En última instancia, la narrativa de Urquiza revela la dificultad de seguir adelante en un mundo en que una vez que entrás, resulta imposible salir. Between Mexico and Buenos Aires, in a violent struggle between loyalty and betrayal, the destinies of the characters intertwine, all of them assassins and drug traffickers, forming a broader plot, which makes the stories of No laughter in heaven a novel. The world of drug trafficking, narrated from fiction with harsh blows of realism, reveals countless violent experiences in which the ultimate consequences of our actions and the search for identity take on unexpected resonances. Ultimately, Urquiza's narrative reveals the difficulty of moving forward in a world where once you enter, it is impossible to leave.

      • Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2020

        Literary Handout - Sunset

        by Francisco Inácio

      • September 2018

        A toda costa: narrativa puertorriqueña contemporánea

        by Pastor, Mara

        For centuries the world entered and left through the Caribbean, that profuse region capable of shaking history and lifting it up like a hurricane. That force, today more than ever, has been consolidated in Puerto Rico, where an endemic seed of disruptive, contemporary and incisive literature abounds. In this selection, made by Mara Pastor, there are authors who write from their own island, or from the diaspora, of different generations, there are previously published or unpublished works, queer voices, police texts, science fiction and poetic prose. This book transpires a piece of the fascinating literary plurality of Puerto Rico, whose prolific moment cannot be overlooked.

      • March 2014


        Fiabe, favole, miti, racconti della memoria - Un laboratorio di intercultura a scuola

        by Alessandra Urbano

        RAINBOWS   Fairy tales, fables, myths, tales of memory written by children during an interculture workshop at school. With parallel text in the language or dialect of origin, and images of the works by Luciano Regoli

      • September 2007

        Una scoperta pericolosa

        by Bruno Milano

        A DANGEROUS DISCOVERY   Stories featuring a community of animals led by a wise owl. Perfect reading for elementary school groups and for those interested to bring children closer to the thematics of solidarity, safeguarding of rights and defense of the environment in which we live

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