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      • Children's & YA

        Wolves Sleep with their Eyes Open

        by Mehdi Mirkiaei

        When Europeans discovered new continents and the legendary wealth of those continents bedazzled them, they began to compete with each other. Portugal and Spain discovered new territories sooner than any other European country, followed by the rest of Europe. First, the king of France, Francois, dreamed of discovering and conquering newer worlds. He first turned to the American continent and made many discoveries in Canada and in large parts of the modern-day USA. In England, Henry VIII sailed his ships along the American coast to the Caribbean Sea in competition with the Spanish. Next, his daughter Elizabeth ordered to harass the Spanish ships. The English were more advanced than others in piracy activities. Following the piracy of the Spanish vessels by the British, war erupted between the two countries, and the British were victorious. The French and the British then joined the Portuguese and fought against Spain. Next, the British invaded India. The focal theme of this book is the competition and conflicts of European countries for the unearthing of new lands, their plans for the expansion of colonies and the looting of property and mines of the people of other countries. The author has presented his content in 27 short stories, each with a separate title. The author’s use of authentic historical sources to retell historical events for adolescents has made this book interesting and readable for its audience.

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