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      • November 2015

        Super-homem, Não-homem, Carol e Os Invisíveis

        by Carlos Eduardo de Magalhães

        Super-man, Non-man, Carol and The Invisibles - Novel - Marcos is an architect who, as a student, used to write phrases on the walls of his room such as A man must carry his own suitcase and make his own bed. He lives in São Paulo, in the same building as another Marcos, who is a famous actor. They also have Carol's presence in common. Psychologist, she is married to Marcos architect and is the best friend of Marcos actor, with whom she shared an intense adolescence. Early in the evening, the two Marcos confide to a tired Carol about discoveries they had made. One tells her that he has superpowers, is a superman, sure that he started to crystallize after he threw his arm towards a toothbrush holder and saw him fall, without however touching him. The husband, discouraged, defines himself as a non-man, not yet very clear about what that means. In parallel, five excellent high school students who live in poor neighborhoods in Rio de Janeiro steal copper wires underground in the city. They call themselves the Invisibles and slide on their skateboards, slang, anger and dreams through the city streets. Such disparate everyday experiences lived in metropolises. The reality and virtual reality of a video game with its impossible to defeat avatar. The memory of events in distant India, which are not known whether invented or real, but lived in any way. The airports and hotel rooms without identity that are the same in all parts of the planet. With contemporary elements, which define and are defined by this complex, contradictory, powerful and fragile man of the century  XXI, the book covers three days that will mark the life of each character. Their ideas of being in this world full of walls and phrases and toothbrush holders will be profoundly modified.

      • October 2022

        Joey et les Rex Pistols - Retour au bercail

        by Rémi Vidal

        The « Joey and the Rex Pistols » series by Rémi Vidal is getting a fifth opus. Humor, references of all kinds, rock ballads and street-dogs adventures : this episode makes young audio-readers dive in a thriller atmosphere, with a backdrop of social justice.    A new affair causes turmoil in the calm everyday life of Trifouillis-les-Os. One after the other, blue dogs houses from the rich neighborhoods are getting robbed. Behind this, one name : Bébert’s gang, who uses the booty to redistribute wealth. Honest avengers ? Dangerous criminals ? The mystery remains. While he believed he would never be setting paw back in the swanky neighborhoods of Trifouillis, Cassidy convinces Joey to investigate with her, like in the old times of the « Mercury Affair », another one of their adventures. Sound bites :

      • Luz & Tom

        by Laureatti, Claudio

        Luz & Tom Os diferentes eixos temáticos (amor, política, transcendência, humor, a cidade, entre outros) podem ser encontrados neste livro onde alguns poemas ganham o palco enquanto poesia encenada e/ou canção, valendo-se Laureatti da sua primeira formação em teatro. Isto é, um poeta-ator que, de seus próprios escritos, e do diálogo com o teatro em poemas encenados e, talvez, sobretudo na interatividade com a própria cultura de saraus na qual está inserido, enquanto sujeito coletivo e histórico, apresenta-nos inesgotáveis possibilidades de significações e ressignificações do mundo e do trabalho poético, inclusive até, é claro, com algumas canções e cenas teatrais do livro de poemas escrito de próprio punho, Luz & Tom.”.(Cláudio Antônio da Silva. Em artes, Cláudio Laureatti. Natural de São Paulo. Poeta e ator, participa da cena poética dos saraus desde os anos 90. Integrou a Cooperifa e foi um dos vencedores da Quinta Bienal de Arte, Ciência e Cultura da UNE.   Light & tone The different thematic axes (love, politics, transcendence, humor, city, among others) can be found in this book where some poems come into the scene as poetry and/or staged song, where Laureatti is making use of his first training, in theater. In other words, an actor-poet who, from his writings, and from the dialogue with the theater in staged poems and, perhaps, mainly in interactivity with the very culture of soirees in which he is inserted, as a collective and historical subject, presents himself in the inexhaustible possibilities of meanings and reinterpretations of the world and poetic work, including, of course, some songs and theatrical scenes from the book of poems by its own author, Light & Tone.” (Cláudio Antônio da Silva. Known as Cláudio Laureatti. Born in São Paulo, poet and actor, participates in the poetry scene of soirees since the 90s. He was a partner at Cooperifa and was one of the winners of the 5th Biennial of Art, Science and Culture at UNE.

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