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      • Holland Park Press

        Holland Park Press is a privately-owned independent company publishing and selling literary fiction: novels, novellas, short stories; and poetry. It was founded in 2009. It is run by brother and sister, Arnold and Bernadette Jansen op de Haar, who publish an author not just a book. Holland Park Press specialises in finding new literary talent by accepting unsolicited manuscripts from authors all year round and by running competitions. It has been successful in giving older authors a chance to make their debut and in raising the profile of Dutch authors in translation.

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      • Sasbadi Holdings Berhad

        Since 1985, Sasbadi has been producing quality books and educational materials to help students on their journey through school and life. Students, parents and teachers trust our publications because we are ever responsive to changing times and changing requirements. Over the years, Sasbadi has diversified its offerings to provide not only academic and non-academic educational materials, but digital and technology-enabled products, applied learning tools, a network marketing business and more recently, English language learning and assessment programmes as well.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        The Frontline: Essays on Ukraine's Past and Present

        by Serhii Plokhy

        The Frontline presents a selection of essays drawn together for the first time to form a companion volume to Plokhy’s The Gates of Europe and Chernobyl. Here he expands upon his analysis in earlier works of key events in Ukrainian history, including Ukraine’s complex relations with Russia and the West, the burden of tragedies such as the Holodomor and World War II, the impact of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, and Ukraine’s contribution to the collapse of the Soviet Union. Juxtaposing Ukraine’s history to the contemporary politics of memory, this volume provides a multidimensional image of a country that continues to make headlines around the world. Eloquent in style and comprehensive in approach, the essays collected here reveal the roots of the ongoing political, cultural, and military conflict in Ukraine, the largest country in Europe.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Famine of 1946 - 1947 in Ukraine: Collective Memory

        by Vasyl Marochko

        The collection of materials of oral history and local history journalism is the first archeographic and memorial publication in Ukraine, which directly reproduces the causes, circumstances and socio-demographic consequences of the post-war famine of 1946-1947 in Ukraine. The collection includes an archeographic overview, scientific and analytical articles on the peculiarities of famines in Ukrainian villages and cities in the 1920s and 1940s, a memorial and biographical account of O.M. Veselova’s ascetic activity, thoughtful reflections by A.I. Bondarchuk, an eyewitness to the famine disaster, and a collection of memoirs and journalistic materials arranged according to the administrative and territorial division of Ukraine. This collection is an attempt to preserve and express Ukrainians’ collective memory of this tragic event. For historians, local historians, museum workers, and the people of good will.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2022

        Die Ukrainerin

        Njetotschka Iljaschenko erzählt ihre Geschichte

        by Josef Winkler, Bernard Banoun, Josef Winkler

        Nach einem längeren Aufenthalt in Wien zog sich Josef Winkler im Jahre 1981 auf einen Bauernhof in Kärnten zurück, um seinen Roman Muttersprache zu beenden. Dort fand er Quartier bei der Familie der Bergbäuerin Njetotschka Wassiljewna Iljaschenko, einer im März 1943 von Hitlers Schergen verschleppten Ukrainerin ‒ die ihm über ein Jahr lang ihre Lebensgeschichte erzählte. Die Bäuerin berichtet dem Autor vom Leben ihrer verzweifelt um die Existenz der Familie ringenden Mutter am Ufer des Dnjepr und von ihrer eigenen Kindheit während der Zeit der Kollektivierung und Hungersnot (Holodomor) im Dorf Dobenka, das später vom Stausee von Krementschug überflutet wurde. Sie erzählt von ihrer gewaltsamen Verschleppung aus der Ukraine zur Zwangsarbeit nach Kärnten, und sie berichtet von ihrem ersten Jahr auf dem Kärntner Bergbauernhof. Der Band erscheint mit einem Nachwort von Josef Winklers französischem Übersetzer Bernard Banoun sowie erstmals mit Briefen, die Hapka Davidowna Iljaschenko aus der Ukraine an ihre Tochter Njetotschka in Kärnten schrieb.

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        Historical fiction

        The Age of the Red Ants

        by Tanya Pyankova

        In spring of 1933 the famine in Machukhy came to its climax. The first case of cannibalism, lynch law, malnutrition-related mental disorders. The village lives in degradation. People are desperate, and they lose their humanity, they are ready to eat everything to survive. And here are two stranger women, two victims of their time, two opposite sides of the great darkness, called hunger, are at arm's length… Young Yavdokha, madness-like insight — and Solya, the holy blindness. One is killed by hunger — the other one is saved. One is promised to have eternal night — the other one is given hope for a happy renewal. And they do not know yet that they go towards each other. They go in order eventually to hug one another and to build a fragile bridge over the insatiable anthill of their torturers…

      • Trusted Partner
        Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)

        My Grandfather Was the Best Dancer

        by Kateryna Babkina

        “My Grandfather Was the Best Dancer” is a series of short stories following the family histories of five protagonists who met on their first day of school in the first year of Ukraine’s independence and became lifelong friends. These family histories take the reader through the events of the 1920s in Kharkiv, the repression of the Les Kurbas Theater during the Great Terror, the Holodomor (the man-made genocidal famine of 1932–33), World War II, the 1990s, several waves of emigration and the war in Donbas. First and foremost, this is a book about accepting the past. It describes how events and circumstances affect us, whether consciously or unconsciously. It addresses continuity and ties between generations, yearning for love and acceptance, and loneliness as the product of or reason behind our choices. It deals with losses both conscious and unconscious, justified and pointless. Most importantly, it stresses that no matter how lonely, outcast or broken you feel, you can survive and live because, notwithstanding, there is always a chance to attain happiness at last.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2010

        Stalin und der Genozid

        by Kurt Baudisch, Norman M. Naimark

        Unter Stalin wurden in den 30er Jahren mehr als eine Million Sowjetbürger umgebracht, Millionen andere starben durch Zwangsarbeit, Deportation, Hungersnot, Lagerhaft oder während Folterverhören. Diese Verbrechen galten zu Zeiten des Kalten Krieges nicht als Genozid. Die hohen Ideale für die Stalin angeblich gekämpft hatte, verhinderten eine Auseinandersetzung. Zudem galt diese Verfolgung der eigenen Bevölkerung als Teil der Kriegsvorbereitung; der Ausgang des Zweiten Weltkriegs schien dieses Vorgehen zu rechtfertigen. Auch nach internationalem Recht galt der Mord an sozialen oder politischen Minderheiten nicht als Genozid. Norman Naimark erweitert die Kriterien für den Genozid – die UN-Konventionen von 1948 waren unter großem sowjetischen Einfluss entstanden – und kann so darlegen, daß der von Stalin befohlene Massenmord ein Genozid war. Er erzählt die erschütternden Geschichten der systematischen Vernichtung. Er betrachtet die Unterwerfung und Auslöschung der sogenannten Kulaken, den Holodomor, also die Ermordung durch Hunger in der Ukraine, die Unterdrückung und Ermordung von »Volksfeinden« und die Große Säuberung zwischen 1936 und 1938. Und er kommt zu dem Schluß, daß der Genozid – ähnlich wie der Holocaust – nicht ohne die Figur des charismatischen Diktators möglich war.

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