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      • Self-help & personal development
        October 2018

        Das Portal der Glückseligkeit

        Spirituelle Erweckung

        by Manfred Josef Schuster

        Das Buch hilft Ihnen, Ihr höheres Bewusstsein zu erwecken. Es ist ein Aufstiegsweg hin zu Ihrem höchsten Potential.Es beschreibt eine Entwicklungsreise in das göttliche Bewusstsein hinein.Aus der Trennung in die Einheit.Es beschreibt das Ankommen bei sich –im Herzen unserer wahren Liebe.

      • Health & Personal Development
        April 2023

        Die Bergträumerin - ein Reisebegleiter zum Selbst.

        by Jeannette Stockinger

        9783950477139 Die Bergträumerin - ein Reisebegleiter zum Selbst. 9783950477115 Die Bergträumerin - ein Reisebegleiter zum Selbst. Bibliophile Ausgabe. 9783950477122                 Die Bergträumerin - Dein Journal zum Selbst.   9783950477146 The Mountain Dreamer - A Travel Companion to Yourself. Bibliophile English edition. 9783950477153 De bergdromer - een reisgenoot naar jezelf. Bibliofiele Nederlandse editie.   Die Bergträumerin - ein Reisebegleiter zum Selbst.   20 spirituelle dialogische Begegnungen auf dem inneren Weg zum Berggipfel des eigenen Selbst.   Die Bergträumerin reflektiert über Grundthemen wie Achtsamkeit, Bewusstsein, Liebe oder Vertrauen.     Umschlag:   Das Leben ist ein Zauberspiel - erkenne dich selbst darin.   „Ich möchte den Gipfel des Berges erklimmen und mich dabei selbst erkennen. Durch jede Begegnung im Außen erkenne ich mich mehr im Innen, so habe ich jedes Zusammentreffen mit anderen Menschen als Geschenk angenommen. Ich durfte durch tiefe Täler gehen, die Höhen des Berges genießen und so das himmlische Sein und das schöpferische Potenzial in mir entdecken. Ich träume von einer Welt in Frieden und Freude, nämlich im Inneren eines jeden Menschen. Täglich erwache ich neu und entdecke das Geschenk meiner inneren Kraft. Ich musste erst sterben, um die Illusion zu lösen und durfte erwachen in einem Leben meines eigenen Traumes. Unsere Intuition und das Träumen sind die wichtigsten Elemente des freien Lebens, denn hier entsteht durch die selbstbestimmte Kreativität die Zukunft eines jeden einzelnen Menschen.“   In den 20 Dialogen mit spirituellen Menschen, die ihr auf dem Weg zum Berggipfel des Selbst begegnen, reflektiert die Bergträumerin über Themen wie Achtsamkeit, Bewusstsein, Liebe und Vertrauen als Grundlagen für ein freies und selbstbestimmtes Leben.  Mit ihren Collagen erweitert Jeannette Stockinger den durch die gleichnishaften Texte eröffneten Raum zu einem vieldeutigen Kosmos an Inspirationen für die eigene Reise zum Selbst.   Am Ende eines jeden Kapitels stellt die Autorin gezielte Fragen „Zum Nachspüren“.  Jeder Mensch ist eingeladen, das Leben und die eigenen Träume zu reflektieren.   Atme ein und atme aus – nimm dir einen Moment der Stille und verbinde dich mit Mutter Erde und Vater Himmel, sodass die Energie der beiden durch dich fließen kann. Hast du schon einmal versucht, bedingungslos zu lieben?   Was ist aktuell dein Herzenstraum im Leben?

      • Spirit guides, angels & channelling

        Angels of Light Cards

        by Diana Cooper

        Each of the 52 Angel Cards included in this deck represent a different Angel quality, and can be used for guidance, inspiration and affirmation. The cards will help you tune in to the higher vibrations of the Angels, and allow you to feel the helping hands of these beings at all times. Following the inspiration of the Angels will raise your consciousness, which will automatically help you attract to yourself people and situations of a higher vibratory level and release old negative thought patterns. Carry these cards with you wherever you go and use them to remind yourself of the presence, guidance and help of the Angels in your life, always and everywhere. You are never alone or lost when the Angels are with you.

      • Mind, body, spirit: meditation & visualisation

        The Wonder of Unicorns

        by Diana Cooper

        In this new book, Diana Cooper shares her own experience of connecting with unicorns. She also discusses the ancient myths and legends surrounding unicorns and explains these from a higher spiritual perspective, enabling the reader to understand the amazing energetic beings that we perceive as unicorns. Reveals them to be similar in presence and power to angels.

