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        Children's & YA

        Wild Claws (3). A Target for the Sharks

        by Max Held/ Timo Grubing

        While diving offshore, Logan, Charlotte and Jack discover a shipwreck. Very interesting – but extremely dangerous. Because while the friends are examining it, they are attacked by a shark! Then more and more sharks approach and circle the wreck, as if they are watching over it. What lies inside the sunken ship, and what secret is being concealed by the underwater explorer Thornton, who is staying as a guest at the Wild Claws sanctuary? When Logan dives again, the sharks attack and Logan is trapped in the wreck. His air supply is running short, and time is racing by. Can Jack and Charlotte rescue him in time?

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        Children's & YA

        Seawalkers (3). Wild Waves

        by Katja Brandis/Claudia Carls

        The students and teachers at Blue Reef High are worried sick. It’s not just because recently there’s been an influx of reptile and python shapeshifters who are causing chaos. Now there’s a powerful hurricane building up off the coast of Florida. Tiago, the shark shapeshifter, the dolphin girl Shari and all their friends decide to escape by swimming out to the open sea. But will they really be safe there? And will Blue Reef High still be standing when they return? Quite apart from the hurricane, Tiago has heard some unpleasant rumours – that some unscrupulous business people are going to organize fights between divers and sharks. Is this true, and if so, will the Seawalker friends be able to defend themselves?

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2023

        In the company of wolves

        Werewolves, wolves and wild children

        by Sam George, Bill Hughes

        In the company of wolves presents further research from the Open Graves, Open Minds Project. It connects together innovative research from a variety of perspectives on the cultural significance of wolves, wild children and werewolves as portrayed in different media and genres. We begin with the wolf itself as it has been interpreted as a cultural symbol and how it figures in contemporary debates about wilderness and nature. Alongside this, we consider eighteenth-century debates about wild children ­- often thought to have been raised by wolves and other animals - and their role in key questions about the origins of language and society. The collection continues with essays on werewolves and other shapeshifters as depicted in folk tales, literature, film and TV, concluding with the transition from animal to human in contemporary art, poetry and fashion.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2019

        Wild Claws (2). Der Biss des Alligators

        by Held, Max

        Wilde Tiere und gefährliche Abenteuer: Auf zu WILD CLAWS, der Wildtierstation in den Everglades! Ein Alligator im Swimmingpool oder eine riesige Python in den Sümpfen - bei Jack und Logan von der Wildtierstation Wild Claws kann das schon mal vorkommen, denn hier wartet jeden Tag ein tierisches Abenteuer auf die Freunde! Jack und Logan von der Wildtierstation Wild Claws machen eine schreckliche Entdeckung: Ein Alligator im Sumpf wurde getötet und aufgeschlitzt. Wer tut so etwas und sind auch andere Tiere in Gefahr? Mit ihrer Freundin Charlotte machen sich die zwei auf Spurensuche und geraten dabei gefährlichen Tierschmugglern in die Quere. Oder sind die Verbrecher hinter etwas ganz anderem her? Eine spannende Jagd durch die Sümpfe Floridas beginnt! Band 2 der neuen Actionreihe von Max Held rund um Abenteuer und wilde Tiere in den Sümpfen der Everglades. Die realistische und spannende Kinderbuchreihe ist besonders für Jungs ab 9 Jahren geeignet. Mit schwarz-weiß Illustrationen von Timo Grubing. Alle Bände der Reihe: Wild Claws. Im Auge der Python (1) Wild Claws. Der Biss des Alligators (2) Weitere Bände sind in Vorbereitung. Max Held wurde in Nairobi geboren. Schon immer interessierte er sich für Tiere, und so verbrachte er endlose Stunden mit der Beobachtung von Gorillas, Krokodilen und Jaguaren. Als Erwachsener arbeitete er in Nationalparks rund um die Welt, bevor er sich schließlich in Deutschland niederließ und damit begann, seine Abenteuer in Form von Kinderbüchern niederzuschreiben. Treue Begleiterin seit vielen Jahren ist seine Vogelspinne Elfriede.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2004

        Introgression from Genetically Modified Plants into Wild Relatives

        by Edited by Hans C M den Nijs, Detlef Bartsch, Jeremy Sweet

        Introgression is the incorporation of a gene from one organism complex into another as a result of hybridization. A major concern with the use of genetically modified plants is the unintentional spread of the new genes from cultivated plants to their wild relatives and the subsequent impacts on the ecology of wild plants and their associated flora and fauna.The book reviews these issues, focusing on the ecological and evolutionary effects of introducing GM cultivars. It presents current knowledge of crop-wild relatives hybridization and introgression, and the measurement and prediction of their consequences. As a result it represents a major contribution to the debate about the risks of GM crops and measures, such as post commercialisation monitoring, required to determine the longer term impacts of GM crops on ecosystems.The book presents edited and revised presentations given at a conference of the same name, organised in January 2003 by the University of Amsterdam (Netherlands) and the Robert Koch Institute (Germany), on behalf of the European Science Foundation funded program for Assessment of the Impacts of Genetically Modified Plants (AIGM ).

