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      • Children's & YA


        by SALLY

        A girl new in class without a friend felt a little anxious. Luckily a classmate said hello to her and gave her warm welcome. After she finally got along well with others, she found the first girl who welcome her was isolated by box book project #2 with 6 x 6 x 6 cm(box) and 600 cm long

      • Children's & young adult fiction & true stories

        The Whimsical World of a Student in Green Uniform

        by SALLY

        Taipei First Girl's High School is famous for its green uniform and the school islocated next door to Presidential Palace. Whenever there was a protestagainst the government, the school would be included in control area. Thisstory is about the initial time after end of martial law in 1987, a student lived herdaily life of studying, taking exam, tutoring, skipping classes, encounteringtraffic control and protest. In the math tutor class, she noticed a boy fromanother boy's school. He seemed to participate the protest so sometimesskip classes. On the last day for the semester, would he present or absent?One story with two ends in a small box. This is the box project #1.

      • Children's & YA

        LEFT HAND

        by SALLY

        We often say “the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing,” but what if thatever really came true? Kuo Yue-Lin is a young high-schooler with that very problem: hisleft hand is borrowed from a boy he met years ago at his piano lessons. But the fivefingers that flew lightly over the piano keys frequently find their way into other places,too, like store shelves and fist fights, acting outside Yue-Lin’s control. But its originalowner disappeared years ago, leaving Yue-Lin to rue the day they met. Until one day inhigh school, when everything changes.…

      • Children's & YA

        GOING MY WAY?

        by SALLY

        An ordinary day, a packed commuter train – and an usual friendship blooms between a securities trader heading for his first day at a new job and an exhausted research student heading to his part-time job. Fate, it turns out, strikes in strange ways on ordinary days.

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