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      • November 2021

        Tu cuerpo es tuyo

        by Lucía Serrano

        Lucía Serrano en Tu cuerpo es tuyo, con ayuda y asesoramiento de especialistas, habla de sexualidad y de prevención de abusos a los niños y niñas con un lenguaje sencillo y directo. Un libro imprescindible.

      • The Arts
        November 2020


        Desarrollo personal y técnico del y para el actor/actriz

        by Ana Carril del Valle

        ACT FULNESS · Desarrollo personal y técnico del y para el actor/actriz: el libro, con profusión de consejos y ejercicios prácticos, invita al lector a comenzar un viaje, desde las primeras páginas, elaborando su propios Diario de Actor/Actriz. Y se divide en dos bloques complementarios.  El primero, el entrenamiento, arranca con el autoconocimiento, algo innegociable para comenzar a trabajar, y desgrana después las destrezas y herramientas necesarias como la Conciencia Corporal y Espacial, la Concentración y Observación, la Atención Distributiva, la Imaginación y la Creatividad, la Memoria, la Escucha Activa y el Impulso.  En la segunda parte, se genera un viaje de la Emoción a través del Texto, separando estos dos elementos para desarrollarlos de forma exhaustiva.

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)
        October 2019

        Nacida Libre

        by Minerva Piquero

        Primera novela de presentadora de televisión Minerva Piquero. Cora necesita reinventarse para salir del pozo en el que se ve inmersa tras la inesperada ruptura con el amor de su vida. El sexo se convertirá en el rito de iniciación hacia su nueva identidad, un mundo desconocido don¬de experimentar, reencontrarse y perdonar. Valentina llega a España huyendo de un oscuro secreto y un pasado traumático; necesita renacer para encontrar su sitio en el mundo. La vida no es fácil para una joven transexual extranjera. Las dos protagonistas de Nacida Libre, aun siendo de mundos tan distintos y alejados, coinciden en un momento crucial para ambas en el que deben recorrer un camino de autoconocimiento dejando atrás la traición y la venganza. Las circunstancias en las que se encuentran hacen que crezca entre ellas una profunda amistad y la fuerza necesaria para entender que, a pesar de todo, ellas nacieron libres.

      • Health & Personal Development

        Early emotional education

        by Gloria Latorre

        The family is the first modeler of interpersonal relationships. In it all the richness of the emotional world unfolds. That is why it is key to teach our children from birth to build their own path to inner well-being, through self-knowledge and the skills to manage their emotions. This will help them from the beginning of their lives to connect with the other from empathy and compassion. “This book offers us a journey to recognize the emotions in our relationships. On each page, it offers us pauses to reflect, realize and experiment, allowing true learning. It is a companion for travelers such as parents, teachers, psychologists and for all of us who work in accompaniment ”. Jorge Genzone, President of the Gestalt Association of Buenos Aires

      • Children's & YA

        Animal Emotionary

        For boys and girls in times of crisis

        by Paloma González and Juan Francisco Bascuñán

        What do two laughing chimps, an embarrassed puppy, an envious cat and two monkeys that hug each other with gratitude, have in common? They all show us emotions, those that are present throughout our lives, but that we don’t always know how to recognize. This book seeks to introduce children to this mysterious world, with photographs of animals that usually arouse their interest, accompanied by short texts that can help them recognize the emotions they feel and understand in what kind of situations this happens. Recognizing their own emotions will help them to know themselves better and also those around them. At the end of the book, the emotions addressed in it are briefly explained, so that adults can better accompany children in the discovery of their emotions, in “normal” times, but especially in times of crisis.

      • November 2017


        by Adriana Riva

        Angst is a novel filled with sensitive and sophisticated images that are the result of the singular gaze of the author, skillful in the sewing together of metaphors and esthetic associations of rare originality. When literature grants us the privilege of witnessing these findings, the reading experience transforms into pure emotion; we find ourselves vulnerable in front of weird and valuable pieces that we graze with our fingertips just to test if they’re real. Beautiful and real. Her stories go beyond the dramatic experience; the proposal is to elevate them through the aesthetics of a refined and silky prose that will remain within the reader's sensibility and memory as a luminous work of art. Margarita García Robayo

      • Picture books

        Welcome, Lupe

        by Eva Palomar

        Welcome, Lupe is a wonderfully illustrated work that tells us about the importance of showing ourselves to the world just the way we are. Lupe's family is new to the forest. All the hares are very happy, all of them... except Lupe. She is ashamed to make herself known. What if the others hares don't like her? She will work hard knitting costumes, creating a series of disguises. Her grandfather helps her realize that the other animals will like her just the way she is. What if the solution is just to be yourself?

      • Picture books

        The Blue Bench

        by Albert Asensio

        A delightful picture book about love, the passing of time and new beginnings. Connects with mindfulness - the art of observing in a fully conscious manner what is around us. Across the seasons; across the years; across generations - the blue bench in the park has been a silent witness to it all. A poignant story that centres around a blue park bench: people fall in love, friendships formed, others say goodbye. The only thing that remains constant is the blue bench. This book speaks to us about the cycles of life and the wonder of finding out that we can always go back and start again.

      • Health & Personal Development

        Los frutos de la inteligencia emocional

        ¡Atrévete… ya! El cielo es el límite

        by Mariel Mambretti

        This volume will crown your journey, making you a participant in one of the greatest contributions that applied psychology made both to the business world and to all related areas of life: the value of emotional intelligence. From its definition to the means to make the most of it and achieve your ends, you will find the keys to making emotions not a stumbling block, but a weapon for job advancement.  Paying attention to the other, giving him a framework of trust and appreciation, stimulating him and accompanying his moods, have been revealed as essential points for the development of all productive activities. Today it is known that whoever smiles and knows how to relate well with their environment is the most capable of climbing positions of great responsibility in the workplace. You will also find suggestions aimed at ensuring that everything obtained in this field results in a particularly full life and suitable for enjoying what has been achieved. These pages are, then, the corollary to make your triumph comprehensive and lasting. Enjoy them!

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