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        True stories

        The Wild West of Eastern Europe

        by Pavlo Kazarin

        «The Wild West of Eastern Europe» is a travel notes collection of a man who left his home to stay at home. It is an Author's chronology of the modern history of Ukraine. An attempt to sum up everything that has changed us and what has remained the same. The war plunged Ukraine into a debate about itself. We are trying to understand where THEY end and where WE start. We are finding out if it is possible to fool historical logic, putting someone on a pedestal. «The Wild West of Eastern Europe» is an attempt to systematize everything we argue about and everything we have agreed on. This book was born of occupation and war. And therefore the Author hopes for no more «to be continued».

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        A Bear in My Bed & a Jackal in My Oven

        Amusing Adventures of an Israeli Wildlife Zoologist

        by Avinoam Lourie & Cissy Shapiro

        How many can say they’ve had a Syrian bear in their bed? Warmed a jackal in their oven? Been gored by a jealous roe deer? Attacked by a tiger? Had monkeys swing from their chandelier? Or lost a snake on a plane?  Heartwarming, entertaining and educational experiences of Israeli zoologist Avinoam Lourie, with an exotic variety of wild animals, and his family members as well, told with the warmth, humor, wit, and wisdom for which he is well-known by his captivated readers.   Avinoam Lourie is a recipient of the Israeli Presidential Medal of Honor, was selected one of the "Top 100 Important People" in Haifa, and has helped bring several endangered species to Israel.  “As someone who has accompanied Avi into the field as he educated new generations of Israelis about their native ecosystems, it’s a joy to share the drama, humor, and insights packed into this riveting collection.", Sneed Collard III, Author and Publisher, Recipient of the Washington Post's- Children's Book Guild Award for Non-Fiction, Missoula, Montana. “Many of our friends had dogs, cats, and other pets, but no one had a father who brought home a tiger, bear, or even a monkey, like we did!”, Dr. Barak Lourie (Avinoam's middle child), Haifa, Israel.   “He taught me that animals are just like people: treat them the same, and treat them well.”, A Student's Summary of Avinoam's message to eighth grade middle school in Wildlife Conservation & Ecology, Green Bay, Wisconsin. An English-Language edition was published in 2008 by Sephirot press

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2007

        Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use

        by Edited by Nigel Maxted, Brian V Ford-Lloyd, Shelagh P Kell, José M Iriondo, Mohammad E Dulloo, Jozef Turok

        Crop wild relatives (CWR) are species closely related to crop plants which can contribute beneficial traits, such as pest or disease resistance and yield improvement. These species are critical for improving agricultural production and increasing food security. They are also essential components of natural and semi-natural habitats as well as agricultural systems, and are therefore vital in maintaining ecosystem health. However, CWR, like any other group of wild species, are subject to an increasing range of threats: habitat loss, degradation and mismanagement, over-collection and climate change. Through an examination of the national, regional and global context of CWR, these authoritative studies present methodologies and case studies that review and provide recommendations for global conservation and use. Topics range from the establishment of conservation priorities and strategies, threat assessment and genetic erosion and pollution.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2019