      • Personal & social issues: self-awareness & self-esteem (Children's/YA)
        September 2014

        Angel Love

        a Workbook

        by Margaret Neylon

        How can you open your heart to angel love?  Follow this step-by-step workbook by Margaret Neylon who has been working in this field for many years. There are exercises, meditations and Margaret's own story about how she developed into her current role as workshop facilitator and author of several books, including the international best seller, Angel Magic.

      • Mind, Body, Spirit: thought & practice

        Meditation to Connect With Archangel Uriel

        by Diana Cooper

        In this wonderful meditation, you will:- connect with Archangel Uriel- release your fears- reconnect with your deepest wisdom- find inner peace- open up to new beginnings Music by Andrew Brel12 tracks, 52 minutes

      • Mind, Body, Spirit: thought & practice

        The Unicorn Meditation

        by Diana Cooper

        Magnificent unicorns are visiting Earth now to return hope and dignity to humanity. These luminous creatures are part of the angelic hierarchy. Their horns are radiations of pure light, which can enlighten, inspire or heal.On this CD, Diana Cooper explains where unicorns come from, who they are and how they can help you.She leads you through two magical and inspiring meditations.Meditation 1:Diana takes you on an inspirational journey to meet your own incredible unicorn and learn to communicate with him. You may ride on your unicorn or let him lead you to a sacred mystical well where he grants you any wish you desire. Finally, in a blessed stone circle, he offers you personal healing and an opportunity to serve the planet.Meditation 2:Your unicorn takes you back in time to a wondrous seventh dimensional crystal pyramid to meet the Master and Archangel who helped your soul making important decisions for this incarnation. They offer you guidance to help you accelerate your progress and ascension. Your unicorn enhances and illuminates your highest qualities and a golden key to enlightenment opens your consciousness.Music by Andrew Brel10 tracks, 50 minutes.

      • Mind, Body, Spirit: thought & practice

        The Karma Release Meditation

        Let the Angels Set You Free

        by Diana Cooper

        Let Angels set you free!Diana Cooper explains how chains and karmic restrictions from past lives can affect you and hold you back, and the positive influence on your health, happiness, relationships and spiritual growth when you release them. She gives you examples of people who have been helped by cutting the cords of the past.In operation now there is a divine dispensation for release and karma and Diana offers you an opportunity to claim your freedom. The two meditations on this CD are tremendously important. They will illuminate, free and empower you.Music by Andrew Brel12 tracks, 60 minutes approx.

      • Mind, body, spirit: meditation & visualisation

        Nature Spirits & Elemental Beings

        Working With the Intelligence in Nature

        by Marko Pogacnik

      • Mind, Body, Spirit

        Angel Heart Sigils

        Mystical Symbols from the Angels of Atlantis

        by Stewart Pearce

        Inspired and guided by the 12 archangels of Atlantis, the cards in this collection present their heart sigils oracle. Beautifully designed and boxed with an instructional booklet, the card meditations can provide a feeling of sustainable joy and well-being, even after drawing just one or two cards. Sigils are seals, and like the Talisman of the fabled Grimoire, they bring about great magic. Contributing to and building upon the Angels of Atlantis oracle card set, these heart sigil meditations can be used on their own or in tandem with the other set. The heart sigil cards celebrate embracing the power of love and the wholeness of a life touched by the angels' beauty and grace. Those seeking something more to their spiritual experience will enjoy these cards and the opportunity to connect to the ancient realm of Atlantis.

      • Self-help & personal development

        Pets Have Feelings Too!

        Understanding Your Pet's Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Needs

        by Dr Monica Diedrich

        My dog can't walk. How did he get hurt? Why does my pet use the carpet instead of the grass? Does my cat have a soul? Do animals reincarnate? Can an animal be my soul mate? These are some of the questions for which you will get an answer in this book. Sharing over 60 heart-warming case studies in this book, animal communicator Dr Monica Diedrich answers these and many other unusual pet questions. You will marvel at the unique ways in which pets can guide their own physical recoveries, and your heart will be touched by the depth of their emotional and spiritual healings as well. You will even discover pet soul mates and the love pets show by coming back again to help their special people to heal or learn new lessons. Dr Monica's writing is filled with conversation, laughter, tears of empathy and, most of all, love. The book will show you, in an easy-to-read style: How pets use the language of pictures How one small pet detective described the burglars How another solved the mystery of his death That some pets can tell doctors what's wrong and how to fix it How pets help people to heal The importance of talking to your pet out loud That many problems can be fixed if you would listen to your pet That pets know when it's time to leave How some people learned important lessons from their pets during serious illnesses and other difficult life experiences.

