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      • Telephone technology
        November 2022

        Voice over IP

        An Introduction to Techniques with SIP

        by Thomas Wübbe

        Since the switch-off of classic telephony technology in 2019, the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) dominates providers' telephony solutions. This book gives an introduction to this technology. It shows principles as well as the common architecture of Voice over IP with SIP. In addition to differences and changes to the "old" telephone technology, step-by-step methods and requirements for Voice over IP are discussed.Many protocol examples show how SIP works. They help troubleshooting when something does not work. A special practical chapter shows how to do analyses via Wireshark and explains logging in detail. These topics are included: Fundamentals of packet switching and standardization, Internet Protocol (IP) VoIP principle, Architecture of SIP SIP signaling Session Description Protocol (SDP) VoIP and NAT Quality of Service (QoS) Introduction to packet analysis with Wireshark, and Practical exercises.

      • Electronics engineering
        July 2021

        Testing of Electrical Systems, Vol. 1

        Basics, Evaluation criteria, Protection goals

        by Marc Fengel

        Not all testing is the same. What DIN VDE 0100-600 means for installers of electrical systems, DIN VDE 0105-100 is for operators. But even beyond that, comprehensive and broad knowledge is required for testing electrical systems.Volume 1 provides inspectors, experts, consultants, planners and operators with an overview of the planning principles for electrical systems and the requirements for test personnel. It also deals with the legal principles of the german Energy Industry Act (EnWG), Product Safety Act (ProdSG) and Occupational Health and Safety Act (ArbSchG).

      • Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        December 2023

        Testing of Electrical Systems, Vol. 2

        Conducting initial and repeating inspections

        by Marc Fengel

        While Volume 1 deals with the planning principles of electrical systems, the requirements for test personnel and the legal principles of the German Energy Industry Act (EnWG), Product Safety Act (ProdSG) and Occupational Health and Safety Act (ArbSchG), this Volume 2 provides inspectors, experts, appraisers, planners and operators with a guide to carrying out initial and periodic tests of electrical systems. Practical examples are used to explain the technical background of the individual test steps for inspection, testing and measurement.

      • Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        December 2023

        Testing of Electrical Systems, Vol. 3

        Test report, Supplementary tests, Typical defects

        by Marc Fengel

        Volume 1 deals with the planning principles, requirements for inspection personnel and the legal basis, Volume 2 serves as a guide for carrying out initial and repeat inspections. Volume 3 concludes with the inspection report and some additional, current inspection topics. It also provides checklists for day-to-day testing and an illustrated overview of typical defects from testing practice.

      • Electronic devices & materials
        July 2023

        Periodic Inspections according to DIN VDE 0105

        Electrical Building Installations and their Equipment

        by Klaus Bödeker, Michael Lochthofen, Kirsten Rohlof

        The assessment of existing electrical installations carries a great deal of responsibility and can be fraught with many more pitfalls than the initial testing of installations.This practical guide takes the electrician step by step through the organisational preparation, technical implementation, evaluation and recording of periodic inspections for both domestic and commercial installations.Naturally, this 5th, updated edition takes into account the current Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health, VDE 0105-100/A1:2017-06, as well as DIN VDE 0701 and 0702. Topics included: Necessity and consequences of periodic inspections, Obligation to periodic inspection, Protective measures, repeat testing procedures, Periodic inspection in different types of buildings, Periodic inspection of electrical devices/equipment, Periodic inspection of electrical machine equipment and mobile generators, Test equipment, Occupational health and safety during periodic inspection, Preparation of periodic inspections for electricians.

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