        Wild und Wunderbar (3). Freundinnen sind die besseren Schwestern

        by Einwohlt, Ilona

        Ein Buch wie Sommerferien mit der besten Freundin: turbulent, aufregend und unvergesslich! Linn und Shark sind als beste Freundinnen unzertrennbar. Doch kurz vor den Sommerferien herrscht bei Linn zuhause Familien-Patchwork-Chaos und Linn weiß nicht mehr, wo ihr der Kopf steht. Shark dagegen hat Angst, dass in Linns Leben kein Platz mehr für sie ist. Kurzerhand nehmen die beiden Freundinnen Reißaus - und ein wilder, wunderbarer Roadtrip in die Berge beginnt! Eine Reise ohne Ziel und Plan, aber mit der besten Freundin im Gepäck. Am Ende dieses unvergesslichen Sommers sind sich die beiden einig: Das einzige, was noch besser ist als eine beste Freundin, ist eine beste Freundin, die zur Schwester wird! Der dritte Band der neuen Reihe von Mädchen-Expertin Ilona Einwohlt. Für alle Mädchen ab 11 Jahren, für beste Freundinnen und ihre Mamas! Ein Freundschaftsgeschichte für starke Mädchen, und darüber hinaus vollgepackt mit Gedichten, Songtexten, Rezepten und Bastelideen zum Nachmachen - ein Buch wie ein selbstgebasteltes Geschenk von deiner besten Freundin! Ein Buch für alle, die zusammen mit ihrer besten Freundin unschlagbar sind! Alle Bände der Reihe: Wild und wunderbar. Zwei Freundinnen gegen den Rest der Welt (1) Wild und wunderbar. Gegensätze halten zusammen (oder?) (2) Wild und wunderbar. Freundinnen sind die besseren Schwestern (3) Alle Bände können unabhängig voneinander gelesen werden. Ilona Einwohlt wollte eigentlich Ernährungswissenschaftlerin werden. Aber dann las sie mitten in einer Chemievorlesung „Das andere Geschlecht“ von Simone de Beauvoir - und widmete sich fortan der Literatur, insbesondere der für Mädchen und Frauen. Längst ist aus der Germanistikstudentin eine erfolgreiche Autorin geworden, die genau die Sprache der Mädchen trifft und Themen behandelt, die sie wirklich interessieren. Ilona Einwohlt, Jahrgang 1968, lebt mit ihrer Familie in Darmstadt.

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        250 years of lies: Russian myths about the history of Crimea

        by Serhii Hromenko

        The book analyses more than 20 Russian myths fabricated to legitimise the annexation of Crimea. The annexation of the Ukrainian peninsular of Crimea by Russia in 2014 caused the largest political crisis in Europe since the Second World War. It also gave rise to the unprecedented growth of propaganda to justify the aggressive policy of the Russian Federation in the eyes of the world. Is Crimea really an original Russian land? Is it true that the Crimean Tatars are all traitors? Was the peninsula really integrated into Ukraine illegally? And what, after all, were the events of February–March 2014–the illegal occupation of the foreign territory or the “restoration of historical justice”?

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        Picture storybooks
        September 2020

        Magical World of the Wild

        by Ritu Khoda, Gopa Trivedi, Meera Kurien

        Magical World of the Wild is a theme-based book which introduces children to miniature, folk, modern and contemporary Indian art. It encourages them to observe and explore the world of animals through compelling artworks by well-known artists. Games such as Spot the Difference, Let’s Count, Join the Dots have been imaginatively adapted to make children seek alternative creative avenues. The book takes an interdisciplinary approach to enhance visual literacy and cognitive skills in young readers.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2019

        Wild Claws / Im Auge der Python

        Wild Claws (1)

        by Held, Max

        Dass morgens ein Alligator im Swimmingpool schwimmt, das kann in Homestead/Florida schon mal vorkommen. Aber wenn eine Horde Wildschweine eine Tierstation angreift und eine Python von riesigem Ausmaß die Sümpfe der Everglades unsicher macht, dann stimmt etwas nicht. Die Freunde Jack und Logan von der Wildtierstation Wild Claws glauben nicht, dass dieses Verhalten sich mit zu viel Hitze erklären lässt. Erst recht nicht, seit dieser mysteriöse Forscher aus Miami aufgetaucht ist und in den Sümpfen sein Lager aufgeschlagen hat. Das Wohl der Tiere hat dieser McRibbon bestimmt nicht im Sinn. Ob er schuld daran ist, dass die Wildtiere plötzlich alle verrücktspielen?

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        November 2023

        Crop Pollination by Bees, Volume 2

        Individual Crops and their Bees

        by Keith S Delaplane

        Since the second half of the 20th Century, our agricultural bee pollinators have faced mounting threats from ecological disturbance and pan-global movement of pathogens and parasites. At the same time, the area of pollinator-dependent crops is increasing globally with no end in sight. Never before has so much been asked of our finite pool of bee pollinators. This book not only explores the evolutionary and ecologic bases of these dynamics, it translates this knowledge into practical research-based guidance for using bees to pollinate crops. It emphasizes conserving wild bee populations as well as culturing honey bees, bumble bees, and managed solitary bees. To cover such a range of biology, theory, and practice from the perspectives of both the pollinator and the crop, the book is divided into two volumes. Volume 1 focuses on bees, their biology, coevolution with flowering plants, foraging ecology and management, and gives practical ways to increase bee abundance and pollinating performance on the farm. Volume 2 (this volume) focuses on crops, with chapters addressing crop-specific requirements and bee pollination management recommendations. Both volumes are essential reading for farmers, horticulturists and gardeners, researchers and professionals working in insect ecology and conservation, and students of entomology and crop protection.

