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      • Horticulture
        July 2019

        Principles of Organic Farming (With Theory and Practicals)

        With Theory and Practicals

        by E. Somasundaram, D. Udhaya Nandhini & M. Meyyappan

        Principles of Organic Farming is a practical oriented text to organic crop management that provides background information as well as details of ecology-improving practices. This book is meant to give the reader a holistic appreciation of the principles and importance of organic farming and to suggest ecologically sound practices that help to develop and maintain sustainable agriculture. This book represents a current and uated look at what we know about organic farming practices and systems, primarily from the Indian perspectives. This book is intended as a professional basic textbook for undergraduate level students and will specifically meet out the requirement of the students of organic farming being taught in all the agricultural universities across the globe. In addition, the purpose of this work is to spread the basic concepts of organic farming in order to; guide the production systems towards a sustainable agriculture and ecologically safe, obtain harmless products of higher quality, contribute to food security, generating income through the access to markets and improve working conditions of farmers and their neighborhoods. This book provides attention of one and all concerned to promote organic farming as a measure to provide the elites to posterity and to save our farm land that inherited from forefathers from being degraded and made in to wastelands through our excessive interventions.

      • Greenhouses, conservatories, patios
        January 2014

        Protected Cultivation of Horticultural Crops

        by D.K. Singh & K.V.Peter

        The book carries 17 chapters dealing with space saving, maximizing the efficiency of fertigation, mulching, integrated pest, disease and nutrient management (IPDNM) and engineering aspects of structures.Net houses, poly houses, rain shelters, poly tunnels, uses of plastics in horticulture and cold chains for storage and marketing are elaborated. Hydroponics and aeroponics are discussed.

      • Horticulture
        September 2020

        Precision Farming and Protected Cultivation

        by Brahma Singh

        In this book an attempt has been made to cover the course contents prescribed for the course Precision Farming and Protected Cultivation for students. Complicated and difficult to understand technologies, terminology and gadgets have been explained in a simple and easily understandable language, which makes the book useful not only to students but teachers and farmers.

      • Gardening
        June 2013

        Precision Farming in Horticulture

        by Jitendar Singh,S.K.Jain, L.K.Dashora & B.S. Chundawat:

        Climatic variations often tend to have adverse effect on the yield and production of crops. Efforts have, therefore, been on for harnessing this natural resource through artificial means for increasing crop productivity. One such technology is protected cultivation. This technique is well adopted in Europe and USA and now China and Japan are leading in controlled sphere production of horticultural crops. In India, the technology is making breakthrough in Karnataka and Maharashtra in protected cultivation of pepper, tomato, cucumber, muskmelon, baby corn etc. Precision farming is defined as the cultivation by adopting technologies which give maximum precision in production of a superior crop with a desired yield levels and quality at competitive production. These include use of genetically modified crop varieties, micropropagation, integrated nutrient, water and pest managements, protected cultivation, organic farming, hi-tech horticulture, and post harvest technology. Post-harvest sector needs lot of precision. Peels, rags, etc. go waste. Many times, peels being rich in polyphenols, colouring pigment, nutrients etc are richer in antioxidant than what we actually eat. Here, we need precision. Precision in management, precision in product diversification, precision in value addition are much sought after aspect.

      • Horticulture
        June 2020

        Climate Change and Greenhouse Gases Emission

        by Pratap Bhattacharya

        The book Climate Change and Greenhouse Gases Emissions presents the principles, practices along with key messages on different relevant issues on climate change and greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions in agriculture. The other important feature of the book is that techniques of GHGs measurements at field level with examples are presented which could be useful for practical studies. The book should give students a good foundation in climate change studies and inspire them to take up further studies in the advanced area of environmental sciences.

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