      • Spirit guides, angels & channelling

        The Angels of Atlantis

        Twelve Mighty Forces to Transform Your Life Forever

        by Stewart. Pearce

        Based on the teachings of the twelve archangels of Atlantis, this spiritual resource reveals how to become aligned with their power and wisdom. The twelve angels are depicted through extraordinary illustrations that accompany their written message and each angel is mirrored by a priest-scientist, which contributes to its divine energy. A series of exercises awakens the archetypal guidance of each incredible force, creating a spiritual environment in which joy and well-being are sustainable. Providing faith seekers with a deep connection to the ancient realm of Atlantis, these inspirations offer powerful counsel and healing.By reading this book you could benefit from : Increased soul vitality and the release of negativity Expanded psychic wisdom and the ability to transform The longevity of joy and heartfelt states of well-being

      • Parapsychological studies
        October 2012

        Tell My Mother I'm Not Dead

        A Case Study in Mediumship Research

        by Hamilton, Trevor, A01

        This book divides into two parts. The first is a personal narrative of the impact of the death of the author’s son Ralph on him and his family and his efforts to see if there was any evidence for his continued existence (generated largely through...

      • Spirit guides, angels & channelling
        September 2009

        A New Light On Angels

        by Diana Cooper

        "I believe in angels" is the title of a well-known song - but do we really? This book introduces people who have experienced angels in their lives. It shows angels as highly evolved beings that have a lighter and faster vibration than humans, and are normally invisible to us. However, many of them have chosen to serve humankind and can provide help, support, healing and guidance. There are small angels who care for the little daily tasks and enormous beings that overlight great universal projects. There are angels who can assist in healing and others who attend celebrations and rituals. The book gives guidance on how to call on angels for help and companionship. It shows readers how they can raise their consciousness to become aware of them and communicate with them.Revised and expanded edition of 'Little Light on Angels,' isbn: 9781899171514

      • Mind, body, spirit: meditation & visualisation

        Meditation to Connect With Archangel Gabriel

        by Diana Cooper

      • Mind, body, spirit: meditation & visualisation

        Meditation to Connect With Archangel Michael

        by Diana Cooper

      • Mind, body, spirit: meditation & visualisation

        Meditation to Connect With Archangel Raphael

        by Diana Cooper

      • Mind, body, spirit: meditation & visualisation

        Meditation to Connect With Your Guardian Angel

        by Diana Cooper

      • Self-help & personal development

        What Your Animals Tell Me

        by Dr. Monica Diedrich

        This is not only a book about animal communication but reveals many things animals feel and want from their humans. Through over 50 case stories, this book will open your eyes to the rich inner world of your pets, their hopes, fears, concerns, thoughts and feelings. Never again will you say: It's only an animal. In this book, you will learn: To communicate with your pets to heal them and relieve suffering and stress. Learn whether animals have souls. Where they go when they die. How they communicate from the other side. That they understand about death and euthanasia and they take pride in their appearance. How, in multi-pet households, they establish a pecking order under the top dog; or top cat. Learn how to deal with behavior problems. Know why they love us totally and unconditionally.

      • Mind, Body, Spirit

        For Pet's Sake Do Something! Book Two

        How to Heal Your Sick, Overfed and Bored Pets with Nutrition, Supplements, Herbs and Exercise

        by Dr Monica Diedrich

        Does your pet suffer from allergies or have a serious illness? Is he frequently under the weather, lacking in pep, or losing his stamina? Are you at your wits' end trying to find a remedy that might really work? Then it's time to "Do Something!" In the second book of the series, animal communicator Dr Monica Diedrich not only gives you hope that your pets can heal, but she also provides a wealth of practical "how-to" information. You have no doubt heard the expression, "We are what we eat" but do you realise that's true for your animals also? The right foods, nutritional supplements, and herbs can make the difference between a vibrant and longer life for your pet, or a life filled with multiple health challenges and high veterinary care bills. This book shows you how to: Select the highest quality commercial pet foods; Prepare a natural whole food diet for your pet, when you are on a busy schedule; Monitor dietary changes; Discover the effectiveness of herbs for healing your pets; Easily administer herbal remedies; Prepare and use herbal teas, tinctures, and elixirs; Make rinses, compresses, poultices and packs to provide sweet relief; Pre-test remedies before you buy them; Engage your pet in fulfilling exercise opportunities. You will also find lists of: a wide variety of herbs and their uses; essential vitamins, minerals, and nutritional supplements; foods all pets should avoid; nutritional support ideas for pets with major illnesses. Plus recipes for pets with serious diseases and other health challenges.

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