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        DESERT PASSIONS - Wild Love in Sinai

        by Robert Bettelheim

        Desert Passions unfolds tales of wild, dramatic transformations that may occur to people in Sinai due to a mixture ofcravings, sexual arousal, spontaneity, love, rapture, hopes and dreams—conflicting forces that are often at odds with our current lifestyles. New motivations appear, behavioral patterns might shift or completely change, sex and romance easily flourish, often unrestrained by former inhibitions. This explains why seekers trying to find their way in this puzzled, crazy world travel to the Sinai Desert where secret passions, hidden sexual fantasies, and lust that have been long subdued suddenly emerge and rule. Since ancient times, the Sinai Desert has been a place for spiritual and mental metamorphosis, initiating its powerful impact on anyone who wanders there. When Western ideas and habits first met traditional, tribal Bedouins after the Six-Day War in 1967, it created a unique cultural divergence. Many Westerners, too, have been deeply influenced by the raw nature revealed to them.  Robert Bettelheim was born in Vienna, but after his parents fled the Nazi Anschluss of Austria to China, he grew up in Shanghai Ghetto under Japanese rule during WWII. Bettelheim later served in the IDF as a paratrooper, and soon became an ardent scuba diver on the enchanting shores of the Sinai Desert. A musicology graduate and teacher, the author lives with his wife in Kibbutz Zikim, which is not infrequently under shell fire. He has six grandchildren. An English-language eBook edition was published in Summer 2018.  326 Pages, 15X22.5 cm.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2010

        Der sichere Tod


        by Adrian McKinty, Kirsten Riesselmann

        Die Bronx. Harlem. Mehr als 2000 Morde pro Jahr. Nicht gerade das, was Michael Forsythe, illegal aus Belfast eingereist, sich von New York erhofft hat. Aber als Neuling in der street gang des mächtigen Darkey White macht Michael sich gut. Jung, clever, mit wenig Skrupeln, erwirbt er sich schnell Darkeys Vertrauen. Bis er sich mit dessen Freundin einläßt. Was jetzt gegen Michael in Gang gesetzt wird, ist teuflisch – und bedeutet seinen sicheren Tod. Doch Darkey hat Michael unterschätzt: seine Zähigkeit und seinen eisernen Willen, sich an allen zu rächen, die ihn verraten haben. Der Auftakt zur preisgekrönten Dead-Trilogie: ein irischer Bad Boy auf Rachefeldzug in den härtesten Vierteln New Yorks

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1989

        Fremdes Land

        Eine Erzählung

        by Jörg Steiner

        Erich Jaag heißt er. Wie sein Großvater um das Recht kämpfte, als freier Mann im Wohnwagen zu leben, so kämpft Erich Jaag um das Recht, mit seiner Frau Lisa in der Hütte zu leben, die sein Vater im Ried gebaut hat, um seßhaft zu werden mit seiner Familie. Das Ried aber ist Sperrgebiet. Den ersten Räumungsbefehl überlebte der Vater nicht. Jaag hat Angst, man könnte ihm das Recht auf Heimat streitig machen. Von Lisa verlassen, lebt er in Erwartung ihrer Rückkehr. Er weiß aber auch, was er den beiden illegal eingewanderten Flüchtlingen aus Zaire schuldig ist. Er versteckt Ferdinand S. und Mamadou U., damit sie vor der Rückführung sicher seien.

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        Forestry & related industries
        November 2006

        Forests and Society

        Sustainability and Life Cycles of Forests in Human Landscapes

        by Edited by Kristina A Vogt, Daniel J Vogt, Robert L Edmonds, Jon M Honea, Toral Patel-Weynand, Duncan Ray

        This book provides a broad-ranging textbook on the relationships between forests and society. It discusses the ways in which society can interact with forest landscapes without adversely affecting their sustainability. Topics covered include attitudes to, and uses of forests, the creation of today's forest landscapes, the impact of humans on forests, and forest sustainability and human health. The book also examines emerging issues in forestry such as possible solutions to balancing societies' needs with forest sustainability, managing forests in the urban-wildland interface, and the impact of illegal logging. It is packed with real-world case studies from the USA, Australia, Bolivia, Botswana, Canada, China, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Nepal, Peru, Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Thailand.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2024

        At the Very Bottom of the System

        How migrant workersensure prosperity for us

        by Sascha Lübbe

        The author reveals structural problems and offers solutions – an urgently necessary book, not least with a view to the acute shortage of skilled workers 450,000 migrant workers toll on German construction sites, work in sometimes inhumane conditions in meat factories or as truck drivers, and let’s not forget the hordes of cleaners in German hotels and companies. They are systematically exploited and cheated out of their wages. Sascha Lübbe exposes the octopus-like network of partly criminal companies in a shadowy world where the boundary between the legal and the illegal is blurred. In his evocative book with interviews with those aff ected, he reveals how a parallel system has established itself in the German working world, but also how those aff ected resist.

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