8 million copies sold! (series total) The Poop Series which was first published in 2017 turned out to be a revolutionary workbook for kids and parents in Japan. This series sold 36 thousand copies in the first run, and then more than 140 thousand by the next month. It's been at the top of Japan's educational workbook ranking since then and continues to have strong presence especially throughout the pandemic. What is so magical about the Poop Series? Well, we've created a workbook which follows a concept that no one dared to associate with studying, and that does the magic! Kids just love the naughty stuff. But the workbook is actually far from naughty. The goals are purely educational, just like all other workbooks. It's our original idea of the coexistence of education and entertainment. We have an enormous selection of Poop Workbooks from Japanese language, mathematics, English (as a foreign language), and thinking skills for kids from age 2 and above.