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      • Trusted Partner
        Geography & the Environment
        July 2015

        Rocks of nation

        The imagination of Celtic Cornwall

        by Shelley Trower

        Rocks of nation reveals how the imagination of nations and races is grounded in the landscape. In doing so, it makes a striking contribution to theories of nation, offering new insights into how national identity is bound up with materiality. The book provides an in-depth case study of Cornwall and its economy in the wider context of Britain and the rise of nationalist politics, especially in England (UKIP) and Scotland (SNP). Spanning from the early nineteenth to the twenty-first century, it traces the gradual formation of a cultural consciousness of Cornwall as a distinctively rocky nation through a wide range of literatures, including nineteenth-century geological journals and folklore, Gothic and detective fiction, modernist and romance novels, travel narratives, 'New Age' eco-spiritualism and Cornish nationalist writings. Rocks of nation will be of interest to students and academics across the disciplines, from English literature and cultural geography to Celtic studies, history and politics. ;

      • Geography
        May 2020

        Geografía Gastronómica Venezolana: Edición Especial Siglo XXI

        Con recetas de 49 excelentes chefs venezolanos en la diáspora.

        by Ramón David León Author: Ramón David León; Daniel León; Editor; Julio León, Editor

        This book first came out in 1954 and it’s considered one of the pioneers in trying to paint a picture of our cuisine. The second volume boasts the other 63, and 49 remaining recipes, prepared by several Venezuelan chefs that are in exile. It wasn’t possible to write down the recipes for all biographies, since some include entries about the tabaco del guácharo, coffee, white rum, and pollo cañero (a type of toad eaten in the Orinoco Delta), among others. The new edition of Geografía gastronómica venezolana also includes a photographic journey with panoramic images from emblematic Venezuelan locations.

      • Geography
        October 2020

        Geografía Gastronómica Venezolana; Edición Especial Siglo XXI

        Con recetas de 79 excelentes chefs venezolanos

        by Ramón David León, Author; Daniel León, Editor; Julio León, Editor

        New edition of the history classic and culinary book, which was written by Ramón David León in 1954, whose original title is: “Gastronomic Geography of Venezuela”, by adapting it to the twenty-first century. The third volume, which gathers the original work of the 93 biographies with their 79 illustrated recipes, is still under development and is expected to be published in July 2020. This volume will also include five Venezuelan songs on MP3 format, from several Venezuelan musicians, and 60 panoramic 360º photographs.

      • Geography & the Environment

        IGMI Istituto Geografico Militare Italiano

        Topographic and relief maps, antique maps, aerial photos

        by Istituto Geografico Militare Italiano

        L'Istituto Geografico Militare (I.G.M.) ha il compito di fornire supporto geotopocartografico alle Unità e ai Comandi dell'Esercito Italiano.   L'istituto svolge le funzioni di Ente Cartografico dello Stato ai sensi della Legge n. 68 in data 2 febbraio 1960. L'Istituto opera, quindi, per assicurare ai numerosi utenti, sia pubblici che privati, prodotti cartografici che offrano la totale garanzia sia in termini di contenuti sia di ufficialità per la descrizione del territorio. Trae le sue origini dall'Ufficio del Corpo di Stato Maggiore del Regio Esercito che nel 1861 aveva riunito in sè le tradizioni e le esperienze dell'omologo Ufficio del Regno Sardo, del Reale Officio Topografico Napoletano e dell'Ufficio Topografico Toscano. Trasferito da Torino a Firenze nel 1865, nella sede attualmente occupata, fu trasformato in Istituto Topografico Militare nel 1872 per assumere, 10 anni più tardi, l'attuale denominazione.   Le attività principali dell'Istituto sono: - produzione, aggiornamento e cessione di cartografia a media e piccola scala - copertura aerofotogrammetrica del territorio nazionale - costituzione e gestione della banca dati geografica - manutenzione dei confini di stato - conservazione della cartografia storica nazionale   Il personale dell'Istituto è impegnato nella operazioni a supporto della Pace.I principali prodotti IGM proposti da Cartageo:• Serie 25/25DB piegata / stesa / stesa plastificata• Serie 50 piegata / stesa / stesa plastificata• Serie 50L piegata / stesa / stesa plastificata     Cartageo è rivenditore autorizzato della cartografia dell'Istituto Geografico Militare Italiano.    Cartageo is the Italian reseller for IGMI Istituto Geografico Militare Italiano.

      • Adventure
        April 2013

        General Yamashita's Dream Book: How To Successfully Find Hidden Treasure In The Philippines

        General Yamashita's Dream Book:

        by Aquila Chrysaetos

        This exciting book describes the way in which the Japanese Imperial Family buried vast amounts of treasure in the Philippines during the Second World War. The author has written a book based on his own treasure hunting experiences and created a "How To Do" book so any adventurer can now treasure hunt for lost gold and gems in the Philippines. This book is packed with: 19 sections including a quick reference A to Z guide to Japanese Treasure Symbol meanings. 100 colour drawings of known treasure sites 150 colour photographs of carved treasure symbols, treasure maps and recovered gold and gems. 70 black and white photographs and drawings

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