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      • Mapin Publishing (Pvt.) Ltd.

        Mapin Publishing has been internationally reputed for producing high-quality illustrated books for over 35 years. Our publishing programme covers a broad spectrum: fine art, modern and contemporary art, architecture, archaeology, crafts, design, exhibition catalogues, museum collections, performing arts, photography and more. We publish children’s books that bring Indian narratives and art-forms closer to young readers.

 With its long-standing experience, Mapin has a unique understanding of design, content and production. We are well known for our aesthetically produced books and for our commitment to quality publishing. The books are both a visual treat and a scholarly discovery, with images spread over page after page, supplemented with supporting captions and text. Our authors and photographers are renowned experts in their respective fields, and we have worked with the best designers, editors and printers and partnered with international museums, institutions and publishers. Get a closer look at our books here.

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      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)

        Üñüm püllü. Bird spirit

        by Lorenzo Aillapán

        Lorenzo Aillapán, recognized as a Living Human Treasure in 2012 by UNESCO, is the Mapuche bird man - üñümche in Mapuzugun. A poet originally from the coast of the Araucanía Region, he is a great connoisseur of nature, of the mysteries hidden by living beings on land and in the sea. Part of this wisdom is shared with the readers in these 46 poems about diverse organisms that inhabit different environments: the water (fish and seafood), the mountainous universe (trees) and the winged universe (birds). Through hisverses, the poet describes various aspects of these living beings: what they are like, what the place is like where they live, how they behave, what use they can be put to and what importance they have for the Mapuche people. In the case of the birds, the poems also incorporate the onomatopoeia of their song. This complete anthological volume is bilingual Mapuzugun/Spanish.


        by Sergio Caniuqueo, Rodrigo Levil, Pablo Marimán, José Millalén

        Three historians and a Mapuche sociologist present their views on the main milestones and debates that the history of their people goes through, from the first settlement of the territory to the current struggles. Thus, they modify numerous notions and conventional chronologies, and challenge the Winka society about the treatment lavished on the Mapuche.   Tres historiadores y un sociólogo mapuche presentan su visión sobre los principales hitos y debates que atraviesa la historia de su pueblo, desde el primer poblamiento del territorio hasta las luchas actuales. Modifican así numerosas nociones y cronologías convencionales, e interpelan a la sociedad winka sobre el trato prodigado al mapuche.

      • Interactive & activity books & packs


        by Sofía Guerrero Zepeda, Juan Francisco Bascuñán Muñoz, Loreto Salinas Retamal

        This bilingual Spanish-Mapuzugun story, based on the Mapuche tradition, tells the story of Nawel, a boy who was raised by the animals of the forest in southern Chile, learning their language and also that of the non-living elements of nature, such as wind, thunder and water. The puma gets sick from drinking water contaminated by waste from the city and Nawel is called in to solve the problem, by teaching its inhabitants to take care of the environment, which ultimately means a healthier life for themselves. The book also presents an attractive game with illustrations of different animals and a mini dictionary that teaches the names of the animals in Mapuzugun.


        by Francisca Jiménez Bluhm, María José Escalona, Natalia Rodríguez

        "Artesanía Mapuche para hacer y conocer” introduce a los niños y las niñas en la cultura mapuche y los interioriza en la historia que existe detrás de cada pieza, en su origen cultural y patrimonial a través de la reproducción de artesanías tradicionales con simples paso a paso. Con este libro los niños y las niñas pueden aprender a hacer una akucha, un móvil de pillán, un trarilonco, entre otros objetos tradicionales del pueblo mapuche. Este libro tiene un formato ameno, divertido y didáctico, siendo un excelente material de apoyo para educadoras y educadores.

      • Fiction
        October 2017

        Miguel de Fuentesanta

        by Ismael Hernández

        “Carla is trapped in a mythological revenge spiral when Miguel de Fuentesanta came across her, both dragged by greif and pain in an old and red night. The whitches, the black dog, the White lady Will make our leading characters hummanity tremble, in a graphic novel where passions Will rule the shadows.” Miguel de Fuentesanta is Ismael Hernández’s debut, a well known artist in Chile, awarded for his role in “Varúa Rapa nui”, comic of the year in 2012 and 2013. His work explores Chilean and Mapuche mythology, as he developes the conflict of leading character, a jesuit preist who, literally, tries to overcome his personal deamons.

      • Graphic novels

        Mocha Dick

        The legend of the White Whale

        by Francisco Ortega, Gonzalo Martínez

        After turning 15, Caleb Hienam, son of a whaling businessman, goes on his first journey to learn the family business. In the ship he meets Aliro Leftraru, one of the sailors, a descendant of the mapuche people. When the ship where they work bumps into a whaling ship filled with survivors from a monstrous white whale attack, Caleb and Aliro will discover the story of Mocha and will develop a plan to prevent the indiscriminate hunting of whales on the Pacific Ocean... An adventure that history will never forget. Based on the real story that inspired Moby Dick! Mocha Dick has been published in Chile, Argentina, Brazil, México, Spain, Colombia and France.

      • Graphic novel & Manga artwork

        Juan Valiente: from slave to Pedro de Valdivia's captain

        by Kôte Carvajal/Gabriel Ibarra

        This is the story of an African slave who became captain under the mandate of General Pedro de Valdivia in the southern lands of Perú during the Spanish conquer in the early XVI century. The barely known adventure of a person who has been made invisible by Chilean history books, even though many African slaves fought side by side - and for many years - with Spanish soldiers in order to conquer the lands wherethe Mapuche tribe ruled in Chile.

      • Multi-Ethnic Bird Guide of the Subantarctic Forests of South America

        by Ricardo Rozzi and collaborators

        The subantarctic forests of South America are the world’s southernmost forested ecosystems. The birds have sung in these austral forests for millions of years; the Yahgan and Mapuche peoples have handed down their bird stories from generation to generation for hundreds of years. In Multi-ethnic Bird Guide of the Subantarctic Forests of South America, Ricardo Rozzi and his collaborators present a unique combination of bird guide and cultural ethnography. The book includes entries on fifty bird species of southern Chile and Argentina, among them the Magellanic Woodpecker, Rufous-Legged Owl, Ringed Kingfisher, Buff-Necked Ibis, Giant Hummingbird, and Andean Condor. Each bird is named in Yahgan, Mapudungun, Spanish, English, and scientific nomenclature, followed by a description, full color photographs, the bird’s distribution map, habitat and lifestyle, and its history in the region. Each entry is augmented further with indigenous accounts of the bird in history and folklore. “Highly original in its approach of combining information on natural history and biodiversity with information on the region’s human cultural and linguistic diversity.”—Chris Elphick, coauthor of The Sibley Guide to Bird Life and Behavior

      • December 2019


        by Pablo Albarenga

        Con esta selección fotográfica registrada entre 2016 y 2019, Pablo Albarenga nos adentra en la vida y la lucha de los pueblos indígenas de Brasil por recuperar sus territorios.Muchos son los pueblos originarios que viven en América Latina. Los que se identifican hoy como guaraníes vivieron y transitaron en la región comprendida por Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Paraguay y Uruguay. Se dice que si caminamos de Uruguay a Brasil y luego a Bolivia, podríamos dormir cada noche en una tekoá distinta. Las tekoás son aldeas donde preservan su legado ancestral; tekoá significa, en lengua guaraní, la tierra sin mal, el lugar donde se lleva a cabo la forma de ser guaraní.Estos pueblos de tierras bajas han hecho evidente una impactante capacidad para oponerse a eso que llamamos progreso. Son los que han enfrentado con mayor firmeza a las grandes obras y megaproyectos, desde la represa de Belo Monte (Brasil) hasta la carretera que atraviesa el Territorio Indígena y Parque Nacional Isiboro-Sécure (Bolivia).Las retomadas —reocupaciones de tierras indígenas— son un retorno a lo esencial, un acto de rebeldía de los pueblos indígenas de Brasil para volver a unirse con el territorio ancestral. Estos pueblos nos interpelan sobre si somos capaces de reconocer la diferencia, de aceptar la libertad del otro, su derecho a ser y a elegir cómo vivir. Pues en su libertad se evidencian nuevos rumbos posibles que nos obligan a mirarnos en su espejo para repensarnos.

      • Geography & the Environment

        Chile geopoético

        by Miguel Laborde

        Esta publicación reúne veintiocho columnas del investigador, académico y escritor Miguel Laborde, con ilustraciones de Alejandra Acosta, publicadas en la revista La Panera. Sus textos dan cuenta de una serie de datos geográficos e históricos que permiten asomarse a ciertos rasgos distintivos de Chile desde los cuales se construye un relato del imaginario local. La geopoética como concepto nace como una herramienta para comprender y expresar nuestra relación con el mundo y el pensar a la Tierra. Considera la cultura como el modo en el que los seres humanos se conciben a sí mismos y se organizan y orientan. “Desde el punto de vista literario, un libro como este, que corrió el riesgo de ser concebido por la vía de la protesta en un lenguaje de pura comunicación, es, por el contrario, un libro poético, de excelente prosa, de gran riqueza de imágenes y sorpresas de lógica e ilógica. Su crítica al modelo de civilización vigente es lapidaria, pero de un furor contenido”. Gastón Soublette

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